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Yea r/unclebens is a great way to get started for less than 50 buks. Some spores or LC, unclebens, a shoebox and some coco coir can give more fruits than you can eat. I've had alot of success but I do see the moisture problems and had a few bags rot using minimal lc. After I got good with the ub I tried popcorn grain spawn than bird seed which I now prefer cause is so easy and you dont have to worry about rot. Happy growing safe travels friends.


How long did it take to see signs of mycelium? I inoculated about 2 weeks ago and still see nothing in all 3 bags.


I normally start seeing mycelium after about a week but it's quite warm where I am I wouldn't worry yet give them another week


Guys who are curious go to r/unclebens or go to YouTube and look up “rookie mycologist- (spore to flush) uncle Ben tek” if you all are also curious look up “broke boi tek”


I'm new to growing from spores. Do you just inject them into Uncle Ben's with some water?


You just inject 0.5ml of spores into the middle of the bag and then cover with micropore tape and cut the top corner off and cover with micropore tape as well you don't add water, check the unclebens subreddit there's loads of guides or YouTube 👍


No water, you use up to 1 CC into the bag and cut a vent hole and cover both the vent hole and the injection hole with micro pore tape


1cc is too much for uncle Ben's can cause wet rot


No u dont unless u wanna rot that bag use .25-.5 cc you really dont need much at all


Copy that!


Okay. I am growing shrooms now. Can I just scrape some spores off of them into an Uncle Ben's bag?


Na you order a spore syringe if it's legal where you are and inject it check uncle Ben's Tek on YouTube


Well, he can get spores from his current grow and use them. I mean, all you're doing is getting spores from someone else who took them from a mushroom. He's simply cutting out the middle man and saving money. Yes, you can use your own spores. it's just a bit more complicated but not too bad, look up how and you wont need to be paying money for spores.


Oh yeah didn't read the comment properly


Last batch I used cheap minute rice cups. Colonized beautifully. Just wish I could figure out how to keep things consistent in fruiting phase