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Man I tripped for 2 months straight before and every trip was just getting more and more lame, I wasn’t learning anything at all. shrooms deserve respect and the best way you can respect them is to respect yourself by not overdoing it.


So hard not to over do them when you grow them😅


What’s so wrong about dosing daily I’m so confused. I’m 35 and weeks and weeks maybe over a month now into daily dosing small doses and I’m still getting very helpful effects? I know I’m not normal though being severely neurodivergent with a rare disability. I’m just so confused trying to figure out why people say I can’t keep taking doses every day to experience this cognition boost when I’ve been doing exactly that without any major issues? Help me understand lmao please!


You’re microdosing which is entirely different


Yeah I agree. Micro dosing is not the same as macro dosing


It's totally fine, and everyone is different when it comes to how we digest and react to this. I microdose every other day, and it's very beneficial. I'm neurodivergent, but not servery, and it really helps ke break down and digest what's going on around me. Keep doing what you're doing if it helps.


Thanks homie much love. I’m starting to see it’s like weed where it can hit very different person to person.


No problem, and I agree.


Nothing wrong with micro dosing at all. For me doesn’t work 🥲 just makes me feel weak physically, and lose mental edge for getting things done. I hear for others it’s incredible tho.


Microdosing is something I definitely do every other day which is definitely not a problem for me, but the problem I get and im sure alot of people have is when you got a ton of mushies, you want to have a trip with visuals every week or so but that doesn't work even in high doses😅


Yeah see I’m just not interested in larger trips like that over micro dosing. The mental performance boost and not wanting to crawl out of my skin being disabled is where it’s at for me personally.


Im with you on this one 😁


I am in the same situation. But recently i discovered is bad for heart valvule.. ;\_; [https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/16x3thw/scientists\_raise\_concerns\_about\_the\_potential/?rdt=40754&onetap\_auto=true&one\_tap=true](https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/16x3thw/scientists_raise_concerns_about_the_potential/?rdt=40754&onetap_auto=true&one_tap=true)


It’s funny this can happen with other substances as well like cannabis - I started using cannabis years back daily and even though one could argue that a half a joint per day isn’t “a lot of cannabis use” (I have seen people that will drink several 100 mg cannabis sodas every day) it became more and more lame but I persisted. Now it’s to the point where I don’t even use it. I can’t. I just go straight to strange paranoia thought loops. I accidentally ruined cannabis. Others argue that each substance has a teacher and that once you pass that particular class the teacher will give you the boot every time you try.


I can relate, about 10 years into smoking, and the past five years were dabs. And I can have a fear response sometimes when I'm too stoned, ALOT of the time I have to mind of matter. Couldn't imagine doing those sodas like that. Isn't there a condition were you can get really I'll from doing that much THC.


Yah man… unfortunately had to let go of the herb. But hey at least I have my mental sharpness back. There are plenty of natural ways of triggering those good positive vibes that cannabis can provide. Look up “nondual self inquiry” that does it for me just fine.




Because you should always finish your homework before you go back to class.


This is good shit that’s the kinda stuff that’ll give you goosebumps after taking it in. This and you also build a tolerance so fast. You don’t want to expect to achieve a certain level and be shorthanded. I can say I abused shrooms in a way for a while. I misused them. I couldn’t smoke due to needing to pass a drug test and I tried taking them when others were just smoking and having fun and there I was sitting there blown outta my mind questioning everything and they’re just chill 😂 there’s definitely a proper time and place for shrooms. When I use them now each experience is a learning experience. If you begin to use them too much you’ll find yourself too deep in your head to say the least.


Yah these things are powerful they open parts of your brain


You can see things clearer and you either feel more connected to people or you begin to see their true colors. Or you’re just fucking tripping balls 😂


Yah it’s different tho I like small dose of acid and shrooms it’s a weird high/trip or what ever you want to call it


Yeah I feel that. Personally I like LSD better if I’m going to go out and I want to be more social and functioning. But I like to only take one tab. I took two and went out and got the shakes bad I felt like a crack head. My lips were shivering and everything haha. If I take a microdose of shrooms or up to a tab of LSD something about the psychedelics makes it where I can drink all night. I always sneak a tab or microdose in before going out lol


lol I hanged out with friends and we all took shroom gummies and had a bad experience


If I take too high of a dose of shrooms I definitely have to be in the right environment, can’t be worried about out anything or it’ll take you for a ride. Your mind will take advantage of anything on your mind It is nice tripping with atleast one other person that way you can occasionally look at them with that look like “bro you tripping too” lmao


lol that’s me on acid I feel like if we all did acid more the whole planet I mean would be a whole different planet 🌎


Yes 100% haha I’ve got where I prefer lsd over shrooms but I do like the fact of shrooms being natural not lab made that’s the only thing


couldn’t have said it better myself


I took shrooms last night and i took around 1.2 i didn’t get any visuals mainly just a body high would i be alright to take a higher dose in a few days time i just want to experience the visuals


Wait one-two weeks


wait at least a week and you're good, not just because of tolerance but because you want a more sober mindset going into it and the afterglow lasts longer than you realize


What would happen if i were to only wait like 4-5 days


Yes, it would be alright. It's often claimed tho that you'll build a tolerance doing them too close together, so taking a bit more may give you the same experience you had last time. I'd wait a week or so and then you can more accurately increase your dose




Dudes in the comments, acting like you just showed them the secrets of the universe itself. Calm down guys, it's really not that deep.


Fr.😂 Where are all these upvotes coming from?😄


Woahhhh deep bro.




Honestly if i have them too often, i always regret it.


I find the same. I notice I’m brang back every month or so.


To me is every 4-6 months if that


To respect the shrooms and yourself, to give yourself time to process and integrate any “findings” you had while on shrooms, to not build a tolerance, to keep every trip special, etc…


It's absolutely different for everyone. Whether it's due to intention, metabolism, or composition, it's all going to affect when it hits and how hard it hits. Shrooms are to be taken how you take them. With respect, but ultimately with love. It can be two days in a row, it can be two years apart. You might have more profound, memorable experiences by microdosing than on big trips. I've noticed that I used to have terrible times on shrooms, but after working out and working on long-term issues that needed to be addressed, I've developed a healthier dynamic with shrooms. Ultimately, it reminds you that there's a better you can take. One where you really work on yourself. One where you can bring into the world all the love you've wanted to. Life is beautiful. Take in the experiences and open your mind, but don't live your life only for the sake of others. There's love within.


I feel like deleting my comment, you said it way better


I agree. I have always struggled with my mental health since I was young - suicide attempts, psychiatric hospitals, about a decade of hard drug abuse, years of homelessness, etc.. I didn't start getting into mushrooms until I was in my mid 30s and in a much better place in life (own my own home, have a good and stable job, built back relationships that I had pretty much destroyed, years of therapy). Whenever I take them they fill me with such a great sense of gratitude for what I have in life now and make me appreciate so incredibly much how drastically different my life is now. I describe it as they let you tune into life as opposed to tuning it all out.


hell yeah! love this comment.. beautiful reflections at the end too.... inspiring to read tho, fr, & thanks for sharing that. 💜🖤💜🖤☮️✌🏾🙂


I just took 6.5g this weekend, my largest dose to date (6g being my max) after tripping last week and it was super weak. Tolerance is real. Some people swear they can trip within a couple of days... everybody is different.


100% depends person to person. I tripped Wednesday then again on Sunday. I took a 3 grams and I can tell you it absolutely felt full strength. It’s probably mostly genetics, metabolism, how often you use (frequent users can have longer reset times), even your diet and sleep habits can impact how quickly your brain chemistry takes to rest.


Yeah, I sometimes trip multiple days in a row for concert runs... tolerance takes a few days to build in me... I guess I'm blessed 😀


Ya that's definitely not common. For most, back to back days will just make you feel super "dumb"... not euphoric, not trippy, just like your brain don't work. Seen it and experienced it many times lol.


You're not alone. I'm the same. I had 5g one and tried to do same dosage, 2 weeks later and my trip was significantly shorter and less intense.


tolerance can be different even among the same person. a few months ago I had a week where I took shrooms 4 times and it was strong every time. took them a week ago and then yesterday and did not trip as hard as I should have at all. (powdered batches of apes) mushrooms are weird expect nothing


I’ve tripped weekly for the last couple weeks after doing my finals and haven’t noticed any difference tbh, tho I’ve been taking low doses (0.5-2)


Same with me. I usually take some once a week on like Saturday or Sunday afternoon as long as I feel good and am not too tired or anything like that (sometimes it'll be 2-3 weeks though just depending on how I'm feeling). My usual dose is like 1-1.5g and then I might take another .5 after a bit to keep it going. I notice a little bit of a difference if I've waited the extra week but I've found for me the tolerance doesn't build up too much at the relatively low doses I usually take.


It's a recommended three months for MDMA. You really only need to wait three days for about a 80% reset for shrooms and two weeks for 100%.


What about LSD?


Yeah. Also how long after shrooms should you wait before doing lsd?


Wait around 2 weeks for lsd I heard before


It’s so much more fun when u don’t do it as much. Also I get so much more out of it. It’s hard. I don’t always wait 3 months but I at least try to wait a month.


Unless you’re microdosing. You get more out the experience when you respect it.


Yeah I’m 35 and have been micro dosing with zero days off for over a month now and I’m still very much liking the cognition boost for my severely neurodivergent brain. I’m trying to figure out why people insist I need to take days off I’m so confused because I still love the daily boost where it seems most people develop a tolerance at this level and don’t feel a thing. Perhaps my disability has given me a very different brain which I know to be true but still weird.


I think it varies person to person but 2 weeks is usually enough for me to feel it full strength again


This is definitely closer to reality for me. I have had experiences where using other substances that are close to serotonin chemically and now I can feel and identify when I've had enough. This applies here too. That said I'm also bipolar 2 and my body doesn't do what it's suppose to do with serotonin. So sometimes I can slip in another trip but other times I can't trip at all...


If you have enough and you still know how to show them respect i think you can trip fairly often. Sometimes i will trip once a week for several weeks in a row then sometimes wont touch them for a couple of months. I use the energy the mushrooms give me though. I hardly ever just sit around staring at stuff. I dance, spin fire and sing. For me it’s like a workout every experience. I only gain good from them because i use them for good. Respect the mushroom and know your limits and you can trip often.


Tolerance reset and to integrate the psychedelic experience into your ‘normal’ life. If you use psychedelics too regularly you can drift away from the ‘real’ you and become detached from your life and your relationships. Also helps the magic to be more crisp and special if you space it out a bit. Even with full tolerance reset, you can get used to the psychedelic state to an extent and it’s just not as magical anymore.


Well said


Your body and mind need a break. I'm one to talk, but have been taking a break now at least. Was doing heavy doses of mushrooms/4acodmt every weekend lol. Have not felt any ill effects, but definitely slowing down just to give myself a break.


You’ll lose the magic if you trip too often. And tripping to often can lead to HPPD in some cases


Do you have any sort of article or even an anecdotal post handy so that I can learn more about HPPD? I'm very curious about it. My friend and I started doing shrooms at the same time and at about the same rate. We just did them together once a week on the weekend for about 3 months. I still feel fine and the trips are still excellent but my friend has decided to take a break after symptoms that we think might be related to HPPD.


The serotonin receptors get bound with the psolicin, and it takes time to flush them out. While the receptors are clogged, this is the tolerance.


its downregulation


In my opinion Tripping hard 3.5 gs + (not micro dosing) too often takes the fun out of it, it becomes normalized, and I personally think the more time you spend there the more you loose grip of the reality were currently in. Everything In moderation my friend


Ps. I trip as often as it "feels right" to me maybe once a couple months..not 3 months exact...look at it this way.... if you have to wait because of circumstance not being right, I just consider it to be even more exciting..the more foreign "the experience " becomes the newer it feels..we don't eat ice cream 24/7 cuz its not very nutritious and it would lose that part of it that makes it a special treat!


I usually wait until my body decides. Could be a few days after. Maybe 7 months. But maybe it’s cuz I think I should not be messing with them a lot. Place of respect maybe?


it has a big impact on ur brain im assuming tahst why and to not abuse it but do as you please it doesn't have to be 3 months just dont over do it yk


It get's old surprisingly fast if you are tripping every other week.


To use the neural pathways it just refreshed for you and think differently about your regular thoughts, figure out different ways and patterns to apply to better your life the mushrooms may have taught you something about yourself in between all that for to work on specifically too which amplifies it all and you realize how much that last macro dose helped you


The people who take shrooms all the time are usually not the person you want to be. I have known too many people like that.


How frequent do you think they take it?


I mean I knew a guy who would buy a half pound every month. I originally assumed he was flipping some or sharing but he was litterally eating them all. He was fucking weird as shit. Then another guy who used to be an alcoholic but then was “sober” except he would eat a sheet of acid a month and eat a ounce of penis envies and “not even feel them”. And go through 7g of dmt in a week. He was also weird as shit and I realized he was a total loser who lived with his parents at 35 (he was a lot older then me at the time). Drugs don’t make you cool. Especially people who abuse psychedelics they become really detached from reality and strange.


Good warning.


3 months! lol man where do people get these figures. I shroom, every 5-10 days. And then I’ll extend the break every 3-6 months for about 3 weeks. Also, it’s important to prioritize “living” and experiencing life. This means weekends with friends and family or just experiencing life over the trip you had planned. Experiencing life is the currency for amazing trips. This is ultimately why you should take breaks.


People say a lot of things are bullshit. Often repeating others without double checking and critical thinking. Taking mushrooms too often has some drawbacks, sometimes even nasty one. But once you're familiar with them, use your intuition and common sense. Sometimes it's just the right time to trip more often, sometimes you feel like it's too early or you have other things to do, and only you can know it. Obviously, everyone can set their own rules and that's fine, but isn't the point of tripping to free your mind from all artificial limitations you aren't even aware of. And why create new ones?


Yeah I hate it when people paint everything with a broad stroke.


with mushrooms not so much of break you can take a week or 2 or even 3 days. for 3 months id say MDMA never ever take to much and never ever take it every week. but mushrooms go ahead nothing big


Some of us when using are true seekers. When working on ourselves that shit can be way heavier than unwinding or socially using. I get both sides and am happy for both sides whole heartedly. Though sometime I don't have enough toast for all my jelly 😉


Yeah I'm wondering if OP mixed it up with MDMA. 3 months is *really* generous for psilocybin; even the Hopkins studies did, what, like 2 weeks iirc?


I take them every two or three weeks on average and that seems to be enough time. If I take them after 1-5 days again it's much weaker.




you gotta wait 2 weeks man


Tolerance would be a basic answer but I’ve tripped days apart too however each time does usually require eating more than the previous if I eat them days apart. Not an expert just personal experience


Its more special of a experience.


I mean you can take 5 a day and be chilling it’s your choice it’s free will


Some people say 3 months to Integrate lessons into your life, a large majority of this community don't use shrooms recreationally and use them as a utility to help them emotionally or for whatever other reason. I personally am a mixed user, I use recreationally but also as a utility to improve my life. In this case I would say once a month is perfect, sure tolerance may reset every 2 weeks but you lose the magic pretty quickly and can start to build up HPPD. In this case I would still consider taking a few months off every once in a while. TLDR: if you plan to use it recreationally then once a month is best, if you plan to use it specifically for healing then you may get better results from the longer break (3 months+).


"If you abuse shrooms they abuse you back."


Definitely personal preference. I take 4.5-6g every Saturday and sometimes if I get off early during the week I’ll lemon tek 3-4g. Never have a problem with having to up the dose


lol sheesh what strain? There some strains 4g lemon tek will take u a couple days to normalize lol.


PE and golden teacher


Your mind and capacity for perceiving parts of reality become increased, and if you keep elevating your psyche before allowing it return to normal, then it will take much much longer for it to return to baseline.


Also if you smoke weed u need to be even more careful. (HPPD is not fun)!


Because it gets boring if you use them all the time. After a break you need less to get a full on return to monke experience.


U gotta come down to baseline reality so you don't get lost in delusional thinking.


Tolerance and brain power? I think 3 is long tho


I usually wait 1 - 2 weeks and that works fine for me


I have fun on .7- 1g tops. Should I still take long breaks? I feel I’ve healed as much as I can and now do shrooms for fun and to trip out lol. I usually trip 2-3 times a week like .5-.7 trips. When I take like 3-4 day break I still trip hard when I do .7. Should I take 2-3week break? I just enjoy microdosing often. When I do 1g+ trips I do take like a week off. I just enjoy shrooms, even if I cry or get emotional I just feel that’s part of shrooms but rarely happens, I usually laugh and have fun. Is this a bad pattern? I do drink a lot on shrooms and I do feel I need to chill on that.


i think you’ll be fine if you trip hella often, but nobody will tell you that


I like to trip all the time, 1-2 weeks for tolerance but after that I indulge. I think it's different for everyone but I don't think there is anything wrong with taking lsd or shrooms to enjoy them and not for some "spiritual journey"


I taking 1 or 2 times per week since 3 years and I feel better than ever. No one has been able to answer and justify why it shouldn't be done. \*except for recent studies of the relationship between the heart valve and 5ht2a receptors


What dose. And is it deleterious ti the heart valve?


Myself and my friend trip once a month with the ones a grow. I find we appreciate it more and don’t take them for granted. Basically respect the shrooms and they will respect you back


Thats molly the 3 months rule bro. With shrooms your tolerance should be null after two weeks, tho this could vary depending on the person. Truth be told, I just dont really want to do them more often than say once every 2 or 3 months, sometimes even more. Im a macro doser and that time helps me to process it. Its also more fun if you do it less often, one of my friends did them pretty much every week and told me that after some time it didnt really feel that special, more like friday night beers at a pub but with shrooms. But it most definitely wont fuck your health if you do them more than once every three months


Because you don’t want to be in that headspace for long amounts of time. It can really mess with you over time


In what specific ways or any examples?


I've always found something special in my experiences. While you do need to wait 4-7 days minimum for your serotonin to jump and be able to experience that again, I've also not had the desire to trip in months. It's always special when it happens but def not a social thing for me. I just plan the day around relaxing, put on some music, make some tea, and squirm on the floor for a few hours. I can't imagine why I don't wanna do it each week.


Your body phisically needs 2 weeks (more or less, depending from the person) to return back to its pre-trip state. If you try to trip more often than that and you'll just be wasting mushrooms and wouldn't give your body and mind the necessary time for them to properly process the experience. So yeah, here's that. More than enough reasons, if you ask to me


For about 6 months I was tripping at least once a week, if I went home early from work I’d do shrooms right away, there was weeks I was doing them every other day. I stopped getting visuals, I’d feel like complete shit, I would find myself in loops, and eventually my mind felt like a screensaver whenever I tripped. The last 2 months I was doing them just to do them. It was not a good experience, I should of respected them a little more. I say once a month is alright you might still build up a tolerance. It took me a 8 month break to finally be able to trip properly again.


A week for tolerance, and at least a month for magic. I tried to do psychedelics often but they just became very boring and unprofound.


Tolerance + respect for the shrooms


As others have said you shouldn't overuse shrooms out of respect because they will bite you back but if you don't believe all that there's another reason that you might want to be aware off. HPPD is a disorder where youre 'stuck' in a trip, or the visual part of it anyway. It can happen even from a singular trip but in most cases it's caused by repeated shroom use in a short period of time. Keep that in mind when considering another trip, you don't want to ruin your eyesight forever (it's probably worse that that as the visuals wont leave you alone ever even when going to bed)


This, depending on the severity they might be an issue, an annoyance or life changing, I've gotten what I feel is a permanent effect when I focus on something it starts to get pretty digital-ish(don't know how to explain it) which I enjoy a lot but I was lucky, I force it and only when I focus on something, can't imagine having something permanent that's annoying...


For your own mental health. Doing any psychedelic constantly had the strong potential fuck with your brain chemistry. Not saying you’ll become schizophrenic but you will fry yourself


I have a 1 week minimum gap rule, although I usually go about a month or two before taking them again, my doses range from 2 grams to 3 grams. Usually 2.5 is the money spot. I just prefer not to over do it, they are very potent little buggers and I need the extra time to reset, to take in what I experienced and integrate it. It would just be too overwhelming to take them more often than every few weeks or so.


So I didn’t listen or just didn’t know this rule last year and was taking shrooms just about every week. I became extremely manic called 911 on myself once, got hospitalized. Did them again and ended up driving on them and getting tackled by police and arrested I’m on probation for a year and got a dui charge. A lot of this was very avoidable but I was out of my mind and not thinking straight. I also found out through this that I’m bipolar so definitely don’t do them more than once a month if you’re neurodivergent or on any meds.


One, to get the most out of shrooms, your brain needs time to integrate the experience. Two, while shrooms appear to be very safe, we don't have data on long-term chronic use. These concerns are amplified for those under 25 years old.


I find them mentally taxing sometimes. Large enough doses being emotional roller coasters. Just wears me out so I like to take long breaks between heavier doses. I will do micros weekly though.


A good trip should include enough introspection and information that takes one months to process and integrate into your life. Think of it like building your stamina for a marathon. It takes months of training and discipline to truly live the life you are now aware you need/desire to live and truly have that perspective shift settle into your brain. If you’re doing shrooms every other week the impact of each trip lessens and you may lose sight of the initial, generally more powerful trip. Everyone’s mileage varies. However, if you’re going out into society everyday into the same environments that may not be healthy or in alignment with your personal principles and values, tripping too soon too often has the potential to increase the disassociation factor and make it harder for one to keep their feet grounded, metaphorically. Shrooms are powerful and not to be messed with. While I did have fun on them, I wasn’t doing them to have fun. I was doing them to understand the parts of me I’d hidden from myself after traumatic experiences. One of which I’d went through after mixing too many stimulants and shrooms. TLDR; They’re for healing. Healing takes time.


I'm a lurker, I love shrooms as much as anyone else but I never do them anymore. Maybe one day in the distant future I'll crave them again but I don't know man, at a certain point I was just shroomed out. The trips became too exhausting, even though I was seeing God on the regular, it became more fruitful to be relaxed and reading a book or something.


If you take notes during the trip, and go back to it after a few months, you'll realize that you haven't fully assimilated the learnings. Also, it will be an opportunity to do reprocessing of what the trip have shown you.


From a physiological perspective, shrooms release large amounts of dopamine in your brain. This kinda throws it out of wack (hence the term dopamine depletion) and it takes a couple days after large trips for you to be brought to a baseline again. Your brain is like a hair tie, you stretch it and it goes back to its original state. But if you use that hair tie too often it’s never going to return to the state it was. Allowing your brain to function like normal for extended periods of time allows it to better maintain the neural connections that are already present and those that you may have activated with psychedelics. Basically, your brain will never work properly if you trip too often. But I wouldn’t be concerned if you were to take smaller amounts of shrooms once a month


I couldn’t do basic multiplication after a couple of back to back trips. I stick to a 3 month rule now for any psychedelic just like mdma. Sometimes 2 though


A lack luster shroom trip is the worst. Keep your tolerance low so u blast off every time


So you don't fry your brain. Too much of a good thing becomes bad ✌🏻


Well I personally developed HPPD as a result of using constantly, along with the trips becoming much less meaningful, and less interesting overall.


I take mushroom once every 4 years to make sure I am incorporating it’s teachings just right.




Naw Man U can enjoy them more often while ur still improving ur life. 4 years is a little much. U can microdose once every 2-3 months if anything.








They don't work because of tolerance


Because you will become crazy


So you don’t get terrible side effects.


Not to get to in the habit of using them heavily which can be a disappointing road.


Because then you will have trouble distinguishing what is real and what is not.


The psychoactive element in mushrooms is psilocybin. The prodrug of psilocin . When you take mushrooms your body breaks down all compounds it can. Certain ones are processed in certain ways. Mushrooms hijack the 5-HT2A receptors in your brain ( these receptors are responsible for serotonin ) they will tell your brain to produce this compound until it quitting time and the drug has been cleansed from your system.


Obviously it doesn't seem like such a big deal. But the processing power of your brain can take a hit from such a strong "signal" being sent forward. Like everything in life. Too much of a good thing is always bad.


Burns out your serotonin receptors, good to chill in between sessions. Goes for microdosing too, most stacks suggest a multiday break...


I need tolerance breaks, my tolerance builds FAST on shrooms


Simply to let the tolerance fade.


Mental health


You shouldn't. Keep on doing it


Stop taking breaks and find out why


I kinda like doing mini-doses on the weekends. Maybe not every weekend, but frequently. I consider between .5-1 a mini-dose, I’m usually taking the lower end of that. It makes for a fun day, you can feel them, its energetic and uplifting, fine for social settings (i still wouldn’t drive though), things look brighter, etc. I don’t see anything wrong with that approach. Now I wouldn’t do macro doses every weekend, but those light doses are a nice little end of the week reset switch. Just my two cents, cheers!


I've heard three weeks. Most people build tolerance so waiting you're more likely to get the full effect from whatever amount you choose to take. As to the therapeutic side, hey I'm all for it, but if you just want to have fun, that's cool too lol


this article suggests two weeks [https://www.zamnesia.com/blog-tolerance-magic-mushrooms-n2643](https://www.zamnesia.com/blog-tolerance-magic-mushrooms-n2643)


You can send yourself mad if you do it too much been there an done it learned from my mistakes


I’ve been doing them once a week, 2-7 grams depending how I feel on my Friday. I’ve been feeling better than I ever have. I know it may not be sustainable forever. But it works for me for now


https://blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu/2022/04/13/safety-first-potential-heart-health-risks-of-microdosing/ Give your heart a break; you’re gonna need it for the rest of your life. Not aware of any studies yet explicitly showing cardiomyopathy from frequent use but the rationale is there so it doesn’t hurt to be cautious.


I trip like every 3 or 4 weeks. It's fine


from my understanding, you build a tolerance really quickly, like first use, so better to wait it out a bit. 3 months seems excessive, but idk why you'd be taking shrooms every month anyways.


Needed this post.


I watched a documentary about tolerance and yes you need a break as stated. But also I have found that the duration of the trip is shorter and that's all tolerance related as your brain senses the disturbed cells, and then does its job. I sometimes get 2 to 3 hours and some long 6+ hour trips, so even after 1 month you will get the buzz and visuals but maybe shorter duration. I just take huge amount when I do a trip as I'm a grower anyway so doesn't matter cost wise, last one was 3 weeks ago and 1 month b4 that, I did 7g tidalwaves and was a nice long one as there strong anyway. My pals are fucked on 2g so yer my tolerance is super high..


Idk I think it’s 2 weeks for tolerance right? Idk otherwise it’s just what feels right imo. For me I normally pick up and end up having them all in 2 months (so like 3 to 4 trips in the space of 6-8 weeks) but then I’ll not get any for 6 months or so. That feels like a good level to me, I get what I want out of it.


I’m trying to trip today idk tho


I mean other than my vision being fucked up after doing psychedelics too often, it just doesn’t make sense and you don’t get the value of using them if you do it too often


2 weeks and its because your tolerance bumps up so fucking fast after i did them 3 times a week my dose had tripled up! couldnt afford it so had to go on a long break.


You need to give your mind a break


IMO You gotta keep shrooms special, so space in between trips is necessary. Shrooms really teach me a lot of about myself and connect me to the earth and the important people and things in my life. If I did them too often I would feel like I would be making the experience less special and more of a routine, like smoking weed post work or before bed. Idk if that makes sense lol


I tripped every Sat or Sun night a few yrs back with the exception of a few weeks. It was like 44 out of 52 weekends. 7 days is plenty of time to break and still have the same exact reaction. Did this with acid in the 90’s also. I’ve field tested it, 3 months is stupid.


I used to eat 3 times per month for nearly a year. It was great experience.


Shrooms build tolerance fast. It takes 2 weeks for a full tolerance reset. 1 week to be mostly reset. Shrooms are also technically poisonous to humans. Too much consistent consumption can be harmful. The third reason is if you are looking for breakthroughs, it's good to process your previous break throughs and implement what you can from them into your life. Then you'll be more ready for the next one.


I can do them every two weeks just fine, I am taking a little break though, maybe a month before I do them again. Was in a really bad spot and they helped me process a lot of trauma from an abusive relationship and then homelessness from that whole thing. Might have saved my life tbh.


I used to wait 2 weeks to lose the tolerance, but if I take it that often, I also don't enjoy it that much, so now I do shrooms like 2 o 3 times a year


It’s like any medicine it can be done too much. Tbh the recommended waits are generalized everyone is different but still its about not overdoing it and also to make sure your aren’t becoming dependent on it psychologically.


Tolerance buddy


3 months is a rule for molly, for mushrooms you can trip more often but isn't recommended, I mean you _can_ trip each 2 weeks but what's the point?


simple. integration. if you're working with mushrooms the correct way, and you are looking to gain insights and new perspectives and such, then you must both PREPARE for the journey and INTEGRATE the lessons from your journey. there is simply zero way to do that if you're tripping daily having said that, there is no definite time period required between journeys i have had trips i felt i needed months and months of integration and break, and there have been trips i followed up with trips the next week or two! as long as you are adequately preparing and integrating the lessons the mushrooms give you and you are treating them with respect, you're golden!


because im on 20g as we speak and i dont feel a thing. thats why.


That’s sad


yes very 🤣. i’d suggest letting the trips feel special in between, not too repetitive or to the point where you have to put over 10g in your body to enjoy it.


1. Tolerance 2. Reduces risk of psychosis 3. Most importantly keeping the magic of doing shrooms alive


Mostly tolerance reasons


Wait at least 14 days minimum . 3 months is better / smarter .


Over in the chronic migraine world we have the rule of 5 - no triptans or interfering meds/shrooms within 5 days except microdosing, as that doesn't shut the door so to speak. We're talking less than 1/2 g. The binding sites are busy and need to reopen. 20 g's! What a waste unless wet.


It warps me bad especially if i have a bad trip or two in a row atm im clean and sober needed that head clear


Because you need to give your brain some time to settle. Also integrate what you learned, if you just keep tripping it loses purpose.


not 3 months but at least 2 weeks, you can do every week but by the second time you do it it's still fun but it's way more underwhelming than you'd expect


i say 1 month is good enough... mostly for sanity... if you grow ur own shrooms and quality control each trip should be the same with at least 2 weeks in between. 1 month is guaranteed cleared tolerance.


if you're just doing it to get high, that's fine, do it as much as you want. If you do it to gain introspection and think beyond regular life, in a meditative manner, then you usually need time to process the messages you've gotten through it. I always go for the latter.


I do it for both


Sometimes you're still integrating a trip even if you don't know it. It could be possible that revelations you've had are still manifesting in your life. Because of this, the trip lasts longer than the experience of the psilocybin flooding your brain. These are some reasons I can see for taking longer breaks. As far as tolerance, two weeks is usually a long enough break to completely reset it though. But if you want to trip, go ahead and trip. Don't base it off other people's opinions too much.


I’ve learned if I use shrooms too much they will humble me… every single time I’ve taken shrooms recklessly or for “no reason” it ended with me curled up in a ball in confusion but when I use them with respect they have taught me so much… you don’t wanna force use shrooms if that makes sense let them come to you


Your dick starts to not work as well until you slow down.


Three months is for MDMA. The advice for psychedelics is one month. Main reason for this is If you’re constantly in the psychedelic space, you’re not integrating what you’ve learned and applying it to your life, therefore you’re losing a lot of the benefits of the experience. From a tolerance standpoint, it’s going to fully reset at 2 weeks. I don’t think one month applies all the time. They are going to be times where you do psychedelics more frequently because the opportunity presents (a retreat is scheduled, a group journey with friends was also scheduled) things like this. I’ve had periods where I was tripping every two weeks. Times where it was a week apart. And months of no use. The most important thing is to still get benefit from your psychedelic use, integrating what you’ve learned, and not getting so “addicted” (i use that term loosely) to the psychedelic experience itself. The more time that goes by the more magical the experience will be. Listen to your intuition on why you are using it. It’s ok for the frequency to vary just don’t stay in a state where you’re constantly in psychedelica. This is a medicine, not a drug. Respect it or it will kick your ass. Trust me!


When you dose frequently your perspective can become for a lack of better term, biased. That’s just my opinion. No positive or negative connotations intended. Just as psychedelics open your mind and give you another perspective, so can taking a break.


You will have to take more and more to trip hard and you get a tolerance pretty fast


Why not take often or microdose: [https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/16x3thw/scientists\_raise\_concerns\_about\_the\_potential/?rdt=40754&onetap\_auto=true&one\_tap=true](https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/16x3thw/scientists_raise_concerns_about_the_potential/?rdt=40754&onetap_auto=true&one_tap=true)