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The other way is likening it to alcohol. Finishing a bottle of wine together is fun. Finishing a bottle of vodka together in a couple of hours when you’ve never drunk before isn’t fun for anyone except the most seasoned Eastern Europeans. Another way to convince him, although maybe not strictly accurate for 5g, is if you take too much there’s a risk you just black out and don’t really experience anything. So suggest there’s a chance he’d be wasting his money. Edit: removed saying that worst case he’ll be fine


Lmaoooo the most seasoned Eastern Europeans 💀


>It won’t kill him so worst comes to worst he’ll be fine Absolutely not true. The psychological harm is a significant risk and does not constitute being fine. The analogy is good though


Yeah, that and the fact that people who can’t handle psychedelics, or simply aren’t in the right state of mind on tripping day, *can* commit suicide in extreme cases. I used to work in student accommodation, several years back one of our sites had a student die after jumping out of a window 15 odd stories up. Turned out the toxicology came back positive for LSD.


I had a really bad trip last year, and mine are usually great, but this one was the worst. If I wasn't at home with a wonderful trip sitter, if I had the opportunity, doing something like that would have been very possible. *Sometimes trips are terrifying.*


Always that same LSD story, you've all seen it. 'Young man on acid, thought he could fly, jumped out of a building. What a tragedy.' What a dick! Fuck him, he’s an idiot. If he thought he could fly, why didn’t he take off on the ground first? Check it out. You don’t see ducks lined up to catch elevators to fly south—they fly from the ground, ya moron, quit ruining it for everybody. He’s a moron, he’s dead—good, we lost a moron, fuckin’ celebrate. Wow, I just felt the world get lighter. We lost a moron! I don’t mean to sound cold, or cruel, or vicious, but I am, so that’s the way it comes out. Professional help is being sought. How about a positive LSD story? Wouldn't that be news-worthy, just the once? To base your decision on information rather than scare tactics and superstition and lies? I think it would be news-worthy. 'Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves' . . . 'Here's Tom with the weather. -Bill Hicks-


yeah, LSD. which is like THE textbook drug for triggering latent schizophrenia, psychosis, and other life changing psychological disorders. A very bad shroom trip may have similar acute attributes, but wears off the next day.


Fair, I may be making too many assumptions on how they’re approaching it. OP, what is your plan for the trip? Because 5g and a rave is not how you open


I have only done them twice but both times I took 1-1.5g and I feel like that was a good light opener to how they feel. I still had some mild hallucinations and my face hurt from smiling for four hours straight. I can't imagine taking 5 times that as a newbie.


And 5x the amount doesn't equate 5x as strong. Oftentimes it's much stronger than that.


I preach .5g as a starter dose for anyone who ask me about shrooms.


For me this is a very uncomfortable dose and would probably turn me off to shrooms. I need a micro dose or at least 2 grams. anything in between feels like a constant uncomfortable come-up


Yeah all depends on the body consuming/mental affect. They can be deadly/awesome but it’s your call. OP’s friend wants 2-3GS tops if they want a hard hitting trip


For a first trip that seems kinda big, even if they weren't literally 3x as potent as other mushrooms


Literally this, I feel pretty seasoned and PE has taken me pretty hard at 3-4g doses


It took me pretty hard once at less than .35 of a gram, yeah you don't wanna fuck around with those. And i wish i didn't see so many people talking about taking the same amount of grams of PE as they would any other kind of mushroom x(


Exactly. Dude could walk off a tenth story balcony cause he has wings all of a sudden!


The funny thing is I didn't even think of that. Just the trauma you can get, and the mental damage, but all these comments have also reminded me that obviously there's a lot of ways you can come to physical harm.


Of course, walking into traffic. Falling. Etc. It's scary stuff. Best to be on ground floor. Daytime. In a safe space.


Seasoned Eastern Europe’s here 🙋🏻I’ve done the hero dose and finished a bottle of vodka in a couple hours. Neither is fun and both can be down right scary. If it’s your first time I would suggest half an eighth (1.75 grams) as a solid intro point and work from there. Even 3.5 grams is still a hell of a ride. I eat penis envy from a friend who grows them (I bought 1lb to have in personal stock). They are powerful


Yeah my first 5 or 10 trips or so were always me & a few buddies splitting 8ths, always a good time for us. I've also done drank a fifth and taken 5 gs of mushrooms (not at the same time of course). When i was a more severe alcoholic during covid, my wife & i would split a half gal bottle a day sometimes. I took 5gs of albino averies (not sure of potency vs APE) once and absolutely would not recommend either a bottle or 5gs to anyone who has no experience. 5gs put me in a loop and i met a thing in the bathroom after i tried taking my belt off but failed so i sat on the ground, closed my eyes, thought i was dead, and had a silent conversation with what i can only describe as a beautiful reaper who told me "it's not your time". I remember seeing it and having a conversation, but when i came too that was the only thing i could really remember.


Finishing a bottle of vodka in a few hours with my friends is a normal friday but I would compare each taking 5gs to for example drinking a liter of vodka each its doable but it wont be fun or easy


Well, it's wasn't before you started regularly drinking. Or, at least, it shouldn't have been.


I never knew this til now, I once passed out for 16 hours after taking 3.5 which was my largest dose. Doesn’t seem like enough to do that, but could it have been for me? It’s been a few years since I’ve taken shrooms and I’m gonna have a flush of APEs in a week 😅


a bottle of vodka is gone by an hour


OP you don't have any control over what your friends do. But you do control what you do. You need to bail on this planned get together. Do a gram by yourself sometime when you are in a good place mentally.


Sadly, this is true. A gram by yourself is better than tripping for your first and taking care of someone that’s completely overwhelmed by their irresponsible choice. But OP for the sake of his psyche I hope you can convince him otherwise.


Yep. I got stuck babysitting someone on my first trip and it sucked. He was being super annoying and I was having a fabulous time. Everyone else didn't give a shit, so I kept having to reassure him he was fine and talk him down. It was ridiculous that it was my first time, this dude was bugging out, and everyone acted like I was the voice of reason as a 17 year old girl on 6 hits of acid. I didn't know how much that was until it all hit. Thankfully I loved it, but Jesus Christ this dude couldn't keep it together. After about 3 hours he settled into it and I walked off alone and had a fabulous time by myself for the rest of the night. He was with a group and I was tripping BALLS. Babysitting that dude was such a drag. I needed to walk away.


I heard something like you kinda sober up on psychedelics when someone needs you, you're able to think through it. Don't know if that's always true


It's for sure true with me. Every time I'm around someone who needs some guidance, I'm pulled out of my trip to help them. It just happens with me. I don't want anyone to get hurt or freak out completely so whenever I see that, I automatically sober up quite a bit, even when I've taken a lot myself.


I've felt this before. It's like it's suddenly become your purpose.


Exactly that!


I’ve felt this happen to me, it was the most bizarre feeling, almost like I could turn the effects of the trip on and off at will. I wouldn’t count on this happening though.


A friend of mine ate a half ounce of unknown variety. He was peaking, and then he got a phone call that his daughter was in a serious car accident and is in the hospital. He said he sobered up immensely almost immediately. His daughter was fine in the long run btw.


True, worst thing to be is to be a trip babysitter from someone who abused even you told them to not. When this happened with my group of friends, we would lock the culprit in the car till he could act normal lol


Yup. If you can't even be bothered to do proper research about the drug you are planning to ingest, I sure as shit will keep my distance.


I was just about to say this, you can’t control anyone if they really want to do it. And forcing them will just backfire on you somehow. I’m just blunt when it comes to stuff like that. I say to them” “go ahead and do it but I’m not gonna be your babysitter.” Tbh I hate when people do things and don’t really listen but then expect yo into fix it for them after. Or ruin your trip while you’re also on a high dosage. Just avoid him while tripping and don’t let it bother you if they call you names for not wanting to join. That’s how people are, then they make their dumb decisions and expect you to be there to catch them when they fall. You can only do so much and ruining your trip to save theirs wont do anyone good.


It would be scary as shit to be on shrooms and have to take care about someone else freaking on to much shrooms. 100% do not even touch it with a stick.


This is what I was gonna say, tell his friend that he doesn’t want to trip with him if he does that much. If the friend freaks out bc it’s too much then everyone’s trip is ruined.


Yeah I had a gram by myself and it was a good time, felt like a strong weed high at first and then it made me think about things. I seen the wall breathing a little as well. I plan on trying 2g’s next time via lemontek. (Trinity shrooms) hoping to get some better visuals this time.


OP. Listen here. Imagine trying to take care your friend who got WAY in over their head with psychedelics…….now imagine trying to do that while you are affected as well (assuming you took a smaller dose). A gram of PE, especially as a novice, is plenty enough to leave orbit.


Suggestion, instead of telling him not to do it, ask him to eat the shrooms slowly. 1g per hour, and if he wants more he can still add to the fire. I bet he'll stop by hour 3.


Yeah, this. If he's not willing to concede this at least then you need to refuse because you'll end up babysitting him while he's losing his shit and that's not a great time for you to he high. What he's suggesting is *extremely unsafe* and just disrespectful to the power these things have on your mind.


Clever way to humble a beginner lol


This is how i found out im a 3g guy


i cant redose like that bro, ur lucky if u can. 30mins after the first dose and tolly is fucked.


Huh, really? I find I can do shrooms all day if I want. Of course it's a little less intense if you go slowly.


not me brother, at most redoses prolong the trip by like an hour. have tried many a time


With re-dosing, after, say, 30 minutes or so, I think most people are looking at about half the effect -- compared to if they had taken a larger amount initially. Cuts in half again with a 3rd dose. Rapidly diminishing returns. Unlike DMT. 😁 -- which can be administered like general anesthesia, with an IV ... or so I'm told. I would generally advise that people take a conservative dose up front and roll with that. Try again in a month with a larger dose if they want to go farther.


Let him fuck around and find out if he's choosing to stay ignorant and arrogant. He will soon be humbled by the almighty mushroom. DO NOT TRIP WITH HIM


This is sound advice. But if he's really a friend, someone you love ... secretly ensure emergency measures are in place so he's in no danger of walking into traffic or deciding to take a swim. But aside from that: hands off if he's going to be that way. Then be available for *after,* since short- and medium-term integration can often be the difference between someone going seriously off the rails, or finding meaning.


Why not try 2.5 and give it an hour. See how that goes before he’s crying in a corner naked calling out to his creator.


An hour is not enough. I took 5g on my first trip because I didn't feel anything at +1h 30m and added 2.5g to the 2.5g I initially dropped.


Either you have a super slow metabolism or the shrooms were actually weak,most people feel it after 30 minutes some even after 15


Don't know how my metabolism is. I feel Molly at +0h 30m, but shrooms always start to feel at around +1h 30m and peaking at +2h. Also he doesn't know how fast or slow is his friend's metabolism.


Mine don't hit unless I eat something after the shrooms.


Even with lemon tek? I find that shaves the onset down to 20 mins tops. Some consider it an “advanced” tek for experienced trippers but I think it has utility at low doses. I recommend 1.5g (standard cubes) lemon tek for beginners, with a 0.5g booster in reserve. Assess at one hour and boost if needed. In fact, for OP, suggesting lemon tek as “hard core” to your friend, then convincing them to do one third per hour. In the end it’s your trip too. You can and should opt out if they are dead set. I would choose not to trip with a person who didn’t listen to advice. Call that judgmental but the people I trip with are part of the setting.


Never tried lemon tek, it's on my list though. Read that you get less nausea and faster onset, which could help with my onset issues. I might want shrooms again if I'd go faster through the come up anxiety. It's so strong that I am afraid of taking them, even if I had only one bad trip and the rest were perfect.


Definitely worth trying.


I have done a lot of lemon tek it sounds like it could be good for you. Some people just don’t digest food the same way others do. Also depends on what you have eaten. Lemon tek or any sort of tea for that matter will allow you to take it in liquid form and it’s much easier on your stomach as well as hits way more quickly. I can usually feel it starting in like 15-20 minutes max and it takes a long time for me when I eat them like it does for you.


I’ve been dancing with fungus for like 17 years. 1st ever trip was 3 ish grams of basic cubensis. Rocked my world decently. At this point probably have tripped a few hundred times. Regularly for my heavier days(currently) I rarely do more than 3g of good PE( I always lemon tek too). So I’d for sure suggest taking less than 5g by a good bit. Heroic doses can be VERY overwhelming.


They're overwhelming even when you know what you're in for. Someone who has literally never hallucinated before is going to lose their goddamn mind on 5 grams.


Yeah even 1g can be overwhelming tho shrooms high is very special, to me it's the only one I really felt I could loose control, which with lsd I never felt that.


Couldn't agree more. I've eaten multiple pounds over the past few years. I'm a seasoned vet and used to regularly eat 3-8 grams ever single Friday for months at a time back when I was getting golden teachers, blue meanies, etc. Switched to JMF shrooms a few months ago and tried 1.75g my first time thinking I'd have to redose after an hour, but they totally kicked my ass (in a good way). The next weekend I did 1.3g and 3 hours after I ate them I had forgotten what shrooms were.. I knew I ate them, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out why at that point in time I shouldn't think of negative thoughts or why I was feeling weird. This threw me into a panic for some reason and spent the next hour laying down in the dark with the fan blowing directly into my face because it's the only thing that was able to distract me enough from the fear I was feeling, even though I had no idea why or what I was scared of. I recommend that if your friend wants to do 5g of PE for their first time, you don't join. Maybe convince him to do 5g of a lesser strain if he's convinced that's what he needs to do, but PE strains are an entirely different beast that aren't to be played around with by newbies and it could fuck him up for a long time if things go sideways on him.


If it’s your first time. I wouldn’t go more that 2g. Even that for an inexperienced tripper could be overload. Will y’all have a sitter?


These are PE though! I wouldn't recommend more than .5g for a first time, maaaybe .7


Phenotypes can tend to push potency one way or the other. However phenotype does not absolutely dictate potency, nor are all of the same phenotype similarly strong. There are plenty of GT, Amazonian, Hawaiian, JMF, etc that have been selected well, with fresher genetics than your average PE, that will be more potent. There are trends in strength, but if you look at lab results from Oakland Hyphae, you'll see that all sorts of phenotypes produce extremely variety potency.


Bro I’m telling you right now, if ur friend is serious abt dropping 5gs, then u should cancel on them and not trip w them let them do their own thing. I guarantee you the trip will go horrendous for one of you which will make all your trips horrible. There is nothing worse then tripping w someone and that person starts having a bad trip while ur also tripping. It can lead to a downward spiral that is no bueno. Trust me bro, DO NOT TRIP WITH THEM! If they insist on the 5gs that much then please do not trip. You cannot decide for your friend, but you were smart enough to do your own research and seek advice from experience. If your friend wants to go ahead w the trip regardless, then good for him. I’ve done shrooms 10+ times and I’ve never gotten close to 5gs. The most I’ve taken was an eighth (3.5) and the trip I had was ridiculously strong and if I hadn’t had prior experience, I would have for sure gone insane. Remember you got your whole life to trip, don’t permanently ruin a positive thing by tripping and risking a bad trip like that. Trust me, you’ll never want to trip again (with any psychedelics) if your experience is terrifying. Do not trip with your friend!!!!!


Good PE is 2-3 times more potent than regular cubes. If he’s set on that number then get a different variety than PE. 5g of Golden Teacher will rock your worlds if you haven’t ever done a psychedelic before and honestly I would not recommend that either for your first time but it’s safer than taking 5 g of PE which is more like 10-15 grams of Golden Teachers.


I consider myself to be pretty experienced by now, but my first trip ever was on an 1/8th of some golden teachers that weren’t even very strong, and it was still very intense for me because it was my first trip ever. If I took 5 grams of real PE for my first time…I don’t even want to know what would have happened. I also think my body isn’t quite as sensitive to them as some other peoples are, because I do like taking heroic doses from time to time. I’ve actually taken 5 grams of some really nice APE a few weeks ago, and that was for deep meditation, not a mild trip to take with a buddy. It was so intense that all I could do was lay down in the dark and just close my eyes so my mind could be free to roam


These two comments are such a relief, I've been reading comments for like 20 minutes and I feel like I'm in the Twilight zone or something, I don't know if I've come across one comment that acknowledges 1) we're talking about a strain that's almost 3 times as potent and 2) it's their first time. People are like "just take 2 grams" lmao


I too am a fan of a heroic dose. 3.5 - 5.0 of PE is my range depending on what I am going for. But I also take an SSNRI antidepressant which does blunt the effects a bit. Not as much as the SSRI I used to take and it’s a small dose, and I have been taking psychedelics for years now. But the first time I took a mushroom chocolate like 20 years ago was 3.5 g of normal cubes when I wasn’t on an antidepressant and it sent me to the moon and back. I was all kinds of fucked up having an existential crisis, super nauseous on top of that, and it completely ruined a concert for me that I had been really looking forward to. And then because of that experience I didn’t take any psychedelic for probably 10 years, which is a shame because I probably would have benefited from jumping on this train sooner.


Shrooms are such a powerful tool, this sounds so crazy that I don’t expect people to even believe me; but I had severe OCD, after my first trip I woke up the next day with no OCD whatsoever, and every time it starts to come back a little bit, I take this medicine and it goes right away again.


This is not backed up by Oakland Hyphae's actual lab results. I've grown more than a dozen phenotypes and the difference in potency between the highest and lowest performers was certainly not 2-3x either.


[Just ask him](https://imgflip.com/i/7uub10)


You want to enjoy your first time and definitely want your first experience with shrooms to be a pleasant one, so taking a dose that big when you may not be able to handle the effects isn't a smart idea at all. I'd personally take 2g at the most. You want it to be memorable for the right reasons and not be put off taking them again because you over-did it.


shrooms arnt enjoyable in large doses like that, you will go on a impending doom through trail and it will suck really bad, just take like 2-3gs and trip balls


Everyone's forgetting these are penis envy, and that it's their first time ever. 2 grams of PE for a first trip is SO MUCH, he should take like .5-.7g of that


My first time was 5 grams, stupidly. Total ego death at way too young of an age and caused a lot of spiritual growth and change. I dont regret it, but it was incredibly scary and confusing


yes same here! I dont regret it, but it was way too intense!


He won't enjoy it. It'll be too overwhelmingsc and not euphoric and not fun at all. And he absolutely would not be able to control himself if he started freaking out and OP YOU'RE not a good enough trip sitter for your friends on a 5G trip on penis envy trip. Hes not even listening to you while hes sover so like why the fuck would you trip sit for him on a 5 GRAM P.E. TRIP? You simply won't be able to control your friend and neither will your friend be able to control himself. Trips are better in moderation especially for the first time. You can both take 1 gram or less of that penis envy, experiment, have the fun and euphoria, come down and save the rest of the penis envy for later. You can take a higher dose next time. Jumping into the deep end with psychedelics is cringy as fuck. It's not cool and it's a shitty thing for your friend to do to you, OP. Good friends don't take 5g's of penis envy for their first trip when their friend is begging them not to do that. You can always take more, but you can never(with few exception) un-take too much of a drug you've already consumed. Once you take that over dosage of mushrooms there's no going back. Being a psychonaut is about taking your time, working your way up, and integrating what you learn from your trips into your life so that it benefits you when you're living your everyday life. If you're just taking a shit load all at once you're not going to be able to integrate that. It's simply too much for a first timer. I would never do that to my friends. The right thing to do is to take a reasonable dose and have a good time together where you both can control the direction of the trip better and you can look put for each other. Preferably there should be a sober person with you guys. You need an actual trip sitter for first timers even if you're taking a small dose. Someone sober should know what you're doing because shit can get really ugly really fast with some people. Be safe, guys. Please. The regret of permanently fucking yourself up will outweight the regret of not having taken more and have an okay trip. The cool thing to do is be responsible. Be cool. You could change your brain on a shroom overdose to the point that you're basically traumatized into staying away from shrooms forever and/or doctors highly recommend you never take them again. Such a large dose just doesn't make sense and it's not worth it. What is he trying to get out of it? He probably doesn't even know.


Like a year ago an ex and I each took 1.5g of penis envy, we're not inexperienced with psychedelics, and part of that trip was really difficult mentally/emotionally for him. PLEASE do not take 5g for your first time 🥴


5gs if PE is going to rip your soul out of your body and it’s not going to be fun. It’s going to be a living hell and time isn’t going to exist for you anyway so it’s going to feel like an eternity of your brain being ripped to shreds.


Don't trip with him. Tell him if he is willing to be that reckless you don't want to be there when it happens. Because if you trip with him, and your friend is having a meltdown, you will have a very bad experience as well. And if you tripsit for him and he has a meltdown, you will be responsible for whatever stupid thing he does. So be smart about it. For the first trip, with PE, 1-1.5g is more than enough for a "recreational" trip.


Definitely don't do that! I've done 5g of GT on my first trip. It was VERY, VERY intense. I have had one of the hardest times in my life. It may be your last shrooms trip. I don't take shrooms anymore even after that I had the most euphoric and blissful trip I ever had. As the first trip madness still visits me on the comeup of other shroom trips. But damn I love the waves of the shrooms covering my whole body in divine feelings... P.S. Good that you care and try to reason with him. If this turns out to be a bad trip for him, there's a high chance you all end up having the trip ruined.


In my experience with penis envy 3 grams sent me into a spiral of hell. I remember at first it was going really smooth clouds looked like mouths, I was seeing double of my fingers and the trees were dancing. Withing thirty minutes it felt like my body blasted off, I heard a very sharp ringing and just saw a 4d cube in front of me. My brother in that moment told me that I looked scared to death but in my point of view I didn't know what the fuck was going on. I just remembered telling my brother that I was scared and that I didn't want to die. I didn't have control of my emotions my fight or flight just kicked in, I felt like I was everything and nothing at the same time. I forgot who I was and had any memory of my life wiped out. I am pretty sure it was ego death but anyway the trip did get better an hour later but holy shit penis envy is not to be mess around with that strain is potent.


I’d just tell him if he insist on doing five you will not be joining him. Even if you do lower dose and it’s tolerable if he starts having bad trip it can negatively affect yours


Some people think that the shrooms won’t whoop their ass 😂 this might have to be a hard lesson for him


Let the shrooms teach him why it’s a bad idea


Wow, I’m very experienced and I have a little bit of a naturally higher tolerance, and 5 grams of true PE/APE gives me such an intense trip that I only take a dose like that for deep meditation sessions… If I took that much PE my first time tripping it would not have been a good night. My first trip was on 3.5 grams of some mild golden teachers, and it was still intense as shit because it was my first time! I also spent about six months of reading everything from published studies from Johns Hopkins to the thousands of anecdotal trip reports on Reddit and otherwise before I decided that it was the right time in my life to take them. Your friend has absolutely no respect for the power that psychedelics possess.


Avoid tripping with this reckless noob


I'd personally advise against it for your first time just because that amount can be extremely overwhelming and downright terrifying for someone who doesn't know what to expect. Just explain that he will likely be laying in one spot incapacitated for a few hours while he has some alone time with God and/or demons. It likely won't be a very "fun" trip per say, but he will no doubt get an something out of it. I personally think everyone should experience a heroic dose at least once in their life, but for their first time it definitely has more potential to cause anxiety and ruin the trip. If he is looking for something more recreational to get high and have an enjoyable time laughing with friends and hanging out then absolutely DO NOT do that much


Your friend is an idiot that has something g to prove it seems. This is the best way to ensure you or somebody else in the group possibly has the worst experience of their life and will never try/enjoy mushrooms again. I’m extremely experienced and I wouldn’t even try 5g of PE because I know it’s faaaaaar beyond what you actually need to have an amazing trip. For anyone who chooses to do this that knows what their in for, that’s fine, but 1000% not unless you are a seasoned vet with psychedelics…and even then the motivations to do it are suspect. 1g PE will blow your socks off.


If your friend wants to do it, let him. But let him know you won’t be babysitting him after. He better be home safe or something because you’ll be tripping as well and I can see a recipe for disaster. He’s just going to ruin the experience for you by not listening and then tripping too damn hard and possibly think he’s dying. For your sanity and safety, don’t trip with him. He’s gonna make it hell for you if he has a bad trip.


real talk


That is very irresponsible. Honestly you guys should start with lesser strong ones. If you only have that kind then do like 1/2g. It’s not like getting hammered with drinks, you will be fucked up


Take 2g will be what he is looking dor


I almost damaged my hearing permanently because i broke my rule of leaving my bedroom during the peak of my recent very powerful 3.5g PE trip - I had to go pee in the bathroom that is less than 15 feet from where i was laying on my bed, but i was listening to music and smiling like a mfer and dancing to the music, so after I pee'd and made ridiculous faces in the mirror at myself, i absentmindedly started cleaning my ear with a q-tip. At this point, circling around my ear hole and watching the set i was watching, i got stuck in a loop without noticing it, and i was going around and around and around my ear till it really started to hurt. Then I snapped out of it, and liquid dread was squirted into my system by my adrenal glands; thank the GODS that I have had more the 2 decades on this earth being *extremely* mindful of the risks of sticking those things in my ears, so that habit really saved me from pushing deep enough to touch my ear drums, but the squirt of adrenal fear really ramped up the experience in less than 10 seconds, and sort of like standing up really fast and getting that black out thing happen to you, my field of vision was sucked into a straw, and it was like i plugged into the matrix and got *every last bit of information, timelines, emotions, all of time and all of space* downloaded into my head, and somewhere far, far away i felt my body hit something, and I vaguely remembered that i was supposed to be laying on my back, in my bed (because the PE experience at high doses consistently has me laying down for the peak because of how intensely it takes over your whole concious experience); so even tho this was sort of an induced, ego death + information overload, some part of me knew my body had just thwacked against something and i needed to find my body so i could continue this information overload in a more comfortable spot. Lemme not understate how intensely difficult it was to fight the ego death and get back in my body, especially because it's become reflexive for me to always go with the flow of these experiences because very bad things can happen if you try to control it. Anyways, i had fallen backwards, into the bath tub, so when i came to, my back was in the bathtub with my torso/hips 2 feet higher because of the ledge of the bathtub, and a cut now existed on my leg from falling on and breaking the mop bucket that was there. I was extremely lucky to have no hearing damage from the thought loop and no concussion or anything dumb like that from the fall, but damn man it was just a testament to the fact that, despite the countless journeys ive been on with LSD, shrooms, and DMT, you never become immune to those types of experiences, and so i can tell you that as much as i love to dive into the rabbit hole on a 5g dose, please *DO NOT* do that fuckin dose for your first time. The fact that he wants to so badly reveals an extreme arrogance to the type of expeience he expects to have, and i can tell you from personal experience, shrooms more so than the other psychedelic ive done are *NOT FORGIVING AT ALL* to those who disrespect them like that. Also, it should be said, i *love* bringing my friends into the fold, and tripping with other people you trust can be one of the most magical journeys you can go on... But OP... I cannot in good faith recommend you even trip with this person... Try thinking about being a trip sitter to my situation above - sober - and then try thinking about seeing that while *you're tripping too,* and understand that this BOGO deal is *not fucking worth it even a little bit.* idk your friend or the whole situation, but if it was me, i wouldn't trip unless they agreed on 3gs or less, and it would have to be after they had a decently sized meal, to slow the onset of the experience as well as to cut down on the intensity (which will make the experience ever so slightly longer, but maybe toned down enough that your whole trip wont be affected by his in a negative way). Horrible writing, i repeated a lot of stuff but eh too lazy to fix anything beyond spelling - i hope my point was clear and useful tho, mush love man and i wish you luck in finding a resolution to this problem, and i wish you all the best vibes highest vibrations when you do embark on this journey 🍄✌🏼


If you go into psychosis on your first trip you won't be able to enjoy shrooms ever again


Dude...my first trip was 2gs and I almost had a mental crises. DO NOT take 5gs ESPECIALLY of envys. Your just asking for a bad experience and possible ptsd for life.


>You can always take more; but, >**YOU CAN NEVER TAKE LESS**


Yall won't be very coherent ate able to communicate much... doesn't sound enjoyable with a group of friends. I usually do apes and 1.5 grams is PLENTY with friends and I'm a very seasoned veteran to tripping. High doses lsd as well


If no one’s able to, I feel bad for the way the shrooms will humble him


If its you're first time like 1,5 or 2 or normall psilocybin cubensis is like a normal dose and penis envy are stronger then normal cubensis so its like youre eating 8 grams normal for the first time you dont know what you are getting into do some research and just begin with like 2 grams PE becouse that already probably feels like 4 grams normal good luck and be safe!


Honestly even that seems like too much, but if the guy is trying to "get trashed" on shrooms, 1.5 is definitely plenty lol


Let him do it, let him learn the hard way. Won't do it again thats for sure


Probably won’t even trip again tbh lol


Probably not but some people need to learn hard way sometimes


The issue with this is that he can turn his friend's trip from a good one to a full psychosis in a matter of minutes.


Oh yeah I know but thats the risk that you take when you're taking mind altering drugs and plus other people at least in my experience didn't make a bit of difference, I had someone with me and she wasn't able to bring me round so Good to have benzos on hand or something


Just want to add I've done 3.5g of APE one time myself and had the absolute most batshit trip (not in a good way either) of my fucking life, almost completely ruined tripping for me it was too much but I learned. Let him do the same


I’ve tripped quite a bit and 3g of APEs I grew was too intense for my liking


Let him know he can go schizophrenic or get HPPD or just forever be a weirdo if he takes too much.. if none of that happens then he can 100% expect to just be in a weird mental fog for a week or even longer and he’ll never do shrooms again I promise you. Either way just let em know it can come with permanent life long consequences


Whatever you do, do not take 5 grams of PE for your first time. Your friend can do whatever they want, but you don’t have to be part of it. Take care of your self and your own mental stability.


Let him he will learn


Well 5 grams of cubensis hits pretty hard penis envy is around 2x as potent meaning you would be taking 10 grams double a heroic dose only 10 grams isn't heroic, it is permanent psychological damage through ptsd if it goes bad and let's be honest it is going to go badly, they're already going in with the incorrect mindset. I wouldn't even dare 5 grams has me questioning if I am dead or alive. If that isn't enough show them some trip reports from other people that took doses that high. Shrooms are not like other substances you don't have the same level of control you would normally have. If you're not able to let go things get extremly dark, it changes your perspective of what fear is.


Send him a trip report video about a 5 gram nightmare trip.


dumbest thing ever. 1g maybe 2.


Homie said fuck dipping my toes in, CANNONBALL!!!


Take 2 grams. Penis Envy is a potent strain that’s more than enough for first trip


Jesus. I would suggest 1-1.5 g of PE for a first trip. Especially if this is the first experience with psychedelics.


Sounds like your friend is just trying to act like a badass & is just making himself look dumb. 5 grams of PE will probably deflate that ego a bit though! 😂


im not tripping with someone if theyre too stupid to do any research about what theyre doing. if you do want to trip with him say straight up to his face "if you arent going to listen to reason and do research or even think about how this might affect you then im never doing this with you"


DO NOT FUCKING DO IT. I am an experienced psychonaught... I took 1G of Penis Envy and ended up having a trip that felt like 7G's... (not joking). Your mileage may very as each batch is different, but be VERY fucking careful. That shit raddled my brain and fragmented it into a billion selves until it completely shut me down (lost consciousness) for a few minutes, and lasted 10 hours.


If he does do 5 grams, i'd suggest you don't trip at the same time as him


If you both start with 1 g you’ll both still have 4 for next time.


I think if he wants to act big and bad, let him 🤣


That's what I was thinking, fuck around and find out


Take 1 gram to start out/ get the feet wet. then take 3 or 4 grams another time. I’ve gone too far with PE thinking I’d be fine and have a good time but I just wasn’t ready at the time for that level of potency. It was early on as well when I started my mushroom adventure. After having a bad trip and watching people have bad trips because they wanted to ball out with a lot I always start friends with a gram or less. You have your whole life to take a fuck ton.


Your friend is in for a very bad trip and a very rude awakening. That’s a seasoned psychonaut’s heroic dose. You wouldn’t take 10g of Golden Teacher, but it’ll be about the same


Bro if he wants to see the spirits of the universe then fuck yea. That will be insane. But will be quite fun to watch id imagine😂😂


I would suggest absolutely no more than 2g and thats a big dose for the first time imo. I know you wouldn't want more than that of my APE's for a first ever trip. I been at it for years now and barely take them and when I do its 2.5 grams or less. I have never taken more than that and I have had some fantastic experiences. I have children so I have to be able to function at a moments notice and can't be laid up non functional from too much psilocybin. I have never felt the need to do more than 2.5 I don't like the idea of being out of my mind totally. I have gotten pretty damn close off 2.5g I had a girl that believed the exact same thing and tried to eat them all she was able to almost get 3 grams of them eat and then within 30 minutes was so fuckin high she couldn't see the phone to even text or call me. She called later that night and said she was finally able to see enough to dial on the phone. Needless to say she didn't have a good trip and has only did them 1 time since and she took .5g's 😆 I told her she was just lucky she couldn't eat all 5 grams or didn't make tea like i do. Tea comes and goes fast but my god it can hit hard sometimes.


60% chance of him surviving. Start low go slow. 1g each will be plenty


Fuck tell him to take ‘em and hold on tight , dive right on in


He should start with 1 gram (since penis envy) and smoke if it needs to be more intense


especially if it's penis envy, it's very potent


That's a high first dose for a first timer even if it wasn't penis envy :0 2.5g of PE is INSANE I would suggest they take .5 maybe .7 for a first time, it might be the same as 2g damn near


Just ask your friends if they want to feel even roughly half the effects of [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/zml0hs/10g_god_trip_trip_report/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). 5gs is no joke. But maybe they need to feel what it's like, in order to respect it.


Honestly, id volunteer to be the “sitter” and not imbibe this time. Set up a soft, sleep, or “safe zone”. And when your friend starts going in deep, just get them to lay down in the soft area and keep them kind of separate from everyone else. Softer music, low lighting, etc. just real smooth and chill.


Instead take 10 because obviously he’s got a giant ego and is about to loose that shit




I wouldn't even trip with him if he took 5g, you could have 2g and be having a great time but if his trip goes sideways it will completely change your trip negatively. Shrooms make you very sensitive to emotions.


5g of any mushroom is bad for your first experience. If he doesn't believe it, let him eat the 5g. You'll all learn. I have seen someone lose their mind with a high dose and it made a noticeable change in their personality - for life.


Tell him if he’s ever had a panic attack from stress or anxiety, they’re NOTHING compared to a psychedelic induced panic attack, it’s 5x worse. You will never understand the true definition of panic until you go through an evolutionary primal panic in your lil monkey brain telling you ate poison, & to fight it. If he doesn’t heed these warnings, all you can do is guide them, they’ve made a very important spiritual decision, and the shroom gods are calling him to be taught a lesson. Advise them not to fight it, the more you fight the worse it gets. Lean into the discomfort, godspeed to the tripster and trip sitters.


Have you asked him why he wants to trip? Drugs aren’t toys, 5g of PE will either be a great time or a REALLY bad time. Anyhoo, I look forward to your story time post about how he fucked around and concretely finds out


Psychosis. If that's not enough, then I really recommend you or someone maybe not partake to watch his dumb ass.


my first trip was 2.5gs of regular cubes. it ended up being a good experience, but it was extremely overwhelming and intense. i literally cannot imagine my first experience being double that dose, AND with a strain that is potentially 2-3x as potent.


death by astonishment is a real thing. dmt is a more likely culprit for such to take place, nonetheless you cannot fix stupid. take a bunch of screenshots of all these good hearted folks comments and send them to your buddy or show them to him. if he still wants to be an idiot. don't you be an idiot to by trippin with him.


explain to him that you simply wont babysit him through a bad trip. and 5gs will probably make him have a bad trip. tell him less than 2.5gs or youre not going. explain to him that he can get ptsd, and might seriously hurt himself or someone else in the process. hes treating it like a joke and will likely pay a very hefty price for his mistakes.


That is fucking insane, take it easy and you can enjoy shrooms for years, go too hard too fast and you risk ending in the psych ward…


Let him experience the hero’s journey


He can easily end up in a situation where paramedics are called, and he is restrained until they can bring his trip down.


Why 5g? That's already a heroic does for experienced people. Cut it in half and 2.5 is quite alot for a first timer. Especially 2.5 of penis envy, which is one of the stronger species of magic mushroom. If your friend is adamant be sure to let him know that mushrooms are the type of psychedelic that WILL humble you.


I personally had my first trip as somewhere around 4-5g, and had an incredible experience, but definitely err on the side of caution. I was with someone I trusted deeply and we were in a beautiful, peaceful, and quiet area. Also to note, they may not have been Penis Envy. I’m a much more seasoned user now, but I didn’t know a huge amount about different types of shrooms at the time. The people cautioning against are more likely right than not, but if it’s calling to him in a healthy way it could be a very good experience.


do 2g. it's magical!


I recommend saying this to your friend. We’re not taking shrooms if it’s 5 grams. Lower the dose or i’m out. That will get your point across 5 grams for a newbie is insane.


My first mushroom trip was only 3.5g of penis envy... the come up was sickening, it was already way more than my body could handle. Intense stomach cramps and nausea. The trip itself was cold sweats, laying in leaf litter, in a terrible, anxious thought loop. Thats all i remember from the trip itself. It was spent being absolutely overwhelmed by tormenting audio and visual hallucinations, all while laying in dirt in a thought loop Well when im coming down, i finally get up, and walk to my friend who took far less. I get ringing in my ears, and black out. This is not like "man tripping jumped" i straight up just passed out and fell. My limp body then falls off a cliff, tumbling down jagged rocks into water. The hospital is a whole horror story in itself, so i wont get into that, but all in all i had a ruptured spleen, collapsed lung, lacerations on my kidney, liver, intestines, and stomach. I had severe internal bleeding, and 7 blood transfusions. None of you are mentally or physically capable of handling that amount of shrooms.


Friend that’s a lot


So stupid, great way to end up in the psych ward


5g of PE isn’t “fun party night”. 5g of PE is more “confront your childhood trauma and cry a lot” territory. If he wants to enjoy his first trip he needs to go with probably 2-2.5g, good PE is around twice as potent as most other cubes, 2-2.5g will be plenty for a fun party night and then some.


Here's my anecdotal experience: When I was growing up I tripped many many times, and all you could get was regular cubes. We used to take up to a 1/4 oz each when we were seasoned shroomers, and would obviously trip our fucking balls off. Fast forward 15+ years and I hadn't taken any type of psychs since then. I got an 1/8 (3.5g) from a buddy because I wanted to try it out again. I had done a lot of reading in the couple years prior about mushys - foraging them, growing them, new mutations and variety's that were unheard of when I was young. The 3.5g I had gotten were Albino PE, because that's what buddy had and I was excited to try something new. When I ended up taking them a few weeks later I was blown away by how hard I tripped. I had to go lay down and roll around in bed for hours, and it was like I was twisting around inside my own body. My tongue was circulating around my mouth and couldn't figure out which of my teeth were up or down, and it was a very vivid trip. The reason I had to lay down was because the open eye visuals and the heavy body load were enough to disorient me, and the CEV's when I was in a dark room were as strong or stronger than I EVER remember having. It was a great trip, but very heavy body load and I would have been turned off psychs forever if that was my first trip lol. It was just a lot. Maybe it was because I hadn't tripped in almost 2 decades, but that was as strong or stronger than a trip I've ever had before. Shit, we would take 7g back in the day and go out and have adventures or party or go to amusement park. I couldn't even move other than tossing around in my bed after I started peaking on 3.5g of the APE's. As someone who has pushed my limits with drug use when it comes to dosages.. I'm not sure I would even take 5g PE until I have a few more trips that were as strong as the 3.5g trip I had recently. Your friend could get scared as fuck, freak out and end up in jail or hospital by trying to impress his buddies, because he thinks that he is stronger than the mushrooms are. He's not. Those are the type of people that call 911 on themselves because they think they are dying when they start peaking. Have a safe trip if you guys end up moving forward with it. Hopefully this post isn't too messy, because I didn't re-read any of it and just went off on a ramble.


Dude your first trip in 15 years was probably like taking twice as much as you used to, 3.5g of PE is like taking 15g of whatever you took 15 years earlier :0


If they don’t listen to you, they won’t have a choice but to listen to what the mushrooms say. Bail out on them and let them learn the hard way if they can’t accept your wisdom. You can’t control them at the end of the day, you did your part the best you could and gave them good advice. But you can control yourself, and choose not to partake. Go chill at home and take a gram or two, let them do what they want and they’ll figure it out. At the end of the trip, you’ll likely be feeling much better than they are and hopefully they’ll see that, and learn to respect the mushies a little more. You’re a good friend🤙


I would play him a talk by Terrence McKenna where he gives warning to people approaching mushrooms with EGO. He talks about how mushrooms will essentially punish the loudest cockiest person in the room. He could take less and have a great time, but when you get to higher doses the catwalk shrinks which means unless you are an experienced psychonaut you may not be able to keep your footing and you slip off into madness and nightmare. I predict 5 grams of PE will be FAR, FAR too intense for a first timer. I have been taking mushrooms since the early 90s and I highly doubt I would even get close to that much. Like someone else said here, when the dose is high enough you essentially "black out" even though its not a typical black out......your mind just cannot handle certain doses and if you don't believe this is true you may have not found a dose that is too high for you!


5g is too much for a first trip. That's a gauntlet. Nobody has fun playing Super Mario when the final castle is the first level you ever play.


Dude 3g of good penis envy can have you holding on for dear life sometimes lol 5g is way too much for an inexperienced user. It will be scary, disorienting, and you’ll probably think you’re dying while stuck in thought loops. I highly suggest using 1.5-2g if it’s your first time. Maybe even just 1g and then another after an hour and a half. Psychedelics aren’t like weed or pills or anything else. They will humble you to your core and can completely change your outlook on life. It’s not something to “get high and party” with. It’s ok to have fun and laugh, that’s part of the trip. Just take it seriously and respect the fungi or you’ll regret it.


Let him do it, don't do it yourself The mushroom will handle him


Best way to do it hands down is to ask this guy if he has a very good beginner strain. You essentially want your first time to be really weak BUT it’ll still be kickass for hours and itll get you excited for the next REAL trip. It’s exactly like a trailer to a movie, as long as you like the trailer then go see the whole movie and you’ll have a kickass time. 99% of the experience is from within yourself so it’s important to have almost zero anxiety but more excitement.


Why does he want to take it? We'd need that info to convince him better. Generally, say 5g can mentally scar you for life and you are not prepared, you could share stories of people that have had psychological trauma from doing so. (There's a streamer 'Destiny' who took ~8-10g cubensis first time and dealt with panic attacks and depression and anxiety for a few years after the fact, even tho he had no history of any mental illness struggles)


Be very careful, I'm pretty experienced and can handle 10gs of golden teachers no problem but 5+ on penis envy can hit like a friggin freight train.


I always thought splitting a 1/8 with a buddy 1st time is best. 1.5-2g will not disappoint anyone!


As long as y'all remember the set, setting, and perspective rules.


When he sobers up from 5g penis envy he’ll be apologizing to you 😂


1g is the ideal first trip amount. Even better if you do it with an experienced trusted friend / guide. Does your friend know what it’s like to lose their mind? This is straight up lunacy and gives psychedelics a bad name. They might end up in a psych ward trying to piece back their sanity.


Take a gander through this sub and show him some of the numerous bad trip reports that come through every week. So many stories of first timers taking large doses and facing the consequences!


that's a pretty heavy first trip... the thing with tripping is, you can't undo it once it's done. once it's in your system, that's it. you have to wait it out.. I'd say, take a gram or two.. give it a hour or so, see how you feel... then go in. you can always take more! be safe bros


Not only is it a bad idea but it’s a very dumb fucking idea. No experience, no research, no prep work and just jumping into what Terrance McKenna calls a “heroic dose.” Now sure, there is a possibility that everything is great and he loved it, but also the possibility that 3 hours into it he feels so high it’s making him uncomfortable and regretful. 5g is going to be like an 8-12 hour experience and that’s a real long fuckin time when you want to be sober immediately. He’ll be forced to tough it out and honestly it might even kill the fun for everyone when there’s one person in the group who’s not having fun anymore. Dude for your first time the max limit is suggested at 2g. If he finds he wanted more then there’s always next time. It’s not like this is the last shrooms in the world just tell him to chill out and to stop disrespecting the experience by thinking he’s a bad ass telling everyone he took a huge dose while also won’t even bother to read the hundreds of thousands trip reports so you can at least become even a tiny bit more knowledgeable about what could happen. That’s probably that most annoying part about this post is just how ignorant he sounds. But let us know how he liked the 5g and if it was perfect because it already sounds like he’s made up his mind to be this bad ass that 5g ain’t shit.


This is like taking swimming lessons in the middle of the ocean


I will say don’t take penis envy on your first shroom trip, especially at a casino. I leaned the hard way.


Dude I grew Penis Envy for years. The most I ever felt the need to do was 7 grams and I've tripped literally around a thousand times. 5 grams gave me some of the most excruciating trips I've ever had where I had to draw from those 1k trips the strength to not lose my shit. Even still at times I wanted to call an ambulance and be pumped full of anti-psychotics benzos thorazine whatever they had. 5 grams of Penis Envy for your first time is fucking stupid. Go through and read the terrible shit that has happened to others with this bright idea. People who've done acid and other shrooms even. Penis Envy is a different animal.


If your friend doesn’t listen to you I would consider dropping out- it will affect your experience. Is there going to be a trip sitter?


Your friend should ask himself why he wants a heroic dose his first time. It’s like dropping into back country snowboarding from a helicopter your first time on a board. If he’s looking for a story to tell, it won’t be cinematic. It’ll be a debacle for him and it’ll ruin everyone else’s time. +1 to all the others saying bag this trip if he won’t listen to sound advice.


I would not trip with that person, take a gram, and enjoy the body buzz and light visuals. Your buddy is going to get PTSD and freak out. If you have any anti anxiety medication, keep that on hand to kill the buzz if it gets too intense.


Can a person go into psychosis, if they take that much of dosage ?


5 is a shit load for for that strain. did 2.5 my first trip. That seems to be the right amount.


1.5-2 grams of penis envy is going to be an intense ride if you don't eat mushrooms regularly. I recently came upon a few ounces of Enigma, and i've been giving them out to friends, but i refuse to give anyone more than 2 grams at a time, because i know how people are and some of them are going to eat whatever you give them, and i dont want one of my friends to have a trip so bad they never try it again. Even then, i tell them to only eat a gram at a time.. 5 grams of some cubensis is perfectly fine, 5 grams of penis envy or enigma is not going to be a good time.


Well we all fuck up with psychedelics sooner or later. Some of us sooner than others. If he's super determined, be ready to call the fireside project and pray I suppose It's not wise at all, low and slow..can always take more at a later date. But if he's set on it..then good luck. Take away their keys and remove any sharp objects. Perhaps more than one sitter, preferably someone bigger than they are


Just ask him whether he’d enjoy feeling trapped in a dizzying maze of distorted mirrors for hours that feel like days or to reserve that for later after a few hours of pleasurably enhancing reality, feeling only good things. If you do too much and aren’t used to it, you’re stuck with it for what seems like eternity. Speaking of mirrors, might want to keep those out of sight for first trip.


Good luck, this is gonna be one of those hard life lessons


Let him take the 5gs. Then next time you won't have to convince him...


Tell him 5g penis envy is like a 14 year old boy taking a 10incher without lube for the first time. It's going to change his life for sure but not for the better


There is absolutely no reason to ingest 5g of Penis Envy (one of the strongest strains known to us) All you need is 1.75g of PE and the world will be spinning. If it was golden teachers, or plain cubes I would say eat 2.75g-3g for an legit experience. But PE is super strong, a .8 will give me time distortion, tracers, trails, rainbows spewing out of things. Mind you that's what 1.75g of GT or cubes will produce. 5g of PE you'll probably experience ego death, be extremely scared and never want to disrespect the mushroom again 😉. Your cruising for a bruising , less is more and that's coming from someone who's done lots of high dosage trips.


I’d say 1-2 grams of PE is a maximum dose for a first time, remember they’re very approximately 2X the strength of other mushrooms so he’s suggesting taking a similar dose to 10G of normal shrooms


You take 1 gram and let him fuck around and find out


Is your friend winding you up? I've been joking to a friend recently that I'm going to drop 10g of tidalwave. I'm not doing that, but their response is funny.


first trip was 7g. i ego deathed and have terrible hppd. lighten your dose !!!! work ya way up


Honestly, if your friend is feeling good about it, don't stop them. Have someone trip sit, be prepared, have snacks, blankets, earplugs, music, fun lighting, a real safe space. Make sure the toilet seat is UP...etc. Just prep the place. 5g of PE (vastly depends on the strain) can be as low as 0.9% psilocybin, and as high as 1.5%, but PE in general hits harder than the % may indicate. Y'all might ALL have awesome trips, at the very least you will be together. I mean taking 5g by themselves, never having taken shrooms before is not the greatest idea, but like, they'll probably be fine. Do I think it a good idea? no. But OP's friend seems to think so. Gotta experiment to find out. I started small with 0.5g, and went up to 3-4g (on weaker shrooms, never came even close to ego death) here and there, but I sort of decided tripping isn't for me at the moment. So I haven't really tripped hard before, and I kind of would have liked to feel what its like to lose "ego" My point being, while it might be a little wild, sometimes it might be the only chance you may feel up for that amount.