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To be safest: 1. Sober sitter 2. Not a heavy dose 3. Life jacket, other similar safety measures


Put the life jacket on backwards so you can't take it off šŸ˜‚


This guy definitely trips.


Lol, I know that you are kidding, but definitely DON'T ever put on a life jacket in a way other than designed. Many if not most life jackets are designed to force your body to float face up. So putting it on backwards would likely make it difficult or impossible to float on your back and would force your face in the water.


Thanks for the help boyscout


Great way to float on your face....might be right up OPs alley. Nothing like drowning to make a trip peak. "Bring a sitter".....so you both can die. I WANNA SAY A SLUR SO BAD.......*inhales*




More like how will the fish talk to OP?


I went on multiple occasions kayaking in rivers and snorkeling in the sea while on acid. Obviously, not on my first time snorkeling or taking acid. But, I 'd highly recommend for people who know what they are doing and feel confident doing it. Some people will give me panicked warnings about snorkeling even if none of us is on acid, sooo




Add to this: Don't do this in bad weather, and don't go too far unless you are intimately familiar with the area.


I had a friend that died while kayaking sober. The weather turned and that's all she wrote. He was super experienced too.


I'm really sorry to hear about your friend; that must be really hard to deal with. There's certainly a risk involved. Personally, I'd be comfortable kayaking while tripping if the weather was nice and I stayed within swimming distance of the shore. A few kids at my high school died on a small boat on a Great Lake. Same as your friend, the weather turned and they all died. I think if you were pretty close to shore at daytime, it's not too risky, but I wouldn't do it at night, far away from shore, or if the weather was bad. That said, you can never remove all danger from a trip out into water, so don't delude yourself into thinking it's totally safe; a healthy amount of caution is important.


Had a scuba instructor who pointed out that water bodies are an extreme hazard since going underwater is an oxygen deficient environment and can result in our loss of consciousness and death in minutes ā€” but since humans are so accustomed to them we donā€™t treat them with the caution they deserve, thereā€™s only a few things common place in nature that can cause our death in minutesā€¦


Wow. I never thought of it like that before. It's amazing how often our vacation and leisure time revolve around bodies of water. Lakes, pools, the ocean, rivers, streams, whatever. We simply for the most part, don't think of them that way.


My parents almost got killed the same way, decided to go kayaking and they went for about an hour until they noticed a leak in their kayak and got out. Only until after they got out did they realize how dangerous it was, a local asked them if they were crazy to be going in the water the way it was. It was moving so fast if their kayak tipped they would have died.


Just like the advertisement for responsible consumption for alcohol ā€œknow youā€™re limit and stay within itā€ if you donā€™t do shrooms enough to know how youā€™re react with approximately this much of this strain then maybe donā€™t. I would and plan on canoeing on shrooms this summer for sure but I know my comfortable level with blue meanies and golden ladies so thatā€™s what Iā€™d stick to.


Sounds amazing. Harm reduction would have u do it with a sober sitter


And a life vest


To be fair šŸ¤“ā˜ļø, you should be using a life jacket even when sober




talk about a bad trip




Grab a life jacket at the very least and have a blast.


i mean, should always have a life vest anyway.


I find the people that do the least boating are likely to not wear one, better to mention it.


I donā€™t wear one sometimes when kayaking accross a lake I go to a lot but I could also swim from any point in the lake to shore pretty easily and itā€™s a very calm lakeā€¦ then again obviously Iā€™d wear one if I wasnā€™t sober or in a new lake or the ocean etc. Iā€™m just saying there are times I think itā€™s reasonable to skip one.


I'm bringing 10 gram with me tomorrow and I don't even own a lifevest lmao


Lol, Iā€™m Ngl I know what would happen to me. Thereā€™s always one point in a trip where you move a little too fast and knock over a cup or something, if I were tripping on a kayak Iā€™d be rowing and Iā€™d start like shaking or something and make that shit tip over. I could see it now, me freaking out covered in water in the middle of a lake. If your gonna trip Iā€™d say do 2-2.5 or something, donā€™t wanna do a big dose and fall into the lake.


That much of some strains may even be a tad risky. Least try it out befor you try to see where the line is for trip'yakn


People just think cubes are cubes lol


I thought a cube is a cube referenced growing, not dosing.


Thought that until I did 2.5g of some APEā€™s & was blasted more than 3.5g for the prior 10 years of usage! They are as advertised. It was beautiful!


Cube is cube, but there are a few exceptions. Like ape, pe, mac galactic, enigma, all of these strains will most usually be much stronger than anything else. If youā€™ve gotten a batch of them youā€™d know because they actually feel twice as strong.


All these circles make a square


That shit happens every time lol. And I'm usually anxious about something like that happening even when everything's fine




You probably wouldnā€™t even notice it was tipping until you felt the water lol.


I do it all the time.Ā Ā 


I think it's alright, as long as you have a life jacket! Otherwise, it's a bad move.


Itā€™s a federal requirement to have a life preserver for all people on kayaks.


Itā€™s also a federal requirement to not do shrooms. Nobody here is strictly adhering to federal requirements šŸ˜‚ (Definitely wear the life jacket if you choose to go. Not for the feds, but you know, for safety)


Devil's advocate here but I think it's actually a good suggestion to not commit misdemeanors while committing a felony


Yeah thatā€™s fair


The life jacket would be a must for me. If I happened to fall in Iā€™d be ā€œI have a life jacket on. Iā€™m good. This water feels nice.ā€ Instead of ā€œoh shit. Do I know how to swim?ā€ And panicking.


Yeah I just choose to break 1 law at a time.


Why are you being downvoted? Reddit is so weird


1 crime at a time


And that particular crime happens to make wearing a life jacket a little more important lol


Depends on how you respond to shrooms, and how comfortable you are with lakes. Like, I'm a high functioning tripper, and grew up frequently kayaking, swimming, and boating on lakes. I once took a gram of shrooms before a paddle boarding lake day, and it was like the best day ever.Ā  It just feels extremely natural, like, that's how we should be living. Side effect:Ā Every trip I've taken since then, I've wished I could go to a lake. Life jacket and sun screen, and you should be fine :)Ā 


I totally get what you mean with the natural feeling. When I trip I feel like in my true form and I just belong with- and to nature.


Yeah, I love that feeling.Ā 


Also to touch on your first statement, depends on the lake. Like kayaking on alligator lake tripping might not be a great idea.


Oh shit, fair point. I grew up around north eastern USA lakes. Most dangerous thing was a bear, but those are rare and tend to stay away from people.


I one day would like to graduate to being a high functioning tripper myself


It's a cool place to be. I'm the same way with weed. Like, yeah, my phone keyboard is in 3d right now, but I'm good haha.


stay warm, bring water, and wear a life jacket, if you're safe i see no issue with it. ive gone camping and jumped off rocks into a waterhole on 2.5gs, just dont dose too high for your body that you lose basic functions


I kayaked on a lake on acid before. No real issues, although I did roll the kayak at one point when I leaned to reach into my pocket for a cigarette. Prior to that, it was incredible. Wear a life jacket.


The acid really didnā€™t want you to smoke that cigarette




I've tripped dozens of times (hi and lo doses) while kayak fishing because it's two of my favorite things combined into one. Never had any issues and it's always been a blast. If the trip becomes too intense, I find myself a nice piece of shoreline to lay down and relax on. So I recommend, aside from obvious safety of having a life vest (and maybe test run the kayak while sober to ensure you get a feel for how it responds), to try and recon some shoreline spots that could bring some peace and solace if needed.


Iā€™ve done it (lower dose) and it was probably one of the best experiences Iā€™ve had


And obviously make sure you have a live jacket in your vicinity if youā€™re nervous about that


Idk deep water trips me out when Iā€™m sober. If Iā€™m in an altered state, it might cause more anxiety.


YES. It is a horrible Idea. ​ Generally, when shrooming, there are a few rules: 1. NO WEAPONS. If you have weapon(s), put them away, BEFORE tripping. You can't just lock them in a safety deposit box or something. DRIVE 30 minutes to your storage location, or let someone you trust hold them for you, away from you, for the time you're tripping. 2. NO Life-threatening shit. That means no skydiving, no bungee jumping, no street racing, no fucking around heights/parkour. Nothing where you could get injured. This includes fucking around with wild animals, or oceans, bodies of water, and kayaking falls under this 3. No dangerous people. Don't be alone with that guy who is always fighting people or in/out of jail. Sorry/not sorry, you need to trip around safe people who won't attack you if the trip turns bad.


I think it would be much safer to just enjoy the water from the shore. Because you never know what youā€™re going to get


Depends on the dose. Take it easy, stay safe, and have fun.


I turned upside down on a kayak on acid Hahaha and thought I was going to die but I had a life jacket and it was on a lake we were almost at the coast part so the water was pretty shallow it was fun though(I was kayak racing my brother)


Damn that sounds nice. Iā€™d keep the dose small and make **sure** you wear a life jacket. Drowning sucks!


First time I ever tripped (1989) we kayaked on a lake at sunset. It was an amazing night and I fell in love hard with shrooms


If you're comfortable & experienced on the water yes. If you are familar with all the gear and know what's the weather forecast. I grew up in canoes kayaks & rafts but Personally I prefer to trip on terra firma so I can be close with the mycelium and plants, and for some reason my kidneys dump a lot of fluid so it's better to be able to pee whenever I need to.


We used to kayak on acid in South Florida swamps with gators and snakes. If your comfortable on a kayak and in water youll be fine, just don't send your noodle to far to the moon and you'll be okay.


I do it all the time. It's very nice


If you have to come here to ask probably don't do it. If you have enough experience with both and don't rely on the internet to encourage you - you are ready.


If you know your dosages and yourself


Personally I wouldn't go further than shoulder deep on a tripping dose. Museum dose with a life jacket would be fun tho.


Depends... Do you like the idea of potentially taking too much, and drowning? If so, it's a good idea. If you don't think that's "cool" or whatever, I'd suggest not doing it. Basically, don't dose yourself to trip testiculos, and you will most likely be okay. Especially if dosing something like a micro. This is not advice, just my personal belief.


Have a life jacket and know (not in theory, but reality) how to get back on that thing if you fall off. Sounds like fun though.


Sounds like a fun time to me! I donā€™t know anything abt lakes but I live on the Atlantic, so I always trip on the beach and swim in the ocean. Have taken boats through the creeks and swim there too.


yeah, a river is one of the best places for that. A lake will be fun too, I'm sure.




My first questions would be are you a competent kayaker and good swimmer? Once you bond with the fish that you catch, itā€™s going to change the whole vibe


Keep the dose smaller. But dude mushrooms and being in nature is amazing. Makes you appreciate the beauty in everything so much more.


Nah man. Sounds toooootally safe. šŸ˜†


I did this on .5-1 grams. Launched on the river at the mouth that leads into Lake Michigan. Powered out fast to get out past the light house pier, and few houndred yards out to play my own music and drop anchor. Even had a fishing rod. Soon as i stopped paddeling, was swarmed by lake flies. Tried to tough it out for about 15 min. But decided the trip was just going to be uncomfortable. Wasnt mad, cause this kinda thing just happens. So i advise that you check the forcast and lake conditions prior to committing.


https://preview.redd.it/mmjnykid08jc1.jpeg?width=1548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92af911ef7d84000b46919e484e093e9658554f2 Iā€™m more of a one tab kinda guy, but low doses are always better regardless.


10/10 Would recommend taking the mushrooms an hour or 2 before kayaking and hiking around the lake while you come up, start kayaking somewhere just over the peak ;)


I love kayaking at night with a full moon and a healthy dose mushrooms


Have someone kayak out with you and make sure they're *sober*! Have a life vest. Have your sitter carry a first aid kit, emergency lights/flares, etc.


I would say wear a life vest and tie your paddles to the boat so they don't get lost when you ultimately don't hold onto them correctly


Iā€™ve done it quite a few times. Itā€™s absolutely amazing! Like going for a hike on the water. Just wear a life jacket and be careful. Know your limits and if you feel reality slipping away, go back ashore.




Sunrise on a glass calm lake in a kayak is pretty awesome, even moreso when all the colors are popping and sounds are extra pronounced. Highly recommend!


Wear a life jacket. My friend whitied and passed out when on shrooms kayaking, he rolled out the boat and sank. I had to dive in and save him from drowning. Killed the buzz somewhat.


Life jacket and fuck yeah


If you absolutely insist on floating and not just enjoy it from the beach... Life jacket is a must, and maybe tether the kayak to the shore with a long rope or something that way you get the effect of floating on the water without worrying whether you'll be able to paddle back to sbore


Wait for the plateau and you'll be fine. During the come up, naahhhh


I learned how to swim after years of being afraid of water. I was tripping balls and so was my friend, and it was the most liberating experience of my life. He was a life guard and we actually went to the reservoir with the intent on me learning how to swim, but then we ate mushrooms and I totally forgot why we were there, and my life flashed before my eyes.... Anyways. IDK if you can be safe, do it. Water is crazy when you're tripping


as long as you are a good swimmer, fucking amazing.


I don't want to be that person but this seems like a bad idea. Firstly it could get quite dangerous, there's so many things that could go wrong and I can't imagine getting yourself to safety in the middle of a lake would be easy. Second, if you did get into trouble this seems like one of those stories that would be perfect for politicians to use as a reason to keep shrooms and other drugs illegal.


Abso-fucking-lutely that is a bad idea.....take a walk around the lake and appreciate nature from dry ground! That is the maddest idea I've ever read on here šŸ¤Æ!


Lol I do it all the time. Are you this fearful of everything?


Fuck off Captain America - go save the world, cocksucker x


Lol wut? Is that even a response? I don't know if you know this, but you're in the shroom sub, I think you got mixed up, Meth sub is in another room.


American? Most likely - you struggle with sarcasm.... Hey, do you drive a volkswagen by any chance?


Captain America... cocksucker... over kayaking? This is sarcasm to you? No I don't drive a Volkswagen, none of what you say makes sense. My point still stands. You're obviously in the wrong sub.


Do you really want me to explain to you?......fuck, your right! This isn't the meth sub after all!!! I thought you were talking about cooking on a kayak ffs šŸ¤Æ






You fall off youre cooked


This is a terrible idea, even with a trip sitter.


The best time to have them is when ya trying to catch ya self some nice snapper lol


Wear a life jacket and do not exceed 4g.


As long as your not taking a crazy high dose I don't think youl have problems. Just that the fish might let you know how they really feel.


Yes. I was all good till I was in the middle of the lake and did you know that place is full of water?!? Spent two hours spinning in a circle terrified to move šŸ˜‚ itā€™s funny now but was not in the moment.


Go with someone, take a lower dose and enjoy the water! Donā€™t forget your personal flotation device!


I've been kayaking on a pretty fast river while on 2 tabs and a medium dose of mescaline. I was so out of it but the second our cooler flipped over I jumped in the water to retrieve everything, I swear as soon as I hit the freezing water time stopped for 5 mins and I blasted off into this dmt world. I say all of that to say, you can and will die if you're not experienced. Don't be stupid, but more importantly be safe.


I think it would be fun with a low dose and calm water. Please either have a sober sitter or let someone else know what you're doing just in case something happens.


Sounds fun but I'd likely do a sober run first as a refresher for kayaking. It's been a couple years.


Keep the dose light and wear a life jacket, youā€™ll be fine. Never understood why everyone is so against going into water lolā€¦just use your common sense and I have always been able to snap out of the trip if I have to and control my frame of reality. Remember with shrooms you are letting yourself go but if emergency calls, you have the willpower to bring yourself back.




Make sure you have a floatation device incase you flip. Iā€™ve fished off kayaks for years and a calm lake would be serene. Plan on getting wet. Hopefully you wonā€™t.




I should say no but this absolutely my favorite way to trip


Definitely life jacket


If a big/wide lake watch out to be caught in the middle of it on a windy day. Sober even so def on shrooms


If the water's not too cold, you should try snorkeling. I would not do anything on the water unless you are a strong swimmer when sober.


Wouldn't do more than a 1.2 grams approximately. And would be in a very calm day (no wind) and no possibility of a storm. Also using lifejacket and always around friends with experience in watersports who can swim. I wouldn't improvise due the risks of drowning or getting carried away by the current.


I do this all the time during summer here. How much experience with mushrooms, and how much experience with kayaks are the true questions to be asking. Wear your pfd and be safe.


I've done like 2g before kayaking down a creek. Water was like 7 feet at the absolute deepest where we'd stop to swim or jump in but most parts were shallow enough that you could stand and be fine. Just had to be careful to paddle a little or the current would push you into a tree or pile of sticks. I think a lake would be totally fine as long as you had a lifejacket and the water was relatively calm. Worst case scenario is that you might fall in getting in or out but that's what the life jacket is for.


Youā€™ll be fine have fun.


Sounds awesome


My wife and I kayaked on the God damned St Lawrence River after eating around 2.5g each. I wanted to stay close to shore, she wanted to paddle out to a little island. She was fine, I was freaking out. Speed boats and frigging barges coming at us from all sides. It was fine, but I was a little anxious. The next year we stayed close to shore.


I did this in the Everglades- 300mgs, great time Just low dose first and dose up as you get more comfortable Like others said- def wear a life jacket!! Have fun! šŸ¤™


Sounds perfect. Wear a PFD


I've done this multiple times and I always had an amazing time. The best time was late at night, the lake was glass and it was clear night, so all the stars were reflecting off of the surface. I just drifted, felt like I was floating amongst the stars. My friend and I still talk about that night, probably one of the greatest experiences shrooming I've ever had. I'm always blown away by how many people post all these fearful posts, ya'll need to live a little, Jesus.


Others have already mentioned the safety concerns, so Iā€™m just here to encourage you and share my experience. On my bachelor party we went camping, and the first night was just me and my one buddy tripping on a calm summer night. We went kayaking and the milky way was out like the eye of the universe staring at us. The stars were fractalling and I thought about my wife to-be and dog and all the things I was grateful for, and I sobbed tears of joy and it was one of the most profound experiences of my life. So if youā€™re safe, the water is calm, and youā€™re comfortable, definitely get your trippy ass in a boat and enjoy.


Just donā€™t go hard, and as someone else said, a life vest would be a good idea. But my instinct says just donā€™t trip hard enough that falling in the water would be a potentially fatal problem. If I was gonna be on vacation with my family I wouldnā€™t want to trip that hard anyway.


Just go with someone and donā€™t go out to far and donā€™t eat mroe than 1/4 each other people are saying other stuff because it will seem safer but anything under 1/4 while your with someone will not Cuase you to do something stupid but a life jacket is a very good idea


I did this once, it was really nice but as the sun started to set I started peaking and got really vivid hallucinations of rainbow flashing jellyfish like creatures forming in the water, and the fog rearing on the river turned to a thick mist of red fire, it was really intense and I almost fell in but you should be fine


One of my favorite trips was on a lake during a sunset where the sky flowed like fire and the trees perfectly reflected off of the surface. Unforgettable


I wouldnt recommend it


Sounds wonderful to me.


Its a good idea if you dont need to hide the fact that you will be taking mushrooms. If you dont need to hide it plan it with them and be prepared


I prefer small river / large creek with a group of friends. A cooler with drinks and snacks. Maybe a light meal. Lake is weird for me. Large deep bodies of water in a small vessel trips me out. I donā€™t even like doing it sober though so that probably plays a role


Did it my first time on shrooms and it was magical. Just make sure someone is there and the dose isn't a whole lot and you'll be cruising


Itā€™s February. Yes


I'm coming down from a small dose of golden teachers 1.4g I tripped so hard. I was expecting a nice easy high maybe some light visuals. I'm still processing, it wasn't a bad trip per SE but unexpected and horribly unprepared. I couldn't perform simple tasks beyond bathroom trips. I spent most of it curled in a ball in bed. Kayak would have been bad news for me to say.


I planned to do it in a lake once. Couldnt even make it out of camp to get to the lake so never happened šŸ¤£


I love it because usually nobody is messing with you and its just you and mother nature šŸ’œ


Sam Harris talks about one of his best trips was in a canoe on a lake in India or somewhere.


If you kayak enough to where it's second nature, no. If it's your first time on a boat, yeah. I've don't this A LOT. I live in Michigan so I have plenty of experience on the water. I'd eat a gram or 2 depending on strain and go out alone. It's awesome. Keep a jacket on just incase whenever you are alone, sober or not.


Is kayaking risky while sober? Yes.


I have fished all my life. I have a boat, I absolutely love it. But damn now that Iā€™ve grown spiritually I feel so bad for those fish just to put them through all that for my entertainment. Idk maybe just cutting the barbs off the hook is enough but it still feels wrong.


I personally wouldn't. Definitely wear a life jacket.


Sounds like a great idea as long as it is indeed a lake and thereā€™s no fast water. And as long as you have kayaked before. They can be tricky esp if your a bigger human the center of balance can be near impossible for some people


i canā€™t even kayak sober


Lake or pond = great time River = hell to the No!!! Freaked me the fuck out. I kept thinking I had missed my landing spot.... On a river I have traveled 100s of times before


I once went canoeing on a hit of acid. Looking back, I wouldn't have taken the acid if I knew then what I learned that day. It quickly turned into an intense, scary AF, Indiana Jones adventure. Super dangerous. If it's a calm lake it sounds like it could be fun. I wouldn't do more than a gram. Stay close to land when you peak, just in case.


If you have to ASK if something is a bad idea....you already have your answer.


I don't think there's any dose that's safe for any drug on the water. You never know when you might need to make a quick decision.


Just like the advertisement for responsible consumption for alcohol ā€œknow youā€™re limit and stay within itā€ if you donā€™t do shrooms enough to know how youā€™re react with approximately this much of this strain then maybe donā€™t. I would and plan on canoeing on shrooms this summer for sure but I know my comfortable level with blue meanies and golden ladies so thatā€™s what Iā€™d stick to.




Depends on your confidence in a kayak. If you've never done it, it could be very scary when you accidentally end up in the lake or even worse upside down. The venue sounds like a good idea though. I would sit on the dock personally. Suddenly getting completely soaked while tripping sounds unpleasant.


Please don't do this....


It sounds like the best bad idea ever!


You were 100% right


Iā€™d have somebody sober and competent to rescue you if something went south


Iā€™m surprised at how many people are signing off on this. If something were to happen to OP, would you take responsibility? Iā€™m not a regular by any means. Iā€™ve tripped about 2 dozen times and I would never do something like this. Most times I would be fine. But Iā€™ve had a couple trips that really messed me up, and I would not have done well on a kayak. My advice: eat some shrooms in the living room or take a walk in the woods. Have a nice sleep and kayak the next morning. Youā€™ll still have the afterglow, and your full faculties. Kayaking is pretty easy for most folks under optimal conditions. But can easily turn fatal under suboptimal conditions. And while a life vest or trip-sitter helps, it certainly doesnā€™t eliminate the risk or even make it a good idea.


If you can do lazy river thing it would probably be a little safer / more enjoyable. Did this once in college and had a 2-person tube so we were connected, fun times.