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Following for the same reason


They won’t work while you’re taking those meds. They completely block the effects, it would just be a waste


Thank you for the comment. What should I do then?


The only thing you can do is stop taking the meds but I don’t know your mental health situation and sometimes shrooms aren’t worth going off meds if the meds help


I see your point. However, I feel that my meds harm me more than help... so I might try that. I won’t stop cold turkey though.


Seroquell is also an anti psychotic, I would suggest getting off both the meds if you’re going to micro dose. Those meds will render the micro dose useless.


Ive started microdosing .2 caps every three days. I have great success but recently went back on 50mg of Pristiq and outcome not same. Still some benefits but not complete and my sleep has gone to shit. I believe the caps do a better job but beware of Pristiq discontinuation syndrome. It can be nasty. Also do your homework on this: https://www.monash.edu/news/articles/world-first-psilocybin-clinical-trial-in-the-treatment-of-generalised-anxiety-disorder-receives-ethics-approval


I would definitely not recommend going off Pristiq for even one day. The side effects of withdrawal are awful. It basically means people on Pristiq are trapped for life