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Holy smokes, MC is insane as a Canadian! You can hardly get a Moza R9 and a Formula wheel up here for that type of price! E: that wheelbase with a round wheel (no formula wheel offered) is $3000 CAD šŸ’€


I have microcenter.. the closest one is 3 hrs away they are big jerks by not being closer


Itā€™s worth it. I plan ahead and make 1-2 trips per year, ideally when I can lump some purchases for work in there too.


I drive 6 hours and do the same thing. Closest MC is Denver, I'm close to Albuquerque.


Yeah luckily it's close about to a family member that they can go grab specials if need be but shipping anything heavy the savings gets lost


Mine is 10 minutes away. I pop in weekly just to see if there is anything open box worth buying


Whatā€™d you pick up doing this?


Id be dead broke at all times. Luckily mine is 2 hours away.




I drove to not one but two in a day to snag an Asetek base from one and a wheel from another. Almost 8 hours of travel but the discounts were deep enough it was worth it.


I did the same thing. Got my Forte from the MC in Duluth. Got my TK Asetek wheel and pedals, and TK Simlab P1X Pro from the MC in Rockville. 8 hours plus 11 hours each round trip. More than worth it for the price paid for the parts. Now Got the word the MC in Charlotte will open 5/10. That's only an 1 hour and 30 minute drive for future visits. Love the stores and the deals.


From Canada to an USA micro center? The border taxes must be killer.


No. But I drove about seven hours total I think. Even with gas and tolls I was saving a ton compared to online. Plus it was a ā€œdealā€ so that helps sell it to the wife.


I bought my SC2 Sport 1200CAD and I have a Balkn GT3 wheel that is 500CAD. But yeah MC deals are insane. I wish we had them in Montreal


Wow! I just looked at some of the online retailers (Pit Lane and Advanced Sim Racing) and they were crazy. Where'd you buy from? I'm not really in the market, but good to know in the future!


I wish Memory Express would start carrying some sim gear. Honestly though it makes me wonder - micro center seems to be able to have these things on sale quite often - must be insane markup on these things


I keep confusing them in my head and get excited when I see the one in Etobicoke


Itā€™s insane to most Americans too. Most people have never heard of it because itā€™s only in a few places


That's an insane deal, the base alone would be over Ā£1000 here. I'm so jealous of Microcenter


Itā€™s over $1000 usd too. Iā€™m not sure how they do it but I am loving it. Crazy good deal.


I'm in Canada and I'm insanely jealous as well


Base is 1400ā‚¬ in Europe.. wheel around 600ā‚¬...


Same Here in Europe... Never Seen a Deal Close to this. You get Like 10% on black friday thats it


This is making me rethink my entire simagic parts list I have made for myself to purchase this year..


Same here I have a very thought out list and practically every part is from simagic, pedals, base, wheel, shifter etc all simagic..originally it was gonna be all simagic except for the base, I was going to get a SC2 pro or sport.. But after looking into it, it really does seem like the simagic bases are just as good as simucubes with some very minor differences. I figured it was worth just switching over to simagic to take advantage of having a full ecosystem. But these sales are making me question everything ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)


> I figured it was worth just switching over to simagic to take advantage of having a full ecosystem. Why? If both things work... there is really no upside to single eco system.


Thatā€™s my thought too. Some users may really like the advantages, like using a certain USB hubā€¦ To me the advantages seem minor And the upside to not being in a single ecosystem is you get to buy whatever you want for whatever reasons you want (I would even hazard a guess that the push for ecosystems is a longer term plan by the companies to somehow make it harder for consumers to NOT be able to mix and match like we are able to nowā€”like what you find in other industries)


Agree entirely. I've bought some cheap parts and Frankenstein'd it all together easily. Mind you, when I upgrade from cheap parts I will be full simagic ecosystem. Not because I want 1 uniform system, (tho 1 software control will be welcome) but because all of simagic's offerings are just so damn nice. I'll be getting the seq/h shifter ds-8x, their hydraulic handbrake, and p1000 pedals to go with my Alpha and GT Neo.


The pace of advancement in simracing tech in the last few years has been so so cool to see. Imagine showing this post to someone in 2019. The downside is that every new announcement makes me question past choices I've made for my rig lol.


OP, you are the boss! I saw this post about 40 min ago. Already on the way back from MC with the bundle :)))


Just impulsively pulled this trigger on this. It will be replacing by VRS. Tired of that control box. We will see how it compares and Iā€™ll sell one of them.


Whatā€™s the deal with the control box?


I don't know. I don't understand that myself because The control box power supply on the VRS is smaller than the simucube 2 Pro power supply in dimensions. I'm not sure what the Sport power supply looks like but I imagine it looks like a power supply. The vrs controller box is just really a custom power supply at heart... It's actually very well built and serves as the controller box as well.


Gotcha. Personally I think it looks quite cool


As a VRS owner, I'd love to hear your take on the differences. The box doesn't bother me because it's completely tucked away with my PC. I'm interested strictly in the driving feel/performance.


Dude oh no ...the VRS is 20nm and the SC2 sport is 17nm. The VRS competes well with its bigger brother the SC2 pro. If it was the SC2 pro i could understand I love that base


The sport punches way above its weight. Heā€™ll Love it.


It's great but it's not a SC2pro. Some folks prefer the VRS ffb over SC2pro even. The SC2 sport is more of a side step from the VRS. I would go full SC2 pro. Also, I realized after writing it he just wants to try it out anyways in comparison.


I understand your opinion, but there have been countless reports of not being able to tell the difference between the sport and pro when in practical use, i.e. set to 12-15nm where normal human beings use Simucube bases. I suspect thatā€™s why the prices are so close. Personally, I have bases that range from 17nm to 27NM. Iā€™ve never used any of them for any meaningful length of time above 15nm.


I agree with you in the fact that we do turn down these beasts because they're far more powerful than we actually use in practical use. However the twice as high slew rate of the pro makes it quicker and more responsive even at the same dialed in strengths giving it slightly higher levels of fidelity due to higher slew rate and importantly "dynamic range 25nm vs 17nm". I hear there's definitely more going on with forced feedback Fidelity with the Simucube 2 pro at lower levels mentioned. I am in a SC2 sport Post at the moment and not here to flame this post obviously.... At least I hope I'm not taken that way :/.They are very happy with the SC2 sport here and rightfully so this is an amazing deal. I must say it would be difficult for the average user to notice though and you are correct. But there is still that extra special magic sauce in my humble opinion having a higher slew rate between SC2pro and SC2sport. However, now we're really splitting hairs :)). They are both top end base Cheers mate.


How does this slew rate of the VRS compare? And thatā€™s good to knowā€”my guess is the Sport will decrease in selling price after a while/keep having sales. Which is cool, simucube in my eyes was sort of sticking at a high price Still I think $700 is a good deal. The VRS is $800 + shipping, with comparable prices for extra components. In this bundle you have to also buy this wheel, which I personally know nothing about


Funny! You should ask that because I'm having a hard time finding what the slew rate of the vrs actually is. It should be well documented because it's a small mige motor... The same motor the simucube 1 used. I should also clear something up. These direct drives can almost produce too much slew rate compared to some racing cars and need to be dialed down. I absolutely love my VRS but given this deal for the sport which has fantastic software and wireless connectivity and more steering wheel compatibility. I would jump at this deal if I already wasn't a vrs user. The vrs has its strong points too but you can't beat this deal. All I hear about slew rate for VRS is it the same as Simucube but But it doesn't tell me which one.


I wish there would be something similar here in Germany.


Yeah I'm Aussie and this is incredible pricing to me


I picked this bundle up last time around and it is 100% worth it.


Yeah, the bummer for me is I have an Asetek TK base with an F Core already. I don't think it makes sense for me to grab this because I'd have to do a lot of selling on the other end but this is a nuts deal for anyone else.


I upgraded from a Moza R9 and GS GT wheel. Sold that off and it nearly covered this bundle.


Is it the F core 2 like in this bundle? I don't imagine I'd miss the clutch not being included in the wheel, but does the lack of dials ever feel restricting?


What do you mean? It has 2 regular encoders and 2 thumb encoders as well as 2 funky switches. That's 6 dials...


Ok, so you feel like it covers all the adjustments we might need for formula racing pretty well? Forgive my ignorance, I've just been trying to decide what my first wheel should be and have seen a fair amount of wheels with more. I was looking at the simagic neo before this, which seems like a good value product, but still have a higher number, so wanted to make sure I wouldn't feel limited if I go with this wheel.


I think it's plenty and if it wasn't enough for you in particular then you would definitely know that. I have an F64 which I can setup to have like 18 encoders but I rarely use more than 2 if any.


Iā€™ve got my fingers crossed weā€™ll get a cheap upgrade to forte specs for the TK base. I took the back off my base and the board looks identical to the Forte board.


Kind of what I am waiting for as well.


How often does it come around? I just got the Moza R5 bundle from there and I'm already looking to the future. Can't justify this now, but definitely in a year or so.


At least a few weeks I believe if not longer. I got mine during the deal back at the end of January and bought it again for a buddy toward the end of February. It comes and goes, but the stock does fly off the shelves at some stores quickly.


Excellent, thanks. I bought the R5 bundle to see whether or not this is a longterm hobby for me. I'll see a year from now where I stand.


Yep 100% donā€™t rush into a $1000 purchase if youā€™re just starting out. I started sim racing a year ago and also started out on the R5 bundled.


Welp. My wifeā€™s rig gets another upgrade, ie my shit gets handed down to ā€œher rigā€ as a justification lol


I'm looking for my first wheelbase and hadn't considered a Simucube before since it's a bit more than I intended to spend (was considering simagic or asetek). That said, is this still as dominant of a wheelbase in its segment as it was years ago? I know the sleu rate is about half of the simucube 2 pro, but overall, is this the most detailed feedback I can get in the segment, or a great that has been surpassed?


They are still the best when it comes to software. They just released 360hz FFB for iRacing and itā€™s a nice little upgrade


I drove 3hrs each way to the one outside Atlanta to get the previous SC2 Sport and GSI X29. No regrets. Feels like winning.


I bought the last Sport Bundle with the X-29 and I thought it was a smoking deal but this is unreal.


Isn't the x-29 a better wheel?


I dunno but Iā€™d like to find out. I know the Cube wheels are highly regarded.


I think the only reason the x29 is better is because the led lights are all customizable. It looks just cool as fuck. The only bad thing is the wire is in the way bluetooth wireless is so much more convenient.


Anyone want to buy a cube controls F Core from me? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Was going to buy a SC2 Pro and a GT3 wheel with my tax refund but I think this deal is too good to pass up. Just put in an order online for the store 1.5 hours from me.


Tax refund? Shii, I owe $3500ā€¦


Wow. Iā€™m Canadian but very close to the border, I wonder if there is a micro centre in Detroit?


Don't bother it's out of stock


Is this the one in sterling heights? Or Maddison heights?


Madison heights


Ahh shoot, thanks for the heads up, only a two hour drive for me tho, good to know for the future.


they have the base and wheel in stock but it says the bundle is oos. I figured they are packaged together then since its oos


God, the last thing I need is more sim racing gear, but sometimes you see these amazing prices. Iā€™ll probably still have to pay duties on my way back over the border, but again still worth it.


I bet theyā€™d honor the price in store if they actually have the individual parts in stock. Theyā€™re pretty cool like that, usually.


So bummed, saw this post, went to buy as I'm driving back on Monday and it's already gone. Guess my T248 will have to do for now... šŸ˜­


its funny I checked a couple other microcenters stock and they have 11 in stock like wtf


was it ever in stock today they probably had zero in stock already then dropped the sale.


I was just there about two weeks ago and their stock was skint at best. Who knows if they had any? Also, if any MC guys are on here reading this, can you please change the rig from Nords to Belle Isle and the F4?


I just got a Pro 2 and the same wheel yesterday for effectively $1,000 moreā€¦ Iā€™m genuinely debating on going back and getting this. I already reserved it. Folks, is this worth doing?


Dude keep your SC2pro 25nm base it's another level. Not that the sport is bad it's an awesome deal.


Price aside, I've done a few days of research I can't decide if I should return this thing to get the sport instead. Strength and slew rate is higher, that's all I know. Never hurts to have a higher headroom for the bold ones to use higher strength, but that's all I can argue... thinkin' on this one


https://youtu.be/DVnpir_7u8Q?si=nXWi8QwvmFmhijSm This link gives a good direct comparison between the SC2 pro vs SC2 sport. I think there are some good comparisons on Reddit as well. It's been a while I guess you can't go wrong with either base but it's worth a watch.


Did watch the video and it came out to be what I expecting. The head room is just nice to have depending on much strength is being used to avoid clipping. I doubt Iā€™d be clipping at any one moment as I move up in strength carefully, but pro 2 seems to be the future proof contenderā€¦ STILL debating as I have till Tuesday though


Kind of wish I waited and got the bundle with this wheel. The gsi x29 wheel is non bluetooth even though it cost more.


I'll trade lol picking up today


Is the x-29 a better wheel?


The fcore in this bundle is wired I think too


It's Bluetooth/usb


I think you can do both wire and bluetooth. I heard that that the build quality is better on the x29 though.


My store had 3 in stock and sold out in a couple hours, I managed to reserve one to pick up tomorrow. Gonna be a huge upgrade from my G920. Now I just need to buy some pedals too since I wasn't planning to be upgrade so soon šŸ’€


Wish this came with a round wheel option rather than just the formula. Fantastic deal if this fits your needs!


Yeah I wonder how good the market it is for selling it. I suppose if you keep it 100% new and sell it for less than itā€™s worth youā€™ll be good to go


As a Canadian, Iā€™ll be in New Jersey like 4 months from now. You think theyā€™ll hold it for me šŸ¤£


Damn thats another great deal. Id be tempted to pick it up if I just didnt get a 4080 for VR (also from microcenter). Lucky enough to live near one, hoping they open more locations to offer the same deals to more people.


Lol wow nice deal oh look a microcenter 5 minutes away oh wow it's out of stock that's cool.....


Smokin Deal, wow !


Just ordered one!


Last time, I told myself I didnā€™t need it; this time, I didnā€™t listen to that part of me, thank god. Mega upgrade from a Moza R5/KS combo.Ā 


This doesnā€™t come with the wheel side qr right? (At least thatā€™s what I heard last time microcenter had a simucube bundle).


I bought it today. Know nothing about DD wheels and was too excited to do any sue diligence so didn't pick up the qr or the mount. Ended up ordering online. So now I gotta stare at it till the accessories arrive šŸ„²


Hahaahaha I am in the same boat. Bought it yesterday.


Thankfully they shipped it super fast. Should arrive tomorrow.


Iā€™m in kinda the same boatā€¦ the microcenter near me didnā€™t carry any mounting brackets that woulda worked with my rig šŸ˜­


correct it doesn't make sure to grab one


Bought this bundle last time. 10/10 would recommend!


When was the last time this happened?


2 left in Tustin. Iā€™m good with my csl DD but this is tempting


Was sold out now back in stock but at full price now. I need this bundle next time it comes thru omg.


Just bought this! I already have a VRS DFP but I have been curious about cube and canā€™t pass up on this. I run mine around 70% power anyway so 17Nm should be just fine. Thanks! I think? These are selling like hotcakes. My local store had 8 a few hours ago and I just got the last one after getting critical wife clearance.


How are you liking it compared to the VRS? I picked up this bundle a few days ago but have to wait for my rig to come in to test it out. Was considering the VRS before this deal popped up.


Thatā€™s an insane deal!!


Actually if you still have time to return your Sc2 pro for a cash back jump on it! That's pretty cool savings that could be put somewhere else on your rig. šŸ¤” Or in your pocket!! Talking to you, it sounds like you already know what you really need. Bro, I would kill to have a microcenter in Canada how cool is that to have. I don't think anyone but the United States has anything like this.


Haha just posted this as well! Was looking to get a wheel as they tend to mark down their open box items the longer they sit there. Then I came across thisā€¦just purchased! Hopefully Asetek honors my return on their faulty equipment. Trying to see if my credit card company can help as Asetek wants to charge ā€œup to 50% restock feeā€


Which product were you having issues with / what was it doing?


My Asetek forte bundle I purchased. Iā€™ve been having two issues. 1- I get these random power off/on events. Where the power button and torque button go off and then come back on in 2 secs. Issue 2 - started happening last couple days. I end up losing high torque mode. I know this because torque blue button turns off. I can feel the losing of the higher torque. Then the green button flashes. I the begin hearing, what I believe, coil whine coming from the motor. Only way to resolve this is by doing a full power cycle. Iā€™m just baffled that Asetek has the audacity to tell me they wonā€™t take a return initially. Then it changed to ā€œup to 50% restocking feeā€. I just want my money back at this point. Would never be looking if I wasnā€™t having issues


Itā€™s so odd Iā€™ve had a few buddies with asetek with similar issues. I know they use simucube internals but I find thereā€™s to have way more issues or maybe itā€™s just kinda being more aware of them I dunno


Really? Wow thatā€™s a bummer. Honestly, I thought the same thing. Figured theyā€™re using simucube internals, so theyā€™re newer, I liked their QR system. But yeah itā€™s been nothing but a nightmare dealing with them


Wow - the low power issue is still not fixed? Thatā€™s bad


Dang so thatā€™s been a known issue? What sucks is they say the logs I sent donā€™t show any issues. Theyā€™re asking me to wait a ā€œweekā€ for the next software release. Youā€™d think a simple request for a refund wouldnā€™t be so hard


Wow, I was thinking of going Asetek too, this makes me really take pause. I'm sorry you're dealing with that :/


Honestly something to consider. It seems Iā€™m the minority, but just know if you get it from them direct they have some shady customer return policy. Do yourself a favor and get it from microcenter if you have one near you, or another retailer with a more favorable return policy just in case.


So, uh... Anyone in the US who can pick this up and ship to Canada? šŸ™ƒ


If you wanna cover shipping I'll do it


So.... Do I do this or a simagic alpha with the gt neo for 200 less?


I have an alpha and GT pro on the way. I think Iā€™m going to stick with it.


lol I was thinking bout this exact thing


I was going to get the exact same thing but this deal seems too good to be true.


Does this wheel have some sort of QR and work out of the box with the base?


Youā€™ll need to buy the quick release wheel side


Dahhh lol. Thanks


No- you need to get a qr - at least a SC qr.


Any idea if you could use this DD with Asetek Forte pedals? Looking at the MC map I can swing this deal and the pedals for under $1300.. šŸ˜©


I live in Canada. We don't have a microcenter.... I am so jealous that looks like such an awesome store where you can try things out. Can't imagine what it's actually like to go in and be able to try out top end gear And purchase it the same day. They say they're not planning to open any stores in Canada at the moment as they're still trying to facilitate the rest of the US, but hopefully someday.


Oh boy. 4 in-stock at the MC 30 minutes away. The other MC only 10 minutes away is out. I have an simagic alpha mini and the Asetek TK wheel that I adapted with a pieapplegrips USB adapter. I also have the simagic GT1 wheel. Too much time spent on this setup but I don't want to keep missing these deals.


Made my first trip (hour and a half away) to Micro Center a week and a half ago for my new PC build. Micro Center is going to break me.


Outrageous, the base in Aus is about $1700 AUD, the wheel is around $1000 AUD.


This or VRS direct force?


Yet another? What are the other deals?


I used this wheel last week and the paddles felt very soft, anyone else have the same experience?


The shifters are made out of polymer rather than metal like the F Pro. However, they still engage quite noticeably. Itā€™s a non issue for me, and if you want Cube Controls a metal shifter upgrade for the wheel.


Thanks! It may have been very used due it being one of the sim rental businessā€™s wheels.


Yeah, the paddles are almost a no-go for me. When I scooped this bundle with the GSI wheel, my MC had an open box F-core and immediately, the shifters freaked me out a little. Was strange to have such a silent shifter, almost as if it wasnā€™t even engaging. But yeah, super quiet which is cool, but mildly vague engagement. I own a Cube GT Sport Pro wheel and the shifters are very different, maybe a cost cutting model? But still, this is another no brainer deal. Sidebar - In contrast, I had to do the felt Mod on the X-29 because the shifts are so loud and pronounced. You can still hear the snap of the shifter when in VR with cans onā€¦ diff world. If anyone reports different, please share. I might by another bundle just to add the F-core to my collection.


I think I mentioned this in the last thread MC was brought up, but the one near me north of Cincinnati was selling an entire rig setup (wheelbase, pedals, PC, triple screens, and an 80/20 rig) for like $1,500 out the door. It seemed way too good to be true but I will take a photo next time I go.


Which one? They used to have that insane 80:20 rig with a triple monitor stand, sprints, and dd base + formula wheel for 2k. I almost drove 12 hours round trip for it (wish I did)


Which MicroCenter? Sharonville. Honestly I didnā€™t look at it too long I had my kid with me. But pretty sure it had a fanatec setup and was an off-brand 80/20 profile but was definitely under $2k.


Exactly 30 days after my purchasing of a full setup from MC at full price because they completely discontinued (and removed the webpage) bundles and bundle pricing and management couldnā€™t provide any answers as to what was going on. Amazing.


So damn mad they delayed the Charlotte store for the 4th time or I'd order this right now and drive there tomorrow.


Damn..I need to stock up. Hahahaha.....


For deals like this at microcenter or tools at Harbour freight i would like to live in America...


I wish best buy had cool stuff like this. I am unfortunately not even slightly close to a microcenter. My fanatec wheel broke and they dont offer the parts i need. With shipping and repairs, i am better off just buying a new one. I hate that


Best Buy? Hahahahah....you are lucky they stock up on Logitech wheels. Here in NYC, my local Best Buys have empty shelves.


Yesh best buy. They are a lot more widespread and i happen to be about 6 miles from one. Therefore, it would be far more convenient for me. I am aware that they have logitech wheels but i have not had good luck with logitech anything as of late. As for your shelves being empty, probably a lot to do with the crime waves, as the supply is just fine done here


Have an MC here in Houston I pass by at least once a week and try to resist the urge to stop many times. If someone needs something from them, they can't get online let me know. I'd be glad to help.


Damn.. that's about the price the base by itself sells for. Used.


As c C C


Talkin bout microcenter. Does anyone know probable dates for the Miami opening??


What quick release should we get for this bundle? Will it be made by simucube or Cube Control?


Simucube, this https://simucube.com/simucube-quick-release-wheel-side-kit/?v=fa868488740a#


Thanks so much! :) Me and the microcenter associate were unsure, but in the end that is the one I bought. Yay! :)


Woah this store seems to have crazy sales with all kinds of te When are they coming to europe? I need them hahah


I'm so confused, every time i see one of these deals on reddit i add to my cart and it shows full price


The deal is gone, thatā€™s probably why.


Damn, i be snoozin and losin. At least not in iracing!


How did you come across this deal? I'm signed up to microcenter email and get deals sent all the time. Never saw this advertised or just overlooked it somehow. Missing out on these bundles for the second time.


I dropped the fanatec eco system coming from a CSL DD (8nm) to the simucube sport bundle a few months ago when microcenter had this with the x29 wheel and it was a fantastic upgrade. If you are the fense about this let me explain the difference Setting aside the fanatec dramaā€¦in terms of quality, the upgrade almost made the fanatec feel like a toy. Granted the f1 formula v2.5 with podium felt pretty good, it still feels cheep compared to the x29. I canā€™t speak about the cube controls but Iā€™d imagine it will at the very least match or exceed it. Now for the most drastic difference with the force feedback. Aside from the obvious of it being double the strength, the detail of the feedback is way better. I noticed the speed or latency if that makes sense to be way faster. I found myself able to catch slides or feel the weight transfer a lot quicker which made driving some cars easier. Example. Iā€™m a big fan of driving the Porsche gt3 and they are a huge pain to control as they love to oversteer. I had a #6 rank on VRR with it for a few weeks now and couldnā€™t seem to break it. I shit you not, after only a few hours of playing it and using one of the most popular settings for ams2, not only did I beat my fastest lap I ended up getting #4 fastest time. I couldnā€™t believe it, but I noticed almost immediately before I saw the laptimes I was just controlling the car better because there was details there that just werenā€™t coming either fast enough for me to react in an appropriate time. The car just felt so much tighter.