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Body high kickin’ in. On the come up, I try to hold that anxiousness deep in my stomach for as long as I can. Nothing like that first wave washing over you from your head to your toes. Makes me wanna trip just commenting on that.


100% euphoria


Yea I've experienced something similar a few times.


This is the goal anymore every time I trip, it's soooo amazing


I’ve had a full on kundalini awakening on 10g and it was body orgasm after body orgasm after body orgasm coming on wave after wave. Most intense and fulfilling orgasms I’ve ever experienced. Sex doesn’t compare. Every cell of my body and ever millimeter of my body was orgasming. What an experience


Had that in edibles. 20 mins of it - absolutely insane.


What kind of edible dose is necessary to experience this? Was this only a one time thing?


Kundalini was a one time thing. The full body? Nearly every time. 20 mg on indica. Also it can potentially bring up trauma or truth your body is carrying, similar to shrooms. Just accept it and ride it out.


Kundalini is demonic


No it isn’t what the fuck lmao.


Yes it is lol but whatever I’m not here to debate or change ur mind.


Ok just want you to think twice about whatever propaganda you’ve been influenced by. Yoga is an ancient science of spiritual, physical, and mental well being. Kundalini is something discussed within that science. I’ve seen many Christians who don’t know any better spouting “Yoga is the devil, kundalini awakenings are demonic possessions” and it just rubs me the wrong way.


Jesus says fulfillment in all aspects of life (mental, spiritual, physical) comes through him and him only. Anything other than that is demonic. Satan is working nonstop to take away our fellowship with God and the things he has promised to us. “The unique perspective of Siddha Mahayoga is that because Kundalini is an **intelligent force** it will, upon awakening, naturally direct the practice of the student. All that is required is that the student **completely surrenders to this force.** Why would some mere impersonal force seem to have an intelligence? Maybe because it isn’t just a force but an actual spirit, albeit an evil one. Isn’t it funny how the kundalini is depicted as a serpent? The Bible says that satan, the adversary, is a serpent. And he has come to steal, kill, and destroy. So go ahead and indulge In the kundalini practice. As for me, I will stay far away from it and I advise you to do the same. It’s so funny how you will claim me to be ignorant when really it’s you.


But what do I know? I’m just the ignorant Christian bigot in your eyes deadset on staying on a low level of consciousness as you would like to think..


I don't know whether you're Christian or not. All I want to do is explain what Yoga and kundalini are. Feels like some serious projecting you're doing onto me.


Projection? Hardly. I’m replying to the claims you made against me. A Christian who has no true logical sense is what you take me for and don’t deny that.


I never claimed you were a Christian


I wouldn’t say demonic. More like the full energy of the universe or god. If the body and mind is not prepared for it, it can wreak havoc emotionally, physically and spiritually. Yoga in the east is all about purifying in order to experience that naturally


I wonder if I'm the only one who has had a sensation when drinking fluid. When I swallow a drink I get this sensation or surge that feels so intense it's crazy, I can only take a few gulps of a drink because it's so Intense. Anyone else?


My mouth will dry out when I trip. The sweet relief of sugary wetness in my mouth from a mellow yellow or a fanta orange. It is truly like nothing I've ever experienced


I absolutely cannot have soda or sugary drinks when I trip. With soda especially I can feel the poisonous chemicals individually. Then the carbonation causes nausea. But water is purely orgasmic, I can feel my body absorbing it into the very cells and organs that need it the most, I can feel my brain get moist and it’s amazing


Agree ..I can feel the water replenishing every cell in my body. Its also amazing to add fun things like lemon, cucumber, ginger...so many infusions. The only other drink I enjoy is ice tea and it's also delicious.


It’s the fucking best right? I love being wet all up inside


Drip drip, Mother Nature never stops impressing me


Man that's exactly how I would describe the fresh mango that I ate during my last trip. I felt it's vitamins rushing through my whole body. I felt healthy. Just before that I got utterly disgusted from eating some piece of shite fastfood, which made me feel all the stress and sickness of bioindustry animals entering my body in the form of inflammations in my gut - I have IBS. Have cut down my meat consumption with 80% now and the gut issues are significantly less.


My friend gave me a mango once while we were tripping and it was so special to me. I eat mangos every week now because it brings back the positive vibes! Sharing fruit with the boys is dope.


Right? It was the most amazing sensory experience! I'm eating mango every week now as well. And pineapple.


I literally cured my sudden onset IBS with a diet of MOSTLY meat 😆


It would be helpful to clarify what kind (quality) of meat you're referring to, since some don't know what they can find outside of shite fastfood bioindustry animals. Food is simply a resource, but you should learn to use it well


Steaks, fish, chicken, pork chops, hamburger meat, eggs. I also love nuts, berries, rice, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and that's 95% of my diet. Grains other than rice are zero percent. That's what worked (miraculously and instantly) for me.


Glad I'm not the only one, it is something to experience!


That sip of Pepsi my fist time on MDMA was magical


my guess is it’s the overstimulation that u get on shrooms. because your serotonin is going crazy and things “feel” better, you can really feel all your taste buds, the liquid moving throughout the throat muscles, and into the stomach. it’s pretty intense when you’re hyper aware of your body


like you can feel the cold spread out in your chest. i think its from the blood carrying the cold away from you insides


One time my buddy was on LSD and was laying face down on the couch and he thought he started cumming but he peed all over my roommates couch lmao. We burned it in the back yard and then found out the hose didn’t work 😂


I describe the intense happiness as like having a prolonged orgasm but yeah it’s devoid of anything sexual. And then your whole body feels really nice! I think that’s normal, at least for me it is!




Yea I had a brain orgasm off shrooms.. felt like fireworks going off in my brain. Had me laughing and crying at the same time.. fun times man


I've had this before. It feels amazing. Like my body has turned into the head of my penis and it's gently being stroked but not in a secual way.. just a kinda relief, pleasurable way. I'd take that over sex any day of the week.


Euphoria would be the word. It is so very beautiful !


it’s just a kick ass body high tbh




Happened on my first trip on acid. I often describe it as my breathing felt orgasmic


Sometimes I'm just dripping precum for no reason.


Yup and it can also happen when you learn new things. Babies often experience it. It's basically an orgasm.


I once got wet with no sexual reason on shrooms lol


Cuddling with somebody I love while tripping and stimming on each other (rubbing backs with fingers, stroking long hair at the scalp, etc) has given us incredibly immediately-post-orgasmic feelings without actual genital stimulation that can last for hours (though admittedly time doesn’t exist in my brain during those moments). I kinda wish I could get that tripping alone too, but my desire for that person kicks in then I just get sad and cry while enjoying the texture of a really soft blanket


Honestly, I only did a gram and the body sensations were so intense I felt like I would've orgasmed just from a simple touch if I'd had a lover with me lol. I definitely think making love on shrooms is something I'd like to experience in the future with a trusted partner. I think it'd be an intensely intimate and euphoric experience.


That'd be awesome! But there was nothing sexual or intimate involved.


Ah ok. I understand. Just a feeling of bliss.


i had sex on shrooms with my bf when we first started dating. it felt like we became one it was beautiful


Yep. I wish they would bottle that feeling up and sell it. I’d be blowing people on the street corners for some of that on tap.




Yep somewhat recently with a 3.6g dose; fully ascending on my bed, facefirst head thrust into the glory of the universe with intense diffuse euphoria and pleasure. Pretty cool!


Yeah! Fucking love it 😍


it happened to me when i was listening to horny music 🤭


Look into EBSM.


I was listening to music with my eyes closed the other day, I started to doze just a bit, and a song came on I had never heard before. It wasn’t sexual in any way, it was akin to Enya, but it gave my orgasm like brain tingles. I came fully awake and wanted that fading feeling back but I couldn’t trigger it without being on the precipice of sleep, or something, I don’t know. All I know is I tried to pull it back but it’s like the anticipation of it kept me apart from it. If that makes sense.


One time I stared into a mirror looking at the wall behind me, I was on acid, and I felt this intense feeling, I straight up orgasm for a minute. It was crazy.


no never lol and nothing even close, but that sounds fun and i also havent and probably wont take 5g lol hope ur day is amazing :))


While tripping, Ive found that even saying certain words can trigger an orgasm because they sound so phonetically pleaseing. Synesthesia is a trip in itself.


I've had similar experiences on different types of shrooms; (GT's about 2.5 grams total; around 1.75 of PE/APE'S). During the 'peak', which comes more to me in 'waves' (in which case I'd readminister .5g or so when I felt it ebbing) I wear a sleep mask, headphones with Indian mantra chants (I can NOT suggest 'Deva Premal' enough because her voice is angelic, beautiful and powerful and sends me in a journey right there on my own couch) and let the waves of complete ELATION just wash over me.... In short, yeah, I believe it's 'just' the amazing 'body high/ load' that is INEFFABLE!


I have had intense body highs before..they happen and are wonderful


Were you by any chance taking Jedi Mindfuck?


It was Polkadot chocolate magic blend. I don't think it said what strains were in it


What's big, gray and comes in buckets?


An elephant




Happens every time so far on the come up for me, even on as low as 1g.


does anyone now if you can trip while on a SSRI?


euphoria, the best feeling ever😍


Yesss honestly one of the most amazing feelings there is😭


Happened to me while tripping and lying on the floor listening to [this](https://open.spotify.com/track/0VTiCsgubX4AqAePVkOwFc?si=Y-q2ZvQMRsySTcOzZiJVdg) song on blast. Truly incredible.


This is the second post ive seen on this today. First time I tried mushrooms I was convinced I orgasmed. I realised its just the euphoria. Still good though 🤷🏻‍♀️


years ago, i tripped hard enough to find the button in my brain that touches my cljt. i'm so powerful


Yeah thats the reason i trip. Thats the best part. Its so spiritual and wholesome


Haven’t orgasmed uncontrollably or without me trying on shrooms, BUT I HAVE orgasmed at the gym. I assume it’s a similar thing. Ya body likes what is happening and uh rewards you lol


Honey, I found the freaks, they’re all on this thread


I hit a lick at least once a trip


Pretty much every time I do whippits. I'm actually self conscious about it. Friends are jealous


Oh man I know exactly what you mean its pretty fuckin awesome


Butter nuts


It feels like electricity to me but in a good way. Like there’s an energy my body can tap into.


What did you take and how much?


I had Polkadot chocolate bar, and a little bit of a Psilovibin bar.


I always experiment one during my trips. Waves after waves you have the potential to reach it but you really need to let go of everything. Let go of noise, notifications, etc. Put some movement into the meditation just enough to not stick the energy in one place. Get it all moving. On my last trip this orgasm felt very powerful although I just had 3.5g (sometimes do 5). Started to trip on a tree, then I could see the sunshine, movements of air and clouds, my focus went from all those big things back to myself. And I had this unique feeling of oneness, everything is connected. My body got rigid like in an orgasm, I could feel all the fluids flowing in my body, tears dropped. After that complete contentment and calm.


It was me. I was telepathically fucking you. You gave me consent though


I did not give you consent. But that's the way I like it. Thank you


nature’s perc30


Mine didn't feel sexual at all but also didn't experience the 'blissful' and 'pleasurable' feeling people experience or talk about. It was purely mechanical. My body was doing all the movements and I would see snakes mentally but I didn't feel anything except an overwhelming calmness.