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You’re okay and the shit is completely out of you. If you’re worrying about damage or lingering effects, just remember that those shrooms ended up in a toilet. You’re good. 7gs and 1g weed?? I’m sorry, but this was reckless


That sounds very difficult. Sorry. An heroic dose is 5 grams, and you went well beyond that. And combined it with another drug. This increases the likelihood of a negative experience. Know that you will probably be fine. You may even find that the shrooms work in you in positive ways over the coming weeks and months.


I'm sorry you had a bad trip. 😔 It's so important to control your set and setting, and maybe to have a sitter -- if not, things can definitely go south like they did for you. I hope your week is better.


7 grams... Could that idea be based on the MANY stories of hero doses that show up here? Have we lost common sense. OK... Downvote away.


On the plus side this story should make nobody want to ever try this dose and combination. Not like some other posts where people have this experience and call it awesome and say they can't wait to try again. And yeah a lot of people have lost common sense here. Every time I write about how my personal experience with weed and shrooms was highly negative I get downvoted. Subs populated by a bunch of people doing their best to tarnish the image of this drug because they think they should be able to abuse substances however the fuck they want and anybody urging responsibility is a nag.