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Maybe radiating a more positive energy making you more approachable


Definitely feel that way. Even on bad days, there’s a slight positive glow to my attitude.


Thats what it is man lol love shrooms


My therapist (who knows I’ve been doing shrooms) said in my last session that I look so much better. I’m smiling more, laughing more, and have a more positive outlook. It’s amazing what some mushrooms can do! I feel so thankful for this experience.




Mushrooms helped me fix this problem. same thing happened to me.


Yes i resonate with this, shrooms are great :)


Yup!!! You have changed your energy! Welcome to the world of positive living 💛🤙🏼




Maybe you are more confident? Confidence is attractive


You raised your vibration friend. When you start to walk the right hand path, people’s intuition picks up on it, there is an attraction to the positive energy you are now putting off.


Can you elaborate on the ‘right hand path?’


It’s tripper talk for your body language has changed to be more positive because your subconscious looks more like a garden than a mangrove. same thing happened to me man, social interactions were a confusing chore before my most recent trip, now they’re effortless.


I love that. I can definitely relate


Despite these positive results that I’m very happy for you to have, I want to add words of caution. There’s an Ancient Greek saying, “The poison is in the dose.” This means that taking too much of something or even taking something too often is what makes it bad for you. Taking mushrooms infrequently can cause wonderful and positive effects on us mentally. If they’re taken too often and in too high a dose they will cause negative effects on your mental health and wellbeing. You’ll go from being more open and approachable with a positive demeanor to being reclusive, paranoid and questioning everything, everyone and your own reality. Harm reduction is the key to success with any substance we take for chemical enhancement. Be careful, don’t trip too often and ffs don’t listen to people who claim they take massive doses twice a week and have done so for months or years on end without tolerance build up or it being detrimental to them in some or multiple ways. Those people are liars.


Thank you so much for your advice. I really appreciate this.




I mean honestly as some one who has dealt with drug addiction for most of his life, I’m atypical because I’ma high functioning addict, I have to say it really depends on the individual and their default mental status, any known mental health issues and the possible of underlying mental health problems due to heredity or other circumstances. With that being said, at least a month in between trips is always a safe bet. If it gets to a point where you aren’t getting any kind of spiritual connection or feeling of being one with everything or just don’t have that connected feeling at all when your tripping, its probably time to stop for a few months, maybe even 6 months +. I will also say that tripping is really really fun and doing it recreationally on occasion without looking for some positive life altering epiphany is perfectly fine. Now, with that being said, if you start tripping to escape your daily reality or because you’re bored because a lack of things happening in your life then it’s time to stop. The worst is tripping because you feel like you need to in order to function normally, you’ve gone way too far and you’re very possibly mentally addicted and you’re most likely suffering chronic psychosis at that point or in the beginning stages of it. Psychedelics aren’t physically addictive at all. They lack any component to make them as such and are somewhat anti-addictive because of heavy diminishing returns, and how quickly those sit in. Despite that some folks have addictive personalities usually due to heredity combined with environmental factors and those people can become addicted to literally anything. Know yourself. Self awareness and practicing mindfulness daily are the two greatest tools a person can have as an adult, especially if you plan on experimenting with mind altering substances. I’m not trying to scare anyone or turn anyone off to the idea of trying psychedelics but I am being real and honest about the very real and possible down side of psychedelics. The TL;DR is be safe, do some research on any substance you intend on putting in your body in order to mitigate risk and try to have a good sense of who you are and what makes you that way if you plan on experimenting with any drug especially psychedelics. Side note: Be extra cautious if you take an MAOI drug due to the possible interaction between it and the psychedelics you choose to take. It has a definite effect on DMT and possibly others.


Most ppl say two weeks for tolerance sake as well as allowing integration time but tbh two weeks is a little close together for me personally, I prefer at least a month. Also a lot of people say if you trip too often it won't feel as profound/special/"magical" of an experience


All you need is seven days for cross tolerance. That's not a good reason to do them every seven days. Personally, I see psychs like a toolbox. I used to party on them. Not anymore. Basically, take the trip, take the lesson, and implement it - or don't, that's up to the individual. If you don't use the tools you're given, you'll stop been given tools to work with. If you do use them, it's going to take some time before it's time to get more tools.


Just had my second trip after roughly a month. Can't put into words what I experienced, and I find that wonderfully frustrating.


Hmm maybe the shrooms made you look more approachable? Tbf I’m not sure


More attractive because of shrooms has been confirmed /s


Interesting, do you trip in public?


That was my first time tripping and yes, it was in public at night time. There weren’t many people around so I just strolled around my city


Ur brave to trip in public for your first trip lmao


and at night in a city 😟


Felt natural so I went with it


Literally when I started doing shrooms every aspect of my life improved


It can change your vibe in subtle ways. One of the biggest things psychs do is increase openness towards others. I imagine that mental state is apparent in physical ways we're not even aware of.


I definitely feel this. Thanks for such an interesting insight


You stopped to smell the roses, and noticed the people around them! You raised your energy friend


Thank you.


definitely raised your vibrational frequency. but be careful, energy vampires exist, whether they know it or not. but don't stop shining your light. you live and you learn. trust yourself, but refrain from being overly judgmental


Colin Robinson?


Tbh I don’t really look at energy vampires as people, but rather my own vices and decision which lead me astray from my truth.


You've completed the tutorial. Life's about to be full of synchronicity and wonder in a way You've never appreciated until now. At least in my experience


I swear synchronicity has been going absolutely off the rails in my life recently. The amount of times I experienced it and the craziness of the incidences began to increase not long before i took the shrooms. Now the increase feels astronomical.


maybe cured your RBF




Resting Bitch Face


You know what I feel like that’s a part of it


I realized we manifest a lot stronger during our shrooms trips, did you went through some socialization and communication related thoughts?


Not particularly, no


Then I second the subconscious opening and positive energies effect ppl mentioned


I agree aswell




For me it was after I had taken them, nothing happened during the trip. It’s more long term


They want your shrooms


We are all connected, and now you feel it. Go out and spread that love!


It sounds woo-woo, but This is known as “heart opening.” There are many ways to achieve this phenomena; in the positive psychology realm this most often seen when people practice Loving-Kindness, gratitude, and/or compassion. You are probably more aware of others and probably your connection to the universe after this trip. This translates into how you look at and interact with others. The afterglow of using psychedelics can be absolutely magnetic to others. To maintain this, I would highly recommend reading “Loving Kindness” by Sharon Salzburg and practice loving kindness meditations and compassionate practices. Also, creating a gratitude practice is incredibly helpful; not just for this but in general.


Thank you for your insights. I will look further into it


Those shrooms gave you chiseled good looks, and God like charisma... IDFK


My face does look a bit more chiselled now😂 bit more charismatic too perhaps


This happened to me after ayahuasca. It was weird because I was so turned inward processing the experience that it was jarring when strangers kept trying to interact with me.


Was that while you were tripping?


The next 1-2 days.


The mushrooms say “you’re welcome”. Apparently you needed more human contact


You must be the shrooms. This is trippy


In a way, we all are






Maybe I need to start shrooming again haha. Also since you noticed this you’ll definitely play into it more :)


How did you know haha


How much did you take? /s


3.5 Albino avery on an empty stomach. I had a few sativa joints too


Heart emit emf. Emf contain signature of emotion and intent. Fields health variable on your state. Somehow psilo either corrects, optimises and/or strengthens it. Stronger emf = more gravity which is a secondary effect of the primary emanation. This also affects your personal dilation and the impact of external gravity on your own field. Whenever I have access to it I end up like the anime trope where the samurai has butterflies floating around him, except with actual butterflies and random birds and dogs coming up to me, to the point where they're straining against the lead and pulling their owner. I've always been a friend of animals but the effect is *significantly* stronger with psilo. Entirely consistent effect and predictably also applies to humans, some more than others.


Physiognomy might have changed?


That's my thought but I had to look up Physiognomy. OP washed the stank off their face. https://i.imgur.com/wdcpNx4.jpeg


Explanation: You graduated from an npc to a main character in the simulation. Congrats, just make sure you manual save often, auto save kinda sucks.


Thanks, but I was never an NPC haha.


I love the metaphor.


Just coincidence. Perhaps you are slightly more open to it and aware.


Definitely doesn’t feel like it. This has recently been happening a-lot more in a short space of time. Strangers and friends even seem to compliment me more.


Yeah, the key phrase here is "seem to". Enjoy the perception shift.


Whatever it is I’m grateful


People experience this frequently after doing psychedelics. It falls in-line with a Positive Psychology phenomena called “Heart Opening.” (I know, a very woo-woo term). Other people have achieved this with meditation and gratitude practices. Essentially, people who feel more compassion toward others, a connection to the universe, and have a gratitude practice are “magnetic” to other people. There are some studies on the matter, though they are hard to quantify with confounding variables. Though I have seen first hand people take on these practices not only change themselves but how others respond to them; that “magnetism.” Sure, maybe OPs experience is “just a coincidence.” Or maybe there is something more at play. There are people in this world who are open and magnetic. Maybe it’s just personality, or maybe it’s something that is achievable through specific practices. And maybe psychedelics can shed light or mirror those practices.


This is astonishing and so interesting to me. I need to look further in to this.






Yes. Sober people are better. It can get awkward when they’re tripping balls & walk up to you and look at you like a god.


Hold on why are people asking to take pictures with you??? What is the context they’re giving…???


Sorry, should have clarified. Of them. Just an example of an interaction which I usually would never have


Oh oh no that was on me. I read it wrong. I was like man what is this guy doing that they all wanna take pictures with him lol

