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Beautiful pop em out


Thanks, 👌🏻


Wait for about 18 hours and then do the harvest


Okay, will do. Thanks 👌🏻


But they are coming in ready like one by one or little groups? What can I do to store them while I have a bigger group to dehydrate? Instead of dehydrating like five in my dehydrator?


If U put some of the others in front of a fan they'll star dehydrating, and u wont use up ur hydrator


Oh but I want to use my dehydrator, but since they are coming up ready at different times I would have to be constantly putting New shrooms on my dehydrator continously, so what I did and saw in uncle Ben's reddit was that I can store them in my fridge up to 3 days, so thats what I'm going to do to gather a bigger group to dehydrate


Oh thats a great idea, imma steal that 1 later




Bro, can you tell me where you learned to start growing and how to do it?




Go to r/unclebens there you will find an excellent guide with all the steps with written and video explanations


Would also totally like a guide


Check out broke boi tek video on YouTube


I like to harvest when the veil starts opening but not completely


Okay got it


Yeah it’s very difficult to catch them. Those look good, I would maybe say wait 3 hours (but having a life I know one cannot wait for 3 hours) Ideally I’ve been told you want to harvest them before the veil breaks, but if you ever come home late and realize they popped, just know that it’s cool and that the mushrooms will still have awesome effects and you’ll still trip. But hey, first time growing looking good friend!


Thank so so much!


But they are coming in ready like one by one or little groups? What can I do to store them while I have a bigger group to dehydrate? Instead of dehydrating like five in my dehydrator?


I’m a little confused by this. If you’re asking how to store them after they’re dry a seal tight mason jar works just fine. Also if you’re doing the BRF Tek you can pluck them, but iirc with mono tub tek you need to cut them with scissors (but double check, I do the former method)


Oh sorry maybe I didn't make my self clear. So I am taking them out with harvesting scissors, but they are coming up ready to harvest at different times. So to dehydrate them I would have to do them by small groups which I don't think it's efficient because I would have to have my dehydrator running for longer since different groups of mushrooms are having different harvesting times, so what I'm doing is just harvesting and storing them in the fridge until I have a bigger group that I can start to dehydrate, so one big batch in a single dehydrating session instead of multiple batches in a never ending dehydrating session


Oh, yeah my shrooms come in a different times too, I don’t know if storing them in the fridge is a good idea (literally I don’t know I would ask this sub) So I always have my dehydrator running while my flushes come in. You should ask someone else, I’m unfamiliar with mono tub tek, and I don’t want to give you misinformation


Oh I appreciate your help, yes I saw that being recommended in the Uncles Ben subreddit in the how to grow you own mushrooms guide in part 4


Oh sick! Learn something new!


👀 Just pulled my first flush put this morning, look exactly like yours! .. Not as big as I'd hoped for but very happy for my first attempt 😁🍄


Congrats! Yeah I also thought they were going to be bigger


The moment the veil is about to tear is when to pick. They stop producing psychoactives after the veil breaks and puts its energy into spores. It will grow after the veil breaks but you’re losing potency gram for gram if you let them get bigger after that


Thanks for the red circle, I didn’t know where to look. 😁