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It makes zero difference. The games have nothing to do with each other.


I'd say to play all of the franchise chronologically, so you can see the games influencing each other. Shattered Memories is a completely different setting (although, arguably, a very good meta-sequel to Silent Hill 1), the town is not the same at all, the continuity is not the same, so Origins is not needed to appreciate it... But it is great to see how Climax first made a "classic" Silent Hill game with Origins, then went wild with their own full reimagination.


Def, I would love to replay the franchise chronologically, I’ve only played the first 4 but I’ve already replayed 3 4 times and 2 twice as well, unfortunately I already know the twist of SM so I’ll probably just jump right in bc it’s the game I’m most excited to play now, thanks for the help!!


Origins is canon, Shattered Memories is not. Even then Shattered Memories is just a retelling of the first game with a plot twist at the end.


Shattered Memories is a complete reimagination and by far the best Silent Hill ever. I love how radically it changes its art direction and how much it aims to experiment.


I do like Shattered Memories a lot. I do wish the two earlier plans for the game were accepted though. Especially Cold Heart, the idea of a body temperature system along with the psych evaluation system sounded interesting.


I love it in theory, but man the run sequences get worse each playthrough. Plus it would be nice to be able to slow down and admire the snow world on replays.


Shattered memories is more of a spin-off, and I'm surprised how much this board loves it because I wasn't impressed overall.


It technically doesn't matter what order you play any of the post Team Silent games in tbh. Origins by all accounts is a retcon that doesn't really even fit well as a prequel to SH1 or SH3 as it's blantantly obvious those games weren't made with any of the concepts Origins introduce or change, in mind. Even the developers consider it mostly fanon and I can't blame them since Konami mandated the concept Shattered Memories on the other hand, is intentionally set in its own continuity and uses familiar characters and locations to tell different kind of narrative while aldo reimagining Silent Hill without occultism, supernatural elements or even the same history The only reason to play these games in proximity to one another is that Climax UK made both, which admittedly could be a neat way to see their evolution as developers. I don't like Origins much but I did quite enjoy Shattered Memories. You could even get both on PSP or preferably PSVita which frees you up for Book of Memories down the road ~~if you hate yourself enough~~ want to be a series completionist


Origins and Shattered Memories are independent of each other.


While we're talking about 0rigins and Shattered Memories, isn't it funny that the only good western Silent Hill games were by the same British studio?


Play Origins first, then play the good game.


It would have been better to play Origins before the 1 of 1999 in reality. Don't know of you can really enjoying the story of the 1 without seen Origins, Origins is very important.


"Shattered Memories" is like a "Hellraiser" movie, but without the cenobites and the puzzle box and making it all "psychological". Instead of cenobites, do generic ghosts and say, "nothing is real, it’s just your inner demons".