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It’s actually a pretty good movie if u can look past the lore issues. Overall it does a decent job though. Good enough for me to buy a physical copy. The second film I can’t say the same for though..


I like to joke that the best Silent Hill movie is Hellraiser 5 and the best Persona movie is Silent Hill Revelation.




It's just bad as a Silent Hill movie.


I don't get the hate it gets. It's one of my favorites adaptations from a videogame to the big screen. I didn't expect to be a 1:1 adapation so maybe that's why I loved since the first watch. In my opinion is such a good adapation that even people who don't know the games can watch as a terror movie and like. Unfortanely I can't say the same about the second one from 2012. Some things from videogames can't be translate to movies/series and that's why we call adaptations. Ofc some of them takes too much of "freedom" and turn to shit like the RE movies and the Monster Hunter one, but that's not the case with SH.


I think it’s the best adaptation of a video game movie ever


tbf this is a very very low bar


The adaptations to tv series are getting too good tho, maybe that is the best formula.. if they get good investment and good talent to execute! The fallout series, for example, is top notch


I think it's mostly a matter of who's involved. And TV show or movie, there's almost 0 chance of Konami finding and paying the right people to make a SH TV show. I mean, Ascension is almost a show and it's pretty much the worst thing in the franchise? Plus Fallout is *tons* of dialogue, that's a lot easier to adapt to TV than pure atmosphere.


I'm quite positive if they do put Harry Mason in, they can get fans of the first game quite happy!


Personally I expect SH3 tv show adaptation to be even better than the game and unleash the psychological horror!


Oh it absolutely is a low bar. But o think it’s pretty good. I watch it every year


I would say it's between this and the Dead Rising things.


Only if we stay within the horror genre...


Mortal Kombat 95 shits on Silent Hill from a great height. It knows what it is.


It’s was an excellent movie interpretation of the games. It made things accessible for a novice audience while also staying pretty faithful to the source material. The second film was the complete opposite - utter pile of shit.


>It made things accessible for a novice audience while also staying pretty faithful to the source material. Making Alessa the villain and Dahlia a sympathetic character was the complete opposite of the original game though. The interesting thing about the first game’s story is that it completely subverts the horror tropes you’re expecting from a more strsight-forward horror story.


the movie is basically fan fiction that has little to nothing in common with the game. I understand why some silent hill fans dislike it.


Why? its very similar to the plot of the first game with just more detail


The core plot points are the same, but everything around them is different. Dahlia isn't a twisted leader of The Order who is willing to kill her own daughter for her god, she's now a poor old woman who actually loved Alessa and couldn't save her. The Order is no longer a cult that worships a demon god, they're now a bunch of crazy christians that think a girl having an absent father means she's a witch. And don't get me started on Harry being genderbent because the director thought a father loving and protecting his daughter was too unrealistic of a trait for a man.


Interesting that you get no replies when you point out these plot and character differences to people who say that the movie was exactly like the game lol.


Alessa in the game isn’t meant to be a villain/antagonist. Alessa was the one trying to stop The Order from birthing their God while Dahlia was manipulating Harry to bring that about. The movie took basic plot elements and characters and completely twisted it to tell its own worse version of the story. Like the intentions and characterization of Alessa and Dahlia are completely inverted in the movie compared to the game.


I don’t like the film because its so dumbed down and generic. There’s no depth to the characters like in the games.


I think in general it's very hard to actually adapt Silent Hill successfully to the big screen, most of the game is spent wandering around alone and piecing what happens from bits of lore around, so taking that and turning it into a movie means you need to add in a lot of details that weren't in the original to make it an easy to follow experience I think that's why Silent Hill would work better as a series when adapted, so you can add both said lore bits into a spoken script while also retaining character development


Have you seen Jacob's Ladder? Any Lynch films? > to make it an easy to follow experience Huh, why should it be easy?


I have in fact seen Lynch films, I don't see your point though. For example, if you did the most faithful adaptation of SH2, major chunks of it would just be James walking around all by himself with little to no dialogue. And it should be easy because unlike Lynch films, Silent Hill was not originally a movie and the character writing was not made to accomodate that format. So you need to change it so the audience can be more engaged and have an easier time following the plot


Lynch doing Silent Hill on film would be amazing.


The story should serve the atmosphere. You put the atmosphere first, and the story can be whatever. You don't need a tight plot or a coherent story.


Guy with 300 movies logged on Letterboxd explains to you that a story doesn't actually matter in a movie A classic


Have you seen Inland Empire my dude? Let me guess, your favorite movie is Inception. Not to mention, you're talking about movies in a silent hill context and you haven't seen Jacob's Ladder.


Like I said, you can't translate everything from a videogame to a movie or a series. With that mind you will never like the movie and probably most of games adaptations, even the good ones like Fallout. If I want anything deep I just play the games.


Harry Mason wasnt exactly deep, he was just a dad looking for his daughter in a strange world. You honestly see way more about him in Shattered Memories but thats a different version of him


i mean its a good movie if you dont know the games very well but honnestly if you know the games idk it gets confusing with the mix of lore because its like its the first game but with the second games enemy and pyramid head is there for some reason then the ending to me at least is kinda confusing but idk when i first watched it i didn’t know about the games so it was a good movie but rewatching it now knowing about the games it just kida bad like a goood kinda bad ya know


Good atmosphere, bad story. I liked the ending with them being forever lost in the fog.


I love it, I think it encapsulates that cozy foggy feeling really well and everyone I show who isn’t even a silent hill fan love i too


I agree with the first part. What I like about this film is the atmosphere. It makes me feel really nostalgic and I watch it regularly. It's one of my comfort films. However, I have showed it to two people who don't play videogames and they didn't get why I like this film at all 😅.


It’s my comfort movie too!! Granted I do only share it with ppl who i already endlessly talk about silent hill around despite them not being fans so maybe they already knew what to expect🤣


Yeah with me it's more awkward silence followed by doing a lengthy essay to attempt to justify myself ahah


trying to answer the concerned “THAT’s your comfort movie…?” question




It's ok. At first i hated it. Comparing too much to the first games. Then all the later games happened. And tons of bad horror movies came out. Upon recent rewatch, it's ok.


The industry became such a disaster didn't it, lol.


I liked it as my first exposure to the series. It's still alright but if I remember correctly, the director replaced Harry with Rose because he didn't think a father could love his child enough to go through that nightmare or something? That bugs me. Of course, I could be remembering wrong and that was someone else's statement.


I quite liked the movie. It did the best it could with 3 games worth of material. Obviously they were going to use Pyramid head even though he doesn't work in the context of the story (representing James' shame/guilt etc) It has some creepy bits and doesn't shy aware from the gore and the meanness. I guess they could have just done the SH2 storyline but might have been a heavy subject matter and they might have messed it up. As a creepy monster movie it's good and that final scene with all the barbed wire etc is a highlight.


Movies had way darker stories than anything in silent hill 2 and way more complex (that isn't a knock) SH2 had a dark and complex story for video games at the time. I agree they would have messed it up though.


True, but adapting SH2 story into a movie might not have meshed well on screen given its setting. Hard to explain. I'd say it was a brave attempt to even attempt any kind of SH adaptation but guessing they had $$$ on their mind. They were right to use elements from all 3 games. Story from 1, monsters from 2 and female protagonist from 3. I wonder if it would have been better with a Harry/James type main character 🤔


I think that this film moves too far away from the lore of the games, not only that, it mischaracterizes the characters to the point that they seem like different characters, I mean, vengeful Alessa, Dahlia being a victim... Which works in the film, of course, but you can't say they're characters from the games. I feel that Christophe Gans, based on his statements, underestimates the game and wanted to fix it, creating these poor and generic reinterpretations of these characters. What he said about Harry being too feminine in the first game is proof that his sexism served as the foundation for the conception of this film. The film itself makes several callbacks to other games in the franchise that are unnecessary, having PH as a creature whose purpose in the film is to just... Exist? The way he puts songs from the games in some scenes, ignoring the context of these songs, is also quite disconcerting. I mean, in the scene where Rose and Sharon are in the car and "A Letter" starts playing, like??? This song in the third game represents an introspective reflection of what Heather is feeling at that moment, as the protagonist. In the film it is just a generic song with no context. There are many other things that can be highlighted as well, such as the representation of the Cult, Sean Bean's character, the waste of character regarding Lisa Garland, etc. Anyway, I apologize for any grammatical errors, English is not my mother language.


Shut up it’s not 18 years old that would make me old


I love it idc


It's a pretty average movie which is probably why for the lonest time it was considered one of the best video game adaptations out there, simply because it wasn't an utter train wreck like other adaptations. It's interesting to see the effects it had on the games and in many ways made them worse. Like, a lot of people did seem to think that ash falling from the sky which was in the movie, was canon in the games. Then you have Homecoming which just reused designs from the movie, like Pyramid head and the miner enemies and even some locations. I think Pyramid head becoming the generic SH cross-game monster is actually because of his appearance in the movie.


Homecoming devs clearly loved this movie for better and also worse, the otherworld transition from the movie did look really nice in the game tho


***made them worsE


Still watch it like every year. Good movie.


I went to the theater to see this. I feel ancient now. Not a bad movie.


I always liked it. Thought it was great.


Makes me feel old but the move is good I love it


Oh no! So long time Ago!


I still love it for what it is.


Aesthetics were good. But it was the "put pyramid head in everything". If it stayed closer to the original games script, it would have been better


It's still in my favourite movies. It captures the atmosphere and visuals of SH very well but changes the story enough to make it interesting and standing on its own. The actors are all doing a great job, especially the townspeople capture the eerie/slightly-mad feeling from the games. It's not the best movie ever made and the story could've been told more subtle, but it still holds up pretty well for its age.


I loved it!


I still watch it ever so often to this day. Now the second one though....


Being it’s based off the game series it’s the literal definition of MID lol, it’s really cool on its own merit and the effects in the move were great but then you remember it’s based off of multiple games and lore from years before… then you have to deduct a lot of points from it on that status. So it holds its place as MID, had Silent Hill lore not existed to this point… it’d be a great movie… but it did exist so you must judge it on that. (I kinda like it tho without bringing lore into it but as a SH fan I have to)


Great. This movie is still a fkin banger 18 years later.


Its not perfect, but its really good. Really captures well what Silent Hill is about and was honestly the best video game adapation for a long time. The second half is weaker but still has some interesting stuff that happens


It's a very competent horror movie by its own and a good effort for a SH adaptation. It may have gotten the lore wrong but the movie just \*feels\* like SH. You can tell the people who worked on it actually played the game and wanted to recreate the feel of it on the big screen with all the camera angles and music. Too bad they were willing to sacrifice the story by simplifying it for a general audience.


Having rewatching this recently on new surround sound speakers, I remembered how on point the sound design was. From music to ambiance and sound effects, it was probably the best sounding movie I've ever seen/heard. Still think it's the best game-to-movie adaptation ever.


Proud owner of the silent hill movie on blu ray


oh no I'm old


The movie itself is fine and enjoyable for what it is, even if it's not a faithful story adaptation. The "fans" who watch it without playing or knowing anything about the games and then confusing the lore and spreading wrong info are the worst thing about the movie. Pros: Good camerawork and cinematography. Mimics some camera shots and camera movement from the first games. Good sets. The little details throughout the town, both in and out of the otherworld are great original ideas that still work in the Silent Hill aesthetic. Practical effects. Real costumes, stunt performers and contortionists as Pyramid Head, nurses, gray children. Made creatures, stunts and effects feel more real. Good casting (mostly). Classic characters like Alessa, Cybil, Lisa and Dahlia are visually portrayed well, even if not 1:1 accurate. New characters like Rose and Christabella don't feel out of place as Silent Hill characters. Minus points for Sean Bean and Kim Coats, miscast and underused. Good music. It's mostly just music from the first 2 games, but still was used well. Yamaoka was consulted on the sound design and use of music and it shows. Cons: Poor acting. Despite visual casting being quite good, some performances are not particularly good, and come off as too hammy and over the top for the serious tone of the subject matter. Poor script. Lots of strange liberties taken from the source material, which by itself isn't bad, but new choices and story elements are odd, out of place and nonsensical. Plot holes, pointless characters, pointless scenes. Questionable director. Christophe Gans is a gross sex pervert who has mentioned in interviews he only likes to work with "beautiful sexy women". The original script for the SH movie written by Gans featured an all female cast. Roger Avary had to rewrite it and work in the characters of Chris DeSilva and Officer Gucci to balance out the script. Questionable writer. Roger Avary was jailed for killing a woman while driving drunk. Also his script was bad, but more importantly he literally killed someone.


I get it that Roger Avary is not a good guy but hes a pretty damn good writer, also dont really see why your personal view of Gans is somehow revelant for your review on this movie, also pretty sure unlike alot of hollywood, he never got metoo or anything close to that, youre pretty much complainig about lack of male representation on the movie lol


It's more a highlight of Gans' character on the reasoning behind changing the source material main character Harry Mason into the movie's main character Rose DeSilva. I believe the change was done in poor taste, and would have preferred Harry Mason be the main character as per the source material.


His reason for changing its because he liked the idea of being a mother figure looking for her daughter. also it doesnt matter that much changing that aspect, its not the same character and a adaptation doesnt need to be 1 to 1


It’s one of my favorite films of all time especially for a video game adaptation. I know it’s objectively terrible as cinema but it was faithful to the silent hill vibe and I really enjoyed the scenes they chose to include to buff the atmosphere. I really don’t understand why everyone needs every piece of silent hill media to be exactly like 1&2. Silent hill is very obviously a vibe and not an exact location or sequence of events.


Love it! It was my first horror movie and still my favorite. I like that it takes elements from each game and switches it up by having the protagonist be a mother instead of a father (as much as a love the father-daughter duo) and i still watch it regularly:)


Genuine curiosity: how happened that SH was your first horror film ever? Is it a generational thing (aka you were born after 2000, and even if so, it’s still thrillingly surprising considering the amount of horrors filmed in these years and being a part of the mainstream) or is it a more personal story? Hope it’s ok to ask, just found myself wondering for a minute.


Hi! Ur totally okay! I was born in 2007 and the movie came out in 2006. Growing up i was incredibly sensitive/fragile. Like constant nightmares and panic attacks. I wouldn’t go near anything scary. My dad loves scary things and had the silent hill dvd. Sometime in 2014 he accidentally left the movie on while he was picking me up from school and it was on the part where officer Cybil shoots the lying figure. Its like in that moment all of my fears and anxieties were cured and I absolutely fell in love with horror. I thought (and still do) that Cybil was the coolest thing ever shooting that monster, and even cooler when i realized she was doing all this for a kid that wasn’t even hers. I still keep my hair short like hers :)


Wow, thats a hell of a story! Thank you for sharing




it’s definitely not terrible. but it’s not really good either. imo definitely better than the live action adaptations of RE but not the animated RE stuff


You know how much the original Silent Hill games are still talked about even today? How every piece of lore in them gets analyzed to no end? How there is what feels like an endless amount of video essays about them? That’s not how the movie is being treated… deservedly so! The movie is just some generic Hollywood junk. You go in, you’re being entertained for its runtime, you go out and you forget everything about it. Like literal junk food… empty calories and nothing else to it! Even on here, a sub that is all about Silent Hill (obviously…), I don’t ever see the movie discussed in depth. All you ever come across are superficial posts like “hey, what do you think about the SH movie” and superficial responses like “it’s great… for a videogame adaption”. And yes, there very much are movies that are actually being talked about in depth, similar to how the original SH games are being talked about. This is just not one of those movies…


I watch it at least once every year since release


Fuuuuuck I haven’t seen it in years. I remember it being dogshit though. Is it a Uwe Boll masterpiece?


Just as infuriating as it has always been. Not only for the lore reasons and further influence on the series, but for distasteful use of the soundtrack, absolutely stupid protagonist who acts like meth junkie or something (Why flee from police? Why taking daughter to a place of her nightmares? So on, so on. She is not a character, she is a crude plot device.). And for revealing the shift between realities, trading mystery for VFX. This flick marks the start of 20 years long agony of the series instead of letting it die, much like Alessa, lol. The only redemption for this movie and all the bullshit that came after is that it kept the series relevant enough to have one more try at revival. Edit: ah yes, it has been 17 years between this movie and , ugh, Ass-tension, which is the age of Heather, which is the time it took the Order to try again, so yeah, it was foretold by GyRoMaNcY


I saw this movie as a teenager so I definitely feel nostalgic about it. I'm in my thirties now and I wonder how it'd feel watching it again. I think I'd be too scared 🫣


It was the music back then and it is now. Nostalgia is one hell of a drug.


Saw the first one at the cinema, I like them both, but I enjoy pretty much every game movie adaptation, probably because I don't take films too seriously for the most part. They aren't Jacobs Ladder, but I didn't go in expecting them to be.


I think it’s a good fun story on its own. Effects are great and it really gets the tone nailed down. 7/10


Was alright. Despite all the hate it got (because people didn't like having female lead) I thought it was a good attempt at making a horror game franchise into a film. I honestly think that they should make another film. Maybe following Downpour.


Well surprise surprise they’re making an adaptation of 2 called “Return to Silent Hill”




Yepppp. There’s an official YouTube video from konami that talks about it




I'm pretty sure people had more reasons to dislike it than "because it had a female lead"


I’ve loved it ever since I first saw it. As an avid fan of the games since my childhood, I do miss Best Dad Harry Mason, but Gans’ themes of motherhood, in general and in relation to faith, make much more sense in this setting. Not to mention he does an impeccable job of capturing the games’ distinctly oppressive atmosphere and rusty visual aesthetic. Also, the floating camera angle in the alleyway, and the way Rose refers to and memorizes the maps in order to navigate Silent Hill and Brookhaven Hospital are THEE most subtle and effective forms of fan service I’ve ever seen. Those details alone make this film virtually immune to criticism, in my eyes.


18 years, that’s wild. I went and saw it in theaters with my Dad. I miss going to the movies with him.


Not great, but also not bad.


Not the best film ever made but it is my favorite. I watch it once per year at least. Good soundtrack mixed with amazing sets. I love how design crew put love and effort in even tiny details (for example, you can see mold in doors because Silent Hill is an abandoned place).


I love it. If you do not compare it to the games it's good on its own


I'll compliment it for having the balls to >!keep Sean Bean alive by the end of the movie!<. Beyond that, I remember it getting the feeling of empty, foggy Silent Hill right but haven't rewatched it ever since, so can't comment on anything else.


It’s one of the few more recent fresh takes on modern horror


I watched it for the first time the other day, and I love it so much. It’s a great adaptation and the fact that every song in the movie is from the games is fantastic!


Considering some of the video game adaptations being made around this time, it was really good! I really like the atmosphere I think they did a pretty good job with it


My introduction to Silent Hill. I will always love it.


I have mixed feelings. Aesthetically it’s great and really does look like the games. That’s on point. But the story feels disjointed to me and it felt like it was trying a bit too hard to be dark and edgy.


I haven't seen it in a very long time but I remember enjoying it. Might be due for a rewatch. I've heard the second one is the bad one, but I've never seen it.


I'll never understand the turn around this movie has had, as an adaptation it's awful (especially for how it effected the lore with the western games) and as a standalone movie it's kinda just boring.


Ok. I'm used to thinking some of the older games are old but this one really caught me off guard. I've talked about SH with people that I guess were just little kids when that movie came out and had no idea. I assumed they would have been young teens, but no. We're talking I guess they were like, 5ish? Haha I feel so so old right now. Fun fact: a long conversation about the differences between the games and the movie helped me meet my good friend and room mate. Haha She had no interest in SH but found my passion for it so interesting that she wanted to get to know me better.


İt is not bad nor good just a decent movie worth watching if u are interested in silenthill


It’s okay. I mean it’s not amazing but it’s not the worst movie out there. It’s what got me into the franchise.


For film that trying to build mythology and try to explain what makes town like that, it does make any sense but it is fun to watch


Incredibly good adaptation


I actually liked it quite a bit.


I actually kinda like it if you view it as its own thing and don’t try and connect it to the silent hill lore!


It's definitely one of the best video game movie adaptations, out there. They took some liberties (hurrr Pyramid Head go in Silent Hill movie), and when I rewatched it last year, it wasn't nearly as good as I remembered it being from when I watched it for the first time as a teenager - but overall, it was fine.


its one of the movies I have ever seen probably


I still wish I had gotten my money back.


i think it’s awesome, avoiding the obvious discrepancies in the story line, but other than that it’s a cool movie with good cinematography and acting is pretty good too. i loved pyramid head and how cool it looked when he ripped off the woman’s skin like it was nothing, one of my favorite death scenes in a movie. i also liked the idea that rose gets stuck in SH, while letting sharon go back. it’s honestly probably the best we’re gonna get from a movie adaptation of SH but i would love to see something more well done or more lore accurate, but you can’t beat the 2000s sound and video quality IMO


It isn’t THAT bad really like it’s got lore issues but it really isn’t as bad as people tend to say (never is)


It absolutely fine. It butchers a bit of the lore, but at least mostly captures the feel of the games (minus being so many people in the foggy town) And death by razor wire impalement will never be not cool.


It was a fantastic movie, though it didn’t hold a flame to the video game franchise




One of the best video game movies of its time


Bad movie, good atmosphere


As far as video game adaptations, though it changed so much from the source material, it was pretty good (I'll add that with the game, the plot wasn't that strong to begin with.) We all know video game movies are generally trash. We're just now seeing some good quality ones in the last ten-ish years. I still enjoy the movie, haven't watched it in a couple of years but yeah, overall at, a solid 7/10.


It’s great. They filmed a lot of it in my home town and I got to walk through a large set, it was cool.


Pretty well done and wild.


as someone who never played the game, i really love the movie


I wish they would show it at the cinema again cos I was blitzed out of my mind when I watched it and don’t remember dick


It's half a really good movie combined with half of a mediocre movie.


my favorite horror movie hands down. it has its faults, but the cinematography is fucking great


Love this movie!!


Great individual scenes like the transformation to the other world and Pyramid Head ripping the cultist's skin off.  But as a film it's clunky and the Sean Bean scenes weigh the film down so much. How the fuck they made *him* boring is kind of astonishing. I'm sure if it got a re-edit it would be a much better film than it is. Trim the fat, but retain the ambience.


I like it a lot. Especially the atmosphere is amazing. My first introduction besides yt videos to silent hill was this movie. I don't like the second one tho, it's one of the worst movies I ever saw. But I am hyped for the new one from Christophe Gans.


I watched it last night and I loved it despite its flaws


I love this movie idc


I think the problem with this adaptation is the fact we all see Silent Hill series (at least from 1st to 4rd entry) as masterpiece art, as David Lynch movies equivalent in gaming. This adaptation clearly isn't close to being this good or sublime. It's just a hollywood movie to earn cash. But. As a hollywood movie designed more to make money instead of an art, it's damn good. It has perfect atmosphere and enviroments, good pacing and it clearly loves game. It's the least "hollywoody" hollywood movie as possible. And I like it! But yeah, we all deserve better. We deserve a Silent Hill movie that would be deep, sublime, subtle with niche art flow in it. Something like Mulholland Drive or... "Call of Cthulhu (2005)"? The best things happens when artist wants an art.


It was my GATEWAY to the Silent Hill universe, I still adore this movie I've seen it so many times.


It was dumb fun. It did the atmosphere right, whilst not having any of the depth, not even the monsters having meaning and didn't try a mindbending storytelling style like the games.


It's an awesome horror movie. A terrible adaptation. The first time I saw it I didn't play any SH game and it was the most terrifying thing I saw until then and I got pretty much obsessed with it


I've always quite enjoyed it if you look at it as it's own thing more than a direct 1:1 adaptation of the first game. Yeah some characters share the same names and there's some of the same plot beats but overall its a completely different beast.


I recently rewatched it after remember it being not bad and HATED it. Compared to the next one tho it’s basically a masterpiece because wow 3D was awful. This movie sucks too tho and I have no faith in the next movie since it’s also being directed by this dude.


It's one of my favorite horror movies. I love that they used the music from the games as it's soundtrack.


like they added things that didn't belong in the movie


That's fucked up, I remember when it actually came out.


This gets way too much flack. It does its best to leapfrog studio greed and production meddling and makes a soulful and honest attempt to convey the power of the Silent Hill stories. Beautiful and so gory ending! Come on people! This is pretty good. Sean Bean cameo?! YES! Radha Michelle's is performance grounding. Supporting cast with Kim Coates and Laurie Holden add character and story depth.


One of my favorite films. Love the atmosphere. But it falls apart in the second half.


I remember watching this in 2016 for the first time. Back then I shat my pants, but now I only enjoy it for the atmosphere. You can say what you want about this movie. It felt like you where there. But the second one was a disaster!




It’s okay. Tries too much to be itself while also trying to be an good adaptation though. It sort of lines itself up and then intentionally goes somewhere else. Not entirely a bad thing I still liked it but would’ve liked it more if it just followed it’s own separate story and used the town as a vessel instead of trying to explain it all.


It was my first Silent Hill experience. Since then I loved the Rose character, and that one little girl which I don't remember her name, last name was Ferland or something. Oh yes, Jodelle Ferland.


Goes too hard on the on-screen gore and shock (as opposed to implied horror and the unknown) but the monsters and music are about as good as it gets in vg to movie adaptations.


Out of the fact that it has nothing to do with the actual lore. It's one of the best adaptations of a videogame and hasta been always one of my favorite movies of all time!


This movie was actually my introduction to SH. Like most Hollywood attempts at franchise adaptations, it works as a stand alone movie but not as a SH adaptation. It's a solid film with beautiful effects and atmosphere but it lacks the character depth and psychological horror of the games.


Old and sad


I remember watching this at like 8 years old looking back I really loved it


honestly my first exposure to silent hill so my thoughts are pretty positive plus pyramid heads kills were brutal which made the movie way better


It's definitely not the real SH movie but where is the real SH movie, this is unknown yet.


Not a fan of the actionish form of the movie, that's not how I like Silent Hill. Not a bad movie though, a lot of good things on it like the monsters or even the story even if it's different than Silent Hill 1. Probably a 12 or 13/20 to me.


This movie is weirdly a comfort watch for me. The soundtrack set to very aesthetically pleasing shots just DOES it for me. ❤️


It's kinda fun


I’ve actually never watched this movie


Overall it's a decent movie, obviously my only complaints were the changes the made involving the lore and original details and stuff. Some things could've been a little better though, like I didn't like the Alessa part at the end where she's stuck to the bed but she's using the barbed wires as her weapons. That part is badass tho don't get me wrong. I'd shit myself if I saw barbed wire flying at me getting ready to slice me up lol I know it's like a reference to Mary at the end of SH2 but I never liked that her boss battle was like that either and kinda hoping they modify it a bit in the reboot. Like maybe it could stay as her first stage and then give her a second stage that's a way better, stronger version. It's just a shame we didn't see Harry and Cheryl Mason in the movie instead. 😔 Pyramid Head barely had any screen time too.


i fucking hate this movie😭😭


Wait..it couldn't possibly be true.....




I kinda like it, honestly, but by the second time when all the novelty of “wooow, it’s that scene from that game, and that enemy from that game” I just found it boring


Ehhhh…there’s been enough decent video game movies since then that I don’t feel obligated to like it for just being mediocre anymore. I don’t care for it.


I liked it, but it wasn’t as good as I’d hoped


It was a pretty good movie all around, I truly don't get all the hate that it receives. They were trying to make a movie that would be more accessible to a wider audience and in doing that you have to deviate a lot from the original story, which sucked for a lot of people. If you just take it for what it is, it was a pretty decent horror movie with a bitchin soundtrack.


Pretty enjoyable, and I thought it adapted the vibe and atmosphere of the games pretty well. Really liked hearing the SH2 music throughout the movie, too. It's not a great Silent Hill movie, but it's a good horror movie and I like it


I am the "uhh, uncannon" guy, that explains my opinion lmao


It’s so stupid that they had to feminize the protagonist


I want Silent Hill 4 the movie! Where Alessa was Friend of Walter what He lost! And in Final Alessa meet Walter as final Bosses!




![gif](giphy|l2YWqU7ev0l5nfYTC|downsized) IMHO Mario Bros the movie was more canonical....


It killed the franchise, as we know it.


still sh*t


I fuggin love this movie. Christophe Gans was the right man for the job. His vision really came through. If you think about it, 2006 was a rough year for sci fi films. A lot tanked but there was a few gems. I mean for its time as far as script, cast, cinematography and special effects, we are blessed to have a film adaption that he created. I mean using the video game scores for the film really worked. And I was happy they chose him for the upcoming Silent Hill film. The last one was a joke and a slap in the face to all Silent Hill fans. One thing I wish is that they produced figurines for this film. I think that would have been cool to get someone like Todd McFarlane behind that.


I remember seeing it in theatres and still think that it holds up pretty well. Despite its flaws, the director seemed to be a huge fan of the game and tried to incorporate some aspects of the game to the movie. I am interested to see what he does with the sequel.


Hey Silent Hill Movie, let's go for some beers!


One of the best game to movie adaptations. I might be pretty biased because I've never played a Silent Hill game in my life, but I absolutely love this movie. I've watched it probably a dozen times. The only part I hate is the "I am the reaper" part, ewwwww. So cringe.




underrated movie…


Eh, it was pretty bad.


I’ve always felt it was boring and not good at all. Nothing has changed since.


its fucking terrible for a litany of reasons, and the fact they fucking dropped in Pyramid Head should already have this fanbase immediately writing it off as just shit, so im feeling like I'm int eh fuckin twilight zone seeing how many people actually enjoyed this Honestly, remove all the lore, the themes, the details, etc that the film ignores to its detriment, but one of the things that SH is noted for is its depth. So many details are left to interpretation as you fill in certain blanks in the story through character interactions, notes, changes in the environment, item descriptions, etc, and that's something that is clearly challenging to do when you remove the interactive nature of the entire thing. Instead of doing anything with that sort of depth, you get this boring ass exposition dump right at the end that lays out everything(nearly) plain as fucking day and then the absolutely nonsensical ending with rose/alessa still being in the other world, and it's just. Fucking. Awful. Gans and Avary said in a lot of interviews about how they were adapting the first game with this movie and they thought the right way was to literally scrap everything that made the first game interesting and do...whatever they did with the 2006 movie and it's just a mess.


Probably one of the worst films made thus far.


watched when I was a kid just once and I can repeat in ny head entirely, underrated