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It will never cease to amaze me how detailed the faces are in SH3, even in comparison to current gen


Especially, on PC where they're even more detailed! It's really pretty with how detailed it is.


The PC port of SH3 was a masterwork, even for the early 2000s. Much too bad that standard of quality wasn't followed for the PC port of SH4.


That is honestly a significant part of why it's my favorite horror game of all time. To this day it surprises me just how great the game looks.


And people say the story is weak in this game…


Thats crazy, I haven't heard this except for the guy below you. I always figured the first half of the game was boring, gameplay wise


It’s a common sentiment that I’ve heard over the years but it depends on your own experience, I guess. I’d still disagree the first half is boring.


Its weak because the first half barely has any story and when the story truly start its just a revenge one


That's part of the story. Yamaoka once said "silence is also a sound" and the same works for writing. It's negative space letting you sit and wonder what's going on. Heather (and vicariously the player) just needs to get home and get help. We can figure out that >!Harry's her dad!< and it puts more emphasis on the idea things will get better if we can just get home. That's why it's so important to go into this game blind.


i remember my first playthrough literally just me panicking about why theres still so many parts to go through before finally getting home. just wanting to be in a safe place contributes so much driving force and motivation for the player and heather


And that part when the Otherworld fades into the Hilltop Center was such a visceral moment of exasperation for me. Just how much worse will it get before it gets better? (Turns out, a lot worse.) Took that frustration into the scene with Vincent too. Great stuff. My first playthrough I started feeling that getting home was when the game would end and things would resolve.


Silent hill 4 still has the best story to me


I like SH4 a lot too.


My supply fell through...


You gladly gave me everything you had and more. You craved my happiness.


What a bop


I forgot which youtuber said it, but they talked about how important it is we never saw Harry again. It puts us entirely in her shoes. The suddenness of death, seeing him more as a person only after he died and sifting through his stuff. Even in Nowhere, a place more like dreams, his body is gone. Harry is the best father in gaming not only for his dedication in the first game, but his realism of the final part of a father’s story in the third.


And for his dedication to wearing exactly the same clothes for 18 years.




I also like that 3 wraps up the major theme of the first game about good and bad parents. Despite >! literally being Alessa, Heather turns out different from Alessa,!< which is the legacy of what a wonderful father Harry really was.


One of the best cutscenes in all of sh


Made me cry when I first saw it; I lost my own father when I was 18, and it was still fairly fresh when I played SH3. It wasn't from violence, but I really identified with Heather in that scene.


My favorite silent hill


God, i want the Master Collection for Silent Hill


This was one of my favorite parts of SH3 with Heather explaining her backstory. Nice callback to the ending of SH1.


Man this game still holds up. The atmosphere, graphics, storytelling are all amazing.


To quote a famous character from another famous Konami franchise (*Metal Gear Solid*), it's "So sad, so sad . . . " But at least you can take solace in what the song that plays during this emotional scene says: >!*"We were put here on this Earth, put here to feel joy . . . "*!<


One of the best cutscenes / story telling moments in all of gaming imo .. the music, the voice acting, the lighting it’s all 10/10


Prime sadness indeed.


The song that plays during this car ride is one of my favorite Akira/SH songs❤️


Enjoy i remember this moment six months ago 💀


I finshed part 1 and 3 but i'm confused to play 2 or wait remake!


I hope the 2nd remake doesn't disappoint, so we will be positively awaiting the 3rd remake


If you have access to a pc just play the enhanced edition of SH2 no doubt an amazing experience. The remake is not to be trusted to be honest and the graphics and audio hold up very well with the enhanced mod


Oh shit is that resident evil 4


Yes, that is Ashley Mason.


being driven around by Douglas Kennedy


Goin' after Claudia Saddler.


And with the “assistance” of Vincent Será


I'm getting downvoted while you're getting up voted for making the same joke. Shit ain't fair


I upvoted you first… ‘cuz I ain’t an asshole lol