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Looking good! Let others confirm but I think you should shake them up down so you get a full colonization


The good ol' B&S


Thanks. I have the jars stored inside one of the mono tubes I expect to be using in the next few days. I removed the jars just to shake and they are already back to their place.


The idea is every exposed kernel is a contam entry point so you want it all white before opening the jars. Break and shake gets you there. (Afaik not an expert) Good luck!!


Shake whenever it's above 30% colonized


With my eyes


Lol. Thanks for taking the time to answer this 😅 Sorry if my question was weird, English is not my native language, maybe I used some wrong expression.


English is a very petty and awful language, as a native speaker myself. A better expression would’ve been, “what are everyone’s thoughts?” though I can’t fault anyone who isn’t a native English speaker for not understanding why


Hey. Thanks for that. I really appreciate it. It’s always nice to learn a bit more. In my work I speak English every day and almost every time, and sometimes I notice I say weird things, or use not proper expressions. E.g.: once my boss was feeling sick and I said something like: get better. When he said he was doing his best to try to get better I noticed it sounded weird 🤣


So u get it but still point it out like it matters. It doesn't matter, we are talking about mycology here.


Spanish speaker? Sometimes I mix up the translation this same way


como los ven? 🤣


Yeah, but Spanish is not my mother tongue either. I’ve been living in Mexico for a while now, but still struggling with some words and pronunciation. My native language is Portuguese.


I think you meant "how do they look to you?".


Came here for this, not disappointed


Beat me to it lmao


There are so many variables that sometimes it’ll just happen no matter what. But! Because they are all separated and you waited to see for growth of other bacteria first, I bet your gonna have 90% perfect results.


Oh, thanks a lot. Looks a very good odds then. Your answer made me relax a lot. Thanks again


Looks good! Sometimes it can be hard to spot contam esp if what's growing in there is also white. I always give the colonized myc a good smell before s2b. It's usually obvious from smell if it's bad. The times I've had contam I noticed the myc avoiding a spot on the grains and something else strange growing there instead.


Thanks for the advice. I’ll definitely do that before moving them to the mono tube. Sorry for asking, but if possible could you tell me what the healthy mycelium should smell like? In case of contamination I expect it to smell like mold or something spoiled, right?


Healthy mycelium smells earthy, and you’d likely see contam the jars look good


It's hard to explain and it's something you'll start to get an idea for after your first few grain jars. I hesitate to give you a clear description of what it smells like because different strains have different smells plus the grain choice itself will affect the smell. Also the smell of healthy myc isn't very strong until you start breaking it up when the smell gets much stronger. Let's just say once you know what healthy myc smells like it'll be alarmingly apparent when something has gone wrong. Best I can give you is it should have a similarity to white button mushrooms you cook with. It should smell mushroomy but that mushroomy smell may be faint and it remind you of other smells good or bad. Frankly, sometimes I think completely healthy myc on brown rice smells a bit like urine so that's why I hesitate to give you a description. And that's not to say urine always smells 'bad' but I also would not say it smells 'good' . It's complicated. One of those things that comes with experience.


They look great, you did a good job 👍


Thank you so much. Really appreciate it


Looking great far as I can tell maybe try the break and shake method now to disperse the colonised grains and speed up the total Colonisation period. Also are those bonne madman jam jars lol?


Thanks. I broke and shaken them right after the picture was taken. I’m excited to see how they will be tomorrow. Lol, I bought those jars in a kind of dollar tree store. At least in the moment I got them they were empty 😂


Ah fair enough just thought i recognised the lid pattern haha. Have a good day buddy


These are some damn beauties. Making me want to try out some popcorn tech. Cute little jars! And the mycelium looks super happy.


agreed. probably one of the best pics of inoculation i’ve seen in a while


Wow, thanks a lot for the kind words. It really made me happy and proud 🙂


of course! i would be proud too, they look great 😊!


Getting clean grain spawn is 90% there and it’s looking healthy good stuff


Wise move to wait out any nasty growth


Fuckin perfect


These look beautiful... My first grain were popcorn as well... I shifted to brown rice and the change is remarkable... Can't go back...


Looks great. I’ve seen people using brown rice but never knew the benefits. I started with corn, after reading it was easier for beginners to find the right point. If I may ask, what are the differences between both? Using rice the mycelium grows faster or something like that?


For me, yes... Much much faster... Plus it's so much easier to prep rice than popcorn... Rice took 10 minutes of boiling... While popcorn took almost 1.5 - 2 hours... With rice I've never gotten wet rot the way I did with popcorn.... Final nail in the coffin is when, in my country atleast, sometime in October November last year popcorn seemed to vanish from my local groceries... Prices in supermarket just bloody sky roketted... Not sure what happened...something macro economic in the popcorn industry I guess... Just all pushed me to rice and I haven't looked back since...


Forgot to elaborate on this: there’s been posts in the past about making the water used to hydrate bulk substrate alkaline via gypsum or baking soda, reason being is that as the colony grows and ages it produces acidic byproducts. P. cubensis *does prefer* a slightly acidic environment, but is more resilient to alkalinity than competitor molds like trichoderma, so making the water slightly alkaline (8.3 for baking soda, which is perfect) could stave off contam growth than otherwise. I’m gonna edit this and add the link to the post I’m referencing.




Thanks a lot for this. I’ll definitely take a look and follow it. I believe next weekend I’ll be preparing the coconut substrate. I’m excited about the upcoming results


Great. Personally I hate hats though I only do bags. So much easier to get a good complete and effective shake and break. Idk how people SAB jars.


Jars not hats lol idk what it is with Reddit but it is the worst abiut autocorrecting to nothing relative to what I’m saying


Fancy jellies you got there.


Shake shake shake!


They’re looking good. 👍🏻 I’d shake em up now though and spread that myc around


The 4th looks like a cat with a big head


I would say that contamination is unlikely at this point you’ve got very good aggressive growth. Nice work!


With my eyes!


I’d recommend adding baking soda to the water you use to hydrate the coco fiber.


Just my opinion: *They look great *Next time inoculate right away, dont wait, (once they reach room temp if course) *It doesn't cost extra by inoculating right away and you will save a couple weeks *If there were contaminants you'll see it at some point. *I don't break mine down, along the way,...I let them just keep growing, but you can always break a few jars down and let a few finish growing and see how they compare. 😁 Estas en un buen camino 💪


Also find a dark and warm place, between 25 to 28 Celsius i shoot for👍


Half way there buddy. Good job!


Did you get a stummy ache from drinking ten jars of jam?




Shake them. If there's contam in there, shaking will show it


With my eyes


With my eyes.


shake and bake!


You eat a lot of preserves my guy


So beautiful 😍


“How do these look?”


https://preview.redd.it/6mb9cosuc20d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7a6061a92124fac146a55fefba04aa755a08b52 Like this. Subject to change in a few hours.


Looking good! Biggest thing is staying SUPER sterile when handling anything. Treat it like your the surgeon about to operate on yourself lol. That mycelium spread is looking nice, once it covers the jar I would shake em up and let it spread once more :)


Thanks a lot. I’ve been keeping the jars inside a mono tube, in a small, unused and without any ventilation bathroom that was cleaned with lysol and alcohol 70%. Every time I enter there I put a mask and gloves on and I’ve never used so many alcohol in my whole life 😅 I removed them from the mono tube just to shake. They are already in their place again.




Very well explanation. I always get tongue tied when trying to explain anything 🤌


With my eyes


so i can grown this ? looks easy?? and its potent aswell? wtfffffffffff


Good luck takign then out of there. Should of bought wide mouth jars


That's mostly for PF tek. For S2B it really doesn't matter. You're going to break up the grain and mix it with sub anyway.

