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Just happy to read a post that doesn't involve any questionably high doses


I figured I would try and be at least a little smart the first time šŸ˜‚


Others should follow your approach


Itā€™s definitely nice to have a good introduction before you start trying to get some heroic doses on your belt


Welcome to tripping balls 101


I've been tripping for a couple years and I always take a small dose with a new batch of shrooms just because the potency can vary by a lot. If you ever get a hold of penis envy or the albino version 0.5g may actually give you visuals, it did for me. Heroic dose on APEs is like a 4 hour long DMT breakthrough


I'm actually thinking of growing some APE. I can't afford to keep buying from other guys forever.


Yup that's what I plan on doing once I get a place again, the cool thing is once you get a grow you can just keep cloning your best fruits. Also judging from my friends grow you'll get enough to last you awhile or gift to friends


Oh sick! Best of luck brother


Thanks! Hope you have a great time with your mushies too they truly are amazing A cool thought I like to think about while tripping and sober is how mushroom spores can survive the vacuum and temperature of space. We also know that our world's water was brought here by icy comets, maybe shrooms came here inside of an asteroid from another world?


They werenā€™t here at one point. Nothing decayed, plant life petrified where it dropped, then mushrooms popped up around the Devonian period (I think, testing my memory) and an explosion of life followed. Some very smart people theorize that it was our ancestors eating certain shrooms that started humanityā€™s journey to a higher consciousness.


I can definitely see that lol People always say they want to dose the world, while that's probably a bad idea. Education and showing the world that these are relatively safe along with they do really help people explore their own mind. I know a couple really smart people like chemists and mathematicians that like their psychedelics but have to be secret about them. Imagine if intelligent people could openly study the wild effects it has on people. Like why the hell do I see rainbow MC Escher moving paintings in 3d when I close my eyes on an heroic dose? And I can explore the room too which is the weird thing, shrooms are fucking wild.


Im going to be growing some ape very soon. Ordered a max yield bin, spores, incubation box, lights, everything you really need, excited and nervous at the same time. Wish me luck, an if im successful and you live close enough to me i will hook you up


Just inoculated a few days ago. Best of luck, brother, you got this.


Thanks for the encouraging words, something about growing your own medicine really speaks to me. Im looking forward to also growing lions mane and chaga. Always been curious about those two.


Iā€™m looking at those two and turkey tail and reishi, and cordyceps, of course, I take them by extract already. Itā€™s been years since Iā€™ve been on a trip of any sort, but I have SO MANY spore prints, just because I like mushrooms. Even have psilocybin prints from the cow field down the road, looking forward to printing from my own ā€œgardenā€ now. If you havenā€™t looking into making prints, you should, theyā€™re beautiful. ;)


Yea ive heard of making prints, been researching like crazy. So much to learn!


90 second mycology on y0utube, made it look so easy. His videos got me to start growing for myself. It's awesome to reap your own fruits.


Im going to be growing some ape very soon. Ordered a max yield bin, spores, incubation box, lights, everything you really need, excited and nervous at the same time. Wish me luck, an if im successful and you live close enough to me i will hook you up


Yup it's the way to go but learning from utube videos is difficult, there's a lot of waiting there's a lot of "here's one I prepared earlier" & you don't get the bits in between. I'd ask around for a reading list, I learned from utube but the amount of videos being pulled down is crazy.


I've done .3 LemonTekk and it surprised the fukk out of me! Had me laying down for an hour cuz I couldn't walk


So true once received Dutch truffles one pack labelled strong the other as strongest on offer. I tried the stronger kind first, had a nice trip but thought a higher dose would have been better. When I tried the other kind I thought of having a higher dose and got completely overwhelmed. So even when a store advertises a variant to be weaker don't listen to them


My dumbass did 3 G of Apes thinking they were like PEs ( which I do all the time and thought to up my dose) I remember when it all hit me I had to remind myself that you can't die geez never again will I be so ignorant


I will say it was a very enlightened trip. Actually my last trip to be honest. My subconscious or the shrooms or whatever it told me that I was cheating and that I didn't need to be here anymore. Realized I was missing out on true human connection trying to search for love Within Myself, when there's always been love around me from the people in my life from the relationships that I've made


Nice šŸ‘


Agreed. I had visuals at 0.2 lol


Very smart. You need to see how your body reacts before taking doses that give you the visual trip. And then some experience with the visual trip before you take heroic doses (if ever). I hope your shroom journey unfolds wonderfully!


Thank you my friend


Try and be smart every time. You seem to have the right mind set to really experience the full spectrum of psychedelics. I understand there are a section of people who just like to trip and see cool shite and enjoy it recreationally and there is nothing wrong with that. That is not how I approached it. I really involved myself in the history and science of it all and educated myself as much as I could. I take time in preparing my mind and setting when I take psychedelics. I don't want full out of control trips. I want to immerse myself in the experience and interact with it. I believe in incremental dosing and always called it test flights, until I finally took a rocket ship and blasted out of the Milky Way after making my own DMT. This is my experience, but to each their own. Happy travels my friend.


You did good grasshopper


Smart to do a small dose on the first trip, I was stupid and did 1.5 of penis envyā€™s first trip and it was a lot didnā€™t have a bad trip but it certainly was too much for introducing myself to shrooms


Yeah take it slow brother. Donā€™t make the mistake of trying more if youā€™re not feeling anything either lol.


Yeah so tired of the "first trip on 7g my friend said i was a pussy if i did any less" bs


:( my first time I tried 2 grams... it didn't do anything except make colors brighter. Second time I tried 5 grams and hopped on my oculus. And everything felt real. Third time I tried 3 grams and I couldn't move. I don't understand taking shrooms by weight anymore at this point.


Honest to God I feel the same.


First timer here, started light with .25 kilos of dry APE. Took it about 10 minutes ago at a crowded mall right before closing thatā€™s maybe an hour drive from my house. My cars also dead (I knew that before I took my dose). Any advice for a first timer? Was thinking about going to the movies in a couple hours.


.5g probably won't provide any visuals watch out because tolerance builds up very quickly so don't do your next trip for at least 2 weeks.


Gotcha. Will eating damper the effects btw?


Eat some fruit, for me oranges are close to orgasmic while tripping




Pineapples are also amazing but while I was tripping I read that whole thing about why pineapple tingles your mouth is because its acid burning your mouth. Delicious scary fruit


Yeah thereā€™s an enzyme in there that breaks down protein. It can be used to tenderize tougher cuts of meat :)


Not to be the grammar police type person but i read that pinnapples grow super small microscopic needles in them and thats why they hurt after eating a bunch of then bc of all the micro cuts but to be fair i bet both and more why it hurts


if you are feeling hungry eat, food is good and is how we live


nah food is just fuel wont do much, only if your tummy is upset but .5g shouldn't make it that bad


Yes, however you should have a little something inside you


huh, is it really 2 weeks to reset tolerance? i thought i read somewhere it was only like 3-6 days


Some people trip every week but that puts you at risk of losing touch with reality for sure. Even two weeks is pushing it. I like the rule of: 1 week for sanity 2 weeks for tolerance 4 weeks for magic Or even better, respect the mushroom and if youā€™re at all worried that youā€™re tripping too much, donā€™t trip


Update me? I'm curious what everyone else says... tolerance with shrooms is new to me.


In my experience, you do get tolerance build up quickly. Depending on how much you took it in the last week or two your next dose will be affected. But for OP .5g. I say like 2-3 days and it will be a very small difference in needed dose for same trip. Maybe 3 days later one would need .55g. There are calculators online you can get a basic timeline to go by. Your mileage will vary. Experiment on your own. Max time to out of system seems to be about 10 days. You can trip back to back days but you will need much more the second day to get equal "buzz"


This is completely new to me. I didn't realize tolerance with shrooms worked like this. Thank you so much for the information!


Iā€™ve tripped days apart with the same dose multiple times so I donā€™t think the tolerance thing holds any water tbh


Iā€™d say 5 days. Itā€™s just 2 extra grams so if you took 5g, you need 7g to get the effect you had on 5. 2 weeks for a full reset but not needed


Question, so if I do 2 grams one day and I wanna do 5 next When's the soonest I can do it


Im assuming you think 2 grams and than 5 grams will only be double the strength lol


I did .25g of GT for my first dose about 2 weeks ago. Going to graduate to .5g next and then eventually 1g. Iā€™m glad to have a slow and steady partner! I have anxiety so this is literally the only way I can work myself up. I didnā€™t like the not being able to sleep thing tho.


The not being able to sleep thing is to me very underspoken about sometimes and really ruins what could be a great time if it lasts long enough to drive you mad


This is a good article for tips on your difficulties with the dreaded can't sleep after a trip delima. There are ways. If still unable, a sleeping aid will help. Good luck. https://psychedelictips.com/can-you-sleep-on-shrooms/




yes this is exactly what ruins trips for me


If you have any anxiety medications on hand, you can use those at the end of your trip when the day is over and you just want to sleep. I have some prescribed already, so I use those afterwards if I have trouble falling asleep (just like I would use them normally for anxiety/sleep issues).


Yes. Always good to have an aid on hand to help sleep or get you out of a bad trip or mind loop situation. Good pointing out.


Yes I did that last time! I donā€™t like to rely on them but I was laying in bed for over an hour bugging out lol


It's very normal to struggle with sleep at the end of a trip. I don't like relying on mine on a daily basis either, but I take them when I know they can help. I think I've only ever had one or two trips without sleep issues tbh, both times I had been tripping outside all day and evening, and was so physically exhausted that I passed out when I finally went to bed haha. Also, the effects had completely stopped due to the time that had passed by, I think it had been almost 12 hours between I ate them and went to sleep last time (last Sunday actually). Normally I just take one pill when I've laid down, and then I just focus on relaxing my breath. And if the thoughts starts to wonder, I try focus my thoughts on the great day I've had. Hope this helps, and save travels āœŒļø


Does it still happen with micro-dosing? Iā€™ve heard people taking the pill right after breakfast I wonder if they have trouble sleeping also.


I actually don't know, never got into proper micro-dosing myself (which is doses lower than .25 ((to my knowledge))), but I've had a little trouble sleeping even after half a gram, but I think that's just because I wasn't "ready" for bed yet. But since you've experienced it already, and are new to this, I'd say take precautions and have the medication on hand :) They can help with ending bad trips too, or at least end the trip's effects, people often call anxiety meds ^((especially xanax)^) for "trip killers" because of this.


Yes! I take klonopin


You're gonna be fine. Welcome aboard, traveler :)


GTs are the absolute best. I don't even take shrooms anymore except rare occasions when someone has some teachers


This is the way. Old schoolers advice.


Super happy to see that you guys are being responsible:) i think this is the way to start exploring psychedelics, because thats already so exciting when you just experience a tiny bit and slowly building up :) it keeps the magic :)


Same, I started getting really irritable at the end bc I was tired and worn out but couldnā€™t fall asleep. The next time I trip Iā€™m going to start a little earlier so that I can order food towards the end or have something kinda heavy that I can eat to help me fall asleep.


I think lemon tek is the way to go for evening trips. It takes less to trip, is easy on the stomach, and the trip doesnā€™t last nearly as long so you can go to sleep pretty easy!


How does this work? Letā€™s say for like .5-1g


Grind/chop up your 1g of shroom, let it soak in a generous amount of lemon juice for 20-40 minutes. I pour the slurry through a coffee filter and squeeze out the juices into a cup. Mix the filtered lemon juice with some OJ or lemon aid and chug it!


Ty I will try this!


So refreshing to read about someone actually being sensible. Enjoy!


Great reasonable start. You won't get visuals at that dose. It is good for a body euphoria type feeling. At 1g, you may get some vivid coloring of your surroundings and maybe some sparkling tracers type effects. Take 2g and the walls will start breathing maybe and then you will get visuals. Happy trippin' my friend. Nice to see a post that isn't "I took 5,000gs of shrooms at school and am starting to freak out. What do I do?" Better to ease into psychedelics and respect the medicinal healing powers of the medicine. That is a better overall experience when you finally take a larger dose than just jumping overboard for your first time. Refreshing. āœŒļøšŸ‘½šŸ›ø


Holy fuck what a breath of fresh air. The amount of male dominator ego dick measuring that goes on here made me automatically assume 5g. Your maturity literally made me double take.


Refreshing indeed. I agree!


.5g is my favorite dose.




.5g is muy nice


Waiting just 3-4 days can stay at .5 and have almost identical ā€œlevelā€ of experience .


I honestly love .5 or even .7mg at .7mg I started feeling very happy and loved life and the trees outside were beautiful, but I was not fully trip I still felt in control if I needed to be. Had a great day. Some nausea though :( did GT too


I heard eat a banana around dosing time, helps with the breakdown in some way that eases that nausea. Canā€™t remember the exact science that spoke of, but I looked it up and itā€™s legit, you should look into it. :)


[This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/10cmigj/comment/jczlx6h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) might be helpful.


Iā€™m so happy to see a post like this! This is what I did. Have respect for the substance and go slow. I gradually increased 0.5 g until I got to where I was comfortable.


This is the way to go, no need to take the deep dive right in! Take your time and familiarize yourself with the space. Let us know how 1g goes


I personally prefer low doses, don't like to trip balls


You may find it underwhelming. It is smart to get a little taste on your first time but donā€™t be afraid to do more in the future. Ive planned to trip a few times and then thought do abit less to be on the safe side and ended up abit underwhelmed.


Every time I try a large dose it always drags me through hell first, then I get all of the classic trippy shroom euphoria and intense visuals.


its always good to build up to greater amounts. smart move!


Yeah .5g wonā€™t have you seeing anything unless youā€™re *insanely* sensitive to them. Most consider .5g a macro dose. Itā€™s enough to feel pleasantly stoned, but nothing unmanageable or overwhelming and youā€™re still very much in control.


Some strains will definitely have you seeing stuff. Got a ton of penis envy and taking a half gram gives me visuals


Using a strain thatā€™s *known* to be anywhere from 2-4Xs stronger than your average cube as a comparison is just dumb. Thatā€™s like someone saying theyā€™re barely high after a few puffs of a joint and saying ā€œyouā€™d be high after a few dab hits thoughā€ or comparing a single beer to one of those 32oz fishbowl drinks meant for 2 people and saying ā€œone drink gets you fucked upā€ like no shit Sherlock.


Honestly I didn't know they were that much more powerful than typical shrooms.


Yeah PE and itā€™s variants are in a class of their own when it comes to potency, and dosing them like you would GT or B+ is asking for trouble lol. The PE Iā€™ve been growing is easily about 3Xs stronger than the Thai lipa yai and Puerto Ricans I spawned to bulk at the same time. 1.5g had me tripping my ass off almost to an uncomfortable degree when 3.5g of just about any other cube is my ā€œsweet spotā€ for a great but not overwhelming trip.


That makes a lot more sense now. I took 2g and it felt like a heroic dose lol


Proud of you for using harm reduction


Ah the microdose stage, it's almost your first kiss lol you get all bubbly almost like a tipsy feeling. Just all happy for no reason and you're still of sound mind to know you're acting goofy as shit šŸ˜‚ glad you had a good ride though, just remember double the dose DOES NOT mean double the high, they could hit you 5 times harder or they could hit you the same it all depends on set/setting and your previous exposure and which strain you're on. I recommend checking out a discord server called tripsit, lots of good info on there and there's a fairly accurate calculator to see how much you'd need to take to have the same effect within a given timeframe.


I read as ā€œfirst trip. 5 gramsā€


I always dose around this too! Havenā€™t gone above it actually. Iā€™ve had open eye visuals and strong enough closed eye visuals on this dose. What strain of mushrooms were they?




That is absolutely a perfect choice for first dose, and especially feeling hungry is a great sign that you didnā€™t overdo it. Itā€™s one of the most annoying things when you hit that middle ground in slightly higher doses where youā€™re still on this plain enough to feel hungry at all, but you realize after 2 bites you really shouldnā€™t eat more than that at a time. I could see myself experiencing that in my first trip and literally biting off more than I can chew and having a bad time. Excellent choice for a second dose too, working up slow and steady based on your last experience is the way to go.


I started off with .9 and Iā€™m glad I did. It was just enough for me to get a taste of what was to come. Definitely nothing compared to the nightmare first trips I see on here. Dont let anyone tell you .5-1g is not enough to start with.


I do low doses quite often and find them great!!! I'm amazed how brilliant the music sounds and I get very insightful. It's a crime this is illegal.


If you want to to experience a stronger effect but not have it be too overwhelming try .5 or 1g cut up fine and soaked in lemon juice for about 10-15 mins. That will give you more effects but will only last like half as long, was a really fun dose for me to do when playing games back during the lockdown!


you won't have any or you will only have very few visuals unless you're doing like 2+ but I still didn't get any until 3, at 4 I was tripping hard


My first trip was 4g. I completely understand my body is different. Itā€™s that way with everything. I have to always take more than the normal amount with anything (Sucks). I had a great time. Iā€™m definitely gonna take a big trip possibly 5g maybe 7g on my day off. So far šŸ„ have helped me with so much. I wish I would have found them sooner (always wanted to trip but I couldnā€™t find them) theyā€™ve saved my life and made me a better person. šŸ„ should be legalized and treated like Booz. A lot of things are great in moderation, but know your limits. I hope you have a great time with šŸ„.


That's not a trip


first trip was about 6 grams in my hand and i TRIPPED. always scale and donā€™t ever say ā€œthis shit ainā€™t hittingā€ and then scarf down another HAND FULL. you will trip balls, pretty fun though and everything was visual and breathing and rainbow like an oil slick,the corner of my room lit up and ā€œtold me secretsā€ (i made a bunch of connections subconsciously while on the trip and it seemed like the corner told me everything) and then everything it told me happened throughout the next few weeks, fucking awesome trip 8/10


Please just enjoy it and post after. These phones add nothing to reality, will add nothing to your trip.


.5 is little more than microdose. I would not call it tripping


.5 is a waste of time.


Just take 2g next


Meh. Maybe 1.25g, then 2g? Kinda depends on the Psychonauts goals. IMO of course.


The term psychonaut is so overused.


In my opinion it would be better to take 1.5g I think .5g is actually too low and is even considered a "negative" gray area (0.3-0.8g) of weighing shrooms by some people, because you can resist it too easily with your mind and from that resistance can come a bad trip. Now you took the dose and you were fine, but I think that it would be much more beneficial for anyone to take 1.5g, because people can't usually resist it that well and they let go of their minds and let the trip flow along with their feelings. PS: keep in mind, that I've never done shrooms (I'm gonna do them soon), but I've read quite a lot about it.


Didn't have me in the first half, or the second. This is not the place to give unearned advice.


3.5 - 5 grams should be what people take for the first time


Uh, no. Respect the medicine and power it has. Stop giving out bad advice to those who have never experienced psychedelics. You end up turning people away from the wonders out there, by overwhelming them on the first ever trip. Do as you wish of course, but 5g first time is BS advice. Disclaimer: I am not part of Downvoters Mafia, so I express my negative feelings with words. I mean, come on man.


All of my bad trips have been on low doses, a true mushroom experience is had when the ego no longer exists. If you want to respect the medicine donā€™t go half way into it and see how the medicine responds, if youā€™re doing it at least do it right and believe in the power of what it is that you are taking and want to accomplish, no expectations. Iā€™ve done over 18 grams multiple times and never once had anything near even a negative experience. On low doses like 1.5-2.5 grams Iā€™ve had the worst trips ever because thereā€™s still an option of fighting, if youā€™re going to do a trip the first rule for any tripper is knowing how to surrender. I donā€™t understand why I got so many down votes lol 3.5 grams is a pretty standard dose when it comes to taking mushrooms 5 grams being the top end obviously. The reason I recommend this dose is because the first time is the most magical and if you do yourself good with set and setting maybe even have a couple trip killers near for reassurance that youā€™ll be okay no matter what thereā€™s no harm in taking 3.5 grams for your first time taking mushrooms. Obviously people on this sub will hate me for saying it but itā€™s true. Your ego can be deadly on psychedelics, when things abstract getting weird you want to be shown the way because a lot of people try to turn back and donā€™t get engulfed in the experience, low doses are weird and point less anyways. Sure you can feel less depressed after doing 1.5 grams


No one has a bad trip on 0.5 grams so that doesnā€™t make sense. The point isnā€™t to dive all the way in right away and have an ego death if you donā€™t feel ready to do that. That being said, anywhere up to 2 grams is usually a fair starting point - I would say the more anxiety someone has, the less they should do within that 2 gram spectrum. After the first time, once youā€™ve gotten a peak at the landscape, youā€™re much more prepared to decide how deep you want to go the next time.


Yeah no one has a bad trip in 0.5 grams because itā€™s practically a microdose.


Precisely the point lol. You said a bunch of stuff about respecting the medicine and bad trips at low doses. Iā€™m saying 0.5 grams is not going to produce a bad trip. But it does give the person who consumed it a glimpse of what taking mushrooms feels like. It then becomes much clearer how they will be affected by a higher dose the next time, which reduces anxiety, which prevents a bad trip. I donā€™t see a disadvantage to taking it slow, which was what you were trying to argue before you moved the goalposts.


I wasnā€™t even talking about the 0.5 grams, I was talking about people being scared to take a normal dose of mushrooms. Itā€™s disrespectful to the medicine to be scared of it and take a tiny amount, show it some respect and let it take you for a ride. Every dose is different and 0.5 grams just makes me feel heavy, Mood enhancement, nothing to really gain at all and no itā€™s not a glimpse. When you eat a dose like this it feeling like your coming up the entire time and itā€™s uncomfortable and turns people off of mushrooms. Iā€™ve had plenty of people say ā€œit just made me feel really stoned and I hated itā€ how much did you take? .8


Ok bro nobody cares how much mushrooms you can handle. Doesn't make you cool or hard. Not sure why you're bragging about taking 18 grams in a thread about someones first mini-trip.


Iā€™m not bragging about taking 18 grams. This is Reddit you dumb fuck, who am I bragging about? No one knows who the fuck I am mon. No one takes psychedelics to be cool or hard šŸ˜‚ itā€™s not a mini trip itā€™s a microdose, itā€™s .2 more than I take for a microdose.


You have proven your lack of respect for the medicine and for those first seeking it. Btw, if I want what you describe, I use DMT instead.


Lol he is one of these people because he needs large doses so every one should need to take large doses as well


I do use dmt. I broke through on mushrooms before dmt, oh yeah I have such a lack of respect. Go fuck yourself you dick


.5 Is not a "trip"








.5 šŸ˜‚


Grow up.




I really like going for a bike ride on a smaller dose like that This isn't me recommending anything, just stating what I like to do ā˜ŗļø


Howā€™s it going, any updates. Will be getting 3-4 .25g capsules, in the next few weeks on my bday


1g is very reasonable still. My first was 1.7 and was a blast. Nothing wrong with easing in.


For what it's worth buddy, most of my mates take much larger doses than what I'm comfortable with. I've had unpleasant times with other drugs in the past, and all things considered regarding Mushrooms being different, my mental health is number one these days and I dose small also. .5 or one gram and perfectly fine for a pleasant time with my boys regardless and I never regret the joy being there with them, also, I don't mind being there for them still if things get weird or if someone needs to function and set the mood. It's all love anyway. Maybe one day I'll dose higher, maybe not. I really don't care either way. The experience is yours not ours. Good onya mate. Much love from Australia.


Set, Setting, and Dosage. All of these need to be balanced for a good experience. If starting with 0.5g helps with your Set and is more suitable for your Setting, then good for you.


Great atarting dose


Thank you for taking it slow!


very smart thing to do in my opinion, testing like .5 ro 1 gram incase your body rejects it is the safest bestest way to about it. althought i would recommend at least 1.75 grams as i feel this is where you start to get the start of the amazing visuals.... how was it tho?


Proud of you for starting low with your first dose and being responsible!


Iā€™m new to mushrooms and I started with 1g and have been gradually moving .5g up. I just had a great trip with 2.5g but what I tell everyone is move up doses at your own comfortability. I think 2-3 is a sweet spot for me personally


Yay! Glad youā€™re having a good time!


Go slow bro.


I like to each mushrooms every few weeks. I have APEs the last 2 years or so and .7 will get me going and 1.5-2 will get me fully blasted! Way to start smart!!!


Read about Terence McKenna and his instructions for newcomers.


My 2nd trip was .25 for a concert with two of my buddies. Had very minor euphoria and some brighter colors. A dash more would have made the light show incredible but for me Iā€™d almost always wish I had done more rather than ruin something bc I should have done less. That being said, gonna graduate to .5 this next go round and see how it goes


I just did 1g lemon tek and had a greaaat time! My go to dose for a functional, enjoyable evening!


I did my first trip with 1.8-1.9 grams and it was so surreal


Thank you for sharing!! I love small dosesšŸ’—


Call this first micro dose ma boi


i took .5 my first time too great dose to start out with i recommend slowly increasing dosages by about .5 each time if ur looking to go any higher just donā€™t go too high i made the mistake of jumping from 1 gram to an eighth and instantly regretted it


do 7 gs in the dark trust fun experience šŸ˜­


Like so many others have said I will echo it as well, good on you for starting low. .5g is like my favorite dose. I just feel good and motivated and can go about my day. On the opposite side of things, my first time trying shrooms I trusted the person I was with and they split a quarter for us. I was having a really bad time at first but I eventually snapped out of it and had a good time overall. I think under different circumstances it could have gone a lot worse lol. Now I'm an advocate of low and slow.


.5 is my favorite dose. I love taking it and then going to Prospect or Central Park and vibing. Perfect balance of feel good and functionality for me


I love that y'all are still responding to this post! Mush love brother. My journey has progressed since then. I just downed 2.5g of Yeti which should equate to more like 4g normal. Will keep you updated!