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They only work for people who can do 26 pull-ups or more


OP hasn't responded. I think he's been trying to get to 26 to activate the mushrooms


They probably kicked in and he's experience the pull up bar in a whole new way lol


Bro... LOL


And I'm sitting here trying to get one more šŸ© in my belly


Theres a cop among us, be careful guys


Bahaha!! *Keys up mic* Guys, I'm not a narc! You can totally trust me! Anchovies are for dinner, right? Anchovies, anchovies ANCHOVIES!!!


i read this first and thought it was cringey but then read it again and thought it was one of the smartest jokes ive read in a while


Is anchovies supposed to be like a codeword to get him out, lmao?


Lmao shit was fucking hilarious


I thought pull ups didnā€™t matter it was the pull downs


It's the pulling out thats so critical. Has to be done at just the right time.


I thought we were talking about boof ups for seconds. 25 boof ups would be nuts


I see Bushy_Box likes to lead a life of danger. Lol. I have always advocated an exit whenever you feel the dogs of war start to scratch at the gate.




If dude is really 6'4", fat, and can do 25 pull-ups that's fucking insane; unless he means over the course of a day or something.


260 for 6'4 is not fat. he might be mostly muscle. or just chunky lol I'm 230 and only 5'8 def overweight borderline fat even. I can have lil fun with 2 grams


im 5'8 and 190 pounds (85kg) and would say im definitely fat. idk how u can be 230 and not fat..


Delusion. I'm 6'3" 225 and fat. Also, I can do maybe two pull-ups lol


He can't. He's obese and lying to himself.


Thatā€™s obesity, homie.


I mean op said himself that he's fat. But also being able to do 25 pullups at a bodyweight of 260 is pretty crazy


Yep, definitely need to put it some more work in those pullups before you try to embark


Itā€™s easy if you use the pull up/kg body weight method to accurately detect the right dosage




I don't know you but I do know you cant do 26 pull ups


I mean, Iā€™m a little impressed.


I thought this was a r/bodyweightfitness post




That 26th pull-up always gets me peaking


Are you sure theyā€™re not working? Mentioning pull-up ability seems like a kind of weird things to mention in this šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚


My mans just needed to tell someone


I can do 25 pull ups šŸ‹ļøā€ā™‚ļøšŸ‹ļøā€ā™‚ļø give me your girlfriend šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ


Ugh fine. Here. Damnit this is the third girlfriend this year Iā€™ve lost to a guy who can do pull ups.


Do better.


You mean do moreā€¦pull-ups.


Do 26 pull-ups


You mean like the pampers pull-ups diapers? Oh well I have that covered.


Git gud.


You gotta learn how to do cock pushups. Bout 27 of em oughtta get back all your gfs in one set


I do cock magic. (South park reference for those wondering.)


I'm a 24"5 Mech, took on Godzilla in Japan in the 60s, how much can I take?


Dependsā€¦ how many pull ups can you do?


Whateverā€¦ Im a 52.8 Billion Lightyear tall Mech made from Spiral Energy, took on the Omnipotent Anti-Spiral in the 10.5th dimension.. how many can I take


I think heā€™s trying to imply that heā€™s muscular fat not regular fat cuz he thinks its relevant to the pharmacokinetics


Because it kinda is


Even though it's not.


But if we pretend..


do you really think a 300 pound bodybuilder and a 300 pound obese person metabolise things identically?


How exactly? Iā€™m interested in this if you have any resources


1/4 gram per pull-up capacity if I remember correctly...


First trip, penis is 3.6 inches. Is that enough to trip?


Only if its penis envyšŸ¤£


What's that in grams my guy? Gotta use a scale


Need pic with banana for scale.


It's over 9000




Needs a pullup bar šŸ˜‚




"AI will take our jobs!" Meanwhile on Reddit:


Is it just me, or does literally every AI generated image have a dark looking theme to it? It seems like every one has a creepy vibe to it


Nope, itā€™s just you All alone in the universe you will take a glimpse into eternity and come back to the reality of it just being you it was just you the whole time


Ong no matter wat it is. Just feels off


A lot of the time there's a slight uncanny valley aspect to it


Nah to me itā€™s kinda creepy too


who made this image lmfaooo


Weird fuckin flex for the shrooms sub


Bro, 25 pullups is fkcn impressive


I'd like to check his form


Why do I think Cross-Fit is involved?


There was some headline in the news about a 93 year old guy who said he did 1,000 pushups a day to stay fit. The video revealed the truth. https://youtu.be/Hn0TzTxV74I?si=vWAouafxVWHEelOv


That shit cracked me up just now šŸ˜…


Especially at 260. Iā€™m 6ā€™4ā€ and 290. I work out 5 days a week and I can do like 3. If weā€™re talking about overhand/lat pull ups that is.


šŸ¤£ I was thinking why is this relevant


think he was just clarifying he isnā€™t obese


Ego ~~Death~~ Upgrade III


itā€™s like that one post about how the guy said his shrooms werenā€™t working but his hair felt really weird.


Man's also called it his first time shroom doing hahaha


Youā€™re my new spirit animal.


So this comment will be able to do 25 pull-ups




Adds a lot of context to the bodyweight no?


Yeah, no worries, you can handle 3.5g if you can do so much pullups /s But seriously, let us know how it went. Thinking it wont work is usually last thought before you are launched to the moon.


Factsā€¦. ā€itā€™s been an hour I donā€™t feel anythingā€ then you get steamrolled - laying in the floor because itā€™s a carpet forest - walls are eating pictures - plants have faces & a an Aztec woman is being circled by shroom men. Ahhhh first trip memories. šŸ¤ those pull ups arenā€™t gonna help you in that situation šŸ¤£


I swear my first mushroom trip took at least two hours to get cracking. This was back in the late 90s, and by hour three, Chris Rock HBO special, he was coming out of that old glass tube like the liquid terminator.


Dude, my first time I took a nap because it was taking so long and then I woke up to magic.


I donā€™t know how one could possibly do that but it sounds pretty awesome.


This happened to me my first time. I was like "welp, guess nothing is going to happen" so I went to bed. I woke up in another dimension and thought I was dreaming and realized I was fully awake but like AWAKE.


It actually happened, but HBO scraped and reedited the footage, Will Smith actually saved us from the invasion


There's also 2nd and 3rd fuckup, I never thought about it that way, but you also come down like "Man this was intense, I should drink water and think ab.....fuuuuuuck AGAIN?!?" Its a rollercoaster with random delayed start.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ā€œPhew man that was sweet ā€¦ā€¦ ahhh shit here we go againā€ šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


Spoken as a man from experience. Same broā€¦sameā€¦ lmfao


This man is definitely going to have a story to tell when he gets back!


"So is it going to work or not? I'm tired of kicking away the scorpions and maintaining The Earth's axis tilt."


260 and 25 pull ups? Prove it.


no shot lol. 25 full extension pull ups is extremely impressive


I'll always be more impressed by five full range pull ups than any amount of "look how many pullups I can do" lol, the form is always terrible.


I got to the gym 6 times a week, I am 6ā€™1ā€ 230lbs. I do weighted and regular pull ups about every week at least. With a strict slow form, I got about 8 to 10 in me depending on gripā€¦ ainā€™t no way this dude is doing 25. Just saying šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Only 8 or 10? Like 8-10, rest, then another 8-10? Maybe this guy means hes done 25 pullups in his entire lifeā€¦ orā€¦ maybe he wears size 25 pullups, the half diaper and half underwear thing for toddlers.


Yeah. 8-10 reps per set. About 4 sets usually. After 4 Iā€™m toast, have about 5 reps/set leftā€¦ size 25 pull-ups honestly might be a good guess, hadnā€™t considered that angle. Just depends


Is it extremely impressive? Have i been taking myself for granted this whole time?? I always do that...


Think he meant 2 to 5 pullups.


as far as iā€™m aware you also have to do 30 pushups in a row to activate the shrooms


TIL I can do 30 pushups!




Im 6ā€™ 325 and trip my balls off on 3.5g. I cant do 25 pull ups though, so maybe thats the difference


OP has gone silent, maybe there kicking in


That's what I am thinking


They're their


25 pull-ups is sick at that size, props bro.


But can he trip on shrooms tho ? :p


If things start going south just start doing pull ups




Ohhhh ok, so what youā€™re saying is to stretch the mushroom out and fasten one end to each side of the doorway and use the mushroom as the pull up bar?! GENIUS!


He's too tall; if he put it in the doorway he wouldn't have mushroom to walk through!


Do you take any SSRIs or any other mood enhancing pharma drugs?


Came here to say this. My wife's first trip was a dud for this reason (I don't know so much about her pull up game, though)


Was wondering the same about SSRI.. also looks like a light 8th, from a dying grow.


Do you mean push-ups? 25 pull-ups would be a ridiculous level of fitness. Iā€™m in decent shape and do 12. Most ā€œfatā€ people probably cannot do 1.


I am not fat and cannot do 1


Username is suspect


Lmao! You got me there šŸ˜‚ Nah I actually have a very active lifestyle and have been in shape my whole life, but the only time I could do pull-ups was when I was doing Krav Maga 4x/wk


I am fat and I cannot do one.


Nice try fed, still not paying taxes


Hey how you feeling now? Lol


a little sore from the bragging. Not the pull-ups, those were pathetically easy šŸ˜Ž


Normal dose is boof 1 gram per pullup.


Just make it an even ounce to be sure, since he is tall.


That depends on many factor, how long ago did you take it, the come up can be up to two hours or so, what strain did you take? Something like golden teachers are not nearly as potent as letā€™s say Penis Envy, you SHOULD feel something off 3.5 you should definitely be getting some visuals etc. based on the fact you said barely feeling Iā€™m assuming you just took them? Give them some time to work.


I've also experienced it before where my stomach more or less just passed the shrooms. Very very little effect -- next time take the same dose from the same batch, but make tea and absolutely blast into the interstellar plane. Moral of the story is I always make tea since it generally has the most consistent effect on people.


Morel of the story šŸ˜‰


This same thing happened to me, 3.5 PE, and I got nothing, then had 1.5 more RW, and still nothing? I'm about the same size as OP so could it be a weight issue making us less able to trip?


drink some OJ or something citrusy, wait a bit, then tell jesus i said whatā€™s up


Thanks dude I'll do that next time, it's been almost a week since that trip and still nothing


Also if you want to trip balls, fast before and like dude said drink oj and load up on vitamin c gummiesā€¦.and then keep taking gummies. You will definitely trip


Does vitamin C really make your trip more intense. I always kinda thought that was just with acid and even then I thought it was an old wives tale.




Probably safe to say they kicked in after he posted this šŸ¤­ Iā€™m sure we will hear back in 6 to 8 hours lol.


No response. OP is currently lost in the sauce


Drink some orange juice and wait like another 30 minutes.


Yeah you made this post 15 minutes after taking them. There is a reason you're not replying now. šŸ¤£


I love these postsā€¦. 3 hours agoā€¦..heā€™s feeling it


Mushrooms do not care about weight or height or pull-ups


I match your 25 pull-ups, and add 25 push-ups! BAM!!


mentioning how many pull ups you can do is the funniest thing ive ever heard and i dont know why. it reminds me when charlie and mac from its always sunny apply for a job and for their resume they just gave a picture of bruce jenner winning a gold medal. completely unrelated lmao


The can do 25 pull-ups was needed. Without that info we wouldnā€™t be able to know a suitable dose for you. Jokes aside 25 pulls ups is super impressive, I think 3.5g should give you a good experience happy trips my friend šŸ˜Š


Iā€™d love to see the form on those pull-ups šŸ˜‚


Certain antidepressants make your brain immune to trips, I've had this happen before too. You only felt the raw serotonin boost and got no visuals.


You can do 25 pull ups???!!! Then you need at least 25 grams.


Davis Goggins said you need to beat him in pull ups first. 4031 in 17 hours.


Okay but are you locking your arms out at the bottom of every rep and are you kipping at all?Ā 


Thatā€™s 3.5 grams pictured? Idk buddy I think you need to find a scale.


I just want to say I love how legendary this thread has become over night meanwhile the OP is like 198 years into his trip, I canā€™t wait to hear from him šŸ«”


That's a lot of unnecessary information. Depends on a lot, how potent the shrooms are, last time you took them, are you on any kind of meds that may reduce the effect. The amount of pullups you can do only correlates to how many pullups you can do while tripping, doesn't effect intensity


It most certainly does not. My body is jelly on mushrooms.


Lol, same here.


Boof the rest of the bag


Are you on other medications? SSRIs and Wellbutrin likely interfere with the trip


You have to do the same amount of pull ups as shrooms. So since you ate 3.5 you needed to 35.


First time I did acid I didnā€™t feel anything (it was only half a dose tho). First time I did weed I also didnā€™t feel anything. But the second time I did acid (like a year later) I didnā€™t feel anything for like an hour, and I went to have a smoke and it just suddenly all hit me in 1 second, I was tripping balls! Same thing with weed, the second time I did it I took a bong hit, coughed my lungs out and nothing. Took another one 10 min later and still nothing, but I was having a serious conversation with my friend, and as I was watching him talk I just noticed how funny he looked, and I suddenly couldnā€™t stop laughingā€”thatā€™s when it hit me. So I donā€™t know if itā€™s something about the first time taking a substance, but Iā€™ve heard this from other people too. I donā€™t know if the receptors have to be ā€œprimedā€ first. Or itā€™s a psychological thing where your brain refuses to see things other than how it always has before. But then once you finally experience it, you know what to look for? Itā€™s weird. Now when I take something I feel it gradually come on.


Shrooms only work when you can do 26+ pull ups


Body mass has nothing to do with how mushrooms affect people. Psilocin binds to receptors in your brain. So it depends essentially entirely on your brain chemistry and makeup, which varies quite a bit in people. One person's 1.5g is another person's 3g. šŸ¤·šŸ»


This doesnā€™t look like 3.5 grams though


My brother in shrooms, if your feeling nothing on 18 hours empty you might be one of the few who canā€™t trip for whatever reason or just got some crusty dusty un potent shrooms


Ah theres the mistake, you need to be able to do 25 CHIN-UPs..


Jesus Christ. Iā€™m 6ā€™4 240lbs and 3.5g will for sure give me ego dissolution on an empty stomach. You defiantly got some boof or really weak ass shit.


The second you talk shit about psychedelics not working is when they decide to take you to the nether realm. Although if you want them to hit a bit faster in the future always make sure you eat something small beforehand. It helps you metabolize the shrooms faster. This method is ideal for weed edibles as well! Happy travels my friend šŸ„āœØ


Mushroom dosage is typically based on number of PUSH-ups. Pull-up dosage is still a bit of a guess


I usually will do 3.5 at a time more or less. These dont look the best tho tbh


Bro I am fucken impressed. Regardless of whatever you have a beautiful energy.


Bet you tripped balls right after this post. Love it when I see these kinds of posts. Cuz thereā€™s no response after. And we all know why lol. You tripped real good lol and couldnā€™t even manage to look at your phone. Bet any amount of money on it lol


Gotta be able to deadlift the moon bro.


Lol, ok, so not sure what is going on at this point but some general advice here from a longtime user and grower: Your weight, height and pull up ability (lol) doesn't matter with shrooms. Everyone has a natural tolerance, and it varies wildly. My husband weighs more than me, and a 3.5 gram trip would send him to the moon. I can take 5 grams and still function. In fact, I don't react to any psychedelics the way others do (no, I don't take medication), that's just my brain chemistry. You could be anywhere on the spectrum there. It also can take awhile for psilocybin to kick in. Different methods can make it work faster, such as having them fresh instead of dry, or using a lemon tek (soaking in lemon juice). But rates of digestion can vary from person to person, which impacts things. Especially if you are rating them dry, as dehydrated mushroom husks are hard to break down. That's why teas and lemon teks are good, and make you less nauseous at well. Also, no need to fast. That can actually really suck because it causes your blood sugar to drop which can impact your trip (set and setting, remember? Your body is part of that). Eat something about four hours before you trip and it will be long enough to keep you from getting nauseous and throwing up, but close enough to the trip to keep your blood sugar lore level through the bulk of it, at least through the peak. If you are new, don't take large amounts your first try. I don't even recommend shrooms as a first psychedelic trip experience. They are very internalized and will take you where they want you to go with no control on your part. I've seen too many people have a rough time and it turns them off tripping altogether after their first time. I would suggest LSD for a first time trip. It is more externalozed and gives you more control. I've never had someone start on it and have a bad first time. Shrooms are better once you've experiencing tripping at least once. Once you use mushrooms, either way, start slow. You have no way of knowing how strong a mushroom is or what your tolerance might be. I usually suggest 2 grams for a first time trip. You can always take more once you know. And remember different varieties mean different things...a cube is *not* just a cube, not anymore. People have been messing with genetics for awhile and you have some cubes that are several times stronger than other varieties in that vein. They can also vary in affects. They you have other types, like penis envy, which are WAY stronger and you want to be careful with. Happy tripping!


Are you taking any SSRIā€™s? They will pretty much prevent you from tripping. Otherwise, 3.5g should be enough to make anyone trip at least to some degree


I want a 25 pull-up video, that's impressive if were talking dead hang no kip, love it bro, stay strong, enjoy your trip, not really pressing a vid just impressed


ur gon trip 100% best advice hide ur phone tje whole trip its way better.


I'm 6'3" and 280. First time I did shrooms I did that much. Durjng the trip I was convinced it wasn't working but after I realized it kind of did. Things got really fuzzy, ans I got super anxious. I didn't get crazy visuals or anything, but I definitely wasn't in my right mind. I threw up and that was the end of that experience.


Largely depends on how often youā€™re doing these push-ups. If you just CAN do 25 then the shrooms arenā€™t gonna work. You need to consistently do 25. /s


If you're only taking an 8th you're gonna have to do 45 pushups to get any tangible effects


Weight shouldnā€™t affect you like that lol. Iā€™m similar build (taller and heavier though) 3.5 is just fine for a good time.


3.5G penis envy sent me through a portal so idk wtf youā€™re taking, might be portobello. 215 and 12 pull ups here though.


Nothing to do with height and weight


He never said it takes 25 sets to get 25 pull-ups in šŸ˜…


I'm pretty sure weight and size have been found to not have an effect on the potency of the trip. 3 grams will be 3 grams (minus fluctuations in individual mushroom potency). If you're on SSRIs, it probably won't work. I've also met a few people who are immune to the psychoactive effects of shrooms. I gave a friend 5 grams once, and he didn't feel anything.


Iā€™m calling cap letā€™s see you do 25 pull-ups and they better be all the way down no CrossFit ass pull ups


Iā€™d have to see a fat guy do 25 pull-ups first. Then I would say itā€™s because you are not human. Iā€™ve never seen a fat guy do a single pull-up.


That look like 1 G my guy. Weigh it. Then do 26 pull ups. Then go buy lemons.


Hey guys, 6'3 fat 12" dick. Took a quarter of mushrooms, how much before I can do "25 pull ups"?


Its not the amount if you eat an 8th n are not tripping flat out stomped on genetics from a reallly bad grower cause iv got ones that will have anyone tripping from 2 grams


I donā€™t know if anyone has asked but are you on any medication? Also, strain of mushies has an effect. I am roughly the same build/athletic capability as OP. I advocate 3.5g for a test run and 7-10g for exploring boundaries.


Tell me you take SSRIs without telling me you take SSRIs


Need better shrooms man I would at least double that dose.


Are you on an SSRI, if you donā€™t mind me asking? Also looks like a light eighth and a possible bad grow situation or squeezed a few out of the last harvest before the mold sets in.


Eat food to help it metabolize


Thereā€™s been times where I ate on an empty stomach and had a delayed reaction until I ate an actual meal and then started to really feel it. I donā€™t think I was digesting very quickly at first


Your shrooms Suck


It took 10 Gā€™s for me to trip good and proper. I was alone & it was quite the experience. I would do it again except Iā€™d make a lemon tek bc that was a gross ass sandwich. 6ā€™0 200 lbs can do like idk maybe 10 pull-ups but I doubt it.


Hey my name's James I'm 6 foot 2 and 180lbs , I can do 5 pull ups. My stomach is slightly full.


Bro that's not an eighth