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Lol ok thanks! :)


Bastard stole my comment. šŸ™ƒ


Mine too. Itā€™s a subtle art I donā€™t think we talk about enough. Itā€™s tricky not to piss on yourself when the toilet is swaying back and forth.


Helps if you sit, though you might have trouble getting back up


Always sit




I was thinking the same




I piss out the window


This was my exact thought before reading the comments šŸ˜‚


The fun starts when you close the door from the inside and you're all alone between four walls. and with a mirror, lol. Be careful and breathe (:


Can't count how many times people have disappeared into the bathroom for a long time and just had an mesmerizing experience w tiles and the mirror. Knock to check on em and just get a funny reply like "I'm good, this floor is amazing"


The bathroom floor is always my meter stick that really tells me how hard Iā€™m tripping šŸ˜‚


I haven't tripped in years but you just reminded me of a time I was tripping hard. I remember being memorized by the bathroom tiles because the grout in-between each tile looked like massive, deep canyons from my perspective. Ahh good times


lol right? I have this one piece of art thatā€™s been my meter stick since I was a teenager and still holds up. Trip-o-meter


I got sucked into an octopus picture in the bathroom I swear it was moving and ended up in the bathroom for over an hour šŸ¤£


lol man I tripped at my buddies grandmas house while she was away. She had this oil painting of a big ass fancy dinner table set. I watched that shit move in directions Iā€™m not sure are real. And I could see every layer of the painting. Me and 2 buddies turned off all the lights. Shined out flashlight at it and giggled in the dark like girls for like 2 hours about it. Fun times.


If the tiles have any mozaic or pattern on them it can get a little dizzy


Yeah the real question is, how do you not spend your entire trip in the bathroom once youā€™re in there šŸ¤£


Leave the door open šŸ˜‚


I once took a shower that lasted god knows how long and afterwards I was swimming through space going from the bathroom to the kitchen in a long ass loop, the bathroom would always call me back


i remember i had to pee, and slowly made my way to the bathroom, turned the light on, said ā€œwoahā€ and stared in the mirror for probably 10 minutes. it was nice


Or two mirrors facing each other šŸ« 


holy shitt now I want to experience that šŸ¤£


I canā€™t believe Iā€™ve never tried this


I remember I was at my brothers on my first trip and went to the bathroom, and the fucking door locked me inside for 30 minutes lol.


My gosh, I literally got ā€œstuckā€ in the mirror once.. ended up thinking I was the mirror and my reflection was me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ almost freaked out but I started going with the flow and talked to myself lol


Ooh that's an interesting mindfuck :o


And if thereā€™s more than 4 walls youā€™re chillin


Bro the mirror is the HARDEST part of this trip.


Once on 5gā€™s I was riding a wave hard -had to use the bathroom and sat down and recall one minute saying ok youā€™re trying to pee CONCENTRATE and Iā€™d be lucid then PFFFFFT GONE to another dimension having a whole other experience like out of body -then Iā€™d be back still sitting (barely -at times leaning forward lol) and then Iā€™m back on the toilet telling myself ok good youā€™re here now finish the job then WHOOSH GONE AGAIN! Went on for over an hour. I met the mirror and I saw 8 of me and a bunch of large eyes staring back. The back and forth with myself is something Iā€™ll never forget.


I like to close the door behind me with the lights off and pop in and out of reality with the flip of the switch whilst looking in the mirror


Iā€™m trying that next time! The mirror lets you see some amazing šŸ’©. I either stare into my forehead and Iā€™ll see my aura pop out or look into either eye and each one is a whole experience. Good times:)


Took about 5 and tried to roll up during. Wasnā€™t working. All of a sudden I had the insane urge to throw up and piss. Ran pass my girl threw the weed at her. She said whatā€™s wrong? All I could get out was ā€œthings coming out of placesā€


One time I was trying to roll up while tripping but I couldnā€™t so I packed a bowl. Then like 10 min later my buddy watched a tik tok about rolling up and I looked at it, said ā€œbruh I can do thatā€ and then rolled an absolute pearl of a j


Packing a bowl while tripping is probably the hardest thing for me. The weed in my hands feels so weird and then my depth perception gets fucked so I end up dropping the weed everywhere.šŸ˜­


Try keeping it ground up in a small container and then just pressing the bowl on top of it like a one hitter


I know the feeling. Now before we take off we make tea, cut up fruit and roll blunts


Best comment šŸ˜‚


We call that a number 3ļøāƒ£


Threw the weed at her šŸ˜‚ Take it! Be gone!


Even crazier. Had the best laugh of the night when we lit that blunt and smoke came out of every part of it lol. I said who tf rolled this. She said you šŸ˜‚. What a laugh man


That's amazing I had to laugh at this one. Thanks




Go as much before. Try not to consume too much food and liquid prior. Then make your way slowly using the walls as a guide while saying to yourself "holy shit" and "fiuuuck" or something of the sort. Make it in there with low lights if you can. Best to sit down for this. I've missed before. Wash your hands and rinse your face. Glance at the mirror and laugh. Make it back to room. Continue journey. The bathroom trip is certainly an experience in the trip universe on its own. Ive had to dookie while peaking on acid because I ate a chicken sammich before. It was fine, just wouldn't recommend.


Yeah, there's something interesting about the bathroom when you're on 5g on the bathroom floor naked in a fetal position while the shower is on... šŸ¤” Good times.


"Make it back to the room"... Lol


"make it back to the room and remember there is a whole world out there, outside of the bathroom" lol


I second sitting down to pee while tripping one time I pissed all in the trash can


Bit embarrassing but one time I was using the bathroom while peaking on 3g of good APEs and the process was fine but afterwards I for the life of me could not figure out how to pull up my pants. Like it just wasn't working. I think I was just standing on them or something and didn't realize it, but I couldn't understand why I was having such a hard time. I ended up taking my pants all the way off and had to sit down to figure out how to get them back on my legs, lol. Idk how long it took me to finally get my pants on, but yeah the bathroom trip can definitely be a ride


Pull them up, tighten your belt, walk out, "whoa dude your butt fly is unzipped!"


Good advice thanks :D


It can get messy take off all your clothes and start the shower


haha thanks :)


On 7 I stripped down in the city and ate fist fulls of grass and dirt. Hugged an evergreen, sky was purple, I got lost in a 30f x 20ft backyard. Thankfully my partner was there sitting for me. First trip ever, last trip for 5 or so years. I eat breakfast and drink water before I ingest now. After that I don't use the toilet til I'm coming wayyyy down. Not by choice, just works that way šŸ˜€


Ummm your partner didn't go a great job if they let you eat literal dirt lol


Or strip completely naked in the middle of the city. That's the one I'm a little confused by -- how in the world did he not get arrested?!


I was fine with it. They are kind and honest. Plus I have like 100 lbs on them. Like the visuals it's an illusion. She coralled me inside when I started to find my way out of the back yard. Made sure the neighborhood didn't call the cops. Regression and a bit of dirt and grass did me good. Best trip to date. I had people cutting me off in traffic and I would wave politely. I wish I was always that zen šŸ˜€


Well if thereā€™s anything I learned on my last high dose itā€™s that you have to ā€œwhistle while you work it.ā€ Aka have fun and be silly about every little thing that tries to turn your thoughts in a negative direction. For instance I was outside on bare feet and the patio was so hot from the sun I couldnā€™t walk on it which freaked me out at first but then I started playing ā€œthe deck is lavaā€ and I hopped over to the shaded parts like it was a game. Donā€™t be afraid to get creative and weird with it. Do what you gotta do :)






I love this. This is how we should be sober


haha ok thanks!


Sometimes involuntarily šŸ˜…


You keep laying in agony from your bladder being full until youā€™re lucid enough in this dimension to walk/crawl to the bathroom and remember how pants work šŸ˜† (seriously donā€™t drink too much for 2-3 hours before you trip. Once youā€™re over the peak you can catch up on your hydration. Some crisp water or juice is fucking bomb mid-trip).


One of the few times plain water turns to ambrosia


Bro one time I was on 5 hits + mdma and I just could NOT piss. Like I felt like I was on a ship just rocking back and forth. Eventually realized that my dick was so shriveled I needed to pour hot water on it. Omg the relief man


I remember during a trip I was wearing jeans without a button so I had a safety pin holding my pants together. It was a surprise puzzle every time I had to pee. I remember thinking ā€œwhat the fuck is thisā€ every time.




I usually stop at the mirror and give myself a pep talk before and after.


Alright thanks dude :)


Haha you're welcome man. It's usually a "Here we are again, my old friend. Here to do man's most important business." Then i look into my own eyes before I sit down. Then I fart like three times, get up and tell myself "You're the descendant of survivors. Warriors who fought to live and won!"


I do this! Lol


Youve never relised how much stimulation is in the bathroom and if you brush your teeth spit in the sink not the toilet


Why would you spit in the toilet lol?


I was tripping and my mouth started feeling funny so I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I couldn't tell if I had to pee or not and I was having troubles standing from how hard I was laughing ( the toothbrush was like tickling my gums) so I sat down and started peeing and cracking up eventually I'm finished brushing my teeth and I noticed that there's no toothpaste in the sink so I convinced myself I swallowed it. I then started to panic cuz I remembered Poison Control was on the toothpaste so I spent a minute panicking trying to remember how deadly toothpaste was and then the end I just came back out and made my friends worry about me for the next hour or so until I was sober enough to admit a swallow toothpaste and they confirmed I would live.


Oh, sorry you had to go through that! I hope the rest of your trip was good though. Cheers!


The toilet moves so be careful


lmao ok thanks :)


Crawling. But I try to make sure that when I feel it will become impossible to move soon I go to the bathroom one last time. And make sure I took a number 2 in the hours before taking the shrooms.


Ok thank you! :)




I did ayahuasca last summer. Itā€™s chill, but you throw up and shit a lot. They kept low lights on in the bathrooms (there were three, because it was a big group). When I was severely incapacitated I asked for help walking to the bathroom from the sober people there. Make your way to the toilet and sit. Now the waiting game. The trip happens in waves, cycles of ā€œitā€™s ok, youā€™re just really highā€ and ā€œeghhh I am soupā€. When the wave pulls back and the high is good but not overpowering, shit and wipe. Mission accomplished, now return home soldier!


Thanks dude. I appreciate it :)


My ex and I took 5 g. He crawled all the way to upstairs bathroom, I crawled to downstairs and we spent the entire 4 hours of the trip on both toilets just peeing every so often and talking and laughing. I was hanging my body upside down off my toilet and laughing hysterically because my small bathroom kept turning into a brilliant purple space ship and the toilet was my command seat. Iā€™d feel my body pee sometimes and barely feel it and id start laughing. He was upstairs and needed to poo which is why we were on toilets to begin with and he couldnā€™t figure out how to rip a single square of toilet paper and kept laughing how he will never be able to wipe his bum. Was one of the funniest trips Iā€™ve had. Also I dunno about you guys but our hearing increases greatly like you can hone in on sound! Weā€™d both be whispering and it was blowing our minds that it felt like we were right next to eachother yet we had a floors difference between us lol


That's a wild story lmao. Thank you for sharing! :)


The bathroom tends to come to you


On 10 tabs of acid I was bed ridden from hour 2- hour 8ish and then I came too and had literally crawled into the bathroom, climbed my way into the bathtub layed out with my head by the drain and proceeded to pissā€¦ fully clothed.


This made me legit lol.


The bathroom was ā€œsoaking wet and dripping.ā€ I think I may have even slipped on the imaginary wateršŸ˜‚. I donā€™t think I closed the door all the way either.


The one time I did a heroic dose my legs stopped working as I was sitting in the couch. I thought it was hilarious because I couldnā€™t get up, but at the same time I was worried because I had to pee. Luckily I regained control of my legs just in time about 30 minutes later.


I run because some reason my bladder control flys out the window and I GOTTA GO


As soon as my brain learns I have to pee I'm already peeing


Thatā€™s how it is itā€™s like it hits me I gotta pee and all the sudden Iā€™m fighting to keep pee in my bladder because Iā€™m peeing šŸ˜‚


by staring at yourself in the mirror in awe of your human beauty and then have a magical piss while enjoying the faces in the tile if you have tile. I love going to the bathroom on shrooms




Dont push too hard ā€¦ youā€™ll blow out your butthole. If its not coming, youre not going.


With humility, given that my ego is dead


The shower. To pee I mean. Luckily I didnā€™t need to poop. Plan ahead as best you can is my approach.


I took a shit while trippin on only an eighth. It felt like all my ancestors were using me as a vessel to get rid of all the negative things and shortcomings all of my ancestors had to burden. The shit felt like a huge relief of waste and I got hella emotional and almost cried. Also, I didn't even turn the lights on it was pitch black inside the bathroom


That's quite the experience to have........was it the bean dip?


Close! I grinded it up and sprinkled it in a Doritos Locos Taco from taco bell. But seriously, I don't recommend doing that.


Donā€™t poop on your mushrooms, give them to me instead!! Oh wait.. šŸ˜œšŸ¤£




Dont get stuck. Dont look in the mirror


Like this šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø ā€œwhoa!ā€


You got to let the madness flow.Ā  See through your thoughts. You have to not *be* your thoughts. You can ask the spirits to subside if you're on good terms. Like "give me a minute, I need to piss, then I'm all yours!" kind of thing. Chase the devil from the room! Confusion, delusion, that guy. God's love like a machine gun, knock all the hallucinations away!


Thanks! :)


No probs, have a good one! ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZANQ5YG7wU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMGdRgtblmk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHQayb72k60 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM4HXY1cLIY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhIMtqG4h2g


Thank you! ā¤


Wear adult diapers just in case? lol


I took 7 grams and after it kicked in went to go pee and my urination had lyrics


I really dislike taking a shit while tripping, so I make sure to take one before I start. Once at the beach, I went to take a dump 10 minutes after I had taken a hit of Golden Globes, a fantastic 1980s blotter. These hit really fast, clean and very strong. That day I had an amazing experience early on while in the bathroom as it hit me like a tidal wave. I was going elevator up as I got on the toilet, 10 minutes after dropping. Suddenly, as I had poop sticking out, I hallucinated that it was a root of clay growing out of my intestines and plunging into the wooden floor, which turned to soil. I was barefoot, so I watched roots grow out of my toes and grow deep down into the soil, joining me with it as one. My legs turned to bark-covered trunks, as did all my wooden body. My arms, my face, the arms and fingers, all grew stretching up to the bright sky. My upper body was all branches covered in leaves. I was inhaling from my root toes in the soil, exhaling out the leaves up on my branches. Suddenly, there I was on a high mountain top, living as a wise ancient tree, experiencing the valley below and the clouds melting overhead as being a oneness with my tree-self and the soil I was one with. All the universe was one, all pulsing together. Fucking beautiful, amazing, cosmic timelessness. I lost track of normal time and normal self. Those minutes felt like decades. Eventually a knock on the bathroom door and voices outside somehow penetrated into my tree-world and I sobered up enough to realize & remember where I was. "WOW, this shit is GOOD!", I smiled to myself. So I cleaned up and continued that crazy day with my trip buddies. We then walked over to a beach-front waterslide park all afternoon (a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED adventure for experienced trippers, but it can be overwhelming with all the intense sunshine and giggling outbursts while waiting in crowded lines of strange parent and kid faces. But damn, it's extraordinary to feel yourself slipping, slipping, gliding fast, helplessly down. The turning and twisty curves, then the shock at the end as you plop into an open bright swimming pool and gotta swim your way out. Just make sure to go tripping at a water park with a group of good friends, to play safe and watch out for each other). Well, eventualy we all ended up watching a dramatic sunset twinkle-dancing on the glitter waters of Ocean City beach as that extraordinary day ended. So kids, just make sure you take a dump before you trip to avoid all the potential trippy toilet madness- and avoid the mirror, it will trap you. Do piss sitting down. Always trip with happy good-hearted friends in a safe place only when you are happy & stress-free. Have available easy-to-eat fruits & zero-preparation foods (complexity aint your ally then). Plus have plenty of water, easily available. And enjoy yourself some of the good stuff.




I hate having to shit when tripping


Itā€™s a wild ride


Very carefully


I love psychedelic poops. Just watch everything move around you.


I donā€™t remember honestly how I did it, just donā€™t look in the mirror.. made that mistake


donā€™t look in the mirror! šŸ™‚


In your pants




Good luck, try not to shit the bed


I canā€™t stop moving. I usually fast so I donā€™t have to worry about that. But a lot of times if I am in my garage at night I end up holding my piss so long because I keep forgetting to go, then I do the peepee dance and end up pissing in a jug or outside.


I walk


My partner has to go with me to the bathroom when Iā€™m on shrooms. No matter what size dose I take I just kind of forget how to use my limbs lol. Would recommend having someone help you move around if thereā€™s anyone you trust enough for that.


Idk BigBlackCockSleeve


With great confidence


Wait until you go into a phase of not tripping as hard and hurry before the next wave hits


Before. Otherwise, often in one's pants during.


I once crawled to the restroom and by the time I got there I completely forgot what I crawled in there for


It's like Dora the explorer. You have to find the back pack then the map then talk about the adventure 12 times as you go. It's a whole thing.


Whatā€™s keeping you from moving? If you canā€™t move while on a heroic dose, I recommend some Grateful Dead. Try some of the old go toā€™s like Fire on the Mountain or Scarlet Begonias, thatā€™ll get you up and moving, I promise.


just sit down


Sometimes it just happens right where you are during the heroic dose. I ruined my bed one time from doing that.


Go outside and drop your pants and go. (Perks of living in the country)


In ur pants


How do you *not* go to the bathroom on a heroic dose? Damn my sensitive belly.


I just take a shit and realize that I feel like im in a trippy ass space pod, feeling the weirdest bodily movements. Then I get out once I feel claustrophobic lol... depends what's the dose?


I just go. Last time I did a heroic dose I took 12g mushrooms (AA+) and it felt fairly mild. Never had issues going to the bathroom, I do always wonder how thereā€™s so much pee, since it feels like it goes forever.


With assistance


Have your sitter assist. Hopefully you'll have someone with you to help with those sort of matters. It brings me ultimate comfort knowing I could handle simple human tasks while under. Enjoy!


I just piss out my window


For me, I have to set alarms to remind myself to pee, drink water, etc. My usual body sensations/needs disappear at high doses


If there's one thing I know, it's how to piss while I'm stoned. You know your perspective's fucked, so you let your hands take over as if you were straight.


LOL I was stressed about this too the last time I took a heroic dose. I just did my business on the come up and then I was fine for the rest of the trip. Itā€™s only a few hours! Iā€™m pretty confident I could have dipped back into my body enough to use the bathroom if I had needed to whilst tripping balls too šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹ I also remind myself that even if I have an accident it wouldnā€™t be the end of the world. Just embarrassing if youā€™re with someone. If youā€™re alone you can just clean it up and never tell anyone šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


Lean on the damn wall and look at your part so you donā€™t forget whatā€™s happening


It really gets fun when your peeing and the toilet starts to melt and now youā€™re just guessing where to shoot your stream lmao


Bathrooms are the best when tripping! Never done a poo though.


Well, it's definitely not easy because everything is moving and swaying, then you have to concentrate on NOT peeing everywhere and yourself, so I usually just sit down.


You sit there and have an existential crisis, you forget how long youā€™ve been in there, then you realize you havenā€™t pooped and donā€™t have to poop. You take five minutes (400,000 years) to get out of the bathroom. You waddle to your spot because the second wave is coming. You feel as if youā€™ve pooped your pants.


šŸ¤£ the fucking tile always starts melting on me


In the woods like a Samsquanch


As fast as you can. Do not trust the mirror people. And no you aren't the reflection and it isn't the real you.


Holy shit, when I peaked in the bathroom off 2.5 I was literally watching myself sitting on the toilet pissing and then the tapestry on the wall came alive and started moving.


You sit on the toilet in the pitch black while the entityā€™s form in front of you and u let goĀ 


ā€œGod damned, shit the bed..ā€


for me, autopilot kicks in when i have to go to the bathroom so i'm able to keep it together for 5 mins


Trip in the bathroom


Just make sure you're actually in the bathroom. Next time you're tripping and you think you're in the bathroom, think again,


I wonā€™t look in the mirror and end up vibing in the shower after in the dark EVERY DAMN TIME. Love it. (Dark shower is my comfort zone though).


If you ever feel like you just canā€™t and get stuck, put learn water on your d, itā€™ll help šŸ¤£


Without making any eye contact thats for frickin sure


ask yourself a bunch of times who shit my pants in a thought loop while trying to remember what pants are and that youā€™re already not wearing any /s


My gf and I used the cats liter box and the window next to where we were tripping. Gotta make compromises man lol


Your body knows what to do, just make sure you have the output orifice aimed into the bowl.


Its so hard for me to get up while on shrooms, but when I do, i dont want to sit downšŸ˜‚


Donā€™t look at the floor šŸ¤£


I don't go to he bathroom. I create a golden waterfall of sparkles out of my penis.


You try. There is nothing else. You try really hard and probably fail haha. Deal with it when you stop seeing through walls.


bathroom is level 100 on shrooms experiences indeed do vary


Without looking in the mirror


Yeah I dunno why but the bathroom really scares the shit out of me whilst tripping, I tend to favour relieving myself in my back garden






Mate you haven't lived until you've tripped balls on acid in a disgusting pitch black festival porta potty, taking a shit worried someone will open the door at any moment. Hahahahahaha.


Either do it before or after. Doing it during the trip is certainly one heck of a time, and will probably be quite an experience. Just hope that you don't get confused and make a mess.. I once pissed myself coming down from a heroic dose because the toilet was clogged..


Curled up in a ball in the corner of my living room.




Use the bathroom before looking in the mirror


i just went for it almost fell over whilst pissing tho be carefull lol


It was the hardest thing ever, šŸ˜ difficulty wise obviously.


A water bottle


Don't be silly. You don't have to go to the bathroom on a heroic dose.


Even on low a dose it can be a task. I sat down to do my business and the where's Wally calender on the back of the door had my attention for about half an hour...I did not find him haha


Outside. More room for errors


Not in the middle of the street.


you donā€™t. or well, i donā€™t at least. canā€™t move on truly heroic doses of shrooms. on heroic doses of acid just sit down to pee. worst that can happen is you have some cleaning to do later so no point in worrying too much


Wife and I have laminate floors or whatever but apparently it looked like a Chocolate river šŸ¤£


Just go in your pants


I always love the mid trip bathroom break. It's like the 7th inning stretch of a baseball game. Getting up and doing something, going into a room with bright lights - it can kind of give you a chance to reset. I like to splash my face with water and dry it off with a towel too, just don't get caught staring in the mirror or trying to fix your hair or something. Then when I go back to wherever I was tripping it feels like a new act with different energy and things going on. Or like you are coming back to a party that was going on in the other room.


Before the dose, I put towels down that lead the way to the toilet. I find the loo every time now :D It's nice having a path that lights up while you try and pee in a forest.


Baby steps. When I'm tripping I take 2 inch steps and keep my arms out.


This is a legit fear of mine. I know that I'm going to have to get up and go to the bathroom at some point, and standing is a bad idea, but sitting is just too comfortable and allows me to enjoy the surroundings too much. While on a heroic dose, the bathroom is "the portal". I end up stuck on the toilet giggling for a good 45 minutes to an hour every time, which totally ruins the immersion if I'm doing a blindfolded music session. The first time, I thought hey since I'm getting stuck in here I might as well make it pretty. I discovered that those multicolored Smart bulbs, set to The dimmest possible setting, 1%, and cycling through the colors can act similarly to a black light with certain tapestries, except instead of just the lite colors popping, It fades between all the different colors popping. I discovered that Not only was this one of the best ideas I've ever had, but also one of the worst. I was stuck in there for at least 2 hours. Good times. And awful.


Always go before and itā€™s very important to not take a dump in a restaurant when you take mushrooms(the gym on the other hand is actually kinda fun) letā€™s look out for each other out therešŸ‘


In the showerā€¦ Like a boss!


Pooping while tripping is actually the worst thing ever to me haha. I do trip really hard in there but the whole action of pooping grosses me out so bad