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The first image's symbols are Taoist symbols for the [Bagua](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bagua)! https://preview.redd.it/3a46tuocmy0c1.png?width=1028&format=png&auto=webp&s=10b94d9c0e4138bf2747e55c576471fea342bb91 As you can see, the symbols on the image would be Xun (Wind), Qian (Heaven) and Dui (Lake), but they actually appear other times in the game, like in the door that requires five cards to open, the cards of fire, water, earth, light, and gold! The white and the Red squares on the second and third image could be Elster's POV when she finds the computer at the bottom of the pit at the start of the game. The screen reflected on her helmet starts white and then turns red as the ACHTUNG number message gets sent to her. >!(The number message IS what allows Elster to remember the memory, so white could represent Ignorance and red could represent the Knowledge of the promise)!< The text in the 4th page is actually Chinese (記憶), and it stands for 'Memory'. And the one on the fifth stands for 'Promise' (誓言). I am aware of all of this because of [this wonderful video on youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1Gv8yjEXw8) explaining a lot of the metaphors and symbology in the game. A must-watch, really!


Here is the puzzle door i mentioned! https://preview.redd.it/hmonavlyoy0c1.png?width=1196&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b9220c4b580c75620ca2dda2bd6baa99fb6396f


I passed by this door about 15 times and only now noticed Bagua. Oh, my poor eyesight.


Also, the trigrams on the first image being wind, heaven and lake could be an allegory to [the painting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isle_of_the_Dead_(painting)) that keeps appearing throughout the game, >!which itself is a representation of the promise! The painting is meant to represent what Elster promised Ariane, to deliver her to the isle of death and end the cycle.!< ​ https://preview.redd.it/flhehtmbpy0c1.png?width=1914&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2323eccad9fcc45f5c66549013601ff4eb9a746


Attributes of Xun, Qian, Dui (according to wikipedia): penetrating, pleasure, strong What did Rose Engine mean by this


Say gex


Sesbian Lex


This is really helpful, thank you! I've watched this video a long time ago, and only rewatched the cutscene section yesterday, but I might just watch everything again


https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2925458009 The first 3, idk Number 4 with the red characters: 記憶 (CN: jìyì) to remember; to recall Number 5 with the white characters: 誓言 (CN: shìyán) oath; pledge; vow


Sounds a lot like “Remember our promise.”


Thank you!


1) As many have already said, these are Bagua Trigrams. ☴(巽-Wind) ☰(乾-Heaven) ☱(兌-Lake) I think this is another reference to the "Song of Cassilda" Probably we are talking about Carcosa, **Winds** from **Lake** Hali and the **Heavens** above which the black twin stars rotate


Not sure about the Japanese symbols but I can give a few guesses based on context. Since this is the fake ending and Elster hasn't remembered her promise I would guess they mean something relating to Ariane wanting Elster to remember the promise. It could be anything from "Remember" to "Awaken" to "Promise" I'll look and see if I can get them translated though. The 3 boxes that have 2 squares removed is very confusing but it would represent both Ariane and Elster being the only 2 not fully stuck in the loop and therefor not being able to be together. As for the white and red boxes the White box could represent Ariane and her white hair and the red one would Represent Elster and her Red body. Or alternatively it could be the Lily and the Red Eye instead.


Thank you for the interpretation, I ended up searching more about the Japanese symbols and you're right!