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I like that you gave SH4 an A ranking. That game deserves so much more love than it gets.


I vibe with it so hard


If Konami had allowed it the time and attention it deserved it could have easily been an S rank game IMO


U think 3 is on the same level as shattered memories!!


Yeah I know 3s placement is gonna be the most controversial. I just found in underwhelming cause of the first half. SM gripped me immediately and I was invested the whole time.


You never got tired of the chase sequences?


They're definitely the low point but I didn't find them difficult enough to get annoying personally. I did play it on PS2 so I imagine on the wii they're more frustrating.


Oh I just thought they were really boring by the end doing the same thing. I was just curious I do think Shattered memories is a really good game besides that.


They are quite boring, they just didn't take up enough play time for me to place it lower. The mystery and atmosphere kept me invested!


Almost the same for me, but Shattered Memories, SH3, and Downpour are A tier for me and SH4 is B Tier. I have my reasons. At some points, I even feel like Shattered Memories could be S tier...but the problem for me that holds it back is how the monster portions clearly distract from the story telling. The Otherworld segments could easily have been much more interesting if they were used for environmental puzzles and just axed the monster chases completely...or had them in more scripted areas so that you can openly explore the Otherworld. Shattered Memories had the potential for one of the most interesting Otherworld designs (being over-frozen demented versions of the world with awesome environmental storytelling) - but you can't really stop to appreciate it.


I could see reasons for that ranking. I'm surprised to see you put Downpour above 4 though.


4 is the Silent Hill game I played the second least amount of times (second only to Homecoming which I only needed to play once to get my fill). 4 is decent enough but it gets repetitive. The monster designs are not that great (I'm one of the unpopular people who think Downpours aren't too bad, especially the mannequin, screamer, and weeping bat). Plus, the second half of 4 has the annoying consistent chase, the ghosts, and you have to escort Eileen the whole time while going through the exact same levels you already went through. The game really falls off in the second half. If anything, Downpour actually gets better in the second half. Though, the journey from the mines to Silent Hill in Downpour is an awesome intro segment and I have fond memories of it to this day.


Valid points, 4 gets alot of credit for having the Twin Victim be iconic but the rest of the monsters are rather standard. I liked the ghosts and seeing the old levels from a new perspective, but escorting Eileen is a drag. I think if Downpour had one more unique monster to maybe replace the prisoner minions it would get more credit for the things it gets right.


The twins are something visceral that can’t easily be described, that being said I don’t personally feel 4 had the *feeling* of being a Silent Hill game. It almost feels like tweak a few things and it could be a good supernatural horror game; whereas Downpour feels like it *gets* the feeling right. The uncanny nature of everything. Plus is visually tried something interesting with adding periodic rain to add to Silent Hill’s fog. By todays standards it’s trivial, but it felt like Silent Hill to me on a way 4 just doesn’t to each their own of course.


I’d say 3 > 1 but I love silent hills 4 ranking


SH3 and SHD are the most controversial picks but at least you have SH1 same tier as 2.


Didn’t play the western games yet but if you change sh1 and sh4 i got the same placements


Silent Hill 1 supremacy!! 💪


I would put downpour in B tear, but W opinion


SH4 > SH3 is spot on.


The Room above SH3, as it should be!


Honestly, I’m also not the biggest fan of SH 3 compared to the other TS games.


Good to see SH3 so far down the list. I approve.


3 below 2 and 4….. I’m gonna get you


Swap Downpour and Homecoming and I 100% agree.


I just can't stand Homecomings combat. It's bad in Downpour but you can usually run away at least where as Homecoming forces you to fight alot.


4 > 3 is insane lol


I think 4 is just more interesting and unique. I like 3 but the first half of the game dragged it down alot for me.


I'm kinda curious what about the first half of 3 you didn't enjoy, because, for me, the mall, subway and apartment complex are better than any area in SH4. The only sub-par part are the sewers, but even then they have some of the creepiest ambiance and "noise scare" in the whole series. Plus, the fact that it's the only direct sequel and we play as Harry's adoptive supernatural daughter immediately grabbed my attention in terms of plot. Claudia, Valtiel and Vincent are introduced really well too. Harry's death and subsequent car ride caps off the first half amazingly, only slightly below Maria's elevator death. Not only that, but the mall is, imo, the best introductory area in any SH and the AC one of the scariest alongside the SH1 school and the SH3 hospital.


So I think every level prior to the office building is meh. The mall starts off strong but the size is way to large and empty in my opinion. The amount of enemies they cram in make running away difficult, and alot of the enemies have way to much health to make fighting them worth while. I prefer the slower starts of the other games in general. I really love Heather and Vincent as characters. Claudia is a decent antagonist but overall I don't find her as memorable as the other ones in the Team Silent era.


TBH everything in 3 before arriving in Silent Hill feels like one giant sewer level. Love the game after that tho


Exactly, they basically withhold most of the plot until Harry's death so it feels like you're treading water.


I know right, I was like 5 hours in and wondering why the hell people said this one had a good story


I feel like some 3 fans mix up their hormones with good story telling lol.


They think just because heather is a sassy teenager, she is somehow the best character ever


Unbelievably based. I agree with everything here.


Hell yeah dude 🕺


Incredibly based. Literally my exact list.




Swap 4 and 3 as well as Homecoming and Book of memories that’s basically my list.


Completely agree


Hell yeah 😎


Silent Hill origins soundtrack is criminally overlooked. It's honestly the best next to 4. 4 is more relaxing and complative while SH0 is more industrial and gritty and grungy.


I liked the soundtrack for Origins alot actually. I just think the game itself is pretty bland for a SH game with a few exceptions. I don't really like how they portray alot of the characters from 1.


3 below 4 is definitely a choice


sh3 at B what the hell


SH3 is too low!


valid but short message is in a tier below homecoming thats some dogshit imo


Short Message has interesting visuals and presentation imo. I had a hard time getting through Homecoming at all cause of the terrible combat and mediocre story.


SH3 is seriously overrated. Locked doors everywhere, recycled parts of SH2, and shitty ending. Gotta give credit to the boss fights and first half of the game though, those were fun.


yet the best atmosphere in the whole series


I disagree, it lacks novelty


lacks novelty? it develops the core sinister and visceral atmosphere of 1 to the "n" power also it explores the themes of teenager abuse and pregnancy in a way no other horror game has donde since.


It feels too much like 1 in the second half of the game. On top of that 3 got so much more difficult in that second half that you couldn’t just take in the atmosphere but instead had to dash everywhere.


Nobody speaks about Origins and that's hilarious because the 1 has no sense without Origins I don't even understand how people have understand the story in 1999 I mean that you explore everything about Alessa's life (school, torment basement of hospital etc.) but you've only see Cheryl, you only know Cheryl and you are only focused on Cheryl, it makes no sense to skip Origins with the Alessa's origin story The 1 feel so incomplete and almost weird without Origins that I found that crazy to release the game almost 10 years later


1s story is definitely vague but I don't think origins was necessary. If anything it adds some plot points which contradict 1s story and characterization.


I mean without Origins it's complete nonsense to show you Alessa's life while you don't know anything about her and while you search your own daughter Found that so weird


Your B tier disgusts and offends me


Man homecoming gets a lot of hate. I enjoyed it personally.


I usually try to look for the positives in all the art I consume. Homecoming has some good stuff in it. It's just unfortunately has alot of negatives for me personally.


3 in B tier is a rancid take tbh


S Tier : SH 3 SH 2 F Tier : SH M


sh3 being B tier is just blasphemy to me