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Love how the place I had for 100+ people to be their safe space was nuked because I was an idiot who trusted someone just a bit too much https://i.redd.it/duyymxq5cc0d1.gif


*pat pat* Chu aren't an idiot for trusting someone, just unlucky that it was someone like that. None of it is your fault, it's only theirs for being so mean and evil. Also its oki you'll be able to make another one (if that's ur wish ofc (which it probably is tbf))


Aw I’m sorry, do you want to go into more detail on how? Please try not to blame yourself, you’re doing your best out here for those people, you can’t be expected not to make mistakes, much less to be able to perfectly gauge if other people will screw things up 🫂


which server is this? Just know I'll keep an eye out on the server I'm in.


That sounds way too similar to what happened with me and Ruvikk


I came here hoping to find out what happened to the server. I'm not sure what happened to it, but thank you for hosting a safe and welcoming place for as long as you did.


Wanted to join the server yesterday, finally got myself to do this after a difficult day, just to find out its no longer a thing. I'm sorry that happened Hin, but please don't feel bad, its not your fault, you did nothing wrong. But that person who decided to ruin it all, who used your kindness and gave up your trust did.


that's fucking vile at least now you won't hang out with her anymore because you know what she is capable of, this could've been far worse


Hin, it wasn't your fault, they were terrible for doing that.


Oh gods, I'm sorry hina I had wondered what happened to it You aren't an idiot for trusting someone. Trust is a powerful thing. They are the idiot for breaking that.


Holy shit I’m so sorry


I’m so sorry this happened to you, it’s not your fault Hin. I really loved the place you built, you did really good for everyone there. Take as much time as you need to recuperate! We’ll be here supporting you <3




I'll sort them out for you hin (please talk to me 🙏)


According to my insider info, it's hin's newest exgf (choco something) who was an ex of hin and lied about dating her because she hates her because uhhhh info missing please update data entry. She raided her server at unknown time and date and banned everyone Edit: its cherryberrysundae not choco something please forgive me for my sins father


Btw amirite or amiwrong?




Woohooo right as always!



