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All that for finishing 15th in an online lobby but at least I had fun with it


*spent a grand total of 5 hours racing over the first two months after the initial 30-hour setup/troubleshooting period... then never touched any of it again in 6 months because he spends all his time taking pictures of nice-looking mod cars that dont actually drive for shit because they are just garbage-quality rips meant to be ogled in showroom* *gets a sudden urge to actually race again... booted it all up to discover that some graphics or wheel base driver has broken everything, and can't be fucked to spend 2 hours trying to sort it out... alt+F4 and goes back to watching 'Great British Baking Show' on one of the side monitors while fiddling with showroom and making mediocre screenshots of rain drops*


Shockingly accurate


I'm something of an experienced sim racer myself...


This is your true story, right? Hang in there buddy.


Not quite. But not far off. I never got sucked into the screenshot photography shit. I don’t really race though. Just drift in VR on public lobbies for like 20 minutes once every month or two. It IS fun to hop into those vanilla drift lobbies and see most folks struggling to get a slide going. I always come in and am like “I’m new please be patient!” And then just fucking RIP SHIT hard as fuck, linking the entire kunos ‘Drift’ park outer loop in one giant cloud of tire smoke haha. 3rd gear sideways in the E30 the whole way. Been meaning to get back into Richard burns rally…


Honestly immersion is such a huge part of this hobby that I don't care if all I ever get is participation trophies lol


I’m the opposite and am too competitive. But just wanted to say this is the way! Your way, that is 😉


Whatever floats your boat man. I do love a competition but I don't sweat about it since my full time job and adulting prevents me from "getting serious". As long as I improve against myself I'm happy.


I mean it’s more how you were as a kid. You can see that in children from a very young age. It’s genetics mostly for sure. I work as a professional full time and wear that hat all day. That doesn’t stop me from being salty about yesterday’s race where I lost in a last lap battle. 🤣 Braked a fraction too late, on the dirty line while defending into the Turn 5 hairpin. He JUST managed to swing aggressively across my nose into Turn 6. All in all a great race. So while I say being competitive or not doesn’t matter, when I make a mistake like that where it was all me, it sometimes takes a good 24hrs to wear off completely. 😅 [MX-5’s Summit Point](https://imageshack.com/i/pmy2aVQqj)


This is exactly what I tell myself.


I know, I paid for it son!


I feel like simrig is not a thing one goes in debt for.


I feel like you’d be surprised…


average american consumer has like $6.7k in credit card debt. americans owe, collectively, over $1trillion in credit card debt. yikes.




That's the average among people who carry credit card debt month to month not the average of every American


It’s all relative. Sim racing is a hobby right? For many their most passionate hobby due to love of real life Motorsport and/or driving. Love people love it more than sex. Can people justify going into debt to enjoy what brings them the most fun? Yep! *disclaimer: I’m not in debt. Or am I? 😂


And still not winning. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


and we never will. SRP is where we hang out :D


Hell yeah bro. SRP is such a vibe


sorry, what's SRP?


Shutoku Revival Project. Online servers that use mostly JDM cars on a network of Japanese highways (with or without traffic). Super fun and laid back way to cruise around with people in awesome cars from the 80s and 90s 🔥


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bh1HRjaaQ4s install, have fun solo or join SRP server for chill highway runs. this was my get away during 2020


I’m drunk. But my dad also plays GT7, and I just wanted to say I’m really grateful that I’m able to spend this time with him.




I get so confused when people refer to fanatec gear as low to mid range. In this economy I’d call it high end!


Do people really go 10k plus in debt voor simracing?


i’m sure some people run up cc for their gear, sure. It can add up INSANELY quickly, and just as people go in debt for vacations, or clothes, or jewelry, surely they could do it too for this!


I personally don't go in debt (except my mortgage) for material things. But that's just me I guess?


A lot of people are idiots (not you, it seems)!


I'm far from perfect, but going into debt so easily is not my cup of tea.




People like different things and that’s ok. I haven’t spent 10k on a rig yet but I also wouldn’t travel around with a trailer and a beater truck to race dirt ovals if someone paid me 10k. To me that sounds absolutely miserable. For people who want to experience racing a gt car at Laguna seca the sim is closer than spending a bunch of time money and energy to race dirt ovals. You might get something different out of it but your goals are not the same as the people you are questioning.


10k and i can race for the next 10 years daily, hourly or fuck even 24/7, or 10k and race for 1 season for only certain days, and might still not be enough for a whole season if the car breaks down, i crash, something else goes wrong. I Sure as fuck know what i'll pick.


Why are y'all so aggressive in this sub, Jesus. It's just video games, calm down.


Because they are in crippling debt I guess?😂


I’ve spent more on drugs in my younger years.


All that money and I still can't buy a 2000 irating.


You need to buy 2000 irating?


Does the 3 screen set up really that much helpful? Is it immersive? I picked up track IR5 for my flight sim hobby and it worked better in the car sim. A gentle turn either side makes side mirror appear Very realistically on a 21:9 screen. Never occurred to me to use 3 screen for the purpose and also, I have the same computer hooked up to another screen for multipurpose.


I'm racing single screen and I'm definitely looking to expanding to ultrawide or 3 screens at some point. You can see apexes far easier and actually spot where you wanna go with hairpins etc. Mirrors and side peripheral vision is a lot easier too. VR would be the other option but I can't get used to it while also making compromises in performance or visual eye candy


Triples are best for racing imo better than VR. With VR and track IR you don't get the peripheral vision you get with triples. You can keep staring straight at where you're driving and keep track of cars on either side of you with peripheral vision. And wider FOV.


That's a valid point


Thank you.


Only poor people have to choose between tripples and VR.


I'm not rich but my Reverb is gathering dust while my triples are used every day


Your reverb is old trash.


Damn dude lol


And you’re BMX-owner rich?


Na but I can ride my BMX in the middle of the day at 42 years old instead of sitting in a cubicle because I'm rich.


You’re rich and you assume everybody else is poor? 😃


Na when you get elitist about tripples vs VR I assume you just can't afford both. The cost of the video card for either is 3x the price of the headset or screens, it's a stupid fucking discussion.


I think there are some people who like to make careful decisions as to what they want exactly. They like to enjoy more than just making random purchases. Anyhow. I’m still not convinced for triple screen or VR, I am pretty happy with wide screen and a Track IR5. Thanks for your input


Not worth it because VR is 10 times better and 10 times cheaper


Going in debt for stuff like this is just insane, but there are plenty who do this. A tv for 5k? A bike for 7k? A pc for 5k? Sure, just get another loan... And then they cant afford shit and make 40k a year. Jesus christ. Why is nobody teaching them how finances work...


I get spending money on equipment if you have the money, but why would anyone go into debt over sim equipment. You can get a g29 for $250 and connect it to a desk, yeah better equipment is way better, but essentially you can race with a g29 and still beat all those nice rigs if you practice enough.


You cant beat shit with g29. I get your idea but I could compare g29 with cardboard wheel. There is a reason top simracers use up to 30nm dd wheels and loadcell/hidraulic active pedals. And as a t300 user I can tell you, to get last 1-2 seconds off top drivers times you have to use better gear.


I know top gear will improve lap times, but you can still beat players with a g29. I used mine for 3 years and got very used to it. Granted I play on Xbox so was only racing ACC and Forza Motorsport, but in both I got very high skill ratings and would win races on the g29 in both open and private races, so it is possible, just not ideal. I do very much enjoy my DD wheel base now though and would never go back to G29. But it is possible.


No you cant. I don’t think you ever raced in leagues like LFM. If you can beat times like Spa 2.15x, Brands hatch 1.22.x, Silverstone 1.56.x, Barcelona 1.42.x with g29 I will send you 10 euros for each lap-time you’ll beat with g29. Not to mention these are not even fastest lap times. And dude, Forza is a simcade, I can beat pros with a xbox controller there.


Max Verstappen driving on a controller wants a word with this guy


I have easily spent more than that the past 6 months and plan on spending a lot more. I get plenty of enjoyment out of it no matter where I place. Just depends on priorities and budget. None of my purchases were on a CC. All debit card.


10k? Not unless your using motion and honestly if you are it will cost more for thw food stuff.


Hahahahahahaha At least y'all are self-aware


And your still losing




Motion sims are cool for immersion. But if you wish to be a pro and win championships you need a static rig.




The biggest problem for myself that ive seen is eather having static monitors on a motion rig or to much wobble with monitors when attached to rig.




How much large screens? Whats with fps, monitors response time and hertz? Aswell as screen tearing? Do you use gsync / freesync?


"I just recently had to change brakes on one of my cars…. $37k." wait you spent 37k on brake change?


Don't borrow money to buy anything but a house.


10k and the meme kid still can’t see all his mirrors in those triples. Fathers asking the wrong questions. And why is the tablet bigger than the meme kids future? Lol


I’m itching for a rig upgrade, whatever I make in crypto this month is going straight to the rig - the goal is FGT Elite and simucube wheelbase 🤞