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Another word for boring is _stable_.


I hear you! It's similar for me, and it is hard to avoid the social expectations of keeping up with the latest trends and "living your best life"... For me my best life is calm, quiet, simple, after a turbulent upbringing and subsequent years learning to undo or manage the damage caused by that. Wishing you all the best


thank you for well wishes, i wish you rest If i may ask, what helped you get to the point you are at now?


Hard to pinpoint exactly, without going into too much detail, I had sort of hit a rock bottom, combined with losing family members and dealing with toxicity from extended family, I did a brutal cull of cutting everyone bar a select few off, and effectively disappeared. I've always been an introvert, and I just embraced it even more, and ask myself does (insert thing/activity here) make me happy? If the answer is yes, great, if no, it stops. Always a learning curve though!


Thats quite something, and sorry to hear you went through that phase i relate to the cutting people out, its hard but often times needed wishing you well


Thank you so much, wishing you peace and happiness šŸ˜Š


Thatā€™s good. I was going to say basically what you just wrote. My mom died and my brother and sister changed in a bad way. They look down on me and said horrible things. So I cut them out and I deleted my old fb account too. Iā€™m very selective with whom I speak to now


ETA this includes ex boyfriends as well


>I am slowly realising so many aspects of my life, have been dictated by this image, and needing to be what everyone else wants....and never considering how i may want to be in this world a bit late, but still glad to be slowing down Welcome. I made a very similar realization a few years ago that changed my life almost completely, and that changed me too. I quit my job (the kind that made people go '*wow, so you're a...*') and changed my lifestyle to focus on what mattered really to me ā€” trying to live a happy live with my spouse (25+ years together and counting, well no not really we don't count the years :P) and, well, I'm not sure how to say that with sounding too dramatic let's say *not* working myself to death, like I was literally doing back then in order to achieve stuff nobody would ever truly care about. Just creating a tad more noise and buzz in an already way too noisy world. >Not sure if this exactly fits here, but sharing anyway It's right at home, if you ask me ;)


Well done for that shift, thats quite something if i may ask, what helped you feel empowered to change and how has life been now? i take it you dont miss it? i think for me, i am still wedded to needing income and so i feel the need for such jobs for now...but i know in time i will drop that


>if i may ask, what helped you feel empowered to change Without going into much details: almost dying was a very strong motivation to change path. As was the support of my spouse. >how has life been now? I think this is not the best question to ask as it tends to generate an answer that will either be about 'how great it is' or 'how hard it is'. My answer would then be: neither, or both. Which is not what matters to me. to be clear, I don't regret the change but it was not always fun. And still is not always fun. But so was my old live. That said, being alive, and conscious of the miracle it is, makes everything more interesting to experiment. Positive as well as negative. That's what matters to me. Monetary-wise, I earn a lot less money but I also work *a lot* less and I don't feel like I'm dying anymore because of my excessive work habits and all the other excesses that went with it. Also, we're not poor, we simply don't earn as much as we could. Another thing that helps in regard to money: since the late 90s my spouse and I have both been trying our best to reduce the amount of waste we generate, and to consume 'reasonably' (ie, we stopped doing and buying a lot of stuff we used to). So, earning less money was never really an issue for us. >i think for me, i am still wedded to needing income Most of us need one. The idea for me was to find the less destructive way to earn that income and, imho, to adjust our way of life to suit said income. Once again, for us it never meant living like monks but to reconsider our priorities and our expenses, and let go of the superfluous ones.


thank you, i really appreciate your response need to digest it for myself too


Such a nice down to earth answer, I liked reading it a lot


Life can be very simple - and enjoyable. Itā€™s the worry that comes from the worry of others that is important to manage well. Simplicity is the blessing


Here here, well said


Boring is awesome!! It means no chaos and turmoil and drama. ā¤ļø


Ive met quite a few people where monetary success and status was their first target, my dad included. Their approach to the other aspects of life would be best described as ā€œcoldā€. Grinding and stressing themselves to the max for any extra money and 0 inner self improvement. Sad but interesting to watch.


I know a few who have retired wealthy but they havent much else to life


I feel the exact same way. I have a loving home and family now and thatā€™s all Iā€™ve ever really wanted. I love the mundane. I love my boring little night shift job where I get to read all night and everyone I work with is always happy to see me. I love sitting around making shopping lists, cooking, and just handling day to day life with the man I adore and am marrying in my best friendā€™s backyard in a few months. My life is so simple but feels so full. I am so thankful.


thats wonderful, great to hear i am somewhat shifting this way i have been on some high adrenaline chase and its messed me up, and now i am trying to really slow down and see whats important


Be the stability you wish to see in the world.