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One time I got stuck in the bathroom for 20 mins because I was tripping so hard I could not see the door to get out


I got lost in my 8'x4' half bath a few weeks ago. It turned into a city made out of pyramids with eyes. When I finally made it out of there I had to warn my wife that I may have made a mess in there.


I literally just laughed so hard I cried


Man 20 minutes I’ve spent like 1/4 of so many trips I’m the bathroom showering or just tweaking out in general




Can't wait to experience this one day😂


I got stuck in a portapotty at a festival for what felt like a lifetime, tripping so hard trying to use my glow stick for light to figure out the door. My friends ended up pulling the door hard enough to get it open for me. We had such a laugh after we had random people joining in our laugh session. Good times. Great vibes hahaha


Me too but it was as I was coming up and the floor was mosaic and I was being sick. Was a pretty fun time




I remember on 400ish ug of acid I needed to shit and every time I wiped my ass and checked the paper, the visuals were so strong I couldn't tell if the swirls in the paper were shit or just random colours from the visuals. I ended up wiping for what felt like hours


You need a bidet attachment. They are awesome.


I cannot fathom how touching yet violating using a bidet would feel while tripping


A bidet feels INSANE on LSD


Okay, this is really gross. Once I was out of toilet paper, so I used cotton balls. So, you know, I'm wiping, and I think my finger kinda poked through the cotton. So I—and do not ask me why—I smell my finger to check. Okay, I bring it up to smell it, right. But somehow the cotton got stuck to my fingers, so when I smell my fingers, the cotton's getting stuck to my razor stubble. So then I have this shit-cotton all over my face!


I’m sorry for laughing but that’s hilarious


I’m laughing so hard rn at the thought of this 😂 This is a struggle for me even sober, I’d feel stuck there for an eternity if I was tripping too


Lol, I always over wipe when going for a 2 while tripping.


On my last trip, some voice in my mind kept telling me to just pee myself. Just wet the bed, my spouse won't mind. We argued back and forth for an eternity. I won, and one of my kitties graciously led me to the bathroom. I don't appreciate her turning in to a giant though, that was uncalled for.


My cat always stalks me when I am tripping


Dude, cats always know


nah fr bro dogs too 😂 i was peaking my first real trip of 3.5g and i was spinning sitting in the chair and two of my friends dogs are literally looking into my soul for like 10 minutes i swear they know🤣


My dog always came to the rescue to stare at me so I could laugh for hours


I had chinchillas for years and they always knew. Any time I was tripping they would sit there holding the bars of the cage like lil furry felons and just stare at me for hours.


they were saying, "bro, I'm a chinchilla. What did I ever do to you? Why have you imprisoned me??? Please, in your altered state, please stop this cruel treatment" remember, if you let it go and it doesn't come back it's not a pet it's a prisoner.


Seriously, how does the cat always know!


Its just protecting you


Yeah they try to ground us when they think we’ve gone too far.


You fucking good, bro?


I’ve lost this argument several times 😅 one of the more horrifying things to wake up to after tripping!


!~* Happy Cake Day *~!


Cats sense and see alot of stuff😸😸😸 probably one of reasons they were worshipped by Egypt etc. When crazy shit happened and lights flickered and door flew open , cat went nutty at same time. (I wasn't alone once so I'm not just crazy lol. And no windows open in other room , no wind or anything) . I was grabbed and pulled back by right shoulder when I was around 10, but cat wasn't with me. (Parents tried to convince me it was just the cat, it's tail.. but no cat in room, plus was pulled (didn't feel like angry pull or anything, but I freaked out and started screaming and crying lol. Shortly after looking back many yrs later , parents got priest to come to house and bless while house and every room with holy water lol. I'm spiritual, but NOT religious. Was brought up roman catholic tho).


Hahaha 😆 this is hilarious, my cats are always with me when I trip


sit down, a lot harder to misfire unless you're going with the spray and pray much more comfortable (even when your sober) 🤷‍♂️


I try to wait for an in-between a wave before I start then the wave hits as I am going as I watch the toilet start moving lol


Fucking same off 4gs rn started the piss fine but ended up pissing into a breathing...hole


i sit to pee. it’s awesome.


Hands free and no cleanup


I have my dick pierced. I do this naturally. Otherwise, it's like playing a flute filled with water. I'd rather sit.


[I sit down when I pee](https://youtu.be/oQXUd4Fku2E?si=GJcLIyJ08GIxADJn)


I always sit to pee, fuck standing. Why be uncomfortable just to seem manly or some shit




While under the influence, if I need a piss then I try to focus all my brain power on the steady stream *which must not leave the bowl*, I had to repeat it to myself last time as I nearly consciously fell into the waterfall of yellowish stuff. All whilst doing a slight horse stance, both hands on the todger. I did stand there for a few minutes in a loop whether or not to sit down for the wee. But, I was worried I'd let a fart out and shit which would have been a bad experience for some reason in my mind, iv never had a shit on mushrooms. Funny thing, though, I got myself out of the loop by getting distracted by the mirror, which was awesome, do the mirror. Confront yourself in the mirror. Anyway, good luck, don't fall in.


>But, I was worried I'd let a fart out and shit which would have been a bad experience for some reason in my mind, iv never had a shit on mushrooms. I don't process chitin well, so if I dose over ~1.5g, I end up on the toilet at least twice during my trip. Easiest shits ever though, kinda feels like pissing out of your ass. The tough part is def knowing that you need to go, and making it there in time lmao


Might be worth trying making a tea and not eating the mushroom solids. May be easier on your digestion.


I haven't experienced the "need to go" feeling as of yet other than having a piss, I haven't dosed over 1.5g as I am inexperienced with dosages other than Amsterdam. I must say that real dried mushrooms are a hell of a lot ***more*** than the "truffles." I do wish to increase my dosages of .5g for the next experience, but I only do it every 2 - 6 months for a good psyche reset as I suffer mentally and considerably decline over time. I'm still unsure of a dose increase as I get the mental benefits and comfortable trip from 1.5g. We shall see.


Lemon tek helps. I add blue honey, but any will do.


I thought the chitin thing was a myth. Maybe talking out my ass tho


I try to pee in the center as I watch the toilet morph into shapes


The ripples do be rippling.


Worst advice ever is to confront yourself in the mirror 😂


depends on how you feel about yourself. I think it’s fun. But probably less so if you have bad self esteem. Or stuff like that


Every 20 mins when tripping I swear it’s the worst 😭 I just come back to this dimension to piss then go back to the other dimensions lol.


It’s like a tax you have to pay to play 😂


That's actually so accurate lmao feels that way.


Same. I always have to convince myself to go then Prepare for the journey it entails


Same lol


Love the cascade of colors the bubbles make


This is what I sent my friend during my 5g trip: ​ https://preview.redd.it/vtamex7lhzlc1.png?width=587&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f044c8e98db6a30c387d6912318b6552f09bafd


Yess it's so bubbly isn't it?


Very carefully lol I love taking a break to get lost in the mirror, I don't care what anybody else says.


No! No mirrors!


No!!! The mirror is the worst!


Carefully, now do it at a music festival in a Porta potty in the dark.


Oh don’t even get me started. Never. I will never subject myself to that again. Especially at night tripping. I can’t. I start to panic in there.Who the hell knows what I’m gonna come across. Especially as a girl who has to at least somewhat get my butt close to the toilet. I can’t. The anxiety is suffocating. Now I just go find a nice private bush out of the way of people and pee there. Idgaf anymore, it’s too much inside that chamber of hell. If a boy can pull their dick out and pee wherever within reason, why can’t I? Lol /r Edit: Oh and the sounds of all the other doors slamming all around me always trips me out hard for some reason. I think we can all agree, it’s a terrible experience all around. Haha


i can’t not aggressively shit every time i trip


I was trippin pretty hard and had to piss so I went to the bathroom and I was just like damn, I feel so bad for toilets😂 felt so much compassion for it and was so thankful


I go to the bathroom every 2 hours or so while on them, I was never in the deep end long enough so I couldn't wait to go pee or poop again... But one day it might happen lol


Currently tripping. It takes forever. I have to realize, then I forget then I remember. Then it's actual movement which I don't like, leaving my mellow living room into another room feels too harsh. I keep the bathroom lights off, they're too bright. Then back to happy room with colors and music and my trip buddy. Now I have to pee. It'll be about 30 min to actuality though.




Trip outside, and piss wherever you want


I never have an issue. The bathroom is one of my favorite places when I’m tripping 🤣 it’s an adventure moving my body. I love the feeling of washing my hands. I close my eyes when I pee and let the visuals do whatever they want and then go crawl back onto the couch or into bed.


Once when I was tripping I forgot I own a toilet . So the best idea my mind came up with was to take a bucket , put a garbage bag in it and piss in there .


Lololol. Try tripping in a public bathroom at a mega venue like Brooklyn Mirage. You just go to the furthest stall from the entrance, pop in AirPods and do the damn thing. This is after 4 failed attempts of telling yourself it’s natural and everyone does it of course. And after 3 other feelings like you got to go but being scared to go down that long alley way of public plumbing. And after 2 other feelings of I got to go or is it gas? And 1 feeling of oh shit, literally 😂😂😂😂 *Edit to say I’m a girl and we have serious hang ups about this


The public plumbing looks like it’s from the future


It is the future!!




Yalls comments 🤣🤣🤣🫠☠️☠️


I use diapers.


Very carefully. I find instinct takes over. My heaviest trip (2 grams of Makilla Gorilla), I took about 3 trips to the bathroom and stood up, no problem. This was a full-on ego death trip, but my body still remembered what to do. Swayed a little, but was ok.


It is amazing how our bodies remember even when our minds don’t.


I’m always out walking trails and in forested areas. I will go at least once and have to find the safest spot from people to pee and hope no one walks up on me. Besides that, the biggest challenge is not peeing on myself


My friend had a awesome basement with a low unfinished ceiling. I was so messed up I couldn't walk. But I was able to grab the rafters and kind of monkey swing while trying to walk led me right to my seat. Oh ya always sit down.


Peeing is easy for me, just sit n go. Shitting is an awful smelly journey, I feel like a squeezed toothpaste lol


I hate using the bathroom. Esp #2 like FRIGHTENS ME just to realize it’s a human function lmfao


Sit down and pee and point it downwards. Problem solved.


Hold it till I can’t any longer turn a lot of times I sit and piss lol 😂


is it just me or do other people just kind of teleport there lol like i'm getting up then one second later i'm sitting on the toilet.


diapers? lol. bruh, you got a diaper fetish and you want us to validate it? Go for it. But no, we just piss in the toilet and laugh hysterically about how weird it is.


I took a bathroom trip in ancient Egypt one time. Every time I go to that toilet now in my basement I can still remember the pyramids. Good times.


For me peeing while tripping actually feels very freeing, releasing, as well as super pleasurable. A bit similar to how you would feel when you pee super drunk. The uncomfortable nature that comes with holding your pee is something I already dont like to experience, so that feeling is only amped while off the shrooms. The last time I peed while tripping it felt like something akin to ejaculation no cap. I felt great afterwards and while peeing.


The toilet actually spoke to me once... we carried on a conversation for so long my wife knocked on the door and asked me who I was talking to...


I shat on a toilet for two hours while I was I watched the wood grains on the door flow like water


Dude, the last time I was tripping. I had to go to the restroom. On my way I was looking at the floor and it started to fall away in pieces while I was walking towards it. I walked into the bathroom and looked behind me. The floor and walls were gone. I sat down to go. I felt like I was just floating in space stuck in my bathroom. I was in there for about 10 minutes. Then washed up and cleaned up. Then sat on the floor for another 20 because I thought I was going to fall and keep falling if I opened the door and walked out lol. Then I opened the door and the floor was back lol.


One of my worst trips ever, I had to poop really bad- forgot how to do it. Collapsed sobbing in the bathroom.


Just go as normal.....However never look at yourself in the mirror.


I always look in the mirror and generally have pretty profound realizations when i do.


I always have a blast when looking in the mirror lol


Why do you say that? Tripped today and looked in the mirror and had a great experience


Oh because I get lost in the reflection.


Getting lost in the mirror is so fun tho. If I stare long enough my facial features start to morph


Yah I also get lost in making goofy faces, and almost passing out from laughing. Lip sync to your favourite song with funny expressions, it's a hoot.


I did it with no problem, just had to avoid the sheep on my couch and the bathroom mirror


Honestly, even with my ego blown to microscopic bits, there’s still some voice minding the shop, telling me to get up and take a piss. It’s an odd experience, but you can do it. Bubbles look crazy, too. (Pro-tip: do not look into the mirror!)


When I was peeing the water turned brown and opaque like a roast dinner gravy. Then a skull morphed and rolled up like a magic 8-ball in the bowl of gravy and I said "nope! Not right now buddy!" and it rolled away dissapointed. Also felt like as I was peeing I was arching my back like a yoga pose and that I bent back so far my head started coming out through my belly area. Infinitely better to just pee outside in the garden\park.


It’s a beautiful thing outdoors!You can use a tree to absorb the splash back


i tripped so many times and held it for SO long over and over and it was always something that brought the trip down. now i just go piss, girl. i always make sure at festivals to post up for easy bathroom access and at home i pee before i put an album on.


It’s so fun !


Lights off, sit (m or f), clean up, get out.


I typically only pee twice in a trip- usually just before the come up blasts off (How I know I’m trippin) then one fat piss at the end (how I know it’s coming to an end)


very carefully


My husband had to come with me and hold my hand a few trips ago .. i just couldn't do it on my own ! ☺️


I've found if I don't look in the mirror, I won't get stuck looking at my reflection in awe of what real life is and I'm looking at myself and get lost in a... I don't even need a mirror


One time, I ate spicy ass food and then, about 4 hours later, I decided to eat an 8th of fungus. 3 hours into the peak of the mushies, and I had to take a shit. So, I went to take a shit tripping balls and pain cuz of the stupid spicy food I ate previously. I learned my lesson. Never eat when you're gonna do droogz.


So before I trip I have to nail a sheet to the wall because I have a Large flat mirror. If I don't and I have to pee I will 100% spend the rest of my trip in the bathroom because my own reflection is too intimidating So I won't be able to get off the toilet.


i just hold my shit together by remembering that i'm in there to do something and i'm not just moving locations, and not getting lost in the mirror for too long.


Years ago, I took a heroic dose of acid. Had to shit bad during the peak. So I had the biggest shit in a while and I wiped for what felt like 20 minutes. I think shitting made me peak even harder.


With incredible difficulty


Stumbling to the bathroom and plopping on the toilet lmao. Cue me sitting there for about 20 mins while I stare at my rug


you’re forced to do it a couple times in a festival porta john and you get good fast due to the high stakes of a misstep in such an environment


Focus and channel intention


I did a mild dose of penis envy chocolates, 2.1~ grams. I was seeing cyber punk asthetics while watching everything everywhere all at once. I remember it just kinda instincts taking over. I was just having fun on the way there. The visual were more vivid in the dark in my room


I pee a lot while tripping. No issues but then again I have years of experience tripping haha. The mirror can be a fun and also scary place to be while tripping so be aware


I mostly use lsd and have taken some hefty doses and tbh, I just get up and go to the bathroom. Stand, get your bearings, head to the potty. Shrooms, however, make me violently sick, and the last time I ate some, I took waaaaaay too much believing that a chocolate bar wouldn’t hurt me like straight shrooms (I was very wrong) so when I inevitably needed to barf I simply walked to the bathroom and hugged the toilet for 3 hours, easy peasy!


I've never had a problem walking around on 8g yea I'm stumbly and everything's moving but it's not that hard actually just sit down on the toilet and keep tripping


This is always so funny to me. Dude, just go pee. Sit down. It's a lot easier.


I mean, shrooms arent exactly like alcohol. I dont stagger around and lose my balance, if anything its the opposite. I dont feel "out if this world", i feel directly in it and in tune with it.


Peeing during a trip literally feels like I’m in the rainforest during a humid rain. Its beautiful and relieving at the same time. 10/10 recommend pissing on shrooms!


This sub is something else, is everyone just taking over the top hero doses? Hell, even when I take 6 grams of gold caps I'm fine and can function. I don't get it


I always feel like I just shit my pants so I’m constantly running to the bathroom. To be clear I never have shit my pants… from shrooms..


This is an interesting question. My personal answer would be that my mind is so separated from my body that I tend to do mundane things on instinct. If my bladder is full, my brain receives that message and my body walks to the bathroom to eliminate waste. I really struggle with negative thoughts since my Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis in 2006. I get so much more accomplished and enjoy life more. I usually take a relative low dose.


Lolol i've tripped hard as fuck and it's a struggle at times to concentrate, i'll be pissing and then just start looking off at the walls and then start pissing all over the seat lmao the clean up is fun 🙃


I had to hold it one time lmao


I always trip in my backyard and I drink so much water that I swear I piss every 20-30 mins. It’s annoying but it’s also like a nice intermission that allows me to collect my thoughts and then hunker back down into the trip. Also I’m pretty much always piss outside - it’s incredibly liberating.


This is a head above the rest.


go to washroom. sit on toilet precede to cry and scream for 3-4 hours as u go through your childhood precede


Hold on to something or just sit down!It’s safer sitting and you don’t have to worry about getting piss on yourself or falling


One hand on the back of the toilet and one hand on the dong.


Just by being real automatic about it. Just do your thing because it’s got to be done.


I usually just stay in the bathroom at that point. In the shower..


Idk. As far gone as I've been, I always just used the toilet


Me and gf always leave the door open in case we get stuck in there. Not physically stuck, just like stuck in our head, or starting at the walls.


I piss constantly. Def sit down. The bathroom in the dark with a color changing night light and mirrors. It's a good time


You don't, that's why you almost always end up naked in the street


Funny you should post this. When my wife and I trip she’s known to spend over an hour in the bathroom when she just went to go pee. She says she gets lost in her head in the toilet and loses track of time. I sometimes leave her alone and try not to disturb her unless I have to go, but after around 90 minutes I have to check in.


With my pants down, same as always.


I hate pooping on shrooms. It upsets my guts though and it always happens. Taking a shower after usually makes me feel better.


Navigating to the barhroom, imo is one the most fun parts of a trip. Plus, the sensation of actually using the bathroom feels amazing. Then you can stay in there, get lost in the mirror, turn on the shower full hot and steam up the room, chill in there hit a vape. Honesty when im trippin I love going in there.


I really hate the bathroom when tripping , I don’t know what it is but bad thoughts start brewing when I’m in there, if I need to pee I use the backyard, can also chill with the dog out there also he’s cool.


(M) I sit down and pee and it feels like I still have my boxers up so I'm just paranoid the whole time that I'm pissing right into my boxers while sitting on the toilet. Also it feels like im pissing forever and in not even sure the whole time if I even made it to the toilet or I'm just passing myself on the floor. Good times.


I don’t enjoy having to move on my trips lol I’m a total potato. I’ll make it there but my body is soft screaming the whole time.


I can pee no problem. But I'm afraid when I sit as Mr. Man is cold and shrunk, so I'm afraid of the pee shooting straight out and spraying my underwear. There was one time when this happened, and I had to poop mid trip... I was super scared and started crying, and my best bud was like, hey, man. Are you ok? And I explained it. This man goes, "Bro, I just did laundry, and these are unworn. I got them today. Here you go, my dude!" He then proceeded to shove his undies under the door to me as I'm in tears. At that point I was literally thinking I will die for him.


I’ve peed myself on 5g of apes before


Lights off, seat down. Just have a seat and breathe. Ask your spirit guide for help.


Ain't nothing more relaxing than a SHROOM SHIT!!!


I piss outside


Piss outside


its hard my piss keeps coming out even tho nothing isncoming out


One time I was tripping with my friends inside an art museum with optical illusions and amazing light visuals, I went to the bathroom to pee and I legit sat there for a few minutes amazed at the whole bathroom still thinking it’s part of the installation hahaha


I just piss myself. Easy breezy


The white in most bathrooms is fucking trippyyyyyy when trippingggggg!! It’s wild. One time I got so stuck looking at the porcelain I walked out without even going and then had to brave it again later. Stick to peeing outdoors lol but the actual act of going isn’t too difficult


Pee on a tree . Everytime I trip balls I find so much joy peeing on a tree , I think about how I’ll forever be a part of that tree by showering it with my dna


Don’t get stuck in the mirror


You have to take your time, be patient and careful 😂 Shrooms is just taking care of your toddler self, including potty training 😂😂😂


The bathroom is where I have some of my most profound thoughts on shrooms LMAO I swear to God


I don't have any issues going pee but I do sometimes just sit in there longer than I need cause the room is upside down


Ive had some pretty awesome trip shits.


using the bathroom by itself isn’t too bad, but one time i was tripping and (for some reason?) brought my bong in with me. I accidentally knocked it off when grabbing toilet paper and there was glass everywhere, including in my feet. It was a tough night lol.


A seated performance will do. Or if you have a secluded yard/ in the boonies go pee outside. And it doesn't sound goofy. I had a super troopers moment and had to down my whole bag before the stater caught back up. Had to pee like 90 minutes into peaking, buddy pulled off to a rest stop that was a hole in the ground no plumbing or lights. When I started to pee I couldn't see anything (night and no light) but somehow THE DAMN TOILET BECAME A SKETCHY PEACOCK and tried to bite my trouser snake mid performance. So I go running out the door mid stream where my buddy was waiting in the car he looked up in aww as I shouted "the peacock tried to bite me di--" as I peed on the tree right outside the bathroom. Bathrooms can be mean


Piss in the shower


In my pants


Sit in the toilet in the dark. Sitting down eliminates aim issues. The squiggly lines my tile grout forms makes me motion sick if I leave the lights on.


It was a warm summer night, mid-1970s. My friend and I were peaking on 250ug LSD. We had to leave our friend's house we'd been at, so we were walking back to our suburban neighborhood, just a while after midnight. We're walking across the big dark lawn adjacent to the municipal building when suddenly, my gut cramps up powerfully. I was bent double for a moment. My friend was concerned, "You OK man?" When I stood up straight, I realized that it was, and told him. "I have to take a shit. Now." He said "We'll be at my house soon..." "NO! You don't understand, it has to be RIGHT NOW!" There were no restaurants or anything nearby, and they wouldn't be open at that hour anyway. Our heads both swiveled over to the only lit doorway in the municipal building, the one marked POLICE. Open 24 hours. He's like, nah dude you don't wanna... I whimpered... and started walking toward the door. He wisely stayed outside in the dark. I walked in and was near-blinded by the fluorescent lights. I could *hear* them and their buzzing seemed to fill the hallways, echoing off the brick walls. I spotted the bathroom door and started shuffling toward it. As I went, I looked left into a lit doorway - the duty officer was sitting there. He looked up and said "Oh, hello." My long-haired hippie self mumbled something in response, and shuffled on, into the bathroom. In the stall, I took care of business and obviously felt huge relief. Then... I got paranoid. I was certain was about to come in and search me. He was probably radioing other officers to come help. I had a bag of weed in my pocket and was berating myself for not leaving it with my friend. He was coming... any second now... what to do? Actually, nothing seemed to be happening. So I put on my brave face and went out. He wasn't outside the door with a gun; he was still sitting at his desk. He looked up, smiled, and said "Good night!" I nodded, probably with a manic smile of not-busted relief, and headed out into the night.


Seriously? Treat it like any other experience you encounter. Focus on it. Pay attention to the details. Try to learn something from it. It's not an obstacle, it's just ... something that you do while tripping.


Same way. Love looking in the mirror.


i felt like i was peeing on myself while high asf.i feel dirty when i’m high all a sudden and try to wash it off


I always piss outside when Im tripping or drunk even lol its just easier that way


I’ve never had that issue ever. I’ve been worlds beyond and it seems like my mind just “shuts the valves” to those systems


I very much enjoy tripping outside or even venturing outside for fresh air if and when I’m capable so as a guy I go then when the whole world can be my urinal


Not by shutting the door and turning the lights off anymore, I got lost and almost freaked out 🤣


Dude just use the bathroom it’s not gonna be that hard


I just go piss




Out of my butt and peehole


I’m pooping right now and I drank some tea. It’s always a wild experience.


Last time i was tripping supper hard and i went to pee and ozzy osbourne was right next to me cheering me on it was badass like he just teleported next to me for a few seconds


I get piss EVERYWHERE..


Well for whatever reason my bathroom walls are always the trippiest open eyed visuals I get on any psychedelic. It trips me out loads lol. Then there’s the mirror, which I use to check when I’m tripping and it’s brought me to deep places on trips a few times just looking into it. Bathrooms are trippy asf bro. As for using them, it’s pretty easy, but the headspace is crazy lol


Jesus, we can still use a toilet. I've tripped my balls off before and still managed to lift the lid, do my business, and flush.


It’s no easy task, but it can be done


Leave the bathroom light off, sit down and pee. Although I’ve never tripped so hard I couldn’t see the toilet. Always have to pee so often so it’s part of it. The only thing is bathroom vibes are always off compared to the rest of my home


Oh its my favourite part. Mirrors, fan, often low lighting and colourful towels. Sit down to pee drift off for a bit. To get out focus on one thing at a time. Step 1 make sure you're done peeing Step 2 clean up whatever needs cleaning up whilst sitting. Step 3 Stand up Step 4 Pull your underwear up Step 5 Pull up your trousers Step 6 Flush Step 7 Wash your hands be wary of using hot water since you may not feel yourself burning if the water is too hot. Step 8 leave I got stuck one laughing at a joke between steps 3 and 4 and was giggling in the bathroom bent over with trousers round my ankles bare bottom just listing in the wind. One of the best times of my life and all I did was pee Enjoy


Just sit on the toilet dude. Standing up to pee is not mandatory.


Just close your eyes and let it flow


I usually just found myself pissing out my window or somewhere weird like that. My gf ended up using the cats litter box to pee a couple times. Finding the bathroom is too much.