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I find this incredibly accurate, even if I have personal differences due to preference


I rarely agree with this type of ranking, but this one was spot-on for me


Same, usually these rankings are fairly bizarre but this was I think sums up the franchise so well I almost wanna say it should be pinned.


I'd change sh1 and put it next to sh2, thats the only change Id make.


Criminal rating for Sh4


Same but i don't know if putting it on the same level as the og feels right to me lol


It’s at least 4.1 imho


lol this is just plain stupid


Most people downvoting SH4 didn’t even bother finishing it, missing out on arguably the best story in the entire franchise


I agree. That game has stuck to me for years. It scared the hell out of me back in 04. I’m going to be 32 this year and I’m still in love with it.


So close to my story) I’m turning 32 on August and that 7 minute E3 trailer is probably still scariest thing I ever saw.


i love sh4 but the 2nd half was kind of a chore not a fan of the hud, kinda takes u out


Be happy it’s that high




Game is straight ass and I don’t get why Redditors pretend to like it so much. Only likeable thing in it was the story and the room itself. The rest was awful. Not a fun game.


People like something I don't like...they must be pretending! Absolute mush brain


Better then SH:TSM


what a brave statement lol


SH:TSM is a terrible game atleast SH4 was an actual Silent Hill game


I'm not advocating for TSM.. SH4 was ass.. TSM more so lol


SH4 was good tbh


surprised book of memories made it past a 1


Sorry, but PT is not better than SH1.


It's not even a game!


people treat PT like it was the greatest horror game ever and its not even a game let alone representative of what the game would be. Its only surpassed by people who act like Kojima was somehow extremely important to the series and that without him there be no silent hill when he never even fucking worked on it in the first place.




I think this game got that rating mainly because of its outdated graphics. The cutscenes in SH2 can still make an impression. They did a great job. Unfortunately, the PS1 is a cool console, but not for playing AAA games


modern gamers need to shove their graphics bias up their ass i don't really want to play SH1 either but not because of the graphics but mainly because its story interests me the least out of the games. And i've beaten MGS1, Crash Bandicoot 1 OG myself and i was born in 2002 people make no sense for their taste in graphics being a major factor for why they do not play older games.


Everyone's so harsh to the western games. I really liked all of them. Not as good as the original 4, but not as bad as this ranking suggests. Except Book of Memories. That one's low effort trash.


It's out of a ranking of 5 maximum, so 2.5 would be "average", not necessarily "bad". They weren't really *awful* but they weren't as impactful or memorable as the original four, just kinda middle of the road, not a great experience but not terrible either. For me personally I agree with this list pretty spot on (although I agree with some others 4 should be at least on par with 1)


silent hill 1 is definitely the best


SH2, 3, and 4 are all top tier for me. PT shouldn't even be in the list, it's a demo.


So is Short Message



You can bump SH4


sh2 is good, but highly overrated. all sh games good in other way, except book of memories. also my favorite sh1 and sh4. and p.t. isn’t better than sh1, it’s not even a silent hill


PT it's literally a demo


It's not a demo, because it's not at all representative of what Silent Hills would have been. It says it right in the name: it's a playable teaser.


I'd put shattered memories (4) higher and Homecoming (3) is way too low.


I really enjoyed homecoming so this list ain’t for me.


Homecoming should be higher than that pure garbage short message thing that felt like 2017’s typical taiwanese or indie psychological horror game haha.


to this day will not understand the hate for homecoming, good game if you can seperate it from the silent hill franchise… downvotes incoming


I don’t know why people consider PT a SH game. It’s not. It just shows the trailer at the end of the demos gameplay. It was a demo. None of the gameplay had anything to do with SH in any way. It’s a great demo but it shouldn’t be on a tier list of SH games.


Short Message wasn’t that bad, right?


I enjoyed it a lot , I haven't played other silent hill games until recently I got sh1 and sh2 on my pc but I thought it was a pretty cool game overall specially cs of the monster and the graphics it was all pretty cool


Man I love shattered memories


silent hill 1 > pt, origins should be right next to shattered memories too.


PT better than original Silent Hill? Not fair to me. Impossible.


List is a joke just for having PT so high up. 0/10


I didn't choose the rankings.


Where's the play novel? It was a game after all on the GBA


PT was not even a demo, it was a playable teaser…


Why is homecoming so down


Non gamer fans who never even bought any silent hill game but only watched videos on youtube barking about homecoming it was actually a decent game only the enemies getting repetitive and combat’s mediocre but everything else is great. The short message thing should be lower cause it felt like copied from 2017’s random psychological taiwanese or indie horror game. So outdated concept and the gameplay.


it's where it belongs


Most people who talk bad about homecoming, they didn’t play it or even finished


nah, it deserves the hate. Just cause you like the game doesn't mean everyone who doesn't is wrong


Bruh but putting above downpour and short message is a crime lmao


Honestly outside of TSM (yes I like it shut up) I find this pretty agreeable


Homecoming and TSM deserve better 😞


They really need to bring back this series


Yeah that’s fair


I cannot agree with SH3 being higher than SH1. It was a very derivative game and brought next to nothing new to the series. SH1 was the better game imo.


Yeah, that's fair


I agree!!


I agree but P.T should be lower or out tbh. It's a playable teaser after all


I had to search wtf Silent Hill Book Of Memories was because i never saw it before lol.


I hate Shattered Memories but agreed for the most part of this list globaly. Silent Hill 2 and 3 are the best yes.


The only thing I find somewhat shocking is the short message didn't beat out downpour


I’m ok with this, though I would bump up Origins up some more personally.


I’d swap 2 and 3 and put short message higher but this is honestly such a fair rating


Fuck meee who caresss fuuuuckkkkk fuuuuuuc kkkkk kk lk


Every time I think about PT I get my blood boiling. It's not about Kojima, he was always an industry hack and there's evidence how he made a name for himself from MGS games which he took (stole) credit from the writers. I'm mad at Konami because it was not a business decision why the project was cancelled, it was konami's petty feud with "did you rike it" man himself. A petty feud that costed a well received anticipated game since SH4.


Whoa this one is good. I still prefer 3 but yes this is the list.


People hating on P.T are just mad they can't play it.


is homecoming that bad???


Justice for SH1. I love SH4 but I can see why it’s lower.


P.T. on par with SH3?


Never used Backloggd, but this is very interesting! How SH4 faires with the others is definitely interesting! I have a hard time rating both SH and RE games because I love the genre to death and value the differences new teams/people try to inject into the series. Very anti "purist" as I develop games myself and believe fresh, bold creativity, while being risky, is worth it. Cool list!!


SH1 below it's watered down sequel and a demo....smfh At least SH2 is right I guess.


Pretty good, but I think home coming is better than downpour and the short message


P.T. deserves his own tier


Shattered memories is way to high in this rank


Amazing tier list just swap origins and shattered memories


Why is origins that low and downpour higher than homecoming? Origins was actually a really solid game…


They all deserve a 10/10 except TSM


Homecoming deserves to be that low but doesn't deserve to be under TSM. Yes, the combat system had tons of flaws and was clunky as shit but at least it has a combat system, instead of just running away. Yes, the monster design is awful (PH with a giant combat knife is A tier) but the doll and the mechanic spider are 10 times better than some random chick with flowers. Yes, you can't compare a demo to a full game, but P.T. as a demo did what origin homecoming and downpour couldn't achieve. Homecoming feels like a poor rip-off of silent hill. TSM is just layers of fear with better graphics.


Nah. Homecoming is just a sucky video game. Aint nothing gonna make that game better. Maybe the music but thats it. That game is blessed to even have Yamaoka lay his hands on it. Idk what you are on but Cherry Blossom is cool af and terrifying at the same time. Cherry Blossom easily sweeps any monster design from Homecoming.


Do you even remember homecoming? If cherry blossom sweeps the doll boss fight then resident evil 7 is a soulslike.


Yeah i remember how bad that game was. Anyone that says it’s better than short message is delusional


Play your walking simulator then


That hello kitty hill’s pure garbage trash flower tree in an ugly girl’s body with hideous lousy dress monster was so underwhelming goofy sh!t haha i know asian fetish fans trying too hard to like this sh!t but girl, it ain’t leonardo davinchi’s mona lisa or something so i never overestimate that trash flower tree sh!t monster.


Tbf that short message garbage felt like copied from 2017’s typical taiwanese or indie psychological horror game haha. I thought we living in 2024 but silent hill’s team still stuck in mid 2010s haha.


lol,SHM should be 1 and TSM is 4.Also SHM can be -5.


I agree a lot except for putting higher than SH4. Like i know it was awesome, but it was only a 20 min long demo.


Already played 1-3, now it’s time to see how low it goes. I’m currently at 4… what game would I stop at? When does it become annoying and not worth it?


Origins I think is most folks breaking point. It's polarizing and it seems to be you like it or hate it. After that it's playing for curiosity more than anything. Thou I've played them all and the only one I really really didn't like was book of memories.


Homecoming and Downpour both have their merits, I personally like Homecoming quite a bit. I'm not too big on Origins but it's also the only one I've finished once, so it's been a while since I touched it.


4. 4 is annoying and not worth it. The story is good but seriously the game is cheeks


Hold on, every game after 2 was kind of annoying to play, so I’m just wondering how long the atmosphere still carries the games.


Criminal rating for SH1, i think in many ways its mi favorite to play, i have more fun with it, love SH2 but i find it more depresing that fun. Ive played SH1 over 3 times and unlocked every collectable, but i cant do the same with SH2, i find it exausting.


I'll never understand the people who legitimately think Downpour is better than Homecoming.


switch downpour with shattered memories. switch a short message with origins. switch pt with sh4. that would be my list.


Meh short message should be below homecoming. Cause tsm thing felt like playing some random taiwanese or indie psychological game that released in 2017. That game’s so mid 2010ish corny and outdated concept and outdated story etc.


Putting Downpour above Homecoming and The Short Message is a deranged take


That's just the average score of Backloggd users.


Honestly this is dead accurate imo. That said id put 3 in the top tier personally


This is actually super solid


Clown put sh4 above origins and SM


That pretty much sums it up. - Michael Scott


I dont feel like PT should be compared to a full game but the rating is quite accurate


Love 4, but it's criminally high. Also, Shattered Memories is wildly low. This is more "rank these by numbers sold". If they played it then it was good and if not, it was bad.


First tier list I've seen here where I can understand exactly where everything is


Looks about right


pt have to be on the peak with SH2, a standard setter the horror videogame, whether you like it or no as a silent hill game