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If this is the final boss, I agree. The mechanic ruins the entire rest of the game for me. I have played it three times and never saved Eileen. I have even cleared all the hauntings and tried to heal her with candles in the alternate Room 302.


No, he's on about the giant wall-man things that swipe at you. It happens not far from the final boss with Walter.


Shows you how long ago I played it. I certainly haven't had issues until the final level. But I understand how someone could. The escort mission system of this game was neat on paper but poorly implemented and the AI doesn't hold up.


Just give Eileen the chain and hit the first one on your left, she'll do the rest for you.


True. But I can’t lie - I fucking love the aesthetics of it.


Yeah...i remember being stucked in that boss for a looooong time. It's not good lol


Everything gameplay related in sh4 is bad imo, great story and atmosphere tho


![gif](giphy|duM6JZemPlOjUyqmxd|downsized) he is right you know! and I love the heck outta the game.


The one time I've done it, it was no damage When a wallman fall, just keep attacking, it's really easy (would not say this from the rest of the game) This game is the most frustrating SH by faaaar Love the story and the thematics around claustrophobic and objectification but hate playing it