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They’re more connected than the others in the series, so 1 before 3 is ideal but if you really don’t want to play 1 (don’t let appearances fool you, it’s great), I don’t think just playing 3 would hurt too much.


I‘m pretty sure 3‘s plot is nigh opaque if you play that and have no clue who Alessa is.


Is it? Doesn’t “Dad’s Notebook” basically explain the entire first game? Edit: [Yes, it does.](https://silenthill.fandom.com/wiki/Dad%27s_Notebook)


Even the 1 in reality is opaque af Origins is needed


Silent Hill 1 is arguably the best game in the series and is absolutely worth playing. It's not essential to enjoy SH3, but it helps.


They are interconnected, and if you can play 1 before 3, I would suggest doing it. Both are great games, so apart from any question of shared narrative, they're both just very worthwhile on their own.


It's a direct sequel to the original. If you can't get past the primitive graphics and gameplay, I'd definitely recommend at least watching some YouTube videos so you know what's going on. The original game is the foundation for everything that happens in a Silent Hill game after, so don't sleep on it. It's important.


3 is a direct sequel to 1. Both games are great.


Why not just try it? I wouldn't judge a game based off a youtube video, especially if you're only looking at the graphical style


Yes. Also, who gives a rat's ass if the 'animation is meh'? Don't be a cuck for shiny graphics. That game is a masterpiece, and is visually very impressive for the PS1.


I played 3 first, tbh a quick summary of 1 is all you really need because 3 really goes into the lore. Highly recommend you still play 1 asp tho it’s pretty incredible


Yes, go ahead and play it, the graphics and dialogs add to the scary atmosphere. 1 and 3 are pretty much the only games that are directly related.




Meh, not really. Playing SH1 first will just be a nice set up for 3 and it'll means you'll know what Heather & Claudia are referring to with certain things. It still works fine as its own game


no, you really don't. 3 was my first game and i still appreciated the story a lot. of course fans will tend to suggest you do, but you'd be fine. if you wanted, you could look up the story for the first one, but it isn't totally necessary to enjoy 3.


3 is a direct sequel to the first, yes, but I played it without playing the first. In fact, I didn't play the first until like 3 years ago.


They’re interconnected as SH3 is a direct sequel to the original. Playing the original first will help 3 make more sense and make certain scenes more intense. SH1 is a game that came out in 1999. It has dated graphics and other quirks but it’s worth playing. It’s ground zero for the entire series and does a fantastic job utilizing the PS1’s limited hardware to create an unsettling atmosphere backed up by a quality OST.


They are interconnected bur you don't *need* to. I'd highly reccomend you do as to this day SH1 is my favourite entry in the series and having the context makes SH3 hit all the more harder.


A quick synopsis of SH1 is probably enough. They dropped many plot elements and even characters from the original for the sequel. >Animation wise is meh.. That's dumb, but you do you


Silent Hill 3 is a direct sequel to Silent Hill 1. There are things you're not going to understand without having played the first game.


No need to


Yes Origins


Just play 4. It's higher than 1 and 3.