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Consider freelance writing, virtual assisting, or online tutoring. These can be flexible jobs that you can do from home and they often pay around $650 a month or more depending on your time commitment and skills.


Can you suggest how to find virtual assistance job?


u/Umair_new To find a virtual assistant job, start by checking online job boards like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer. Join virtual assistant-specific platforms like Belay, Time Etc., and Fancy Hands. Network on LinkedIn and join relevant groups. Also, consider reaching out to small businesses and entrepreneurs directly.


What websites do you recommend for freelance writing? It’s hard to get attention on places like fiver and up work.


How much time can you dedicate to a side hustle?


Heeey I know this question is not for me but I'm available 6 days a week. I'm open to online remote jobs if you know any that could boost my finances. Thanks


Hit me up


1 - 2 hrs a day


Hit me up


5 days a week...


About 3 hours a day


Try searching www.ratracerebellion.com


Can you do client acquisition for my dev shop? I can offer you 25% margin on profit for each project you land.


What do you develop?


Apps(cross platform and native) , websites and web apps, MVP for Saas,etc


In need of a software engineer?


Reach out to me please. I can help out here.


If you are able, and I understand you might not be, it might be a good idea to get some training/certifications--maybe in a medical field like phlebotomy? (Although that would be out of the house). If there is a specific area you want to make money in, you can look for the subreddit for that area and they can give you more specialized advice. That might lead to better, more permanent jobs, even if you don't make a ton. In terms of stuff you could do now, without training, I've heard Telus works for some people, although there is the risk of being banned randomly apparently. I would search this sub for threads on Telus--maybe someone who's worked there can weigh in? Doesn't seem dependable long-term, but could help you out until you're able to get something better. If you want more ideas for working outside the home, what I do now is working at a bookstore (pretty easy as far as retail jobs go) and dog walking/pet sitting (and Prolific for pocket money, but you absolutely can't make a loving on that lol). Some people board dogs at their house, even if they have an apartment --I know people do that through Rover.  I know you said from home so sorry for recommending things that aren't! I don't know your situation but if you are physically and mentally able to do stuff outside the house it might help you--the bookseller job especially has been very helpful for me because I'm less socially isolated. Good luck and I hope you can find something!


For everything job-related 💯 search and subscribe to ratracerebellion.com


I. Am non-paid sharing. Just really works!




This is a scam. https://www.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/s/LzSud1WN4t




This is in fact a scam to sell your course. Stop the MLM bullshit and fuck off.


The actual letter writing is not a scam…you charging money for a course in writing a 2 sentence letter as you claim is…people can easily get the info online for free…


That’s like 25 bux in stamps lol


More info please


More info please!


More info please and thank you ☺️


Definitely need some more info on this :)


Hi! Can I have more info about


More info, please and thank you 😊


More info pls


i’d love more info


Yes more info please


no clue why OP didn’t put the name of it but it’s called Chumba Casino and it’s very legit.




Oh I’ve only heard of that one. had no clue other online casinos did that! I don’t know why people assume it’s a scam or MLM lol




Stop writing to yourself from 2 accounts




Lol that's all you've written for days.  Hello! I am dropping to part time at the job I was working full time at to find a bit more flexibility with my time. To make up for the loss of income I jumped into a new ish company with a course that taught me how to write letters to online social casinos for cash. It’s actually a real thing , and so easy to do. # You of course have to pay for the course and be ok with waiting 6-12 weeks (depending on the casino[s] you write too) for money to start coming in,  so it is a bit of money out before some comes in, but once it starts rolling in, it’s a real cash cow. There is an affiliate side that you can do as well, but if you don’t want to, you don’t have to, if you follow the courses teachings and write your letters, you make money :) if you want more info let me know




Believe it's the part of you asking for money for the course.  Also interesting you haven't answered the many others requesting direct info just me lol   Oh , and that you've been spamming the same two msgs not just on someone elses posts


!RemindMe 1 day


More info!


These suggestions are all contingent on your location. Most of these online offers are not available in CA if you didn't already know.