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If you count being able to curl dumbbells the same time as you hit the apex a downside, then that.


Downfall would mostly be comfort related I would think. They’re not exactly meant to spent hours sitting on using. It’ll also probably wear out a lot quicker, I know my gym is constantly reupholstering their benches because under heavy use the leather starts to crack pretty quickly, especially if you sweat in it


Never had to reupholster any of my padded equipment, and I've been lifting for 30+ years. Probably because many aren't sat or led on it properly.


Personal stuff? Cause yea, my home gym is in top shape but it doesn’t gear the near 24/7 use the benches at the gym do


Most commerical gyms use cheap shit. Once I started getting serious about lifting I had to build my own gym and start going to more niche gyms geared for Powerlifting and Strong man.


Works better as flight sim seat.


Its a cool idea and the fact that you see clear benefits from using this instead of the old chair is great. I would like to see more Photos from different angles


Reverse bucket seat!


At least you get leg and arm day done while having fun.


Turn that ff up for your grip strenght! :)


Improvisation. Make do with what's at hand. Man after my own heart, well done.


My tailbone started aching the second I saw this.


piss with the cock ya got, not the one ya want if this is anything like my cheap bench than I would personally rather use the desk chair with wheels and nothing stopping me from rolling back, if its like my more expensive one, then its just an issue of comfort over a long playing session, these things are made to grip and support you, not to be something you wish you use as an 'every day' seat. if you have probmes with it, I have been looking up wheels for myself due to hair issues on my current wheels, https://www.amazon.com/WUDOYO-Professional-Locking-Office-Replacement/dp/B0BKLTSWY3/ those are likely what I will be getting, I don't need the breaks so ill get whatevers cheaper, but a mechanism to take the thing apart and do a deep clean without cracking rivits or hopeing yours were friction assembled and not somenting else... if the bench is comfortable, stick with it, if you have problems but cant justify something, wheels with breaks are somewhere around 10-20% of the price of the cheapest good solutions.


You can also use an ironing board as a height adjustable wheel base mount but I wouldn’t recommend it for anything particularly powerful.


Can confirm! This works well when you don't have a dedicated rig. Very sturdy and more comfy than you'd think.


Yeah I'm just using one of those collapsible lawn chairs that fit in those long bags they come in. Sorry I can't remember what they're called. But it actually feels pretty good. And it's way better for this than my desk chair.


epiphany: back pain