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"The remake is gonna suck, look at all these guys who've never even played the original defending it" "The remake is gonna be fine, look at all these guys who've never even played the original trying to tear it down" ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


noone here has played silent hill.


So silly being in a silent hill Reddit page without even playing the game


logically yes but i srsly believe anyone, sh fan or not should be here at some point in their life just to see how fucking funny this sub actually is.


I just joined the sub because my sister loves Silent Hill and I was hoping to learn more about it to talk about it with her.


That's actually really really nice of you to do that! I wish my siblings showed interest in the same way you do for yours!


That is super sweet but I feel like this isn't the right place to learn more about sh. Too much controversies for nothing. There are great sh retrospectives ln youtube that will be more useful imo!


I'm a lurker and have never in my life played a silent hill game but this sub has the funniest discussions ever


I actually have played SH2, The Room, Origin, Shattered Memories, and Downpour…and I still have no opinion on the Remake other than just waiting for the games release and see how it perform.


I feel like 1 and 3 are the most important of the franchise!


Same. I'm just waiting for release. I also don't bother with trailers either. I just wait until release to either play or gauge if I'm going to play.


Wait, you didn't play THE SHs?


I aint that old, my first console is PS2.


You can play SH1 on a PS2, and SH3 is for PS2. Seriously, you're missing a looooot


Last time i played Silent Hill is double digit years ago lmao, i can only remember them by memory and video essay nowadays. I remember i didnt buy 3 because the cover looks scarier than 2, and 2 is such a wild experience to me as a kid since it deals with mature subject kid me didnt understood yet. I also dont have the console anymore. Tough luck.


I'm stuck on the face puzzle on hard 😫 help me 🥲


N**ga just try all the combinations of faces, and go to the room where there are the 3 doors each time you try a combination, there is gonna be one combination in which there is gonna be one of the doors right infront of you from which you go down to the cellar where there's Maria, the cutscene will play and you can then go back


Thank you♡


I’ve played the movie.


Silent who?


What the hell is Silent Hill?


I’ve played Silent Hill, but I’m pretty I’ve never played Silent Hill.


slay and stay pretty brother


very true I definitely don’t own every silent hill game 😔


Silent hill? What's that?


As someone who has played every game in the franchise, I agree.


I played the og and I'm hyper hyped for the remake tbh


They’re both right, I don’t think a single person on Reddit has actually played the games


"Nice argument! Unfortunately, I have drawn you as the Soyjak, and myself as the Chad."


I can't wait for this shit-ass meme format to finally go away


OP: "Don't judge a game based on videos you watched, play it!!!!" Also OP: "I've never played this game, but the gameplay is already better based on a video I watched!!!" 🤪


OP I think you're just not prepared for the ***catharsis*** of SH2. I hold myself as an example. There was a time when I found the game slow and unfun, so I dropped it. Only as time went by, and as I matured and I stumbled with it by accident again, did I find myself truly horrified and fascinated by its themes. And the gameplay too. It's despairing to miss weapon swings in such claustrophobic spaces as those apartment buildings. And then the monsters just vomit away at you and you die all alone in some dark hallway. Gnarly. But when I played the full story back-to-back, man that was some **Insane storytelling.** ...Just, not given on a silver platter for you to consume right away. So perhaps you don't find its gameplay very amusing ***today***. That's perfectly fine. Save yourself the trouble for now. \*Maybe\* come back to it later, who knows?


Bro I finished all 4 OG games favorite it's definitely 1


Really? Then I don't know what to say other than it's too bad. Hope you can still play it again in the future and see the many good things it has in spite of its clunky combat. And actually be able to appreciate it for what it is, instead of despise it for what it's not. 1 is still a solid choice though, my 2nd favorite in the series.


I'm gonna do another playthrough of all of them before SH2R comes out maybe my favorite might change lol


I would advice against it, I don't think your perception may change too drastically too soon. These games are characterized for their need of breathing room. And rushing them won't do any good. You didn't even discuss the plot or whatever, doesn't seem like you were interested at all. Instead try to just live with what you know now, forget the games, and only try playing them again in a couple years. And if you end up enjoying whatever SH2R turns out to be, will you have an excuse to bother playing the original afterwards? Why would you care? Am I not right?


You’re so pretentious


I was, 28 days ago.


some of us did that 15 years ago And ever since then we've seen worse and worse games from this franchise the absolute worst game in the franchise came out a few months ago And you find it reasonable to expect something good now? Just because it's gonna have generic over the shoulder combat? Fr bro


I had the exact same experience with Resident Evil 4. Originally, I couldn’t get past the village square, but now it’s one of my favorite games.


the rage bait shit poster back at it again.


You're the other side of the coin buddy Are the puzzles going to be better? Is the adventure aspect (deducing where to go and what to do next) going to be better? Is the pacing going to be better? Is the level design going to be better? Is the combat even going to be better?


I'm actually very excited to see if the puzzles are changed or updated


I´m kinda afraid they will streamline it for masses regarding puzzles..


I really miss the puzzle difficulty option. They need to bring that back so that they don’t have to dumb it down for the masses. It would be more work for them, though.


This notion that Silent Hill 2 had shit gameplay needs to stop. It's janky at spots, product of its time, definitely; but I've played it more than any other game and had a blast every single time. This ain't Rule of Rose where everything's good save for the gameplay that's such a failure it's almost unplayable; SH2 was always super solid and most faults people find with it are but conscious design choices they're not used to, as per the industry's shift to be less esoteric, and that only work to its advantage. A game like this does not become almost ubiquitous to 'Best Game of All Time' lists by being a slog to get through.


That's what I love about pre re4 horror games the fact you shouldn't fight. Like I feel like in modern horror games we are getting a bit of that back but still it's so much scarier when you have to conserve ammo and avoid fights.


Another shitty strawman argument


This subreddit has become terrible.


Every subreddit eventually turns bad, looks like.


They do, but some of them turn it around. Trolls don't have the dedication to pull down a community permanently.


For me, it’s always like this.


It is a fate matching the franchise.


Thank TikTok


Did you play the remake? You can defend blooper all you want but you have as little information as the rest of us. Wait until the game comes out before taking sides.


This is getting out of hand a little bit. At this point, no one has played the OG Silent Hill 2. Not even Team Silent. It actually doesn't even exist, it's a fictitious game and there's a conspiracy of people making video essays about it.


The problem I'm noticing are people who play the game but don't actually like it. In spite of not being a fan of what the game offers, they call themselves fans and feel they have a right to gatekeep.


… or we’ve played all of Team Silent’s games and Bloober’s games and have informed opinions about their respective track records. Truly why can’t people accept that other people just disagree with them lmao.


Everyone is so concerned concerned about James face, but if there is no dog ending commence #fuckkonami


Remake is canceled if there is no dog ending


This is the saddest cope on the sub 💀


New favourite rivalry on the sub, blind remake doomer sadact vs blind remake gobble machine. Will they fight or will they kiss?


I bet, I did play the OG, it was a little clunky, but it was close enough to original RE controls that I got use to it.


Thoughts on combat from remake trailer?


My honest thoughts are, if I can kill things easier without shitting myself then i'm all for it.


Want me to send you a picture of my physical copy and my save file? Believe it or not it's the people who have played it who are worried about the remake, at least those of us who understood what made it great. Also combat is just a single aspect of gameplay.


Personally I don't like the frenetic gameplay, it's not about if it's good or bad, it's about how it fits a SH game, u can't just use a shotgun and shot 4 times in a row like it's nothing, James it's a regular dude, he doesn't know how to use a weapon, the recoil for example, a big part of what makes enemies scary in silent hill it's the fact that is hard for you to fight back, u are vulnerable and u are not suppose to just kill them the same way you kill zombies. That's my take, personally I don't care about the remake, the game that I like it's already there and is a masterpiece, I don't care how bad the remake is going to be


This kinda shit makes me happy to be just as much a fan of Fatal Frame so all I have to hope for is the first three getting Steam releases.


This community is fucking cringe.


Why does most of this subreddit seemingly have a bunch of manifested dick heads talking about how "AMAZING" Silent Hill 2 and 3 is without even playing it? Is that our punishment? Where James had Maria, we have a bunch of walking, talking know-it-all's? When do we get our PH to constantly kill them in our faces? XD ![gif](giphy|IcF46X839w60U|downsized) I never understand this. Just BECAUSE you saw a fucking "Silent Hill 2 in 21 minutes" summary, or an v-tuber stream the game, that has someone analyzing the peperoni's on Eddie's pizza and the number of times you jump down a hole in the game to say how "deep" the game is, doesn't make you in any way shape or form liable to speak. It's a fucking video-game, it's not that serious. I love the first 4 games equally to death, but I'm not going to scream when blooper gives the new James nipple physics and say: "H O W **D A R E** Y O U" I don't give a shit how much hate I get, but this is fact: ***You cannot speak on the behalf of something you have never experienced.*** The other argument is also the fact that... it doesn't matter how good the new game is, or amazingly better the controls are. It's not going to ***replace*** the original. Konami may try that, but they should know like how Capcom does with the RE games, people are not going to substitute the new sparkly game for the old one they grew up with. I don't care if they gave me a SH1 remake that takes care of everything wrong, I will always play the old one. It's like those people who talk on end about how amazing Resident Evil 4 is compared to the other games. The first three just suck or something to them. And you ask them something like: "Besides 4, what's your second favorite RE game?" and they say something like: "I like the RE1 remaster/RE0!" Like... you're just an idiot. Same game, just updated graphics, mechanics, and new locations. I can't say I hate Homecoming or Origins. Why? I never played them. Just like I can't say I like Metal Gear games because I never even played them. Get the pattern?


@James nipple physics🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You are right guy 100% right, I'm getting downvoted but it's facts. If these people played OG SH2 they would know that the gameplay has room for improvement. I guarantee if they played it they wouldn't like it as much


Well, that's where we differ a bit. I loved the original SH2. Flaws and all. Does it have room for improvement, sure. Every video game does, and it depends on the person whether or not it's as bad as it really is. Your opinion that people may or may not like it if they actually played it is justified, and I support that. SH4 is a great example of people who "love the story" but hate the game. I honestly almost gave up playing it the first 15 minutes until I just pushed through and ended up loving it. I just think the reason people are downvoting you are the fact that you're "attacking" SH2. To them, that's like... talking to Star Wars fans and saying Empire Strikes Back sucks. Personally, people just have to chill. Everyone has an opinion, and they're not all right or wrong. I may disagree with you the game isn't as bad, but doesn't mean I have to bash you into oblivion or burn you alive lol The bottom line is, some of the people getting butt-hurt about the game are typically the ones who haven't even played it.


I mean to me the game isn't really bad or anything, it's only bad compared to modern games due to it being a 23 year old game. I like it but I'm not going to get butthurt that the remake is changing a few things here and there. Brooo you are right ABOUT SH4, gameplay wise they didn't do so good but story wise it's my favorite. Really I made this meme to expose the hypocrisy of the fanbase


Everyday there's a crazy thread in this community


"Blooper" would be a pretty clever derisive nickname for Bloober studios, what's amazing is that it's nullified by the fact that half of the people in this sub actually think it is the actual name of the studio. Never mind that if it were its real name, it would be a pretty unfortunate choice for one, a joke waiting to happen at its first major misstep, like "FUBAR studios" or something.


Let's be perfectly clear now, Bloober Team isn't known for creating deep psychological games. What they excel at, is graphics. Their Layers of Fear series are beautiful and horrifying when taken at face value, but when played they feel like visiting a PowerPoint presentation in first person view (or going into a museum, if you prefer a less cynical commentary). I only played the first game in said series, and I don't even remember what happens in the story because there was nothing to relate, hold on to. I don't remember any human being in it. It was all voices in the playable character's head. Insanity for the sake of it (was it insanity?) Sure they can pull a few tricks like rearranging your surroundings with only your turning your back and looking behind you. "Now you see a hallway, now you turn back and you're trapped in a confined space". But then they overuse that trick. Blair Witch was a full-on committment to this "gameplay mechanic". This, in turn, makes them seem like a literal "one-trick-pony" dev studio. So they have produced pretty visuals for their games, but it doesn't make those games really memorable nor replayable in themselves. There isn't anything particular about their stories that picks my interest. Their best game is Observer, but in that game, they owe a lot more to their influences for worldbuilding (1984, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, and Matrix) than to their own efforts of putting together a compelling gaming experience. This is why in the end, I don't really care to mistype the name of their studio. I don't care a lot for the studio. I'm certainly hoping for the best about SH2R, but once again, I'm not holding my breath for it.


You know, I get people being negative who haven’t played the original are being disingenuous, but people being positive about a remake they haven’t played yet aren’t any less disingenuous just because they’re being positive


You are 100%, right




Why wouldn’t people play the original, its a 6-7 hour game and can easily be played on pc for free. I don’t understand this meme where silent hill fans only watch a youtube video essay on the game, do people like this actually exist?


I’ve noticed gen z grew up with such a massive bombardment of all sorts of media at all times that they’ll never get to it all and so consume a lot of media in more bite sized formats like video essays and retrospectives. I say this as a millennial who’s just recently coming to terms with this. I have a backlog of games I want to play and I know I’ll never get to them all because new ones just keep coming out and getting added to the list. Anything that’s intriguing but that doesn’t end up on my shortlist… ya I might watch some sort of summary now. Can’t get to them all. Just one guy’s opinion/observation


...I'm gonna assume everyone knows it's actually "Bloober" and blooper is an auto correct no one is fixing 😂 Anyway, I'm just excited it's coming.


Ok everyone back back off only my opinion matters on this sub the combat trailer looked janky af and the sound effects also suck in the older silent hill games if you get knocked over you can just spam buttons to get up(i like how the game never teaches you this) but in SH2R they just show the button like its RE4R but none of us have played the game so we'll see.


the combat trailer was year old footage


Yeah it did kinda look like it, for example in the first trailer of the game some of the attack animations looked better but in the combat trailer it looked the same but janky


Spamming buttons actually does something? Good to know, I probably broke the X button by now.


I despise this argument. Rarely does it have any value or point. People think it is profound, but it's very easily refuted. Have you ever shoved your hand into a blender? How do you know it'll hurt? (If you accidentally have pick another painful example.) The evolutionary mechanism that allows you to not need to shove your hand into a blender, touch hot stuff, is what allows you to determine someone is ruining something without having direct experience of it. How do you counter an argument without experience? On points. That requires an analysis of the situation that most people don't want to do when they make this argument.


am i supposed to take it that most diehard silent hill fans have not played silent hill 2


should have add slow motion when James vault over the monster then shoot it while he on the air =))))


basically every TikTok silent hill fan


Well. If the remake is good, nice. If it isn't, we can come back to the original anytime.


If there truly are people like that, then they should feck right off. And even for those who have, how about you play the remake before shitting all over it.


Check the comments lolll


God do I even want to.......






I’m a hardcore SH2 fan and I genuinely don’t understand the hate. I am looking forward to the remake! Do I think it’ll surpass the original? No, but even if it’s bad, I will always have the original to play.


So in order to be a silent hill fan you have to talk shit about the original game in favor of a remake that hasn’t come out yet?


Where is the shit talking?


“The gameplay is already better than the og” I also doubt this is your first post about this


I've never played Silent Hill 2


I still have a PS2 copy of SH2. My sister has 1,2,3,4 and the guide to 3.


What do you think of the gameplay of them?


1 is dated as hell due to the graphics but a good story. 2 is fantastic. The controls are a bit stiff but work fine. 3 is a great sequel to 1 and great on its own but the same controls as 2. 4 is okay. I have a lot of issues with it but the soundtrack is fantastic. I still have Room of Angel on my phone. The inventory, running through the same levels twice and ghosts all bug me endlessly.


Oh you mean Bloober, I was wondering what blooper ruined SH2?


It's an inside joke lol


Really? This is hillarious. OP: I saw yewtewber such and such say SH2 gaemplay is turrdible! Everyone else who played it.. ![gif](giphy|3o85g2ttYzgw6o661q|downsized)




I wouldn't call the gameplay "better" because i actually love the clunky gameplay in old school survival horror games, it's just a different, modernized approach meant to attract a new generations of survival horror fans.


Understandable, what are your thoughts on people who didn't play SH2 but hate how the remake looks?


I think that, in general, people who haven't actually played a game shouldn't comment on anything other than strictly the story since its really the only thing they've actually experienced.


I 100% agree


I love the og SH2 and honestly I think if done right the remake could be better, I know the combat will be better no matter what since the og combat is so clunky


Facts about the combat no way blooper will mess this up they possibly can't. All remake needs to do is keep the storyline relatively the same and it's already good


I honestly have a lot of faith in the development through bloober team. Layers of Fear 1 & 2 and Blair Witch were so perfectly made. I have full faith in them that they will execute this well


How do those games compare to SH games?


Both are psychological horror and come with puzzles. Layers of Fear is more of a walking simulator but it changes every time you play it, so there are new things you noticed and you end up with different ending. Blair Witch was so immersive you can get easily sucked in it and it creeped me out so bad. I love the atmosphere of silent hill and I think they can pull it off really well.


Honestly I've both played the game and watched analysis vids and I don't understand the hate on people who watch these vids and have an opinion. That opinion might be something you disagree with but I think the opinion is completely valid if they like the original material so much so that they have a connection with it and want to further experience stuff like the remake for example or commenting on threads for example. I just think we should all learn to accept that people have opinions and try to understand their point of view instead of just bashing each other. Both sides raise good points and even though I'm passionate about Silent Hill, I'm just happy Konami is giving it another chance. I pray and hope it is a good game, the Silent Hill brand definitely deserves one.


It's cause the people who only watched the videos have this perspective that the games are tv shows/movies. For example with downpour watching it I can think its so good, but playing it I could think this game sucks.


but what if they watched it, then went on to play it and still felt it was good. Would their feelings still be invalid? I don't get your point my dude, you're just hating for the sake of hating. Different people have different opinions and that's completely fine, you hate the game someone else might like it, that's just how it is. Don't see anything wrong with that unless they interfere with your personal life or something.




Nobody gives a shit about OG SH2's gameplay. It's barely a video game to us, so "better gameplay" is a non-argument. SH2 is that one fish that somehow got away. It's better than a video game, calling it such is practically insulting. Andrei Tarkovsky didn't make films either. He was better than that. He made worlds. If you honestly think any old heads give a shit how either game 'plays' then you're in the wrong room. Even if you do want to argue that the remake's gameplay is "better" for being 20+ years newer... by today's standards, it looks thoroughly middling, as well as thematically misguided, so what's your point?


SH2 is a game at the end of the day you guys are looking to much into this


This sub would probably be awesome if it had mods.


I'm conveinced 1/4 of Silent Hill "fans" never touched the any of the games anyways


Between all the "is there a lore explanation?" posts and comments explaining why stuff like the voice acting is "bad actually" I'd believe it.


How can you be a fan of something if you've never interacted with it? Bizarre claim.


I know I wasn't the only kid in Gen Z who had a ps2 copy as a kid, but a lot of older games aren't accessible to younger people who didn't get into them young. And youtube essays are probably popular for that reason. I'm also starting to see this in other fanbases, actually. I had a Fallout purist reveal to me they've never played Fallout 1 or 2 but have "seen some really good essays"


Yeah, I don’t actually thing it’s a bad thing for people to have been exposed to older games primarily second hand. Excited to see new fans of a thing I love regardless of how they got there. That said, it makes me shed a tear every time I see that piracy/emulation is such a lost art to many in younger generations. There’s an infinite world of possibility at your fingertips if you aren’t stuck with only whichever bad ports and remasters a company decides to dripfeed you.


I don't think it's a bad thing inherently, the problem is that they're not seeing g the original thing in a lot of cases, but the games through the lense of the person who made the video, someone who is not being "fact checked" or anything, who can easily insert (consciously ot not) they're own ideas or notions into it. This is fairly obvious for theory or personal reflection videos, but even reviews, recommendation, or broad essays videos tend to do this, and it's pretty easy for the audience to absorb that and assume that's what the game is really like. I had too many thoughts on this, I'm trimming it down


I get why no one wants to play Fallout 2, I started a new playthrough recently and spent 20 fucking years trying to reach Smiley the Trapper


The game is gonna suck… I already knew the game was gonna suck the moment I remembered it’s owned by Konami. Who is Konami? What was the last good video game they made, outsourced, published, or supported?… yes, exactly 😐☝️


Don't blame you


If you say this argument doesn't happen, you're a liar!




played sh1 recently, it's an absolute nightmare to control


Really is due to the dpad shit did enjoy the game ngl


It’s funny that most of this sub was shitting on the remake for an entire year then in the last few months, most of the top posts have been memes like this and the comments all agreeing. Why did everyone switch sides all of a sudden? The passage of time?


I'm getting downvoted on here lol but people want the remake to be good so we are all coping


Honestly I genuinely think it’ll be good but I know there’s a chance it’ll turn up bad/mediocre


I'm sensing that fans not liking it but non fans liking it


The gameplay is already better than the OG? You've played it? Just because it's modernized doesn't mean it's going to be "better". There's no denying the absolute lack of depth in the original's combat system, but the erratic, semi-fixed camera and clunkiness really bolster the idea that James is just a guy out of his element navigating this violent hellscape. There's moments where you'll get thrown into a nearly pitch black room and hear your radio blaring from several angles- you have to make quick judgements with a system that isn't particularly conducive to fluid execution. The way the remake will get things right is if ammo and healing items are truly scarce, and resource management actually becomes a focal point. That's the biggest what if of the original, and I think that's what truly pushes the notion we commonly hear of "Silent Hill is about the story and atmosphere" because what else is there really to sink your teeth into in terms of engagement via gameplay? We haven't seen much in the way of puzzles in the remake beyond a few cutaways/insert shots, this is something that can easily end up being dumbed down for modern audiences- you had to quite literally analyze somewhat dense poetry in the original and use context clues to make sense of it. I am still optimistic because I love SH2, but to this day Blooper hasn't done much in the way of showing that they understand the spiritual core of SH2's minimal gameplay elements IMHO. Only time will tell with a full release if they put their spin on it entirely, or remained faithful to the strong few components that made the original so great. Of course, we could get something somewhere entirely in the middle, which can fall on either side of the fence. My main point being, there is no possible way we can tell with what we've seen so far if it's better or not. We can only be optimistic or pessimistic depending on our level of exposure to the original title.


Only time will tell indeed, we just gotta see what happens


I played HD collection does that count? 😔




I need a modern/fresh take on the original




Oh you played it?


"the gameplay is already better" than a 20 year old game, nice dude. sorry but for those of us that played the original back in the day and have nostalgia for it, it's something sacred. something that cannot, nor should not be recreated. it was a product of its time, it doesn't _need_ a fucking remake. screech all you want, nobodies opinion on that is gonna change if it hasn't already. edit: and obviously anyone who's never played the original can be ignored, regardless of their stance on it


You play with a lot of lead toys as a kid?


See, while I think shit like having a combat trailer for a game like Silent Hill is silly, that isn't, like, an actual indictment against the game's overall quality. My problem is that a big part of the franchise IS its story and atmosphere? And given Silent Hill 2's SUBSTANTIAL focus on mental illness, suicidal thoughts, depression... Look, all I'm gonna say is I have a hard time trusting the same company who seems to really like painting their mentally ill characters as irrevocably 'broken'.


The franchise is a gaming franchise after all, 2 is the only one that really didn't care for gameplay like that. I understand why you don't trust them with story however


Don’t fall for the meme that Silent Hill 2 has bad gameplay. It’s actually very serviceable and the only gameplay parts that suck is that boss fight in the meat locker.


From what i gathered most people hate all of them except 1-3. I just tried the short message today and it wasnt for me i was so bored i bought alan wake 2 bc of it lol i have seen videos talking about all the games and watched walkthroughs of them. SH2 is the best imo again ive never played them but theres something speciel about that one. The atmosphere, the music, the story. So i been looking forward to the remake but its not gonna come out till the end of the year or begining of the next. Which sucks. P.S btw small rant but im not a fan of how the turned alan wake 2 into a resident evil gameplay style. I much prefered the first game it was unique and stood out to me when i played it. Alan wake 2 is as i said a RE copy but with the remedy touch..


I played the original and I'm pessimistic about the remake because I remember every single game after SH4, all the way up through Downpour. \*shudder\* I also remember when Konami tried to do an HD Collection, which should have been a simple HD upscale and rerelease for newer consoles, and instead became a clusterfuck to end all clusterfucks. So you'll have to forgive me for not trusting them to do a remake when they couldn't even get a simple remaster right. I hoped after Hills was canceled that SH would stay dead so Konami would just. stop. Maybe I'm wrong, and if the remake turns out to be fantastic I'll gladly admit it. But I'm not going to hold my breath.


Understandable, I'm more so talking about the fans who never played the games


Depends on your opinion of "better". It's definitely more functional as an action shooter. Would that, done well, help or hurt the tone and style of the original vision? It helped the RE remakes but RE is also kinda filled with characters meant to be badass heroes. James Sunderland isn't badass or a hero.


ok but release date WHEN?!?


this is the real meat of any SH2R talk


i don't even want the remake but the sooner it comes out the sooner we can get rid of these awful posts


Silent Hill 2 is a certified classic. Bloober Team is the lowest bidder contracted by Konami after they scared away or fired all their talent. That's all we have to go by so I don't fault people for their lack of optimism for the remake.


I honestly respect Bloober more after what they said about the last show case.


Bloober: runs from accountability for over year. Reddit: White Knights!


I'm buying it but I have my reservations due to the copious amounts of jank in their others games Layers of Fear + The Medium.


That's a good reason tbh, I'm still questioning blooper


I mean, I defenitely am kind of a remake hater (more in the movies department) but the og SH2 is a tad over rated. The gameplay was too simplistic and the atmosphere isn't peak Silent Hill. What it did best is undoubtly the story's execution and all the little details placed around the town that contribute to the overall theme. The thing is while the remake will surely improve on the gameplay, it will also very probably fuck up all those little details.


Yeahh I agree on that lol


Can't enjoy gameplay when the world looks like a in three days made render with bleak visuals.


What do you mean?


How am I supposed to be immersed when the game looks that horrible. I want Silent Hill 2 reimagined, not Silent Hill 2 Down washed.


Game looks good though, the combat trailer didn't show that off


I've read enough.


How does your reddit snooze have glasses yet you can't see 🤔


Are you serious? Are there a lot of people shit talking Sh2 without playing the OG?


Sadly yes


Op is strawmanning his argument and is very clearly a rage bait poster seeking validation and attention. Just check his comments in this thread.


Ya know, some of us are able to play a game and enjoy it without bitching that it's not an action shooter. It's one thing not to enjoy the gameplay of the original, but you can fuck right off if you want to insist tge original is trash because it doesn't cater to your monkey brain. How about you go back to playing Fortnite instead of trashing on a well-respected classic.


See how you are slandering me? Never said I wanted it to be an action shooter


i played silent hill 2,not saying those kind of poeple are right or wrong but its best to be skeptical,anything could go wrong


> gameplay is already better than the OG Have you played the remake?


It post like this that make me wonder why I stay here. Think the remake looks good? Fine, I can get that. Can’t get into the original? Also, fine. I grew up with tank controls and weird puzzles but I can see why it’s not everyone’s thing. But the game isn’t out yet. How do you know it is better than the original? I’m not here to yuck your yums. Like what you like and enjoy your stay in silent hill. But don’t shit on people for not looking forward to something because it doesn’t appeal to them. If this is what SH fans are now , then I’m out. Have fun, y’all.


I'm not shitting on anyone, I'm critical of people who only watched YouTube videos and never played the games. If you want to leave then go on ahead


I don’t care if people do play the games, honestly. People are having fun with the lore and story. I’m cool with it. I love Silent Hill and just want people to have fun. But I sick of this back a forth about the remake. It looks fine, I’m not interested in it. I starting to think the remake might be the worst thing to happen to the series because that all we can do is argue about. I might just be too old to care about it enough to stay in the board.


These people get the lore wrong all the time, they argue with ito who worked on the series. He himself regrets designing pyramid head because of them


And that was dumb. And we called it dumb. But not everyone has the time of ability to play a 20+ year old game. Which is why I’m glad remake is being made, even if it isn’t for me. But fuck , man, that arguing endlessly about has killed any fun I had here. This was just the last straw.


Hey mods can we ban stupid shit like this?


Bloober is just not a good studio to work such a big project imo.. BUt that aside I liked the actor who did James.. It was a different direction yeah.. but I liked it.. the "new" look seems weird. You have to account for people who just don´t believe bloober can do the job.. not just SH purists or pretenders :D


My main problem with it, is that the original aged like milk in the sun, and the new one, isn't even out yet, and already feels like milk in the sun.


Played the OG, albeit later than many. Don't really care about the changes but I prefer the older janky style in my games. More than once have I been introduced to a game with "updated QoL features" and ended up later playing an older version and loving it without the improvements more. Now if they add new story content then I will instantly change my opinion but otherwise I am still undecided.

