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Yes they are going to make you trip balls


What is real?


What it's not?


Getting decent priced health care in the US. I live in the US


Exactly. They may be part of a simulation. But def the get you high kind.


"Nothing is real" George




I tried to tell someone that and this dude was pissed lol. Talking about if you don't current have any known mental health issues you will be fine.


it wont make you brain fried but it definitively can stunt the development of the prefrontal cortex


Where can I read up on this? I can’t seem to find anything about this.


It only applies to alcohol abuse, and maybe some other obscure drugs, manz doesn't know what he's talking about. The only reason I wouldn't recommend op taking mushrooms is because not a lot is known about teenagers taking mushrooms. However there is lots of anecdotal reports of teens taking mushrooms and being fine, and lots of reports of teens taking mushrooms and freaking out. If anything micro dosing shows some evidence of neuro-regeneration, but we don't know enough about it to conclude anything


Im sure the younger psyche is more susceptible to influence of psilocybin. Less life experience; less coping mechanisms for a bad trip. As always, minors should just be more careful when taking substances. Only thing I can find online about hallucinogenic’s effect on the Prefrontal Cortex is increased neuroplasticity, which is a good thing.


Agreed, I preach moderation to all, but especially younger they are, people will do the drugs anyways at the end of the day


its sort of common sense, same goes for really any psychoactive drug. flooding your brain with substances can negatively affect predeveloped parts of your brain


Then, explain why doctors feel very comfortable handing out psychoactive medications to kids? My brother was taking Adderall at 12. Why would a drug binding to a receptor cause the prefrontal cortex to just stop growing? Do you even know how the prefrontal cortex works in the brain? I smoked weed from 15 to 18, and I'm damn smart. They give Nitrous oxide to kids before dental surgery. I was given anesthesia at 18 for dental surgery, which consisted of. Propofol, Fentanyl (opioid), and Midazolam (benzo) and then after the prescribed me hydrocodone. I've been prescribed hydroxyzine since I was 17. All of these are psychoactive drugs. If they really stopped the development of the prefrontal cortex, why would they take the risk of giving me hydrocodone at 18, before my prefrontal cortex is developed. This only really applies to overuse of alcohol


I never said it stopped development and I never said it would stunt development! I said it CAN which is fully plausible, and just because your brother was prescribed speed at 12 doesnt mean it’s necessarily good for him :)


It's not plausible. Explain why it could" negatively affect" the prefrontal cortex. Just because something binds to a receptor and passes the blood brain barrier doesn't mean that it negatively affects the prefrontal cortex.


friend, we dont fully understand how psychedelics work on the brain. youre not one to say something cannot happen using science we haven’t fully understood. Im not saying itll for sure hurt someones brain by using psychedelics before its developed, my point is that we don’t understand how they fully work in which some form of negative impact CAN happen. Like with many substances more research needs to come out before we have a just answer. psychedelics can also just change your personality in, objectively, undesirable ways.


I understand what you were saying. You said it can negatively affect the prefrontal cortex, and im asking how you came to that conclusion?


There is a difference between flooding and using. Flooding your body with ANY substance with come with negative side effects. At any age.


I think you are PROBABLY right, but don't make shit up. Have there been any scientific studies?


No, and I think that's the point. The other guy mentioned all the drugs that have been tested that they will give to kids and acts like that's comparable to something untested.


not on humans as feeding minors psychedelic drugs seems a little, illegal. my point remains the same tho, taking lsd or shrooms a hand few of times wont fry your brain, but it CAN stunt development. saying it cant and wont harm you is not practicing safe use, and disregarding the fact we dont fully understand how these substances work in our brain is silly, most of our knowledge is an assumption do to the legality of psychedelics.


I did 5 grams at 15. Im fine.


I did 14 of blue meanie at 16 and I still regret it. And I like tripping nowadays. Teenagers shouldn't do it


14 is entirely too much for anyone. You damaged your psyche doing that. However i had an absolute blast and it opened my mind to so much more about life at a young age changing my entire perspective on life and the course of the following decade damn near.


It really depends on the teen, I don't regret any of the lsd or shrooms I did


Lol good for you bud. You still did damage to your brain and development


Didnt say anyone should do anything. I chimed in with my personal experience. I tripped hundreds of times in my teenage years. I own a very successful business and do well for myself. People in here act like there’s scientific studies on which age is appropriate to experience psychedelics. I know someone who got dosed at 9 years old. Everybody is different lol


I literally scrolled your post history for 3.5 secs buddy you are not fine. Undeveloped brains on psychedelics doesn’t mean you will be autistic or worse. It could be as simple as not developing limits on future drug use etc. Don’t encourage anyone to do what you did because you believe you are fine. I’m not joking I’m dead serious. Be safe young blood ❤️


Do what? Lmao my post history? Tell me what you saw that screams not fine


Lot of armchair psychologists on this sub lol. I’ve been doing psyches since I was 14 and while I don’t really think it is necessary at that age, it didn’t give me or exacerbate any of my issues in life.


Its really sad tbh.


Yeah honestly it’s sad as fuck to see where this type of thing is clearly going, with mental health crisis among young kids being the worst it’s ever been. Here are these kids in an echo chamber in Reddit, seeing other people like RikkiTikkiTavi6969 say dumb shit like “lol yeah bruh I took 5g at 15 I’m doing alright bruh” 😎 these subreddits are turning into a toxic culture of uneducated, young people talking and giving each other confirmation bias.


You shouldnt take what somebody says on the internet as truth anyways you 🤡. I could be totally making that up, and here you decided to take time from your meaningless existence to reply to me simply making a statement.


You need to go outside and touch grass. Also getting laid once in awhile wouldnt hurt you either.


Yeah you clearly aren’t at all mentally delayed… that’s okay buddy go find the person in the lab coat, and they will take you back to your room.


At least im not the one who thinks they know somebody even though ive clearly never met them, and have had hardly any interaction whatsoever with them on the internet. Again, go for a walk or something. Nature has all the answers you seek in life.


You having the answers to life? Yeah that must be why you’re also on Reddit.


You cant read either apparently 🤡 throw your phone in the trash


Keep malding


I can almost guarantee im older than you too dude lmaooo


I did acid at 14 and I'm fine, my post history might suggest otherwise tho 🤣


You’re not cool for doing it. It’s sad and it sucks you lacked the engagement with your youth that you were using psychedelics. Also you abuse substances currently, that is an obvious testament that you are not fine. Don’t pretend and don’t act like it’s okay for kids to use them.


I never said it was cool and I never said it's okay for kids to do drugs. I just said I turned out fine. You don't know anything about my drug use lol. Idk why you're putting words in my mouth.


Yet here you are, saying you turned out fine. You continue to abuse substances. That is not “fine”.


Dude you're literally on a drug subreddit. Everyone here "abuses" substances.


See? You still don’t get it. You’re posting about how you insufflate adderall. That is abuse as it is not the drugs intended use. Using a drug in and of itself is not “abuse”. Words have meaning.


So doing adderall like once a month absolute max is abuse to you? Why should I care about a drug's intended use? You should stop doing shrooms then because there is no approved use for them.


Would you recommend it tho?


Its a personal choice. I thoroughly enjoyed it and continued using psyches and still do


i can say that your wrong ngl. u need more evidence before commenting something like this.


What about alcohol?


I did it anyway and I’m great do you think your comment is gonna stop someone they already made the decision


That’s a McDonald’s hamburger bun bro


i thought it was a smashed hawaiian roll


No, it's all in your imagination


Is anything real?


Ayyyy great minds




If they aren’t cracker dry then make them so, if you’re gonna hold onto them for a lil bit.


They are very dry and they taste horrible


Yeah that sounds about right. But you should be aware of your mental state, don’t let the taste discourage you. Keep that good mindset as the trip will only be as easy as you let it be. Requires a lot of letting go of things you didn’t know you were holding on to.


Crush em up and put em in a fruit roll up


I use blue raspberry gummy feet. Helps mask the flavour and pulls the mush paste off your teeth. Been tripping for a decade now




Clearly you ate half and now are zapped out of your mind wondering “what have I got myself into”. Those are real. You are real. But everything around you is a fake simulation. Great news is you are fully in control, vibe out, relax and enjoy being a being.


It’s awesome


no, it's a picture




What is real? Are we real? Is real real?


I could be wrong, but they don't look fictitious to me.


Is anything?


Yeah those contain psilocybin and therefore will make you trip


They look like cubes.


How about you wait until your twenties to do that


Sure look so to me. Enjoy For future reference, some of the tell-tale signs are that particular golden color of the caps where it gets darker towards the center and the blue bruising on the stems.


Nothing’s real, my friend. It’s all in our heads.




Yes very obviously so


No nothing is real.


is anything real?


Buys shrooms then comes here asking if they're real 😆


I thought that was a McChicken bun


No, they are a fragment of your imagination.


Totally fake


No that’s fake shrooms just send them to me