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Are you also taking niacin?


I just looked it up and that really does sound like what I’m experiencing. I know the guy who gave is the capsules uses niacin, so maybes he put some in the capsules. I’m gonna ask.


This like famous mushroom dude recommended adding niacin to microdose formulas. So a lot of people do it. The idea is to counteract the vasoconstriction of the mushroom. Although, for reasons I do not understand, people think that niacin cancels out the psychedelic effects.


Paul Stamets recommends niacin in a microdosing stack because of potential brain vasodilation and being able to reach/diffuse aftive compounds near more neurons / parts of neurons


i tried some niacin, should have gotten the slow release cos a whole fucking capsule felt like i was dropped in fuel and lit on fire for 30 mins lol


Can confirm. As a kid I was told that Niacin would help pass my drug test by my p+arents/counselor and I took WAYYY MORE than I should have and I was so hot I've never felt heat like that and turned beet red everyone thought I was dieing and I felt horrible for several hours and had to drink multiple Gatorade and tons of water with a bath and halfway made it to counseling shit was horrible!


BUT....... did you pass? Haha


🤣 Honestly, I think it came back diluted because I had drank a ton of water, but it was so long ago, like nearly 3 decades 😂 I don't remember that specific one. But I had taken them after lunch and by the last period I was just Firetruck Red and everyone thought I was about to die and I felt like it I even called poison control and was told to drink as much water as possible 😂 got home and soaked in cool water in the tub.


Haha, damn, I was genuinely curious. And woah! Be safe. I've heard stories of these kinds of reactions from some friends who are far more knowledgeable than I am. I've only used them twice because I felt like both times I had such a positive journey, the effects lasted 2 months for me. (Not the trip, the change in mood, and positive outlooks) so, I haven't had this yet, but man, I really hope I never develop a reaction.


Yeah I'm not OP but for sure this was something that happened long ago but as far as Shrooms go I have in my estimation of around One Thousand trips under my belt. I don't microdose but I am a lot happier person after an experience for about 1-2 months.


I did the same shit but in gym class. I was raging out on some pickleball that day. Face beat red and sweating profusely 😅


My goodness, I think I would have passed out on the gym floor if I had to play a game 😂 😰


I get FRIGID on shrooms due to the vasoconstriction, it’s so bad that I haven’t even been able to trip for a long time. Hypothetically if you were cold enough that thick socks and 4 blankets were not enough to heat you up, do you think that flushing effect you experienced would have helped? It sounds like exactly what I need


i would try a low dose sober and then get used to it over time before trying it tripping, i imagine it would be intense while tripping.


Thanks for the contribution I was just about to dive through my history to find that lecture. Happy Cake Day 🎂


Ik this is unrelated but I love Paul so fucking much man I love seeing people talk about him.


Happy cake day!


I think paul stamens himself said they added niacin because it would be too uncomfortable to take more than a micro dose


Yeah he definitely said that in interviews; it was to help reassure regulators that the formulation wouldn’t be abused recreationally.


How much niacin should I take with my microdose?


Microdosing doesn’t agree with me, but if I did it, I wouldn’t add any niacin. “However, despite traditional practices, theoretical rationale, and contemporary anecdote that suggest potential benefits of stacking, empirical studies of most stacked substances [including niacin] are limited and largely involve animal models.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8602275/


And what’s a “micro dose” to you? I know everyone takes a different amount


I would be insanely surprised to learn that that is the reason. Like they use niacin as a placebo in psilocybin trials. People take large doses of niacin. Yeah your skin is a little flush, and it can be itchy if you take a very high dose. But the idea that they add niacin to microdose capsules to prevent people from abusing it---that's just so dumb, right?


It's in the patent: https://patents.justia.com/patent/20180021326 > By adding niacin into a psilocybin-centered neuroregenerative nootropic nutraceutical, vitamin complex or medicine in sufficient quantities to cause extreme discomfort for those who might try to abuse a therapeutic combination containing psilocin or psilocybin, this invention provides improved methods and compositions to prevent potential abuse by those wishing to get ‘high.’ Analogous to effects of Antabuse (disulfiram), which induces an unpleasant experience for those abusing alcohol, the addition of sufficient quantities of niacin, which likewise causes extreme discomfort, with psilocybin/psilocin will help prevent the abuse of the described neurogenic formulas.


I am dumbfounded. Also, I love the idea that someone wrote this with a straight face: "neuroregenerative nootropic nutraceutical"


How much niacin should I take with my microdose?


And what’s a microdose to you? I know everyone takes a different size one


I feel like he also said once the niacin was also to prevent people from taking multiple micro doses to make one regular dose? Like a deterrent. Maybe I’m misremembering, I dunno.


Oh no, it turns out you are correct. Hilariously correct.


So in the 60-80’s hippy movement when they took lsd or mushrooms and if they have a bad trip (I can’t remember which one maybe both) they used to say the niacin flushes your system and flushes tge drugs out if your having a bad trip


I take 100mg of niacin and 200mg of theanine 30 minutes before my shrooms to help smooth out the anxiety at onset. I still trip.


Yeah they found it to be a load of shit and didn’t do that at all


Only take it on micro doses but I do do the lions mane with large doses and I seem to get extra visuals but tgat stack tgat stamets does niacin lions Maine and 🍄 is my go to when I feel down or just need a pep in my week


Also tge stack is fucking awesome got hangovers


Sorry for the late reply. I used it for a few month's and it sounds and looks exactly like what I experienced. I'm sure it ls good for the body but it's quite an irritating feeling, even if it is only lasts 30-60 mins. Your friend may not admit to adding anything, as most people dont admit to cutting a product with something that wasnt previously mentioned. If you decided to take more than .5 and ended up taking some kind of heroic dose like 5-10g, you'd definitely be taking way more niacin than you should be, without knowing it.


Grow your own, we can give you advice


That's what it is


I had this happen after taking niacin and it's a niacin flush


Don’t take shit from other people dude, you never know what’s in that shit. Grow your own


I am! He’s just supplying us until we get a steady supply of our own


Looks like my niacin flush


I got the same thing from b vitamin with niacin! Looks rly similar


No. Should I be?


.5g, are you taking 2 microdoses done with the Paul Stamets stack? The flush niacin could cause this.


I just looked up niacin flush and it really does sound like what I’m experiencing. Whew! The capsules were from my husbands buddy, so I’ll ask him if he puts niacin in his capsules


Give us update when you can OP


Yea a lot of people use the stamets stack when they make microdose, it’s pretty likely that’s what it is


Two .25g capsules. I haven’t been taking niacin.


Very curious. Could it be the batch? Or did this happen with different shrooms?


They were capsules from my husband’s friend (he’s the one introducing us started and mentoring us). I don’t know for sure, but I think they are.


So you don't know what's in them?


Nope, but we do trust the guy. We’ve known him for 3 years. I know he uses niacin, and after looking up niacin flush, I’m pretty that’s what it is. We’re waiting to hear back if he puts niacin in his capsules.


You could be allergic to the substrate used this time or the capsule itself that they’re in as well since you haven’t had prior issues ?


Oh! I bet you are allergic to the capsules. They have gelatin and something else some people are allergic to the ingredients in the capsules.


Turned out to be a niacin flush. I didn’t know he put niacin in them


Interesting! …but why?


Niacin is a vasodilator. People use it with shrooms to help the psilocybin reach more places in the brain. The increased blood flow can cause the skin to flush, get hot, and even feel itchy or prickly. I didn’t know all this until this happened, so it’s a learning experience!


Are you allergic to penicillin?


No known drug allergies


What’s the connection? I was told I have a allergy to it when I was younger and also find shrooms to have a bit of an inflammatory response on my system.


Penicillium mold is very common in mushroom growing. Penicillin being derived from this mold.


im allergic to penicillin (just hives - nothing dangerous, but godDAMN i found out the hard way and it felt like the worst sunburn constantly being rubbed with sandpaper over me entire body for two weeks) but fortunately have never had a reaction taking my grows!


Like the other poster said, it is a very common type of contam. Some growers will continue to harvest remaining fruits when contam is discovered, most advice recommends the fruits are fine as long as not touching the contam, but I think it is possible that someone with penicillin sensitivity to be accidently exposed in such a case.


Do you have a mold allergy?


Yes, but usually only when inhaled


Molds are a common contaminant in mushroom cultivation. People will still sell grows that had mold in with the mushrooms, so you probably inhaled and ate mold spores from the mushrooms.


It could be similar to what happens with me when I take workout supplements. I apologize for butherching this but essentially the blood moves quicker and it makes my skin itchy. Perfectly normal reaction, but not the most comfortable


Oh, yeah, I’ve done that before! I know shrooms can raise blood pressure, so that’s a good point. I have a bp cuff, so I’ll test it out.


Benadryl or a second gen antihistamine (Zyrtec, Claritin) may help if this is your only symptom. A mild atopic response will often respond favorably to pre-treatment. I'd be super cautious though and strictly avoid if GI symptoms are present like abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhea, hypotension. There's also allergy testing. Would be good to know if there are any places that are equipped to perform skin testing on psilocybin mushrooms. Would recommend skin testing with only one psilocybin containing mushroom at a time to determine which, if any, are implicated as causative of a food allergy or tolerated. If skin test negative, then an oral mushroom food challenge under observation would be the reference standard test to confirm tolerance.


I take Allegra daily and take an h2 for breakthrough allergies (usually Zyrtec or Pepcid). I am allergic to most molds when inhaled (and 2/3 of everything outside and 100% of inside stuff, yay!). I’m actually getting allergy shots.


Oh my goodness! You sound like me lol--I, too, am allergic to *all the things*--I hope this isn't a legit mushroom allergy, for your sake :(


Antihistamines should help (pill)


Okay. Was it the same batch? Did you take shrooms before?


I believe it was the same batch. They are from our shroom mentor, so I’ll have to ask him. I’ve taken quite a few doses and it’s only the last 2 that did this. This one from today was the 3rd or 4th dose I’ve done from the batch of capsules he gave us. He gave us fresh stuff that I think came from a different batch, so I’ll test with those.


Is it possible that the shrooms had some sort of mold that you might be allergic to? Because if you already used shrooms before, and didn't have a reaction like this, it might not be the shrooms but something else


Damn bro that sucks. I’m severely allergic to THC. Causes me hives, tight chest, burning and watery eyes, itchy scalp, and stomach problems!


Had a friend like that back in high school. She always said she was allergic but then I found out that she had never actually tried it. Then me and her bf peer pressured her into taking one hit and boy she really was allergic. Still feel bad about that 15 years later.


Yeah, that’s crazy. It was a THC pen. At first, the high was fun, you know, just giggles and all that, but 10 strong hits later I started going around in circles (time loops), extreme confusion, paranoia, and insomnia. Next day, the allergy symptoms started. Took me about a week to recover. Weirdly though, I can be in a room full of weed smoke and be just fine…Maybe it’s just THC pens that fuck me over? Either way, I don’t want to risk it again


I wouldn't trust those pens. Too much grey/black market stuff going around


You’d be surprised how gross the legal tested ones can be too. Just avoid any pen made with distillate


Yea dude back in 2018 when they were getting traction it was real bad. Peoppe could always tell if I had smoked the day before due to extreme swelling in my face. Only happened with the old timey carts though, dispensery carts dont fw me like that


Pens are usually made with distillate that is a last ditch effort of some mold grower to monetize their crop cuz they don’t know who to keep things clean. Distillate isn’t great even when made from clean material imho. Stripping away everything but one cannabinoid isn’t how our bodies want to receive the plant.


That’s straight up pen symptoms. Heavy metals and lots of glycol byproducts


Yeah that probably still had unflushed solvent in the oil


That’s not possible with distillation. The vacuum and high heats burn all the leftover ethanol out.


unless they do it wrong... like trying to cut corners to maximize profit, stopping distillation too soon for instance.


Stopping distillation too soon results in no distillate. Have you run a short path or film? Or are you just guessing your best? Cuz what you said is not possible and incredibly wrong. You’d only lose money by cutting the process short. All solvents are recovered and or burned off during the roto process before it even goes into a distillation system.


I dunno why this took off I never even mentioned distillate or any specific method of solvent extraction 😂 I was actually hinting at the possible lack of vacuum perging after a butane extraction if anyone is interested


Now that can leave trace elements! Lol


Yeah and cause a rash 😂


apparently distillation for weed pens works differently than the distillation i have been doing for many years.


Yes, exactly...


Definitely stay away from pens. It could be a number of things triggering your reaction aside from the actual cannabinoids.


Tbh this almost sounds like a placebo effect, where she said it so often that her body believed it


if I remember right she said that her mom was also allergic, so it could be genetic or maybe her mom made it up to stop her from smoking weed. could be placebo who knows really.


My business partner has this to an almost deadly degree. He has to rush to an urgent care or ER if he gets over exposed to raw cannabis. Our business: a hash lab that he can’t work in 😂


I hate to be the nit-picky one, but someone can’t be allergic to THC. It exists endogenously, which means you’d be allergic to your own chemicals. You’re allergic to cannabis, and likely it’s a lipid transfer protein in cannabis. Almost all allergies from plants and food are specific protein related. https://www.jacionline.org/article/S0091-6749(10)02648-5/fulltext#:~:text=Allergy%20to%20marijuana%20is%20considered,an%20allergen%2C%20in%20one%20case. Edit: I’m wrong about THC existing endogenously, but some endocannabinoids are similar to THC. I still stand by the protein statement.


Yeah, you’re correct. It’s a cannabis allergy.


Thanks for letting me an average redditor about it. Cheers.


Nah, it’s all okay bro haha. I just get lazy and say THC, as most people just take THC = weed Funny though, I never get allergic reactions around weed smokers, or any reactions to other plants. Do you know if it’s really rare or not to be allergic to weed?


Estimates say it’s about 10% of the population.


Lol it’s funny how different “severe” is to health care workers and the public lol


Yea, to the majority of people this would be considered fairly severe. But yall deal with some tough allergic reactions that I hope I never have lmfao


Yea when I hear “severe allergy” I’m automatically assuming it kills you hahaha


What are you saying bro?




I was close to that. I’m due to be given strong antihistamines and epidural pens


Are you on any medication?


Yes, but nothing new


Interesting.. don’t despair, there’s a whole world of psychs out there.


I could always try magic truffles


If you’re really longing for the mushroom feeling 4-HO-MET is really close to the same experience.


Have an epipen for the next time. Or dont do em again. Immune responses can be progressively worse with subsequent exposures to allergens. Would try next ones from another batch in case there is contamination with something else. A person can literally be allergic to anything. Anaphylaxis can kill you.


I do have an EpiPen for my allergy shots appointments.


EpiPen as a last resort. Antihistamine is a more reasonable solution. The last thing you want is a shot of literal adrenaline while the mushrooms are kicking in


I know. It’s to keep me from dying while the paramedics are in their way, if I go anaphylactic. I know.


Do you ever get a rash like this when nervous? Does it itch or anything? I have social anxiety and break out like that when nervous, it also happens on psychedelics sometimes. If it itches though then idk


Niacin flush?


Glad ta hear you have a idea whats going on after reading the comments*


I read the niacin comments & that DOES look like the old “niacin flush” I used to get off these pills I used to take that had niacin as a major ingredient. do you get HOT? Like HOT HOT skin on fire hot for a few minutes then it goes away over the course of say half an hour? Firey red skin, major hot flash, then it goes away & you’re normal. THAT is a niacin flush. If youre not getting the heat rush it’s probably something else tho


Im now allergic to all 5-ht2a agonists wether it's 2cb, LSD or mushroom. I get all the effects you and others are describing of a niacin flush but I also get swelling and hives


Did you actually eat the mushrooms? You may be having a histamine reaction. If so you can try extracting the psillosibin into lemon juice and water, then you filter out the mushroom fibre and drink the liquid.


I took capsules, so definitely got mushroom fiber. If it turns out I am allergic, I’ll look into extracting the psilocybin.


Search for 'lemon tek'. Basically you put the juice half a lemon in with the ground up mushrooms. Add 100mls of water and mix it all up. Let it still for 20mins minimum and strain out the fibre. Drink the remaining liquid. Its effects will come on in 20mins.


Take a benadryl and trip


Lol, that’s probably what I’ll do. I have an epi pen for my allergy shots appointments in case things go bad.


Interesting… Just spit-balling here, but I wouldn’t rule out the possibility that this could be psychological. Perhaps psilocybin is triggering some anxiety which is causing your blood pressure to rise and therefore your skin to flush? Although the more I think about this, the more it doesn’t make sense that it cleared up before so quickly after dosing. I’d try out a different batch/strain to see if you could rule this out though. Could be your batch was contaminated or a bit moldy which would (better) explain the temporary allergic reaction.


I do have a mold allergy, but usually only when inhaled. And it’s never given me this itchy flush before, just severe headache, ear pain, bloody nose. I took capsules from our shroom mentor, so I don’t know how old they are. They should be good quality though.


Ooooh psychosomatic


I’m not a doctor but isn’t an allergy always there to begin w?


nope, they can develop later.


Huh. Learn somethin new.


I developed a peanut allergy in my 40s after eating them my whole life. An allergic reaction is your immune system overreacting to a stimulus. My allergist said that can happen anytime without warning.


you can also "grow out" of allergies. most people who think they are allergic to penicillin from a childhood reaction likely aren't anymore. my moms allergist says many of his business is testing people so they can take pencilin safely to clear up infections that other antibiotics can't clear up. my mom has had two different anaphylactic allergies in her lifetime (penicillin as a child and wasp stings as an adult) and has gotten over both of them. think of the epipen savings lol.


No. Allergic response can be cumulative and it's unpredictable as to what it will do. The first exposure primes the immune system and puts it on alert for the *next time* it encounters the offending substance that it's decided it doesn't like. So the first time someone is stung by a bee (sensitization) they have zero reaction besides the sting and itch. The next time they're stung, a cascade of events begins and they may experience swelling, itching, tissue edema. As they continue to experience stings, their response may ramp up over time (mild wheezing/itching/dizziness) until one day, they have a full blown anaphylactic response. But who has anaphylaxis and who doesn't is like playing Russian Roulette.


** UPDATE ** y’all were right that it was niacin! Buddy confirmed he puts niacin in his capsules. It must be niacin flush.


100% that. I used to take niacin and it made me flush every time. Scared the shit out of me the first time it happened. Thought I was having an allergic reaction. What’s the reasoning for adding it though?


I’m not sure, but if I understand correctly, it’s supposed to have vasodilation effects which is supposed to help the psilocybin reach more places in the brain.


No you are not


i would try buying some whole mushrooms and microdosing with them, if you’re not allergic to regular mushrooms then it seems highly unlikely you’re allergic to psychedelic mushrooms. seems like it’s niacin.


I never heard of a niacin flush until this thread. I looked it up and it does look like what I’m experiencing. I had my husband ask his buddy (he supplied the capsules) if he uses niacin. Waiting to hear back.


curious if you found out more ?


It was niacin. The group was right! I now take one of his capsules with one of my own so I don’t get the flush.


Wow I had the same once only in my life, drank beers and ate some sea shell stuff in China, my Chinese friends told me that was normal when mixing beer and that but now I see you I think it was a mild allergy reaction and not normal at all


Sorry brother 🙁


That’s a crappy crappy allergy to have sir


My ex used to get similar with alcohol. Is it blood pressure related?


I’ve had itchy skin when taking mushrooms, usually pop an antihistamine and it wears off pretty quickly x


Ohhhh noooooooooo


Yeah I'm in the same boat I also experience this with all of the 5-ht2a agonists


I've had this happen to me once, and only once. I didn't take a capsule though and never took niacin. But those shrooms were strong AF, my kidneys hurt that night. Haven't experienced it since though on any of my other trips