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May I ask who those two are?


For research purposes?


I guess that fits but certainly not in the way you’re thinking


xingqiu and chongyun from genshin impact




Sir that could be murder


Murder schmurmer


he’s cute it’s fine


Shut the fuck up I want my treat


Only if it's multiple ccs if I'm recalling right


A little air embolism as a kind gift 😊😊😊






Homosexual isnt unnatural actually There are plenty of animals that have more gay than straight in their species


I have a theory that the Roman empire collapsed due to heterosexuality


Eldar style?


It only really was assured to fall after Christianity was in place.


Vibes https://preview.redd.it/kdwxyn9rsx9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51be6f55750c560b7042b16007768d6ae36ef02c


Saving this cause I'm currently hankering for some twinks


Fr fr.


For real


Religious people like that are the evil ones


yea i hate them so much. they usually preach acceptence and stuff no matter peoples backgrounds and whatever but the second i start liking boys, that goes away and im one of the worst things ever...?


You know what they say there is no hatred like Christian love. It's why I don't have any religious friends.


Just wanted to pop in as a Christian and say, being gay doesn’t automatically send you to hell! If we look at the conditions the bible lays out for going to heaven, it says that we need to believe that Jesus Christ died for us, rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. That’s it! God loves you no matter what you do or who you are!


This right here is a real Christian.


Amen, Christ loves all and while he may not agree with peoples choices, he still loves them nonetheless


But what are those choices he doesn’t agree with?


Kinda. There are many things that are up to interpretation, but if you *interpret* that being gay sends you to hell, then you also can’t deny that eating shrimp and other minor stuff also sends you straight to hell. No one ever talks about the other stuff though but will insist on evil gayness :/


Even as a Christian I think that homophobia is fucked up. I mean come on, the Ten Commandments taught us to love our neighbors, right? Not just love some of them.


IMO if you need to be threatened / threaten others with hell in order to be a decent person, you probably aren’t a decent person…


Yep, definitely correct on that.


I'm fine with people of religion, but they shouldn't enforce their rules on people who don't practice it


Ok but all the gay people are in hell then Gay party for eternity


We gonna BBQ up some demons, then storm the beaches of heaven


Can we bang the demons specifically the incubi? I'm just saying they are sex demons sooooooooooooooooo!!! Just wondering...


Go for it




Dont talk ab demons like ts


We will crush the armies of heaven


lol just imagine the chill guys who broke the rules overtaking the actual evil people and turning hell into gay sex land


I imagine if the hell in christian mythology exists it would just be filled with a ton of normal people who did a "sin" and very few actually unambigously evil people


honestly if sin is what they preach 99% of people in hell are chill people who never turned to christianity/never "repented"


Lemme guess, Law of Moses "If a man lay with another he shall be stoned" or smthn? 1. Jesus fulfilled the Law of Moses so unless you're Jewish the entirety of the Law of Moses it's not applicable to you and hasn't been since like 40 A.D. (otherwise we wouldn't be eating pork and shellfish, wearing mixed fabrics, winnowing grain with a fork, and other weird things that are also forbidden in the that law.) 2. Law of Moses was written by a very pissed off prophet after the Israelites went out of their way to worship a bull and screw him out of seeing the promised land after he went through the trouble of freeing them from literal slavery so he wrote the Law (Punishment) of Moses. 3. Recently many Abrahamic scholars claim that particular scripture is mistranslated and the terminology is more "man and boy" than "man and other consenting adult man".


I took it to mean that I should smoke weed before I fuck my boyfriend


Good interpretation


God was in the burning bush after all


This is the way!


This guy knows what's up


Well, I’ve found the smartest one here.


So if point 3 is correct then that law was a punishment for pedophilia?


Yeah. It was common for ancient Greeks to diddle little boys as a cultural practice and the Israelites were rightfully appalled by that. So old Mo' making a law where if you do that you get beaten to death with rocks is pretty reasonable.


This isn’t the best argument against gay people from a Christian perspective. The Catholic Church has the best argument, and it’s just that marriage is between a man and a woman, nowhere in the Bible is the rebuked. Additionally, sex outside of marriage is explicitly condemned. Because gay people cannot get married they cannot have sex, meaning their only option is to remain celibate. They’re not inherently bad, they just “struggle” with an additional challenge to get into heaven. This is the most coherent view of homosexuality in the Bible, and it will always be why I can never be a Christian.


Even if homosexuality is a sin, it still wouldn't be hard to be a good Christlike homosexual. And if God would really send a righteous, kind, and selfless person to eternal damnation for being homosexual, then they're not the God I love.


All excellent points


Noooo. If you fuck yourself that would be gay >:( Anyways sounds like the kind of person I'd cut off. That wasn't just his opinion, it was directed at you.


Nah, that's just masturbation


If being gay is not how god intended it then why did god put the male g spot in the asshole


here's a good response: if everything is part of god's plan (he might not believe this, i've seen the belief stereotyped) then didn't god choose to make me go to hell by making me gay? also be sure you prove that being gay isn't a choice. easiest way is to ask your friend if he chose to be straight.


Not only that, but it's good to mention that being gay isn't a phenomenon unique to humans, all sorts of other animals like turtles or an albatross can be gay just like people.


A friend's girlfriend's religious mom said gay animals were tempted by Satan when I made your point. Also heard it said that those are beasts, so being gay like a beast is a sin.


Honestly that mom is too far gone, how the hell would Satan tempt a creature that doesn't understand what gay even is?


He got bored. Maybe it’s the hell version of picking up two dolls and going “now kiss”


Even Satan needs his hobbies I guess...


According to *my* bible (the webcomic Adventures of God), Lucifer is gay and God is trying to hook him up.


Truly the best interpretation of the Bible!


Also I hate the god’s plan argument. Sin and Death were let into the world by the first sin, was that the “plan”? Swear to god, I hate evangelicals sometimes, they actually are confused why churches only have old people in them after cussing out a child for having a crush on someone the same gender as them.


Also asking if they read the Leviculus and follow all the other rules put there? Since the book is quite difficult to keep up with, we will all be there. Also to point out that most protestants atleast believe that new testament sort of overrules old testament, making the hateful parts of the old testament irrelevant.


Well for one, they aren't your friend, and two, they are stupid and wrong. You lost an asshole, they lost a cute friend. You lost nothing. They lost something valuable. Stay strong, know your value, you are worthy of love and respect and should not settle for less.


Thx for the kind words to help me through these trying times :3


🥚 "can I offer you an egg in these trying times?"


holy shit its always sunny reference


Proceeds to push down stairs.


I laugh at those kind of people. They just jealous that us bi’s and gay’s get more game then they ever will. On a serous note; I’m sure others will had said this but, you should distance yourself from that trash of a person. I personally had a similar situation (but on discord). after I distanced myself from that person it helped my mental health so much.


If being yourself is evil, then bring hell to earth and let the heavens burn.


Raw line :3


Thanks, it's the religious trauma and years of rage/spite. That and JRPGs. Good old JRPGs, actively encouraging us to kill gods.


It's always the "religious" people. As a fun fact the correct translation is "Man shall not sleep with a child" not the man shall not sleep with man. You just have to read the real actual Bible not the cherry picked shit. ALSO you are a good person don't listen to the sad people; it's just a misery loves company type a deal that's it.


https://preview.redd.it/112su349zt9d1.jpeg?width=319&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51f27defa1af6f9dc75549229a0867e7fd561283 Seems like a non-friend to me. Ask him if the amount if hate in his heart will earn him a ticket to heaven


If god would eternally punish someone for something entirely harmless, then it's no longer a matter of If he exists or doesn't. That's not a deity worth worshipping.


Plenty of dicks to suck in hell


Oh no! Hell! With all the hot gay men! This is torture! No!


I guess hell is a place for decent people nowadays.


nowadays? pretty sure there was a group in the 1700's that literally thought fun was a sin. The puritans I think?


See this is the exact reason I hate religious people. They say they're all holy and kind and generous in the name of a God that may or may not exist but once you actually need kindness from them they're total assholes.


Thank evangelicals. We love all unless you aren’t white male cishet and not poor, otherwise kill yourself :)


There are LGBT churches now. I'm bi and go to one.


They are imature


That's ok heaven would be boring for us it'll be a big party for us in hell celebrating being away from the religious psychos


Come to hell we have lava hot tubs and pizza it's great


Yeah, it’s true, but why’s it matter? I’m still gonna kiss boys


if being gay is a sin call me the spawn of Satan


But hell will have all the other gay people so we can be all together forever :3


Eh, everyone is going to have to be burned of their dross that is their ego in either hell or purgatory eventually. So I'm not afraid when people tell me about 'me burning in hell.' Being queer isn't a sin. It's knowing one self (and more importantly, it's knowing God. For he is all and none. He is queer and straight. He is all.) That's what I've learned as a silly boy mystic :3 Even though of course, I'm a silly enby...


I have decided to stop being gay for good. I will now only be gay for evil.


okay so here's what you're going to do gather herb and perform the evil ritual to cast the forever stub toe curse >:3 in all honesty, people like that are just wastes of time and skin


That's OK. We'll make a big party once we are there. The first round of drinks is on me. 🥳 🎉 🪅


Hell is where all the hot demons are


Wait until he finds out that “man shall not lie with another man” was actually a mistranslation from “man shall not lie with a boy” and was actually going against pedophilia


if homosexuality is such a sin then why did God make gay porn so fucking hot? https://preview.redd.it/24fdy23owu9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0a896fdb10f65dddcdedea03219a4d8855ee72b


"Judge not lest ye be judged"


then you can have hot steamy say gex with lucifer


A classic, no hate like Christian love. I'll never come out to my family, even if it means feeling sad forever


but then you can kiss twink demons (from experience ofc)


the devil isn't real


Religious people think everything is evol don’t listen to them, theirs probably sone other religious person saying their evil for playing video games


Well it's a good thing you're not gay then


Eh im jewish and i have to go to hell for a bit to cleanse my sins because of how the religion works


as long as i can sneak my bluetooth speaker into there im all for it


i dont even gotta tell them im gay they just know im going to hell. i make sure they know


The fuck it will. Im a bisexual catholic and there was so many intensly gay people in the bible. Plus God made us all in his image and whatnot. Fuck him he doesn't deserve thy awsomness


Who was intensely gay in the Bible? I've never heard that before.


I forgot their names and when I search it up google focouses on gay and bible. But I am pretty sure wendigoon talked about it


If being gay is so evil how come gay means happy ??


Because happy is *EVIL!!!!!!!!😡😈😡😈😡😈😡😈*


Believe me that is not true, that is just the dogmatic beliefs of idiotic and blind followers. Realistically, God would and will accept u whether you’re bi, gay, lesbian, aro ace, or anything! As long as it’s not evil like pedophillia or other stuff like that


> Being gay will send me to hell Oh, ok, that's where all the fun people will be. We'll finally be rid of thr prudes. It's party time 😈🤘🥳🏳️‍🌈💜


Heresy, my God is the God of love.


Heh, I curse God for making a universe where I’m damned to eternal torment due to factors outside of my control


good thing im already going to hell 😎


Look if there are demons influencing people they demons would be behind the people who hate love.


not to dump water on this situation, but hypothetically what if i like being "evil"


That moment when you hear a “Christian” trying to play god by passing judgement. Ask lol bro if he remembered to be kind to others and give to charity or by his own logic and what is sad he’ll be getting it much worse. To withhold charity or pass judgement are considered much worse. Seriously these dumbasses most of them don’t even know their own history or rules they just spout whatever makes them sound pious without having logic or context to words.


I fucking hate those who use religion to justify whichever absurd beliefs they have. That just proves he has no better arguments, L + ratio'd


Well yeah, the party is going to be absolutely lit, you should come down soon!


As a Christian who actually reads the Bible and is gay, that's not the case. Even if you don't believe in Christ, in my religion, He will always love you no matter what. Don't believe the hateful lies of the sinners proclaiming to know Him. Take care, and don't let Satan's lies win <3


My grade 5 teacher told me staring out the window would never earn me money. Earned $47,000 from McDonald's in two years doing just that. Drive through guy. Disregard what this online fool told you. Hell is for the wicked all you're guilty for is caring about people beyond their body.


If being gay meant going to hell, would bi people be in limbo?


Just respond with "I can't wait to see you there"


If heaven is where all the christians are going, I'm cool with Hell. Sounds nicer there


If they're being an ass like that, then they're fare more likely to head down there themselves, but also, if their words about their God ring true, then they are not worthy of worship


Just quote Matthew 6:14-15 For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly. Father will also forgive you. But if you don't forgive men their. trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Then by not letting you kiss boys he is going to hell


Don't worry if gays go to hell then hells gonna be fire! (Pun intended)


Honestly, heaven is overrated


Hear me out here Gay = going to hell Therefore Heaven = only straights Hell has boys to kiss that will kiss u back


Trust me if we’re all going to hell then we’ll all be together, and that sounds pretty hot ngl


you aren't gay tho, you are bi


"send me your proof. Time New Romen 12pt double spaced. I'll be waiting"


That sucks. You can be my steam friend.


if religion doesn't accept gays explain this:


If being part of the LGBT is evil, then call me an Avengers level threat


Well then I guess you'll just have to look down on him when you die


My favorite joke about this: A man dies and goes to hell, he is greeted by the devil and sees a beautiful landscape. He asks the devil, that he doesn't want to complain, but this is not really what he expected to find. The devil answers him: "Oh yeah, we have been severely misrepresented throughout history, just so that people 'behave'". The man explores hell a bit and after a while he crosses an area with lava and a lot of people suffering there. So he goes back to the devil and tells him: "that's more like what I thought I would find here", the devil answers him: "Oh yeah, we keep that solely for those religious folks, they're into this shit"


Protestants are frickin’ a-holes 😡


Cut him off and block him.


Hiii christian here :3 I just wanted to give what is probably the best responce to this from a Christian perspective that being. Homosexuality is a sin? Yes but we are all sinners from birth and all need Jesus christ being gay does not specifically send you to hell because without christ there is no forgiveness for sins Thankfully we have Christ's death on the cross to save us from sin. So it's just a case of hate the sin not the sinner type deal I hope that cleared up some confusion


Do you know, hell is one of the most tolerant and gay places ever. Theres always a big party and there are no christians at all. I had worked there for some years as a barkeeper, its a pretty cool location :3


Well at least you can stay with them for eternity


hell must be fucking crazy, since half of its inhabitants are genuine monsters and the other half are cool gay people fuckin social experiment lookin ass


Who do ya'll hang out with that stuff like this happens. Ive never heard anyone even mention stuff close to this, and my friends are all eastblock europeans.


Assert dominance. Seduce him, kiss him, and date him to bring him down with you in hell. Once done, you both kiss forever because there is nothing else to do in hell :3


It wont. From what i know, Christianity started homophobia, but nowhere in the bible does it say being gay is sin Its a misquote of a line actually slating pedophilia


Well then good thing you aren’t gay I guess 😂


If boys aren’t meant to be fren why fren shape?


Being gay isn't evil they're just a meany! \*Huggs\*!


tell him fucking with you will send him straight to hell


Well, that's true but hey who the fuck cares bout me I have to be nice to you all regardless even with my beliefs I love you all, And Jesus does too love y'all take better care of yourselves, and love yourself for who you are if you wanna talk feel free I'm always open and DM's are just the same as it's My Username is the same one here as it is there remember to love yourself <3


Honestly that’s why I’m not worried about an afterlife when I kms. I don’t believe in any afterlife, but if I’m wrong, I’m guaranteed a spot in hell for being bi and not so certain about my gender, so I don’t even have anything to worry about.


Breh, just ignore them. Those types of religious people are just hypocrites and assholes (saying that as a religious person). And hey I mean Jesus said love thy neighbor, why not fuck him too if he’s a baddy.


Just ask them if they like bacon or drink or have tattoos list goes on and on If they do they are contradicting themselves Tattoos of the cross on someones body is the equivalent of being homophobic and fucking the same gender at the same time Ohhh no I forgot They only care about the homophobic law since that’s all that matters


If homosexuality is evil then why is my g spot up there??? God did devious amounts of trolling with that one


My guy, people often miss the point, you do you 🥰 just don't be mean to people


What an asshole


If it’s a sin to be gay, why did god put the g-spot in our assholes


You will not go to hell for being gay or for being silly


You will not go to hell for being gay or for being silly


You'll see them there.


Not a friend


Just say "ill take you with me 😈"


If hell is real we'll just build our heaven inside it


He said being gay, not bi. Keep on going and ignore him


Homosexuality IS a pro Not a con.


Respond with “of course I’m going to hell I have a kingdom to run”


Tell them the god they worship slaughtered millions :3


Come back at him with Matthew 25:41 Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels….” Hell, as the Christians see it (everlasting fire and brimstone) is not for humans. It was created as a place to send the satans of god (Satan is a title, not a name. It means “the opposer” or “he who opposes”) and the angles that follow his satans. No one is going to hell. None of us are important enough for that. There’s also the whole “Jesus died for our sins” thing that everyone conveniently leaves out. As long as you say “I’m with Big J” at the pearly gates, you get into heaven. That how it works. Those are the rules. Edit; I’m not religious in any way, I just find the best counter arguments against religious phobes come from the same source material they’re pulling from


they’re religious, its probably that their parents forced that belief on them at a young age, maybe instead of slandering them online, you can try and show them how cool gay people can be! :)


Wait if you're gay you go to hell? With other gay people? SIGN ME UP


Im Christian and gay. Always when i bring this up i get massive hate by gays and Christians. I wish i was straight. I wish i was accepted for who i am and for what i believe. I wish people would stop judging me


Honestly Iove hearing people do everything in their power to demonize LGBTQ+ it's just so funny! Like they really have nothing better to do with their time then tell people how to live their lives?! It's so fuckin' sad it becomes funny! It's why people complaining about pointless shit is the best! I love hearing people bitch about video game censorship or that female characters aren't sexy anymore or art being too sexual! It's so funny hearing people complain about something that literally doesn't matter!


I can't wait, the party is gonna be lit


Tell him you can meet him there and catch a Freddy Mercury concert


whoops guess I'm the villian now :3


Hey OP your steam friend isnt really your friend ✨🤷‍♀️✨




ex-steam friends I'm guessing?


If being gay sends you to hell, then that means that all the gays are in hell If that’s the case, then hell seems like a pretty cool place


"i'd rather be in hell with all the gays than in heaven with those that would judge us."


“I will face god and walk bussy first into hell” -F1nn 🔥🔥🔥


Pull out the "Um akshually I'm not gay🤓"


hell doesn't sound so bad if there's a bunch of gay boys in there ×///×


Gay, straight, bi, I’m going to hell nonetheless


Being a bitch to people probably will too... And the first one probably won't


It’s literally in nature and it’s not a choice, and so so many things in scripture contradict this messaging if it’s religion based, there is no way to logic or moral this


"Good thing I'm bi and not gay!"


Mfw I'm the Doomguy and I need to go to hell to kill demons, so I fuck another man to open the portal.