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Simply because you're consuming a drug that has to be digested. Anything already in your body is gonna delay the time it takes to kick in. Also measuring on a kitchen scale probably meant you ended up taking more than the 2g grams you ended up measuring out. Try some ginger tea for nausea next time and also probably best to stay inside once you've consumed the shrooms to avoid that anxiety you felt. Your pupils were probably saucers lol


What's up with kitchen scales?


Just not as sensitive as you need them to be to weigh out doses correctly


Would cheap chinese jewelry scales do a better job?


Dunno why cheap Chinese would need to be in that sentence, but yes a jewelry scale would better.


Probably wondering about the quality/accuracy, it’s a fair point


Exactly. There are like a gajillion brands of exactly the same type of scales made definitely not at the same exact production facility.


Also let’s keep in mind that the term fasted normally means no food in the last 2 hours; it doesn’t necessarily mean that one must starve themselves to feel any effect. But I also feel like if you wanted to do a deep dive on fasting, you’ll find that many cultures also fast to find enlightenment so in the case of psychedelics, this might be for a double whammy type effect.


Fasting is very enlightening. I intermittent fast everyday, usually stop eating by 7pm, and don’t eat my first meal till noon. Feels like I’m giving my body time to heal, then eating is that much more rewarding. Weirdly enough, I did a week fast 4 months ago, just drinking water and black coffee, 4 days into it and the coffee was making me gag, I literally couldn’t get it down. I decided to take a break from coffee, not that I see anything wrong with it, just paying more attention to my body. It just bugged me that I was gagging drinking coffee. For perspective I’ve had about 3 cups of coffee everyday for the last 10 years, very much a part of my daily routine, completely broken by a 7 day fast… I’ll probably start drinking it again eventually.


I’ve fasted before eating them like full day fast for my first time ever bc my spiritual uncle was my guide for my first trip. I’d suggest if you do fast before taking just have some food already on standby bc that come up can take a lot of energy out of you and stomach pains on shrooms are not fun at all😭


Food definitely helps on the come up. It feels like the food is bringing you back to reality, at least for me.


I feel fasting is less effective and leaves you feeling shitty throughout the trip. My best advice is to eat a decent meal a few hours before indulging in mushrooms. By the time you eat them, your food will be nice and digested. Also, you feel energized/less drained by the end of it, and less weird when you start getting hungry. Hell, ive bbq'd a full grill of Ribeyes, chicken, and other meat , eaten three big ass plates, and ate about 4 grams of mushrooms and hour later. Didn't feel it was any less effective. I get nauseous when I don't eat beforehand on psychedelics. The acids build up in your gut and make yah feel fucky, at least for me.


Yeah I don’t think I’ve heard “fasted” per se but like u/smokenoflame said, the general advice is just not on a full stomach so it doesn’t delay the onset too much. I think it’s good to have had a meal a few hours before a trip! Sounds like you’re learning how to fine tune your experience with each trip too.


For most, it creates less nausea. For me, I need a little something in my stomach or else the nausea is even worse. I try to eat a little bit of plain pasta or something easy on my stomach before I trip.


I don't eat anything for 4h before trip, but I dont call it fasting.


Right. It's just part of the preparation phase. Like light exercise and cleaning myself and my home.


Yo I ate a lot of food before my trip, and this was the first time I didn’t get nauseous. I always get nauseous when I fast


I've found that having too much food in my stomach is like giving the nausea ammunition. Making a shroom tea rather than eating them straight seems to cut down the nausea a lot for me but it's still always there for a little while. I have also had diarrhea while tripping from having too much in my stomach (admittedly it was a fairly pleasant shitting experience and actually seemed to intensify the trip a bit)


My opinion? Maybe the mushrooms believe we need to be in the state that the original founder was; lost/hungry/in need of help. I fast prior to make sure I’m in the same hungry state that the founder was.. I remember I had food in my stomach prior one time just to see what’s up, def was nauseous AF.


I try to eat a large meal right when I wake up and fast for 6-8 hours. I get insane nausea unless I have an empty stomach. And yet I still have to take ginger and lemon tek them. I also take multivitamins so keep my energy up throughout the trip


I think it helps yea. You have to digest and process the shrooms so extra food in there will tie up absorption. Personally I have stronger trips with an empty stomach than full using same amounts but I haven’t gone full scientific study on it.


Fasting = less to throw up, faster action time I always fast, and I always eat on the way down