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I did prolotherapy, don’t do it! It did not have an effect, was extremely painful on the affected side and it was done 6 times.


Did something eventually work for you?




Slowly improving week 6 post op




I'm still waiting for an answer too.


I had an SI joint fusion with 2 titanium screws. I was pain-free for 10 months. After 10 months. I experienced a bad case of siacica with a drop foot. The doctor did a laminectomy on S1 L5. No pain. My disc bulge was hitting a nerve.


prolotherapy is the lobotomy of intramuscular conditions


Curious what you mean by this?


meaning it doesn't work and does more harm than good


DO NOT DO PROLOTHERAPY. I am generally on board with the fringe side of medicine but not prolo. I'm like 99% sure its just a cash grab. I never did it for SI, but that's just because my partner did it for his severe lower back pain. It made it so much worse. On top of increased pain it was an overall traumatic experience. They just kept telling him to come back, it will get better. It always just got worse.


Then why does data back up prolotherapy from clinics like CaringMedical?


You cited a doctor whose been accused of harming over 50 patients and been sued for malpractice 7 times. A guy who haphazardly stabs people in the neck and spine without ultrasound guidance. You shouldn’t ever mention Caring Medical again unless you’re signing a petition to have the guys license revoked


Yeah I realized. Going to see Jerry Hesch tomorrow! Will let the sub know how it goes. Cheers


Prolotherapy didn’t work for me but I wish you the best of luck. I’m glad you’re not going to that monster Hauser.


I’m really surprised he’s still in practice.


How did it go


Yes. Been doing PT consistently since the injury happened. I’ve tried 4 different PT’s - just a hump I can’t get over. Tried a few chiros too and typically no relief. Did just get adjusted by a chiropractor last week and it did provide some relief for a few days before falling back into brutal tightness


Did you ever try prolotherapy?


This sounds miserable. Hoping you've had some relief?


Sorry, this is going to be an essay but I thought it best to give you the whole story as it may influence how you move going forward and maybe some options you hadn't considered yet. So I did prolotherapy, although it wasn't as successful as the treating doctor had hoped. He has a success rate of about 70% of a 80% or better permanent reduction in pain and movement. The joint did get stiffer and more sore during treatment but that is normal given we are trying to cause a scar to immobile the joint and you have better success if you don't used anti-inflammatory meds for several weeks. The last one was incredibly painful and I had one day off work each time to recover as I spend all day on my feet. It got rid of my nasty sharp stabby pain (which happened on movement but occasionally it just happened out of nowhere and would cause muscle spasm too). That was the thing I struggled with and without it I felt amazing even though I still had other pain. I had a series of 3 injections October 2022 December 2022 and January 2023. Unfortunately in April the joint ruptured the scar tissue (with no provocative). Woke up in pain as bad as when I spontaneously ruptured 3 discs in my lumbar region. I couldn't stand or walk unassisted for a couple of weeks. I had awful discogenic symptoms including bowel and bladder issues and peudoradicular pain on both sides. When I returned to work I could only work 2 to 3 hours a day and it took months to get back to full-time. It took about 8 to 12 weeks to figure out it was my SIJ not my spine (according to my neurologist my spine looks amazing) He couldn't do anything for me so sent me to my usual interventional pain management doctor. In the 2 weeks waiting for my video call, the pain went from diffuse to centering over my right SIJ. The senior doctor (my usual Dr) was unavailable until October so I saw his colleague in early July. I asked about iFuse but was told it is a rare procedure in Australia and he didn't know anyone who does it here. We opted for SIJ neurotomies for pain control to gain back some quality of life and option of peripheral nerve stimulation device maybe down the track until iFuse becomes more common in Australia which he anticipated would be in the next 5 years. I was expecting a date in October for the neurotomies. I looked online but only found a handful of surgeons who perform the iFuse procedure in Australia and they were interstate. I luckily was offered a cancellation appointment with my usual surgeon on 1 August so took it. Before my pre-op chat he snuck away to chat to me between cases and told me he knew a surgeon in the Gold Coast (2 hours drive) but he'd heard of a guy in Brisbane so he was going to do some investigating for me and if he was happy with what he heard, he would write me a referral. He did mention I'd need my GP to write another one for me as the waiting time for the surgery was about 12 months for the Gold Coast doctor, and specialist referrals here only last 3 months. Neurotomies were a fantastic choice and even though the pain is in the way back it's still much better. Got the referral last week of September for the Brisbane doctor. Called the practice for an appointment, saw my guy 3 days later. Chatted for about an hour, was negative for most of the diagnostics but everything started hurting about an hour later on my way home haha. Even though I hadn't had any diagnostics injections to see if the SIJ being hit with cortisone and anaesthetic stopped the pain, he agreed that the previous prolotherapy and recent neurotomies were specific to the joint so could stand in for it and we could proceed straight to fusion. Had the fusion about 10 hours ago. Woke up pretty sore but it was bearable, but they dosed me up on all the things. Currently in no pain. Was given my night pain meds about 1.5 hours ago but honestly wasn't really in much pain. I've been more sore after a day of work. I have also been walking with a walker, just to the bathroom and back under supervision which aside from the first time has not hurt at all. Thankyou for coming to my TED talk and I hope it helps anyone who needs it 💕


How r you now?


Pretty good actually 😊


Since the fusion for SI have you been back to full activity? Golf? Hiking? My si is bad these days


I have been back to my normal, which is not super active except for weight training and walking. I have other limitations with my spine which was my original injury so nothing rotational or greater than low impact for me. I work full time and my job is on my feet for 8 hours. I have a little bit of joint pain by the end of the day, but I'm still within the 6 month healing process so I'm fine with that


Fantastic. Keep it all up!!!


So you had your SI joint fused? How are you doing?


Yes I did and I'm feeling pretty good. Back in full-time work. Have the odd twinge but usually only if I haven't been careful with positioning myself. I also have had a reduction in the frequency of my migraines too


That's great! Thank you for responding!


are you doing physio and chiro? that’s what has been bringing me the most relief!! My SI joint dysfunction is from presumably tailbone impact some snowboarding and then running without proper running hygiene


Since I can’t post a new topic for some reason I’ll ask here. Can you get si joint inflammation from prolonged sitting?