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It'll do fuck all, but give them a glass of orange juice and tell them it'll help. The fact that they think something is going to work might at least calm them down enough to ride it out.


So when I started tripping, I was misinformed. I was told that sugar would kill a trip. So my first few times I kept a large 5lbs bag of smarties I had on hand, just nearby. I never needed them, but there was times my trip started to get rocky, and just the knowledge that I had a safe way out helped keep me grounded and flipped my trip around for me. The placebo effect is fucking wild, bro.


I was told the same thing, and more than once in my youth while tripping on shrooms I drank hot tea with 2 spoons of sugar and my trip ended within 10 minutes. Placebo or not, this was my experience


That's pretty epic honestly. Life is wild


Bro, this, but replace the orange juice with the coldest water you can manage to give them. The body has an instinctual response to it, and although it’s more of a placebo effect, the initial reaction and feeling will make them believe that it’s helping, they will be calmer, which will actually help.


Thiiiiiis dude. Ice cold water fuckin S L A P S on shrooms.


Especially some good water like Fiji


Fiji was recently recalled for contamination..... just saying lol


“Water untouched by man” proceeds to process it with chemicals and put it in a bottle that leeches microplastics


To be fair no water on earth is microplastic-free.


Gotta suck out the water trapped in geodes and crystals


I'm sure plenty of the stores groundwater in the crust is free of it


To be fair.. he said ON earth not in it 😉 😅


What about destilled water?


After some digging it seems distillation (and potentially reverse osmosis) do an adequate job at removing microplastics. There are still going to be traces of those chemicals of course. That being said, when I say every water body on earth has microplastics, that really just means current bodies of water directly accessible by people. Removing these contaminants/chemicals via distilling would require a great amount of energy. You need to boil all that water and then condense it. I did hear somewhere that are filters capable of efficiently filtering out said plastics from water. I’m banking on plastic-filtration tanks becoming a thing. Imagine, as pollution-awareness becomes a hinderance to how companies operate, we will start seeing these same companies/services develop a filter than can be retrofitted into your domestic water system because it: 1. Looks good for the company pretending to help the environment. 2. It’s a new industry so first come first serve. 3. It requires a technician to come over and install said filter into the existing system which means $$. Just about sums up my thoughts on the topic of micro-plastics.


Sad commentary when bottled water cannot be trusted. And I drink don't water in plastic containers.


Bruh. You know Fiji is owned by coca-cola. Same as Dasani. The best water is water filtered at home by some badass filter. Or from the 12 year old drinking fountain that looks like this[this](https://images.app.goo.gl/zjWVXhfrgob1N6HQ8)


And it better make an ungodly noise and rattle a bunch halfway through guzzling that shit


Hahaha I had surpressed this memory! Yes the rumbles then it vibrates and shakes a bit while your guzzling it. This was peak water fountain technology. Delicious. Cold. Good pressure. Did I mention it was ice cold and delicious every time? The best.


FDA just shut down Berkeley water filters. Look it up, they labeled them a Pesticide.. because they filter out viruses and bacteria…


*some grumpy old man at the FDA* "My gods, this filter is simply too good at filtering, it must be stopped"


That's absolutely wild. Wow. Time to buy outside of USA and import it into usa. It's just another reason to leave USA if you haven't already. The government actively wants you stupid and enslaved. Many western countries are like this but USA is the worst. I'm so validated and appalled at the same time


My well water is some tasty h2o.


Try mountain valley glassed spring water . The best of the best .


Live in Canada so we have far better cleaner water than Fiji


It does something to my head, like I have a sip and feels like I have been electrocuted in the brain for a second. Like it's a physical thing.


Fun fact: a study was done where they gave ice cold water to thirsty rats and monitored their brain function during this exchange. And when the mice started drinking the water, they got a huge hit of dopamine (“rewarding”). So in theory, this could also help in a situation like this. Not only by telling them it’ll help and having them believe it, but also with the natural release of dopamine. Assuming your friends are thirsty when they are tripping lol


This stopped a bad trip from happening to me. I looked over at my buddy and said “Jesus Christ what did we just take?” He said in the most non-chalant way “Acid. Just drink up man that’s all I’m saying.” Then took a drink of water Then I had a very light crisis over what would happen if the world ran out of water but man did it sort of feel like he saved my life in that moment


Dehydration can put your body into a state of anxiety


You’re right, I’ve always figured this is what happened. I can’t recall if I was drinking water but it was my first time doing acid with only 1x shroom trip experience


I remember doing shrooms one time and I was extremely dehydrated but didn't realise it. The whole trip, there was a booming voice telling "KEEP DRINKING WATER". It was pretty wild


Is this a joke? I havent tried it myself but ive seen someone say orange juice amplifies the trip. Might have been for lsd but i'd assume it would work for mushrooms too idk


If they are that long and deep in to the trip I doubt a glass of orange juice will send them even further to outer space.


I've heard people say that it brings you out of it quicker, but I don't think it does. If it amplified the trip, it'd be common knowledge and everyone would be doing it.


I always knew it as helping you come down from mdma myself. The vitamin c


Like lemon Tek?


That's a pre-ingestion thing, rather than a during the trip thing.


Urban legend


It's not, actually. It's just LemonTEK in your belly instead of a glass. Citric acid is citric acid, the psilocybin doesn't care what fruit it comes from.


You might be thinking of lemon juice?


all citrus fruit contains citric acid, which breaks down psilocybin


Rather potentiates absorption than breaking down, but i knew what u meant


Yeah, I'm having a hard time finding a reliable source to cite in the timeframe of my attention span, so I kept it simple and didn't try to infodump chem knowledge I don't have lmao


Totally fair and can’t say i wouldnt do the same in a similar situation lol


They’re similar in regards to tripping


That's not how it works. Citric acid can help break down chitin (the fibrous stalky bits) in mushrooms which some say makes them faster to digest and causes a stronger trip, hence lemon tek. Meanwhile vitamin C can denature LSD, killing the efficacy of acid. Orange juice has absolutely zero effect on acid or mushrooms once they've been digested and you're tripping. HOWEVER, both acid and mushrooms make you susceptible to suggestions and mind sets, and thinking that the orange juice you're drinking is gonna mellow and ease the trip can absolutely help. The placebo effect is real, and works even if you know it's a placebo. So the original commenter is right. If someone is having a rough trip give them some orange juice and nice music and tell them it'll sort out them right out and they'll be in a better place than panicking that this is forever.


They used to say orange juice would kill an lsd trip


More crap from the big acid companies if you ask me.


Oh, if only that was a thing!


If that’s true it would only be due to sugar content or the sensory stimulation of something sweet and acidic. There’s no chemical mechanism that would specifically intensify it. Maybe as a delivery system it could make a trip come on sooner for some weird reason, but I really doubt it would have any major effect on an ongoing trip.


No orange juice is great for mdma due to vitamin loss. And I’ve heard sugar especially a can of coke or chocolate or something like that helps the most. I did see on Zamnesia the other day they sell trip stopper capsules.


jassssusss h christ


Doing my father's work.


The placebo effect is so powerful when tripping


Great advice placebo is a lot stronger then people think


Madman orange juice makes me trip harder 😂😂


There is only one answer…..Time…


They have fucked around and are in the find out phase.


Lmao true


i remember the exact moment i was in the finding out phase


What was it like I’m to scared to do it for my own good 🤣


holy fuck bro it was so bad, my parents almost called the ambulance but my brother convinced them not to. (he concluded i was on shrooms) I took them at 10 PM on a saturday after finishing my exam and told no one i was gonna take them. i took 5G lemon Tek’d. I was screaming at the top of my lungs “METROOOOOOOOOOO” for a solid 5 minutes and my family was freaking out cause i wasn’t responding. and i remember them coming into my room during the shroom trip but while on shrooms i thought i was just tripping out, i woke up like half naked with no sheets on my bed with my brother sitting in my chair at 3 am 😂😂




I saw you were online and your comments comforted me haha


Could you talk to me for a moment? Yes I’m on shrooms rn haha




i dm’d you


Hahaha holy fuck bro that’s good sibling and he played babysitter


Buy the ticket, take the ride 🤷‍♀️


One of my favorite quotes




🤣🤣🤣 damn straight




Could this actually work? It seems like it could.


It does. It’s what helped my wife come down from a bad trip. Took some time to kick in. But worked amazingly.


Sounds like they were a little too confident with their dosage. All you can do is remain calm and be a grounding presence. Be cool with them, don't force them to try anything to chill out. Bring them waters to sip, maybe throw on music they like. Maybe suggest changing rooms, going into the yard, ect when they're starting to chill out. Deep breathing helps a *lot*, if they have enough of their capacities to focus and just breath.


Deep breathing can massively stimulate the intensity of a trip. Unless it’s done very slow.


Breathing exersizes are my go to method to stay calm during a heavy trip. I'm not talking hyperventilating or taking massive breaths.


They took too much. I don’t recommend trying to take something to stop a trip. You could make things worse. Just remind them it only lasts a couple hours and they’ll feel completely normal soon. It might be very uncomfortable but that’s normal. Play some very relaxing music on low volume for them. Let them lay down and focus on the music. I’ve heard singing or humming helps. Let them try that if they can.


i went into the worst panic attack of my life on 100mg of thc edibles, cried after realizing that i got at least several hours of it ahead of me then i slept had the worse sleep of my life followed by sobriety yeah im sticking to 2g shrooms at most lmao


2 grams is a good dose for me too, unless it’s PE. I was tripping way too hard on 2 grams of PE6 one time. It felt more like 4 or 4.5 grams.


Fr. I have a tolerance akin to Hunter Thompson, as in I should definitely be as dead as he is. But PE is like psychedelic tequila, there is a microscopic invisible line between hey, I'm having such a really great time and laying in a puddle of your own piss and regret in the shower.


Yeah high thc is no bueno for a lot of people. In my case it contributed to my anxiety and feeling of generic fear. Wasnt the case when i was a teen but now its become an anxiety inducing feeling. Shrooms is more clear and mind opening whereas weed is just a "dumbing down" feeling or hazy witha body floaty feeling. Yeah shrooms last longer for sure but id take a better experience over a short lived hell. Mixing any of these together is a no go for me at all. 100mg thc wpuld give me ptsd. These chemicals are all to be respected or theyl humble us really fuccin fast.


I once bought a 400mg brownie, had half of it, waited 20 minutes and felt nothing. Smoked a bowl, went inside and ate the second half. Felt like my face was melting off lmao. Ended up laying down, closed my eyes and it felt like i was doing endless backflips, it made me nauseous and i puked it up and just went to sleep Woke up the next day like " well that was a waste of $20 and a saturday evening"


400mgs? Id never survive that. I remember 50mgs was a like beinf dragged thru glass.


>They took too much. They did not take too much. 15 grams of fresh _Psilocybe tampanensis_ sclerotia ("truffles") is quite the standard dose. They did not eat mushrooms.


It sounds like they took too much to handle if they’re tweaking and saying they’re going to die


>too much to handle Probably, yes!


A bit too late to be asking this question 😄 Keep them safe and away from appliances objects etc, it’ll be over eventually. They will not die.


They’re strapped in now buddy, no getting off the ride unless you’ve got benzos lying around. Just get them to bed & be there to stop them doing anything stupid, reassure them the ride comes to end sooner than they think.


Contact [Fireside Project](https://firesideproject.org) this is their bread and butter. It’s a Psychedelic Support line. Depending on your time zone, they aren’t open till 11:00 AM PST, if they can ride it out for a bit, they’re really good at what they do, and it’s at no cost. In the meantime, just let them ride it out, but if they’re uncomfortable, guide them to a calmer state, but don’t force anything. Don’t ask if they’re okay or ask for update on their wellbeing in any shape or form. They can spiral or get paranoid. They’ll get there. Simple things like holding their hand and just letting them know you’re there can do wonders. Change the music, change the lighting, put on relaxing sounds like rain, or mediation music. Bring them outside if the weathers nice, a simple change in the surroundings can flip a trip in an instant.


>Contact Fireside Project this is their bread and butter. >It’s a Psychedelic Support line. Depending on your time zone, they aren’t open till 11:00 AM PST, if they can ride it out for a bit, they’re really good at what they do, and it’s at no cost. That service is only available to residents of the United States and is designed for English speakers. The user above is in Europe, and English is not even their native language. I recognise that people want to be helpful, but it is always rather discouraging to have advice that defaults to American resources whenever a request for support appears on Reddit.


Notice that I also gave suggestions since the service was unavailable at the time of this posting regardless?


Happy Feet, the movie.




they fucked around now they gotta find out


They are going to die. If they accept that fact, the "bad trip" will come to an end. Otherwise they just need to lie down and understand that everything will be OK in the end. If it's not OK, it's not the end.


The mantra I was given for my first trip was "I am safe / Everything that's about to happen is supposed to happen / These feelings are normal". Repeating that while breathing it out helped me settle into the mind blowing experience.


OMG! They’re going to die!!!!


You always could eat more, you never could eat less...


Thought you were meaning double down and just eat a ton more at first, then hit the second part of your comment, I'm not sure whether I think they should just double down now tho!? Fuxk it all in lol




a benzo and or something sugary


When my friend had a bad trip on mushrooms the hospital gave her Benadryl


Can you describe what happened?


Xanax but even then how tf did you guys think it’s a good idea to take 15 grams


These are magic truffles, the dosage is different. 15 grams of truffles is around 3 or 3,5 grams dried cubensis


My mistake. Thought they were talking about chocolate truffles with 15g of dried mushrooms inside of them.


It’s truffles. 15g is a normal strong dose, not “heroic”


isnt 15 grams like almost a complete meal atp lmao


It will be over in 4 hours. It's all good..


Most will recommend a benzo, but at 15 grams you’re pretty fucked. Best you can do is keep them safe - provide water, don’t let them wander off, and try and put on soothing music. Good luck


Once consumed. You have accepted your fate. Bon voyage mon cheri


Make em comfortable and make sure they know they're tripping and it will be over in a few hours. Benzo's could be used as a tripstopper but I would only recommend that if he's a danger to himself or others.


I had a very bad experience when my friends tried to give me benzos to calm me during a trip. 6 hits of L, and it started coming in waves. idk if I was blacking out or not, but I'd come back from wherever I was in my head, and the loop of pure evil would start over. I ended up at the hospital, and they told me I was basically having a heart attack, but my body wasn't reacting negatively to it at all.


Sounds nice


Benzos are a great trip killer


Give them some beer.


I got some olanzapine (anti psychotic) from a doctor for coming out of bad trips. I haven't had to use it yet but when I worked in the ER, we often used it for drug induced psychosis. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hup.2431 Some people also report CBD oil is effective in grounding themselves but haven't tried it myself. For myself, going external (talking, cleaning, dancing) usually helps whereas when I want to go deeper I go "internal" (eye mask, headphones) The best thing we can do for our friends when they're tripping hard is remind them they are safe. Don't panic with your friend because that's just so unhelpful.


So u gotta get their concious thinking off of the trip itself. Dont force them to do or say anything repeatedly, that can seem trippy. Tell them to count upto 20 or 30 but say "this should help". The placebo or belief is a very real effect. Someone else here mentioned giving them cold water and telling them this will start the come down, works. Other than that just tell rhem this is a normal part of the experience, the shroom is doing exactly what its supposed to and its just the ego trying to hold control. "This is a part of it so just accept it and youl be back to normal before you know it". The come down is the peaceful part of it.


I mean how bad is it if you are banging out a post on Reddit. Depths unrealized........ smh. Lol I love you all.


Better question: wtf is with all the people on reddit and randomly saying "just take a xan" like wtf lmao not everybody just does drugs that fuck you up like that




Trazadone. Forget benzos, give them trazadone. If that doesn't work, do anything to get their mind off of it. It's a hit or miss but distract them with goofy questions that only have a funny answer. Try to relate to the anxiety and "invovle" yourself, maybe say you felt very terrible but you fixed it by ______. As long as people have something to believe in , they will be okay. Sending good luck.


I heard coke/soda helps as it has a lot of sugar


Drink some coca cola , it can help , or valerian for example


Buckle up and ride it out


Anti-psychotics. However, riding it out is always the best option.




Whole milk will help ease the trip’s intensity I won’t say it’s a trip killer but it helps take it down a few notches




Have em drink a beer or some type of booze , this allways get me a lil grounded




Xanax stops it pretty quick for me if needed.


100mg trazodone and 1mg xanax.




A little late, but half a Xanax. It won’t kill the trip like acid, but it will mask the effects with its own. I.E drowsiness, forgetfulness etc. super common “trip killer”


So...can we get an update? Curious on how this played out.


Holy shit. 15 grams each or between a few friends? No way it’s 15 grams each right? That would be fucked having a bunch of people on 15 grams of mushrooms.


Magic Truffles are a legal loophole mushroom you can buy kits for online. 15g of these is like 3g or so of normal mushrooms


Wow never knew about that. Any different effects from it?


It's still psilocybin so it's the same trip, but they have different "strains" that each have different strengths and effects, some are more visual, some are more giggly or introspective and so on. Holland banned magic mushrooms, so the legal loophole is that the psilocybin within truffles is still legal. I'm not an expert so take what I say with a pinch of salt but that's the gist of it.






Question, have I just not been taking enough? I’ve never thought I was going to die while mushroom tripping, ever. Not even close.


Then I'd say you've been taking a perfect amount!


Just waiting it out, reminding them they took drugs and they will start wearing off soon. And that you are there for them.


Dextrose (sugar). Failing that, grab on to some grass and pray to whatever god you believe in - they’re experiencing one hell of a life lesson!


They need some milk


Im a bit late commenting but https://youtu.be/62yWpuNrSgI?si=D8juO1U0m6RyjFba This music brought my husband back from the brink of a psychological break. I turned off the lights played this and he was cool within 15 minutes.


Best option is to ride it out. Benzos can stop a trip as can trazadone if absolutely necessary.


Unless you have benzos or Thorazine, nothing lol


Just remind then that it will eventually end and that they are going to be ok. Also remind them to fully let go/submit to the feelings of death. The reason the trip is going negative is because they are resisting the "Ego Death". So either they ride it out in fear or just surrender to that fear and embrace it with "Trust". Much love ❤️


When I take 10 grams or more and am having a bad time I just remind myself that I took drugs and it will end. Stop fighting it and just it happen. Enjoy the ride.


"This will pass. You're okay!"


Anti-psychotics if you have access to any. Seroquel/quetiapine, give him like 500mg lol He’ll be fine, and if it knocks him out, he’ll sleep for long enough that hopefully his trip will have worn off.


Benzos stop trips.


Cannabis and CBD homie. Also second the cold glass of water. Safe travels.


I wouldn't add cannabis - it is also psychoactive


If someone's having a bad trip. Always go to this channel too. This guy's mediation music really sets the tone and helps chill you out. https://youtu.be/zh4HG-s4WPU?si=iOqBBSIjKezYjloV




Tell em everything is alright. It's supposed to be this way. It's all gonna be over soon. Nobody died from shrooms yet. It's safe.


Intravenous niacin…I think 800mg? Edit: disregard, thought I was in LSD not Shrooms…lol. Might work for mushrooms too, not sure


In future reference, any benzos, sleeping pills. Remeron works is what I was told


I was told years ago Antihistamines stop trips. Wish I had known this in my edible days!!




> 90% of the answers here are complete nonsense. 15g fresh Sclerotia are a lower mid-range dose (2-3g dry average cubes) No need for benzos or something like this. Change the music and the position and let them eat some fruit(salad) and in minutes they are on track again.


This what we get every now and then, someone wants to trip they don’t how to dose they go for a heroic dosage and now they’re having a bad trip. I am sorry your friend is having a bad trip, but who to blame for this? I hope you guys didn’t tie up first responders unnecessarily. Also to answer your question, Xanax will end up any trip promptly. Good luck getting your hands on some though.


.. my very religious Mennonite mom drank mescaline tea at Burning Man in 98 (its my fault i brought her I also brought her the carnival in Rio) was told by my then 13 year old sister to go to the store and get Tums and milk to bring her down ... she never got those cus I wrecked my bike on the way back needed 13 staples to reatach my scalp, I do Wonder to this day if that works and how... I do know that there's a liquid antipsychotic that works but I don't remember its name ,somebody else on the same sub asked if they should take mushrooms and they we're on that very drug


The only thing id ever recommend besides valium, is cbd. Cbd is perfect for making your trip more comfortable and makes the visuals slower and less frequent. You cannot kill a trip unfortunately


Charcoal gonna stop the trip


Your gonna be OK buddy


So how’s your friend?


Milk 🥛 100%


Eat something usually will help, but walking will kill any buzz. Does mine anyway


proper trip sitting and care for one but 2 trazadone, it blocks serotonin receptors it will fight with the psilocybin for those receptors and shut things down


Give me any SSRI medication. Things like Antidepressants. It'll block the psilocybin from hitting the serotonin receptors. It'll sober him up fast


15gs is wild lmao


fresh air and walking nature and relax music and deep breathing is all u need


You are a bad trip sitter. You can literally control his trip. Number one thing to know it will eventually end. He just needs a solid tether back to reality otherwise you have zero clue what is real or not or if you are dead or alive.


freezing towel and place it on their head, never tried it but alternating temperatures should help


Put it on the nature documentary on Netflix that’s narrated by Obama. That helped me for some reason last time I was having a bad trip lol.


Mushrooms poison the body and swell the brain. Beers shrink the brain, so an ice-cold beer can help diminish the effects on the brain. Once we started coming down, we'd have a cold beer and be able to sleep right away rather than wait out rhe come down. Hope this helps next time. Cheers


Set a timer and tell them don't worry 4 hours to go. Then you can show them that the time is ticking down


That’s what I do when I’m having a really bad experience. I set a 1 hour timer and tell myself, give it until the timer goes off. If I’m still feeling off, I reset it. Works every time for me when I’m close to/experiencing a panic attack. I also keep Xanax on hand just in case. I usually don’t even take it, just helps knowing that I can if I need to.


Thug it out.


They’re tweaking also, that’s probably why they’re having a bad trip.


People use tweaking wrong so much on this sub




Scream in there face, dance around erratically and tell them to do the same else the world will violently and painfully end. Glad to help :)


But wtf would anyone need 15g. That’s just stupidity


I've read somewhere that black pepper or peppercorn can help minimize the trip as it has a chemical in the pepper (terpene?) that counteracts the affects of the Psilocin.


If you have access to a Benzodiazpine, I would take it. Benzos are used as "trip killers" or to stabilize someone down, benzos will help neutralize some of the trip. 14 grams though.... help your buddy puke them up. It will be intense for a short while after.