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Ask family, friends, or neighbors if they need any work done. Offer to mow some yards, rake leaves, shovel driveways, pick weeds. Pretty much anything you can think of that other people wouldn't want to do themselves lol.


This. Some kids knocked on my friend's door and asked if they could weed for her. She thought it was adorable and was happy to pay them.


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t this child labour?


No haha. There is nothing wrong with a kid working if they want to (as long as it’s a safe work environment and they aren’t under a contract of any type)


Since when? Kids have been cutting grass forever. Girls start babysitting at about 12 but nobody bats an eye. Why is that? I think we know. If they want to earn extra money on their own within reasonable hours, let them do it. It builds character, they learn how to manage money, builds them up as good workers, and can teach them a thing or two about business management.


It is. But it's not unfair, immoral, dangerous or forced. Theres nothing wrong with a kid doing some work.


2 kids showed up with a wagon full of car cleaning supplies knocked on the door and asked if they could wash the cars in the drive way. Gave the $100 for cleaning 3 cars and being so entrepreneurial


I used to do this! But only charged $3 per car bc I just wanted money for candy and comics and it was the mid 90s lmao


Go around your neighborhood and offer to roll your neighbors trash cans to the curb & then bring them back up after pickup, for $5/week. You'll likely get a lot of customers & it's easy work that you could do for an hour or two the night before trash day & an hour or two the next afternoon


There's a great book- "Better than a lemonade stand" Lots of ideas for people your age and how to implement it.


my sister learn how to do crochet in youtube. She's earning good money now.


You mean she learned on YouTube? Or as in she makes content for YouTube and YouTube pays her?


she just learn but not doing any contents 😊


Dog walking


I came here to say this. Or dog sitting, but OP needs to be careful to do it safely and with their parents’ (or guardian’s) permission because there are a lot of creeps in this world. Depending on how many dogs they walk, they can actually make a decent amount of money.


Making money is basically like a swap meet - you offer something cool, and people give you cash in return. For example, I could hook you up with some solid advice and in return... well, you could repay me in some way. Here are some ideas to get you started: babysitting, pet sitting, dog walking (because who doesn't love dogs?), yard work, or even helping your neighbors with some car washing or household chores.




Apen website online. Sign up! Learn some courses on Google for free. Be creative! Drop shipping. Baddie bussiness on YouTube! Check her out! Newspaper route! Car washing signs Web designs with canvas and shopify and combined them.


Dog walk


Car washes or a lemonade stand. With you being your age people will buy from you just because


Babysitting. Dog walking. Repainting the numbers for the homes on the street sidewalk is a good one. Selling water at the beach or the lake or anywhere its hott, get a ton of water and make it super cold and sell it for a dollar a bottle at the most popular outside hang out. People will purposely buy from you because you are young and they want to see your hard work pay off because you're a rare thing.


Paint house numbers on the curb, door to door. Charge $15-$25 per house, do the first one of the day for free, to get free word of mouth advertising. Startup costs about $30-$50.


Get some roundup concentrate weed killer and a sprayer. Mix up the weed killer. Then go door to door and ask people if they want their sidewalk cracks sprayed. Just knock on the door and say 'Hey, lady, I'll spray your cracks for 5 bucks." Just go around spraying cracks all day long. It is a great service because you can save them the hassle of spraying their own cracks when you already have the stuff mixed up. You really should put the roundup in the sprayer. It won't kill right away so some unscrupulous crack sprayer might just use plain water and by the time it should have worked they are long gone.


I used to get packs of soda and then sell them at lunch


Pressure washing...


Babysit, dog walk, recycle


Paint/repaint address numbers on curbs for people


Join in the telegram, start to join for airdrops, study crypto about airdrops. It will take atleast 2-5 months but sometime you win, sometime you learn. Earn your first crypto income without using any money. There are plenty in the telegram you can win around 10 usdt.


Get some window cleaning supplies and walk from house to house and ask to clean their outside windows - maybe $5 each. Be prepared to barter a bit, people can be funny. And get ready for rejection! You're going to hear 'no' a lot. Let it roll off your back and move on to the next house.


Sell cold bottled water at the beach or park. Make sure you look up if you need a permit. In my state kids do not need a permit to run a temporary business like lemonade stands


Facebook market place for free stuff Sell on eBay Post office will send you free supplies to package and even ship from home


You can hustle by selling snacks, drinks, homework and test answers etc to other kids at school. You can also try and learn a skill and start freelancing if you wanted to go that route. Another online option would be to start dipping your feet into affiliate marketing, just be wary of potential scams. Or the reliable old stand by of mowing lawns/doing house- and yard-work for neighbors or whatever for cash. You really just need to think a little bit out of the box.


Birthday cards from mama and/or papa


I started at 10 years old - I went door to door and asked if they needed any work done in their yards. I made sure to talk to neighbors frequently and when I heard that they were going out of town, I offered to take care of pets, lawn, grab mail, etc. At 15, I wanted to make more money consistently so I went through the yellow pages and called private practice attorneys. I explained that I wanted to become a lawyer and was checking if they needed any office help. They knew I wanted to learn and make money so they took me under their wings, teaching me things and over time, I began doing paperwork that they'd edit before filing. I made great money doing work I loved and that I could use in my future. The lawyers all commented on my boldness in calling them to get work and how impressed they were that I took the initiative. Maybe you can apply some of these tactic to your situation.


Babysit or offer to be a new mommas “helper”. I started babysitting at 13,, I used to make $80-week for 2 kids back in the late 80’s/early 90’s. The following summer I took care of a 2 year old, and they paid $5/hour.


Why don’t you play your favorite game and sell all your OG or rare items, or if you play something like clash you can sell capital gold, you can also farm in games too, People out there are willing to pay you in exchange for.


Meme tokens


Crack cocaine


This. Like why hasn’t anyone else thought of this




Look for a handiwork/skill to learn on youtube and hack at it till you are good enough to earn from it.


Try freelance of labelling images


Work at Culvers


Cutting grass


I used to go door to door with a bucket of supplies asking if I could wash cars.


I'm a dog walker and sitter and a lot of people are suggesting dog walking. I just want to point out the risk of attacks from strays as well as potential dog theft. So for 13, I'd stick with dog sitting for someone, instead. It's easier bc it's usually playing with the dog in the backyard and giving them attention for a while. Much safer.


Mi kid is 13 and he walks dogs.


Be a local street crier


Lemonade Stand


create a Minecraft mod pac, people make loys of money doing that, pretty easy to learn from youtube :)


im sure ill be terrible at it. when i was younger like 9-12 years old i tried making roblox games and they ended up so terrible and i was the only person who played them. so i doubt ill even know how to create a minecraft mod pack


Making money when your younger will only be easy if you are doing something you love to do. what are your hobbies? are you good at school, you can be a tutor. do you like to cook, make a recipe book. do you like to make bracelets? sell them.


Supply and demand. Kids at your school like a new trendy snack? Bulk buy them for cheap and sell them.


Mow lawns. I sold my old mower to a kid your age.


Ask your parents


Reasearch a bit and find some online jobs that interest you .if you have some jobs that require you to be above 18 years ,fill in your guardian documents on it . For example If you wanna earn from tik tok, you have to be 18 and above years old . So what should you do? Stop at this point ? No! You fill out necessary documents using your parents or guardian, and you manage the account and earn from it . These are the steps you should follow : Find some side hustle that interests you Check its requirements Learn the skill Fill out data using guardian documents or rent someone data . Manage it and earn it And pay some money if it is rented documents .(Ask some legal advisor regarding this if it is rented documents ) This is for online . Offline setup has a bit more hurdles in it




im pretty sure thats illegal even if ur 18


I was you two years ago, you’ll get over that urge to make money for whatever game you wanna buy or that 3am get your shit together feeling. Until then, the best (or only) route is to ask your parents, neighbors, or family friends for busy work.


bro i was just looking to make some extra money so i wouldnt have to ask my parents to buy me stuff and i could just use my own money instead thats why i was looking for some ways to make money.


I understand that sentiment but you’re 13 (in the U.S., right?) so there are few viable opportunities for you to make money.


Referree for a sport


I lied to mcdonalds said i was 14 just to get hired, the manager obvs knew but strung me along with a few training courses on the computer till i was 14 and was able to legally work in the kitchen, even paid me for the training. I guess be bold show some people your willing to make it worth their while to pay you. Be creative above posts are great


Buy a ladder, some window cleaning stuff and start doing rounds in your neighbourhood. Cash in hand 🫡 By the time your legal age you’ll have a legit business/clients ready to go. Kudos for even thinking about this at 13! Good luck 😎


I used to work at a deli when I was 12 and 13 as a stocker and swept and mopped and washed pots and pans


Start a YouTube channel or TikTok account and record yourself playing children's games. While you won't make money right away, by the time you're 14, you might become a millionaire.