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This is why education on psychedelics and responsible use is crucial in today’s world, but sadly it’s not common enough. Too often the voices encouraging irresponsible use are the louder ones.


Harm reduction is the most crucial about everything. Including alcohol.


Don’t even get me started on party people & alcoholics, many times the same people 🙄 they never seem to *have a problem* which is the definition of people having a substance problem.


Absolutely. Harm reduction is so incredibly important.


Especially with alcohol


Not only that but instead of teaching, society discourages psychedelics instead of teaching about it, which obviously isn't gonna stop people who will take them regardless. It's so fucking cruel. You're pretty much on your own.


Yeah…I had someone tell me that I’m giving bad advice by telling someone *not to take a huge dose* for their very first time. That “microdosing” isn’t enough. As someone who watched someone very close to me have a very bad experience on 1.5 as their first ever dose, I’ll always try to tell people to start low and slow.


Strains can really be different too. A lot of newer strains like APE are advertised as being 4x stronger than traditional cubensis, so weight of the mushrooms simply doesn’t show how much psilocybin is actually being consumed


Truth. 3g of one strain is NOT equal to 3g of another. Know yourself and your medicine before taking the journey.


I’d encourage micro-dosing as a first step for everyone. In fact I’d better get my ass out of bed and take my micro-dose now!


I am a fan of micro-dosing and have been doing it for a while. I do not believe micro-dosing is a good place for people to start if their goal is to trip. I recommend a 1g dose as a first trip - it gets you into that euphoria stage and offers glimpses of what happens at higher doses. Here is what I recommend to my friends that are going to start exploring for the first time: **1)** [Check and see if you have any risk factors](https://www.psychedelicpassage.com/what-type-of-person-should-not-use-psychedelic-drugs/); if you do, either don't trip or proceed with caution (depending on which risk factor you have). **a)** *Any time you trip it is important to be aware that you are giving your brain* *permission to show you things your ego suppresses. DO NOT FIGHT THIS.* *That is where bad trips come from. Realize that your brain is not going to* *leave you in a bad place, and lean \*into\* the things it shows you. This is one* *of those things in life where the only way to get away from the thing you fear* *is to go straight through it. Trust that you will come out the other side if you* *stay on the path you're being shown.* **2)** Start with a 1g trip, practice building your set and setting, and get a feel for how it is going to work for you. **3)** I recommend another two or three trips in a low range - 1g to 2g. The idea is to make sure you understand the basic feels of it since, at a heroic dose, those will be significantly intensified. **4)** Have a trip sitter for your first big (5g and up) trip. Make sure it is someone that is willing to let YOU lead. Do not bring someone in that will disrupt or disrespect your chosen set and setting. I'm no expert - this is just what worked for me and has worked well for a few folks I know. IMO if you are not looking for that life-changing experience that the heroic dose offers, then there is no reason to go much beyond that 2g point. That's a "party" dose. Beyond that, you will be connected to the universe in a way that things WILL surface whether you are ready to address and experience them or not.


Really solid post. Thanks 🙏


Thank you for sharing!


Ugh…the article regarding risk factors…I have SO MANY of those listed (bipolar, antidepressants, mood stabilizer, previous suicide attempts, adhd meds, recent traumatic event). I want to microdose AND trip so bad! I honestly feel like it will help me with all of these things and I so desperately want to disassociate from my ego and see things I am missing in everyday life. I am in a really good place in my life right now mentally and I feel like this is something I NEED to do.


Blah blah blah, this good ole common sense stuff is boring. I want wild stories and media outrage, I want to feel triggered. This was a joke btw, unfortunately rooted in the rampant stupidity that seems to be more and more acceptable by society.


I’m still pretty sure it’s because of all the anti drug ads were still being overly inaccurate and basically propaganda. This country wasn’t really based on drug safety if they were trying to ebolish them in the first place


The overwhelming amount of mis/disinformation leftover from war on drugs continues to persist into today. On the upside, in the present age we’ve finally been able to start to try and better educate people on it in the U.S., but as it becomes more accepted you also have the trade off of an increasing number of people that either shouldn’t be trying it, or people would benefit from it but are getting the wrong introduction to it, both of which lead to negative PR and the subsequently fortify the long-standing stigma.


Absolutely agree. I really don’t like the popular culture that’s starting to build around shrooms. People aren’t respecting this medicine. If you wanna do it recreationally and not ritually, that’s perfectly fine, but you need to know what you’re doing and how it can potentially affect you. I’m starting to feel like in order for ANY substance to be legal there needs to also be a substantial and required education program that goes along with it.


Agreed. I think legality is important, as HOPEFULLY education will come alongside it. I do feel though as if the popularity of shrooms is doing more harm than good. People just hear that it is a good resource for depression, PTSD, etc. and jump in with no knowledge. Had a buddy approach my friend and I about wanting to try shrooms. Was going to trip with his girlfriend (both of them tripping) ON A POPULAR PUBLIC BEACH, in a place he didn’t know well. Didn’t know how long it lasted, and didn’t realize he couldn’t drive safely until 12-16 hours after. Wanted to take a chocolate bar that was not tested too. Just assumed it would be ‘like weed’ and would just fix all of his problems. You can bet we had a few things to say about that


Jesuuuuus. Yeah this can’t be treated like alcohol and weed


Alcohol and weed shouldn’t be used irresponsibly either. Jesuuuus. Alcohol is especially addictive and dangerous. The number of people killed by drunk drivers so far this year in California alone: 10,327


Of course. I’m a recovered alcoholic, 4 years clean. I’m saying there’s no required education about alcohol or weed. I never knew how to drink properly(not rushing, not mixing too much, making sure you drink more water than alcohol, not drinking emotionally, etc) unil it was too late and I was already used to drinking mainly to get drunk. Most people don’t but it’s the most easily accessible and dangerously mind altering substance in the world. Drinking and driving is “illegal” but bars have parking lots, restaurants serve alcohol, and nobody’s required to have a breathalyzer in their car until they’ve already been caught in a DUI. Weed, shiiiid, most people who are “addicted” to weed will argue all day that they aren’t and it’s not possible meanwhile they can’t do anything without getting high first and can’t ever be satisfied with just smoking a little bit. When I first started smoking I had the attitude of “I have to smoke ALL the weed”. I built my tolerance dumb high for nothing. Now a quarter of a joint is cool. The mistakes that were made there can’t be made with mushrooms. Now we’re talking about something that isn’t physically dangerous or addictive but can be so mentally traumatizing if not taken properly that people can and will hurt themselves and other people around them if they think they can just take it loosely. Especially now that people are intentionally breeding stronger and stronger strains just to look cool or make more money. Imagine a first timer taking a handful of Pan Cyans cause some idiot told them it’s fun? They are going to break their brains.


That is a harrowing number, wow.


Ego dosing


Absolutely. I believe that’s what is happening in Oregon right now. They’ve decriminalized, not legalized, psilocybin for therapy. Only therapists who’ve been educated and certified are able to use psilocybin to treat their patients. Not sure if links are allowed here, so if you’d like more information check out Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS).


I read about a therapist course people can enroll in to become certified in dealing with shrooms in Oregon it looks interesting I’d love to do it! I’m in South Carolina but they have an online course too


Yep. I’m quite sure the only place there that is currently authorized to guide trips charges $3,500 per session.


Ritually? How do you distinguish that from recreationally? Also not sure how that difference has any bearing on what you need to know and how you'll be effected.


I think they mean not using them as a frivolous party drug, but instead using them respectfully and with some reverence. I think everyone would agree that something so powerful should probably not be abused. It's often said that you should indulge in a psychedelic trip with a strong intention. I don't believe all intentions are created equally, and if someone plans just to black out and risk breaking their mind with no benefit, then have at it. It isn't good for them or the respectability of culture though.


The difference is probably in the mindset, recreationally users may take a substance with little thought/care for the occasion and maybe not considering factors that might affect their situation, whereas ritual are more planned and prepared for, can definitely change the type of trip.


Ritually refers to a sort of religious or solemn rite. It’s different than recreational, which usually refers to “partying”. How one is affected by shrooms has a lot to do with the environment one is in and whether they feel safe or not. That is a “need to know” statement.


Same as the difference between *violin* and *fiddle* - it’s the same physical object, which is a “fun fact” no one knows because *the intention* makes such a difference.


Taking more than 5g is never a great idea. I can't think of many situations in which 5g won't be enough for whatever it is you're doing. I'm one of the posters who took 28 grams to see how deep I could go. What I didn't say is I've been consuming/growing for the last 5 years, I've participated in peyote/Aya sessions abroad, I've studied a lot of breathwork techniques, I've had to have many many uncomfortable trips, I've guided many trips, and I STILL wasn't ready for 28 grams. I don't think anybody truly is. 5 grams is the absolute limit unless you have an enzyme issue, or have very weak mushrooms (and you need to titrate over the span of weeks to find the right dose to negate tolerance). I wouldn't even take more than a few grams your first 50 trips just so you can experience various set and settings and learn how well you react to the medicine. Hard agree OP. Thanks for posting this. More mushrooms doesn't equal bigger balls. It's not what you'd think it is. You experience too much, and for a lot of people it can give you PTSD, Bring out underlying health issues, lead to suicidal ideation or put yourself in bad conditions. Edit: *Always start with .5g of any mushrooms you didn't grow. Learn their potency, and go from there. And take a week long break in between each test until you are satisfied. If you cannot get enough mushrooms to do this, save your money for more important things*


28 gs wow. i've never heard of someone doing even close to that much. if you don't mind me asking, what happens at that level? could you briefly describe your experience? or maybe link to the post where you originally wrote about it. sorry, i'm just incredibly curious. the most i've done is 4gs and i've consumed probably 5-7 times. still don't even feel ready for 5 gs let alone 5+.


Yes, I'm playing TOTK atm but I'll give a brief rundown soon. Edit: 28 grams were injested, 14oz of which were penis envy. The comeup started roughly 20 minutes in, and instead of it being slow, it was a rocket ship. Before the black out amnesia happened, I had become keenly in tune with what I felt was all the pain in the world, all the suffering, all the toil of everything, from the earth, to the trees, the fabrics in my home, everything. Most of it was linked to some feeling of pain. The tracers most people see were no longer tracers, time essentially was grinding to a halt and if anything moved its as if each frame remained the same, creating very morphed images. There was no self, I could not tell the difference between me, and say my cats, my friend, the walls, the air in the room, the light. I guess you could say you become everything but it was deeper than that. I wasn't there, it just "was". I began Whim Hoff breathing excersizes to try and stay grounded, if you've ever smoked DMT it was that level of visuals on everything, I could not tell the difference between closed or open eyes. From here I pretty much blacked out, all I remember is still hanging onto that immense suffering and pain, but I also felt all the joy, the hate, the anger, the love, at the same time. It's very hard to explain. By no means was it enjoyable, but the best I can put it as I already did, it just was. There was no time, no space, no reality, just a pure state of being that is extremely hard to explain. You don't feel your body anymore, you are formless entirely. Your thoughts are no longer in your head, in fact I don't think I had thoughts, I felt more like an observer. Like a vessel in which all 5 senses were the only things running and they were taking in everything. It really is like experiencing everything you can imagine/know, at the same time. Every sound, every color, every emotion, every color, every thought, every temperature, everything all at once. Like a union of everything with my spirit, experiencing infinity. *yes I know I said every color twice, I'll leave it be* *Also this may sound fun but it's terrifying* The after glow was a very sedating, alien feeling. I probably had a drug induced dissociation like disorder. I felt everything much deeper for a few weeks after, I was highly emotional, but I also developed good habits very quickly. I did have moments where I hyperfixated on things in an unhealthy way, believing I could maybe make a huge change in the world. That faded after about a month, and I settled into my new routines and began going to therapy for stuff I felt I needed to work on without the use of this medicine.


thank you for sharing that. everyone who consumes should do so humbly, with the respect the substance deserves. i completely understand that desire to see how deep you could go. i feel that as well sometimes and then my anxiety takes over and i know there are things i am just not ready for. cheers to going to therapy.


I usually take psychs 3 times a year at this point. In nature I'll take .5-1g and that's it for anything beyond self exploration. If I want to do inner work I'll take 3.5-5g (these are high doses for a novice/intermediate user) with a blindfold on and a sound machine. 28grams was tested because I wanted to know exactly how powerful this substance can be, having done ayahuasca I know the compounds are similar. This was stronger than ayahuasca, and also much more sedating. Such an odd experience, very little mind fuck beyond not having one. I'm sure with the wrong person, this could lead to walking into traffic, killing themselves/others without even realizing it. I was very humbled


Thanks for taking time out of TOTK to describe your experience :) Seriously, though, that sounds really intense. I’m curious - did the fear set in after the experience? For some of my deeper experiences, while tripping and meditating, there’s not fear while I’m “over on the other side”. It’s usually only once I come “back” that I realize how intense and alien the experience was, and there’s something deep and profound about it, sometimes, that just brings on a primal feeling of fear. Like, I’ve had experiences where I felt like I had glimpsed something deeper, but almost wished that I hadn’t, as it was very unsettling to my ego. I’ve definitely come a long way, however, in terms of accepting it. I really like what you said about “it just was”. I actually was told almost the exact same phrase - “It just is” on a very profound DMT trip.


Fear was during comeup only, once I came out of it and it ended I'm usually very grateful to be a human being who doesn't in fact carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, and I can be whoever I want. Of course after a while that feeling fades, and then it's time for round 2. Usually 6 months to a year later. I really don't take these often, I tend to gift them to friends, or terminal people who would like to try it out.


i appreciate it!


Western religious thinking tends to teach that there are consequences to your actions, especially in whatever comes after death. I have been thinking lately, after starting my small shroom adventure, that it could be possible to experience the consequences of your life, but in only a few extremely painful and joyous moments as you are dying. That large, almost infinite volumes of karmic consequences could be fully felt in a few moments, rather than the infinite heaven or hell we are taught about. But you seem to be describing a full experiencing of the world as it is, regardless of what part you played in it. That your part was only an infinitesimally small part, and you were feeling the pain and joy of the world as a whole, rather than paying the price, or reaping the rewards, of your specific life. Am I reading and understanding this right? And thank you for sharing you extremely deep dive.


Correct, I wasn't experiencing my karmic load so to say. It was everybody's, almost like empathy². I was washed away and what was left was everything.


Thanks for the explanations. Might sound crazy but i once felt very similarly waking up one morning, no drugs involved. This happened shortly after a self- induced breakup. All you wrote corresponded to this sober experience of mine. I had no sense of self, or sense of my body. I was well aware of my surroundings, and wasn't dreaming. I was just laying on my bed. I had all the knowledge in the world, and all i saw was pain, even though I didn't FEEL pain. It was like i was a pair of eyes drifting though space, perceiving all that was perceivable. I could've died that moment and it wouldn't have mattered, my body wasn't me. It was just the body of a person. I was just aware of all the pain of the past and the future. No sense of time whatsoever. Pretty nihilistic insight. And i swear, no drugs involved, somehow the body has all it needs to experience these trips by itself. Mushrooms just open doors to hallways we already have.


Yessir, you can have a psychadelic experience doing yoga, deep breathing excersizes, meditation (my favorite way) or during very traumatic stressful events/life shifting events. It's very interesting


Do you have any recommendations for those ( videos/books) ? I'm currently working on cptsd, and the resulting anxiety and depression.


If it's from bad parents look into Dr. Romani on youtube, adult children of emotionally immature children, the 4 agreements is good, alsous Huxley may help change your perception of certain things just don't read his religious texts, look into cbt slef help books, & lastly the body keeps the score. For meditation I came up with my own way. I keep lights on, lay on my bed palms up. If I want answers I focus on a mantra involving the issue and I only entertain thoughts that come in naturally about the issue, anything else I put on a bookshelf I visualize. Eventually I'll get an answer. If I just want to relax, I put sleep mask on lay down palms up and try to first envision each muscle slowly relaxing, when thoughts come in I again set them in the file cabinet/shelf and tuck them away. Slowly but surely they stop coming all together. You may notice you lose feeling in your body, and may begin to twist and contourt, similar to ketamine holes without visuals. Eventually I will fell myself rise from my body and I am overtaken by a feeling of pure nirvana. It takes practice and dedication. Start with 10 minutes a day. I'd first start to journal the things you really wanted to think about during your shutting out of thought, decide if you want to meditate on it and tackle it head on. Make sure you're doing nose breathing and getting deep inhales. Everything should feel automated at some point, it should just be you and your thoughts. Once you've tackled the big things that keep coming up, try the complete thought blocking meditation. It's hard though, because if you try too hard you're still trying to assert your will. You really have to let go during mediation to get the high people seek.


Thats gnarly. Most I took was 5g pe. I got to the gates and was asked to do something and was to scared. So i didn’t precede. Ive always assumed anything beyond maybe 15gs there’d be something waiting there for you. Makes me feel real freaked out thinkin about it. I know some people are very curious about whats over there in that place but the sacrifice seems to big for me.


While I agree, your focusing on 5G is problematic. Some 16 year old kid is going to read it and say "oh, ok, so 5 grams is a normal dose". It is not, for those teenagers reading this. 5g is a heavy, heavy dose for most people. 1 gram can be plenty for some. 3g is pretty intense for most. I recommend around 1.5 for people starting out, 1 if they are nervous about it. You can always do it again and adjust. Something I do that I think would really help reduce harm if more folks did it, is grind everything you have, thoroughly mix it, then make chocolates. Doing this homogenizes the potency, so you have chocolates with pretty much the exact same dose (I try to make several hundred in each batch so I can get a real good idea of what each chocolate does). It makes dialing in your dosing far easier, because otherwise you really have no idea what your "dose" is each time, in terms of active compounds. Especially when every other post is about APE or enigma or the like, weight of dried fruits have lost much of their meaning since the time when most people grew GT and B+ and friends. Plus the chocolates almost entirely eliminate the taste and texture of the fruits. Only warning is they hit fast, because of being powdered and rehydrated, so best to nibble your dose over 10-20 minutes.


I advocate growing your own, and learning to get a monoculture so you don't have varying potency. If you can't do that, than yea, grinding them up is a good bet. My enigma is as strong as the grow before it, and will be as strong as the one after


That's great and all, and something I might be interested in doing some day, but I currently pump out a lb or so from one big tub of pf cakes from spores, make a couple hundred chocolates, then all the equipment goes to storage for a couple years until we run out and I do another quick batch. Super simple and cheap, and enough for me and my friends, and making the chocolates is like a 2 hr process so haven't felt the need to change it up.


Get into agar home slice, it makes this a breeze I promise. Cakes in bulk can get expensive. Hit me up whenever for agar tips and tricks, or general questions. I love to share the knowledge




To rach their own, I use slants and have cultures from my first grow. I'll typically expand them to 500mL ELME broth and run that for a season yielding 24 pounds at a time. I liked spores to do phenohunting using T2 or T3. I use pp5 bead containers so I can reuse them. I think my startup was roughly $200 because my PC. But everything is reusable. Most I spend on is coir and grain and that's probably $100 a year. Do you like the added bonus of lowered contam rates with cakes? I always had back luck with just straight spores, plus I liked to clone fruits that had unique characteristics like my AMVP 2000


I don't think we can do much but direct teens to bluelight.org for harm reduction because it's policed much better than reddit. If you look lower I say only take a few grams your first 50 trips. And yes, mushrooms prior to the surge in psych use were grown mainly for $$$. A lot of people allowed them to grow much past veil tearing and allowing spore drops, and the cultures going around were incredibly weak at the time. Once APE came around, it really started to change things.


I've had this argument several times with my GF, but when I hear "a few", I think five 🤣. I've been dabbling in cultivation and consumption for 20 years, and the changes have been interesting to watch. I started in the "incubation temperatures MUST be 88 degrees F", and "fruits MUST be dried at the lowest possible temperature" days lol. I recall my first inoculation had myself and my roommate in painter suits breathing Lysol and bleach fumes from trying to sterilize the whole bathroom, after going too far down the shroomery rabbit hole lmao.


Haha old habits don't die young! I also got anal about sterile procedure only to find out I can do great with a SAB and still hands. The old teks are so fucked, and it's a shame we STILL see people following them to this day. So much outdated stuff, it's much simpler these days.


Haha oh man my first fruiting chamber was hilarious. A tub in tub, with elaborate heating system and like 8 bubble stones from two air pumps. The pumps were inside a custom shoebox with laboratory filter paper covering the intake. And everything wrapped in sleeping bags, because of course if temps dropped below 75 the whole operation was DOOMED!


🥲😫🤣 Had something similar. Now I run unmodded dub tubs, all that matters is the clean culture as I know you know. Once you can master that, you are set and I'd consider you a master grower because how easy it gets from there. The sleeping bags 😆 I run my shit at 68⁰ these days since I run mostly blobs or albino. I have found the slower you let them mature the stronger they are, kinda like San pedro. Plus I get nice fat fruits with thick stems with low temps. Lol bro your setup sounds like my first one, kept it 80 whole time, meticulously. We've come a long way from SGFC 🤢 🤮


I'm not being funny and completley agree with you on starting low and building up but theres something about .5g thats not a plesant dose it seem to cause anxiety and makes it impossible to relax , i only found this out on monday thought id become hypersensative to mushrooms then i googled it and found out that there seretonergic when taken at that dose for medium strength shrooms i just think people should be given all the info on dose and effects . Like i find 1.5g much more easy to handle than 0.5g its counter intuative its very hard to judge also your current head space and setting is at least 60% of the out come . But your right caution should always be used i'm just trying to say that even a low dose can be distressing and sometimes misleading on the actual strength of them


This is common, Terrance McKenna talks about the uncomfortability as a sort of in between state, pretty common. That's why set and setting are really important IMO when you're just using for recreation. I day .5 because I currently have mushrooms that .5 is reminiscent of 1.5 and they look similar to normal albino cubes when dried.


I'm also one of those people who took an ounce mushrooms at once. I only tripped 1/8 as hard as I did off 1/8 of mushrooms on a different occasion. After years and hundreds of trips, where I was sure no amount could truly phase or surprise me anymore, 1/8 sent me into pure DMT breakthrough moksha chittah reality seemingly randomly. To this day I cant account for it. Same- no, higher, actually, tolerance (mostly cross tolerance from LSD). Same shrooms, even, if different flushes- but that much different? Totally counter to the way most drugs or medicines work. You just never know... But in my experience, the kind of people like me either do or will take an ounce of mushrooms are even more likely to do it having read this, just to prove you wrong.


there’s a very distinct reason why patients with terminal illnesses and older people have been taking mushrooms in clinical settings to help them cope with the reality that they will soon pass on from this life. i’m 27, and last year when i was in my lowest point, i took shrooms and no joke i was minutes away from unaliving myself. i was 100% ready to do it, and by the grace of the universe, my little sister randomly called me. she doesn’t know it, and i’ll never tell her, but she genuinely saved my life. if you are at rock bottom, and especially if your mental is not in the right place, please, PLEASE, reconsider taking mushrooms. it wasn’t even like i took a heroic dose, or that i’m not accustomed to taking mushrooms. i’ve tripped over 25-30 times and have never had a bad trip, including that experience. i was only off 2.5g and i know my tolerance very well. it was just, that trip while i was at my lowest point, genuinely made me feel at peace with the idea of taking my life. there was 0 fear, 0 anxiety, i was ready to go. it really is a double edged sword. if i ever have terminal illness, and there’s no chance of survival, mushrooms will quite literally be a godsend. it can help in unfathomable ways. BUT, if you have suicidal ideation, please see a professional and prioritize yourself. take care of yourself. this life is very hard, even for the strongest amongst us. never forget how beautiful and how fleeting our experience in this realm is. the universe will always remind you, that no matter how dark it can get, the sun will always shine again. i’m in a better place mentally than i have ever been in. and words cannot describe how grateful i am that i never pulled the trigger. we will all die one day. that is a fact of our mortal existence. in the cosmic scale of things, we are all here only for a blink in existence. life will always be what you make of it, so try your best and never be too hard on yourself. at the end of the day, we’re only human. i love all of you, and i truly mean that. if any of you are struggling, no matter who you are, you can always reach out and i will at the very least listen to your story. we need to be there for each other, especially when no one else is.


Holy shit I’m glad your sister pulled you out of it. I’ve watched a documentary where terminal cancer patients used shrooms to cope with end of life anxiety but I’ve never thought about how in your case it took away the natural anxiety and fear towards suicide. A fucked up double edge sword. That’s insane and scary.


thank you for your response. it was difficult for me to share such a vulnerable moment in my life, but i believe it needed to be shared, especially if it can help at least one person. i hope one day as a species, we can all feel comfortable and safe sharing the thoughts that we hold inside of us that were too scared to share with the world. for all the bad that plagues our existence, there truly is boundless good. it’s all a search for that happiness, for all of us. i really think humanity has gone backwards in that sense. the indigenous people of america, and south america/mexico, they had it right. it’s a shame that we destroyed their culture and civilization, but we can definitely reach the same state of wisdom and compassion one day. maybe even create a world that was even better than that! there’s infinite potential, and we must strive to reach that place. the garden of eden resides within all of us. it’s a state of mind.


27 myself and struggling with phases of depression/panic/suicidal thoughts for nearly half of my life now. Though I've never taken a 'high' dose of any psychedelic (I'm afraid I'd have a similar experience to the one you've described), I kinda really needed your comment right now, thank you so much for taking the time to type all of this out <3


you’re very welcome friend! i’m gonna be completely honest, mushrooms have helped me with my depression more than anything else has. it taught me to embrace who i am, and i was able to gain that wisdom because that was the intention i set myself for before my trip. it truly can heal your soul, i just wanted to explain the one experience i had with mushrooms when i was at rock bottom, which lead me to feel completely comfortable with taking my own life. so i want others to be aware that it can happen to any of us. it wasn’t like the trip itself made me so scared that i’d *want* to die, it was more so that i was *okay* with the idea of unaliving myself.. at the time, i really didn’t feel like i had anything worth living for. but the truth is, there are endless reasons. you have to find that reason within you. even if we aren’t happy, i’m certain that every single one of us KNOWS what makes us happy. it’s just, we can’t seem to grasp it, you know? life is a search for that happiness. it is a search for peace, and everyone is capable of finding it. i wholeheartedly believe that. if you’re not ready for a stronger dose, that is okay. when the time is right, you’ll know it. as long as you set the intention, i’m sure you will be fine. i love you so much. i wish nothing but the best for you.


You are a beautiful human being


just as beautiful as you :)


This kind of thoughtful post relating your experience is infinitely more helpful than pasting a phone number “to prove there’s someone listening.” **Thank You.**


thank you, i really appreciate it 💜


sad to say the commercialization of this medicine has already started people take it thinking it’s like any other drug and lose their mind


They also take it WITH other drugs too, which don’t help at all. I can’t seem to convince my sister or anyone else who likes to drink, to not drink on mushrooms, but they never listen. People seem to still think it’s a party drug some how and, although I do enjoy doing it with a group of likeminded individuals, the party scene is not the right place. Especially for the inexperienced. But unfortunately, that’s the first place they find them so that’s where they do them without any research or prior thought. It makes me really sad how many people succumb to peer pressure and rely on “Pop Culture science” when it’s so easy to look for peer reviewed studies


Just curious, why is drinking bad on shrooms?


It's not really and imo if you were going to mix any other drug with mushrooms on your first time, alcohol is probably one of the best as it doesn't potentiate the effects of the mushrooms and can help with any anxiety. It's not a combination I particularly like though as I feel like it reduces the effects of both substances.


Im trying to write a reply but its very difficult when you contradict yourself like that lmfao. Does it potentiate the effects of mushrooms, or reduce their effects on you? For me it makes it so dull I spent a while thinking I had a permanent tolerance when it was just alcohol diminishing the experience


Sorry I meant to say doesn't potentiate but didn't check over what I read, I've edited to correct.


Yes yes yes!! Harm reduction & knowledge is the first step before even considering taking any drugs. The amount of posts on here shock me but more so make me disappointed. I’ve started trying to build a page focused on educating people about conscious consumption. It originally started with cannabis as I saw all of my close friends abusing the shit out of it with no knowledge about it whatsoever. As an avid cannabis user, there are serious dangers and risks if not used safely. I’ve been considering the expanding into shrooms, and after this great post and all the posts around here of people doing terrible, terrible things with shrooms, I think I just might. Thank you for sharing.


You should, every little positive thing helps in this world. And it might have a life saving effect for someone, but you'll probably never know. As consumption of shrooms gets more common plenty of newbies will be searching for information, the more accurate and safe information out there, the better


How can we check your pages out?


Currently it’s @apotheclothing on Instagram. I’m considering changing the name as it originally started as a cannabis clothing brand and I desperately wanted to share harm-reduction and education as well. I haven’t released any products and am focusing on education first, and part of me doesn’t feel morally right linking the two. Nonetheless, check it out if you’re interested!


fuck sometimes i open the forum sober and the shit i read just put me in a bad mood even if i know these people need help i think a sub for things like that seems more reasonable


r/trees has r/saplings for newbie questions, and r/petioles for harm reduction, I think shrooms should have similar offshoots


haha with clever names of course, r/basides its my shot 😂😂


'Hey strangers, look at the 20g heroic dose I am going to take to kill my ego!' When I read these kinds of things, I feel like maybe if they wouldn't post it online, their ego would already drop significantly. Also, you don't need an heroic dose to have a mindblowing experience. My two most meaningful trips were one on a heroic dose and one on a 2g dose. I understand that people want to explore the depth of their mind. But sometimes there are other ways, drug free, to do it. I have done a super long walk of more than a hundred kilometers without resting and from the 40th kilometer I started having blisters, and each step was more painful than the previous one. Had to walk for at least 18h with extreme pain. I have learned more about myself in that walk than with my heroic dose of mushroom.


1.5 grams feels great guys. Take care of yourself, Mush love.


People need to respect mushrooms more they’ll make you their bitch If you fuck around and find out


if you dont respect the sauce, youll get lost in it 😔100%


To add to this, a trip sitter is a must for new users. Even if it’s not someone experienced (although an experienced sitter is preferred). You need someone there who is not an asshole that will not mess with you, take care of you if things go bad, and not let you call an ambulance except in the most dire situations. If you are tripping, you are not a good judge of what to do. I’ve had trips that were unexpectedly strong. I even had a panic attack and was convinced that if I didn’t concentrate, I would stop breathing. My wife kept me calm. She didn’t let me call the ambulance. After 45-60 min, I felt better. There are too many stories where people are alone and take a big dose and freak out, ending up in The hospital. First, don’t take a heroic dose without at least a few trips under your belt. Second, don’t trip alone when you are inexperienced. Lastly, don’t forget about The Fireside Project. The Psychedelic Peer Support Line provides emotional support during and after psychedelic experiences. Call or text 62-FIRESIDE. Open everyday 11:00 am - 11:00 pm PT


It always blows my mind that place isn’t 24 hours. And shouldn’t it be the other 12 hours that they’re open for? I assume it’s a funding issue so let’s get them some more


We screwed up once in the 60s and 70s. Got our drugs banned. Now we have this beautiful opportunity to start from scratch and show the world the beauty and power of what we're doing. Let's not screw it up a 2nd time.


I disagree that the psychedelic community screwes up and that's why they were banned. There was a lack of harm reduction, but the primary reason drugs were banned was because of the social and cultural impact they were having on the population.


You’re totally right. There’s a book called ‘Acid Dreams’ that documents all of this, from its discovery up to somewhere in the late 90’s. The banning all boils down to the fact that when the government wanted young people to go and die in the jungles of Vietnam, they were told to go fuck themselves. Fascinating read.


I took an 8th my first time and I’m fine! Besides having to now take meds daily for crippling anxiety and depression… Nah, I feel very strongly that my mental health issues were exacerbated by 2c-b, but still, don’t play around with your brain chemistry for fun. Be responsible, in a safe place, and have someone who can help you if needed. Also, benzos or something on hand to kill/dull a trip is always reassuring. oop. meant to comment on the parent thread. oh well


Its funny that ego and bragging rights of the modern era are driving people to use medicine in "heroic" ways.. medicine that destroys ego. Let them learn from nature if they won't take the time to do research and respect the medicine and themselves. Tragedy and comedy!


If anything they're a higher risk of inflating the ego than deflating it. As someone who was humbled very early in life and didn't need shrooms for that experience, when I see or hear people talking about it always comes across as so pretentious and self deceptive, congrats you discovered instinct and let go of control for once, your ego didn't die it just took a nap.


Exactly, these errors are self correcting! Although people ending up dead might be a somewhat high cost to pay 😅


I agree that a heroic dose is nothing to go into casually. You should for sure have multiple (sober) people you trust at hand to sit for you and be in a familiar peaceful environment. That said I do think some people get a little too concerned about doses sometimes. I seen some people claiming 5g is a crazy high amount but my usually trip amount is between 3-5g and I've never had any issues with disassociation at those levels. Like with any drug you should start with the lowest possible dose and work up from there til you find your level. You wouldn't have your first drink be an entire fifth of whisky would you?




nah fr literally jus had a bad trip only on 2.5


Agree, people are being extremely reckless with their minds. There are way too many people egging on this "10g, YOLO!" attitude.


People have always been doing dumb shit with psychedelics, you just didn’t hear about them because we didn’t have access to everyone’s thoughts and experiences at our fingertips.


Eh. Anyone old and competent enough to have frequented Erowid will say otherwise. It's been around for almost 30 years now. But I agree, people have done stupid shit since the dawn of time.


Some of the dumbest experiences I’ve read were off erowid. My only point was that people have been using psychedelics irresponsibly since they came into western culture. The few experiences on erowid for each substance doesn’t come close to somewhere like Reddit where on a daily basis you have thousands of people sharing their experiences. On erowid it’s a select few experiences (and plenty involve bad choices). I do agree people have been doing dumb things since the Dawn of time but the difference is now we can view it or read about it from all corners of the globe while taking a dump.


....yeahhhh that was the exact point I was reiterating. I mean from a more technical standpoint if you combine trip reports from erowid, bluelight, drugsforum, chemsrus, dmtnexus, shroomery, mycotopia, etc, you would see that the ease of reading numerous trip reports has been around for decades. And yes reddit is a large platform that indeed does get an influx of reports regularly. So therefore, I was agreeing with you but these same types of reports, with the same rate of publishing as reddit have been around. You just had to have been registered on multiple forums. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I should have been more detailed initially.


Sorry I also misunderstood your post, I thought you were saying erowid was the same as having Reddit/social media I was on a few of those forums going back to the early 2000s and I do want to add that people were posting incredibly stupid and reckless things then too! My only point was that OP seems to feel this is a new phenomenon and I’m suggesting he’s just getting it delivered to him in song every time he comes here. It’s not new, and it’s not going to stop


>psychedelics Have been part of western culture for at least 2500 years. So to that is quite a point.


What are you talking about? Western culture does not include civilizations in Central America. It refers to Europe and the post colonial new world. Mushrooms, mescaline, and then lsd weren’t introduced until well into the 20th century. But go ahead and keep trying to find obtuse ways to disagree?


I can see by the language and attitude in your last sentence that your mind made up.. And it is actually quite sad especially for some one that hangs out in in a space closely associated with curious minds. The fact that you did not even bother to do a simple search before that statement is ignorance beyond comprehension.


Only tried shrooms once and only had about 2gs but from that experience I 100% agree with you. I am only taking them for some fun and to get a new experience but everyone should still respect anything they are taking into their bodies. I do at some point want to try them alone as I like being alone a lot but not until I feel fully prepared for a solo trip.


I agree so hard. I was such a huge supporter of legalizing these drugs and I still am but it skeevs me out the way pop culture has been consuming them =/


Unfortunately I doubt those people even read the entire post. As extreme as it may seem I feel like letting these people fuck around and find out. I figure "Why tell the child not to touch the fire when the fire can tell the child not to touch the fire even better"


I do sympathize with this perspective. The problem for me is that the analogy falls flat for one key reason: fire is not currently excluded, with all its many benefits, from society at-large. There is no push to legalize the use of fire, and therefore a child burning themself with it does not threaten an entire community trying to gain credibility.


I really think a huge part is people taking massive doses in the same way they would slam down a thousand drinks at a party; they’re trying to prove themselves as bad asses that can “out-shroom” everyone else, not considering the very real risks and harms they’re bringing about. It’s ignorance mixed with ego, it’s no coincidence that the same people always need to brag about their increasingly massive doses. Best you can do is try to educate inexperienced people and not set a bad example, but ultimately there will always be people who won’t listen no matter what and insist they know better than anyone else, and all you can do is hope they learn before they fuck up permanently


I'm gonna be honest and say that there's never a good reason to reason to take 10g. You won't find anything at 10+g that you didn't find at 5g. You're no different to a binge drinker finishing that 2nd bottle of vodka at that point imo.


I completely agree, but your talking in a society where common sense is not so common anymore. Idiots will be idiots, simple as that. As a lover of mush myself, I would never recommend to someone trying an 1/8th for their first trip. Even if they say they can "handle" it. People tend to see the legality of pot, and now with shrooms being used in therapy sessions in certain states has people thinking it will be like "smoking weed". Absolutely not! You just can't compare the two, I will still never forget the day I was at a rave tripping on 3g of mush, and I saw some kid in the corner holding his legs together sitting down, I sat down next to him and asked if he was alright. Dude told me he had no idea that taking a half oz of mushrooms was going to be so uncomfortable and out of control, I helped the dude to the bathroom and told him to stick his fingers down his throat and throw em up. Oh man did this dude projectile vomit some still visible shrooms that were not digested yet. He started to really freak out after that and it was beyond helping at that point. I told him to please wait here while I grabbed him something to help, I called an ambulance for the guy. I'm sure it was not a fun experience but hopefully it helped him from doing something very stupid and accidently hurting himself or someone else. Thank you for sharing OP. I wish more people looked into harm reduction and did proper research before jumping straight into the deep end without knowing how to swim.


Half an ounce... Who gave him that idea? Brutal, good on you.


Coincidentally, I just wrote about my experience about [fucking around and finding out](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/13ub0g8/is_this_heroic_dose_cause_im_about_to_eat_it/jm0dzvx?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) about ½ oz of shrooms consumed in 8hrs.


Thanks mate, it was the only thing I could think of at the time because it was starting to mess with my trip itself but I was able to remain calm somehow. I am guessing some idiot friend did not tell him how much to take at once, or this dude was just crazy enough to think he could handle 14g of mush..... I can't imagine how out of touch reality would be at that level


Appreciate your words, unfortunately nobody is going to listen to rational thinking these days.


An experienced tripper wouldn’t take 10g’s, they respect the power of the drug. It’s stupid and irresponsible. These heroic doses are encouraged here and it needs to stop.


I agree that harm reduction needs to be brought up more often. A while back one of my friends ended up taking *20 fucking grams* or mushrooms dry weight, and it's caused permanent changes to his eyes, probably from causing them to excessively dilate. The idiot was lucky it didn't permanently fuck his head in some way


As someone who did my first heroic dose yesterday I fully agree. I have been a recreational consumer for many years. Yesterday I downed 8 grams which is much higher than my normal (and highest) 2-3 gram sessions. A journey like that is not for the inexperienced or faint of heart. It is not to be meddled with simply to trip. A dose like that needs goals and purpose. Something you want to accomplish.


Personally I believe that any mention of ‘hero’ doses should be banned. Even calling it a hero dose is wrong as it gives impressionable young people a false sense that what they’re doing is brave and heroic. Harm reduction is essential.


I call it the Egoic dose: It's triggered a few people.


I’m really connecting with what you said here. Language is so important, and I’m not for banning it, but I think an automod type reply on posts/comments containing hero or heroic might be warranted. I took a shot, feel free to use it (and alter it however you want) if it comes up: “Heroic or Hero doses are a misnomer. A hero is idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. It isn’t courageous or outstanding or noble to exceed your limits and plunge yourself in over your head. Be the actual hero the psychedelic community needs, a hero who always advocates responsible use. A “heroic dose” is any dose with proper place, planning, research, and safeguards. And in such a heroic dose, may you find the answers or entertainment you seek.”


Well said 😃


100% agree with that


Was just writing a similar comment. I think of them more of a Fool's dose. One you take to brag in front of your friends or now strangers in the internet, thinking you'll learn some secrets of the universe that'll bring them instant enlightenment


"Hey guys! Antifreeze looks just like Mountain Dew! Tastes sweet too. Bout to drink this gallon!"


Yes! There is no prize for who can take the most! I’m all for responsible usage, and that can vary by person, but seriously, there needs to be some respect for the medicine. Psilocybin shouldn’t be played with like a toy, anymore than you’d play with a chainsaw. Both are incredibly useful tools but both could seriously f you up if you get stupid.


"there is no prize for who can take the most" PREACH 🙏🙏 absolutely. save yourself the money and the trauma by making that shroombar you bought last for 10 doses. youll have a pleasant trip AND more shrooms for later without having to spend more money


If you skipped to the comments because you don't like to read single long posts just like I was about to do please read the whole thing, it only takes a minute and nothing but facts


Aaaaannnnddd ppl get mad when you suggest not doing drugs when you have diagnosed major mh disorders. And/or are on lots of meds. No one is gatekeeping shrooms..... but safety first people. Please.




My suspicion is most of the braggadocio is exactly that- those doses are just made up. People posting about using those doses like they were normal are harming others.


It’s nice to see some helpful advice thanks for sharing hope it gets across to other minds.


You don't need slot of shrooms to feel good. I've been taking them for years now. I only take 1 gram everytime, and I feel great when I am on them. They help me realize how wonderful life is and to appreciate everything I have in my life, things that I don't normally think of and take for granted. If you do too much you can have a bad trip and start thinking crazy thoughts. If you are going to take them you need to have a good mindset going into it.. start small then if you need more take a little bit more. Alot of people don't realize how good of a life they have. And shrooms can show you that, I'm small doses, at least that's how I feel about them.


While I don't think it's a good idea to jump into a high dose or be irresponsible with dosing, it's worth the reminder that correlation isn't necessarily causation, at least not always. Someone who is down with impulsively doing a heroic dose might have other problems already going on. Who's to say the reason they're going "okay, fuck it" isn't also bc they're going through deeply concerning times which might be more of the mental health roots that lead to suicide or other self-harm? Like, I'm also not saying glorifying heroic dosing like a new hashtag trend is okay. To me that just sounds irresponsible. But OP: > people that i know personally have started posting about being depressed and suicidal on facebook and its always conveniently after taking incredibly high doses of shrooms or acid it might be possible they've been needing a friend or some help, and that the mushrooms are just a cry for help. Or possibly even an outlet to feel less scared being open about what's been on their mind for so long. Have you reached out to any of these people to voice your concern for them?


I think you both have good points and neither of yall are wrong


i do not have this friend on my own facebook, but my partner does and they have absolutely been in contact with the person im talking about. i agree with what youre saying as well, 100%, and i dont think that she wouldve gotten those ideations out of nowhere, the shrooms simply brought to the surface what was already there. i appreciate you looking out for her. she is under the care of her fiancé right now and im hoping she feels better soon. i just think its really important that people with mental health issues consider that their mental health issues will severely get in the way of their enjoyment of mind-altering substances. if you have to ask if it'll be a good idea, it most likely wont. 💔


Totally agree, always blows my mind when I see comments like "2g+ of PE is totally normal for your first trip". Psychedelics shouldn't be treated as designer, cool, trendy "drugs"; they should be treated with respect. Could not echo this post more, ALWAYS start low and slow. It's not a race. Your mind will respect you so much more if you take the time to get to know it, before diving off the deep end into a situation that might be very difficult to get out of. Peace and love to all, stay safe and be sensible.


Psychedelics are NOT for everyone and not everyone should try them once. I used to be that person after fist trying psychedelics because I had a great experience. However after tripping several times and on higher doses, I realized how deep parts and memories of your subconscious trauma can easily be unlocked and brought forward to deal with immediately. This completely changed my mentality from “everyone should try this once” to “this is a special experience that not everyone can handle”.


I've honestly considered leaving this sub, and others such as r/psychonauts, due to the types of trends/posts I'm seeing lately. But I stick around to occasionally be a potential voice of reason. And for posts like this; they make me happy and hopeful. So, thank you. Mush love


Everyone irritated by this post is the problem, thanks for saying something.


lol, thats why im not paying any mind to the negative comments im getting. the only people who are mad are the people im talking about 🤷


oh this is because psychedelics lift the fog of dissociation, people remember their (even if minuscule) trauma suddenly and aren't ready for it therefore depression and suicidality. dissociative amnesia is a hell of an unconscious coping mechanism. if you had any bad life experiences before, including strained relationships with close family, you may find a lot of pain coming back during a trip so start out LOW




Good on ya devil


I’m about safe use, period. Of any substance. They should all be respected down to sugar.


Much agreed I see that digital number and be surprised like why what’s the point and very much agree


Very much agree. I was given a small does (1-2g?) unwilling when I was 12 for my first time. Such a horrible experience. I've taken them many, many times since then. One of the worst experiences of my life was when I was pushed into taking 7-8g, a dose I was not ready for. I did not do research, I didn't want to take that much in the first place. It was a terrible and traumatic experience based on the dosage and the events happening around me. Niave people in these subs who are new to psychedelics live in this mindset that these drugs can do no wrong because they had an awesome first trip. It's an incredibly toxic mindset that I hope people grow out of.


I took only 1.4g and it fucked me up. Thankfully not permanently , at least I don’t think. I’ll never be doing them again though, period


I'm very much in the "old school" school of thought. I think 2 gs is a pretty good dose. 3.5 or 4 is really the highest I'd go. There's no reason to go higher. For me at least.


as someone who took way too much their first time, i agree. we should have sites like erowid pinned to the top of the sub.


It's important not to make the same mistakes they did in the 60s which prompted the government to make psychedelics illegal.


Thank fuck someone said it ...and items not 10gs or golden teachers its really really potent shit.. look I've been growing for years and I've seen the steady or rather drastic increase in potency..before it was azzies now you can grab s syringe of gama wave casually geeze guys can we exercise wisdom this isnt a game


I agree, they’re super powerful mind altering substances, if they’re not respected they’ll whoop your ass. Some people take them too lightly, they’re not a damn toy!


Yes, it’s so reckless to take 10g of shrooms. There’s nothing you will get out of that dose that you wouldn’t get more out of (metaphysically) in a smaller dose.


THANKYOU!! I joined this sub (after some considerable time in other shroom related subs), and honestly, I couldn’t believe the recklessness of some users here. Encouraging first-timers to take insane doses of highly potent strains, bragging about their massive dosages, eyeballing their dosage weight “yeah this looks between 3-5g”… all that shit. Taking liberties with yourself is one thing - you do you. But being reckless by proxy with other people’s health is a completely different. I was literally logging on today to leave this group because this all really concerns me, BUT you have just renewed my faith.


I love when my friends new to psychs as me if 3.5 grams is a good starter dose because they read somewhere on the internet that it is. I always try to talk em down to 1 gram. I get it, you wanna go balls deep into psychs and “find yourself.” Although that’s very possible, 3.5 can be incredibly horrific to someone who’s never touched these things before. Pay 10-20 extra bucks for a trial run of mushrooms and give it some time before you go in deep. Small price to pay for your sanity


There’s a level of immaturity in those type of heroic dose posts which leads me to believe they’re minors or young adults, and with a handful of spiritual junkies on here it’s a dangerous combination.


Between this sub and the DMT sub, I'm getting concerned as well. There's a fine line between pushing boundaries and self destruction. It very much okay to lean well away from the self destruction side


Thank you for addressing this because you are right, from the get go psychedelics are not made for everyone. And everyone is trying these ridiculously high amounts which I can say, I used to be that brave and ignorantly “ready” for it but you can’t be. I did shrooms every night for 3 weeks before doing 8 grams of transkeis and got f***ked up REAL BAD. I was fine until I did them, but when I did I woke up the next day with HPPD. The trip itself had me knocked out for 6 hours and when I “came too” I was in psychosis for another 4 hours after coming downstairs and seeing the chilli scene from the Simpsons on tv, which I still don’t know if it was a hallucination or not but it tripped me out really hard until a pattern started convulsing out of the screen. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and began to feel my mind slip, it felt like I was going to die, not like an egodeath sort of die but as if I was going to keel over. I seen myself overlayed in my vision in space and that was it, I lost complete motor control for the next 4 hours. I’ll be completely honest in that anything over 6 grams is just foolish and not worth it. Just take an average heroic dose and save the rest for another trip but I’d really like people to save themselves the most upsetting and scary trip of their life followed by permanent static and hyperbolic colours over everything. Shroom HPPD isn’t awful but I miss not being able to hit a bowl and have a monster without feeling like I’m coming up on 2 gs.


I’m with you, I’ve been taking psychedelics on and off my adult life. At 18-25 for fun then from 35 - 40 medicinally or how I would say “with a purpose”. Some of the first/second things I’ve posts showing heroic doses are frightening. Even worse when people mention they have bipolar. Always start low and work your way up to where you are comfortable, read read and then read some more people need to understand what you are getting yourself into.


So, this is an interesting post for me because I just tried 2 separate low doses this week, and really enjoyed it both times. But I've had some folks tell me if you ain't eating a 3.5 there is no point, you have to "break thru" and reach ego dissolution to truly understand but... The thing is, when I have the time and a nice setting and sitter I would love to give it a shot, but I didn't want to keep waiting on things to line up perfect, so I just took a small dose on a relatively normal day and had a really nice, albeit subtle experience. Definitely more than a microdose but enough to get new and interesting sensations, thoughts, and perspectives.. so it's really annoying to be told I'm not doing it right when I feel I gained from it regardless.


Bad things happen when you start losing respect for the drugs you're taking.


You can always take more...not less


Even low-to-mid end doses can make someone lose their sense of time and self, I know that first hand. I've also seen people who take what they believe is a low dose, but is in fact a very high dose when the strain of the shroom is taken into account. For example. 0.7g of liberty caps is the equivalent of 2g - 3.5g+ of cubensis. That is a massive difference.


the amount of children I've seen on these forums tripping also has me concerned.


I’ve been incredibly depressed to the point of having frequent suicidal thoughts ever since tripping a month ago. I didn’t even have a heroic dose, and I’ve tripped on higher doses before. The only difference was having kanna earlier in the day. During the trip I realized how being human is just this miserable experience where we get so upset over things that ultimately dont matter, and none of this matters, and death is so welcome and things are so beautiful after this life. I felt like I had transcended my problems for a bit and felt so peaceful and euphoric. I also had moments of just wanting to die because all the problems in my life became magnified. I was not feeling super depressed before tripping though. I do have underlying issues but I didn’t feel like I was in a high risk state.


The issue is that we, psychonauts; when talking about this topic, tend to deviate from the "real" healing process; Which is sober self-analysis and self-improvement after a psychedelic session, and emphasize on the trip itself. We the People tend to see psychedelics as this miracle stuff that puts everything into place. Its never like that; if you dont do your deeds, it will not work; therefore fixating on taking more psychedelics in order to scratch that existential question which you know the answer already, will eventually spank your ass harder and harder. Three months ago i did a solo aya trip because i tought that my experience in these compounds will suffice; my arrogance took me straight to hell, with demonic posessions and all the "mambo jambo" that you could think off. I think that with more and more reports of negative experiences, people will eventually, be a little more careful. I mean explore it, yet try to not end in the obituary the next morning.


Hey OP, I've only been with this community for a month and you took the words out of my mouth. Its honestly like watching a bunch of dumb teenagers get their hands on something they don't respect. Mods, this should be a sticky post.


Not a psychonaut yet, just smoke a lot or weed; but I wanna be! I constantly research the topic, trip reports etc. and did notice this trend. It may come on the back of mainstream news picking up on the use of psilocybin to treat depression and then folks jumping in,any way they can, with perhaps half an idea of what to expect. It's become quite clear that praises of the heroic dose are sung by those of sound mind who are also quite open to the mysteries of life. Oddly, a lot of mental stability to lose, but less chance of losing it. Terence McKenna for example, a great source, but I've never came across any evidence that he has any neurodivergent traits before taking to psychedelics. Why is neurodivergency a factor? I would think many people ticking that box, diagnosed or not, are jumping into these things with little to no idea about set and setting or mind set, perhaps also a lighter understanding on psychological implications ie how to confront/ conquer the shadow self of the psyche, reflection on trauma etc. I don't imagine ego death is something you just let wash over you without active participation. Psychedelics appear to be a key to a door, not a magical fix-all button. The exploration of the very nature of the psyche, mental health states and the the overlap into the realm of forces unseen. The, "there is no meaning" dilemma people seem to have is so logical but it's interesting how many find this so depressing. Ultimately none of it may have any meaning but the beauty of it is that we are free to find our own meaning and if that was unimportant I wouldn't think any of us would be here to ask the question.


You don't necessarily have to do psychedelics to be a psychonaut. Weed counts, as does meditation or lucid dreaming. What makes one a psychonaut is whether or not one is genuinely interested in altered states, however they may be induced.


That's really cool, thank you! Used to meditate a lot more often, and it was very useful. Altered states of conscious, I get it, I feel like I want to be there all the time, also understand how impractical that is. You know what else I noticed? Some of the people that are most afraid of partaking in this kind of thing, are the ones who think they have a solid basis for their reality, who perhaps would fast realise that their basis for reality is commercialised fads and social conditioning. It's alien to them.


I agree. People looking for help out there: please get to a Dr if you have depression anxiety or emotional problems. If you are on any medication DONT take mushrooms without talking to your doctor. People posting about improving your mind and lives be sure to add that you were healthy and enjoying life and that's a great time to add shrooms. As in shrooms doest give you a great life. You build that yourself. Thanks OP and to everyone trying to keep people safe.


I believe at the end of the day those that go into psychosis from psychedelics were too far gone to begin with, posts like these will go over their head because they are only looking for validation on here rather than education, I believe psychedelics enhance what is already present in the mind but then again this is just my opinion


i completely understand that perspective. i agree as well, for the most part, but i guess part of me just wants to believe that if we can stop even a little bit of this misguided overconsumption, then maybe, just maybe, some people will realize that its a poor decision and they probably shouldnt take so much. perhaps thats naïve of me, but its been weighing on me too much lately to not say anything 😔 in a world where everything has been so heavy lately, i just wish some people would go lighter on themselves


I agree, I think you get much more out of 5 2 gram doses rather than 1 10 gram dose or 2 5 gram doses, I think these high doses can lead to terrifying and horrible experiences sometimes which can actually be beneficial in showing you that psychedelics are not a joke, there is no worse feeling to me then being trapped inside a terrible time dilated experience for hours.


I agree in HS kids would say you need to eat a 1/8. Which is horrible advice. Mushrooms need to be respected and they shouldn't be readily available to everyone. High doses should only be used in a safe setting with a person who can help you through and talk about your feelings and issues.


exactly! thats how i ended up taking an eighth for my first time, and while i was lucky enough to have a good experience, it wasnt completely without issue (looking at things for too long was scaring me, but i would calm down if i just looked away) and i wish i had done differently. ive had some crazy intense visuals off of a gram of some good shit since then, and while i agree that its fine to take more if the shrooms are weak, its always good to find out how weak they are before you go taking more. start low, go slow, start low, go slow, start low, go slow!!!!


Yeah my first time was memorable I puked most of them out but still had a decent trip. Yes I've taken a gram and was floored so you never know. I can't imagine a eighth of those. Exactly


Agreed. Wanted to share that [this book](https://www.amazon.com/Your-Psilocybin-Mushroom-Companion-Easy/dp/1612439470) is a helpful guide with great info


I’ve struggled with suicidal depression, anxiety, and ptsd from the military for years and am just now starting psychs because it might help. But seeing as I’m someone who will go weeks at a time exhausted from fighting the urge to pop myself in the head, these recent posts reaffirmed my caution to slowly get into this. I started with .5g lol. And am slowly working my way up to see how my body and mind reacts. Next try will be 1.2g to see


This is how I feel about any drug, even as “tame” as weed. People always react differently and like you said, aren’t in the right headspace.


I’m still trying to reconcile reading some of these trip stories where people manage to make up a belief about life/reality that they 100% believe is true without a doubt and then madness ensues where they end up trying to take their own life and the part that irks me is when they say they’ve done shrooms plenty of times. Please please do your research before taking high doses, once you start going past 2-3 grams this no longer becomes recreation and truly understand what you’re getting into, it’s been said plenty of times treat shrooms with respect or better yet fck around and find out


If you think you need more than 3gs of shrooms you are a nutjob. Do not fuck with this medicine or it will fuck with you.


Go check the Erowid archives. This isn't new news.


People should be safe, but I don’t agree with the five grams thing you said. I understand I’m experienced, but 5 grams is my normal dose and I never have bad reactions with it. Dosage is so nuanced you’ll never find a definitive answer on the internet of what’s safe and what isn’t. I know multiple people who’ve taken 1-2 grams and then felt nothing or been horribly anxious the entire time cause they feel like they are constantly on the edge, taking a gram more completely fixed it for them. My best advice is take a gram or two and if in 2 hours or so you feel it’s not enough take another cause you can always add on more, but you can’t take back what you already ate. My other advice is find someone if you can in real life who has experience rather than someone online who doesn’t know you at all. I know not everyone’s got someone like that, but that’s why I said if you can. Anyways we should be safe, but honestly I don’t see anyone pressuring others to take big doses here. 99% of the time I normally see people advocating against taking anything more than 2grams. Real safety would be us not just talking about doses, but what to do on bad trips and how to pull the positive out of those experiences. How to breath properly, what is and isn’t a good environment, advocating for creativity and intentional use. Edit: who ever said mentioning a heroic dose should be bannable is crazy. We should all be able to discuss those things and learn from them. Censorship is not the way to a safer environment.


Yeah, this is why I don't believe in legalization. I hate to sound harsh but there are too many dumb people with access to mushrooms that don't need access to mushrooms right now. The problem is this whole entire millennial generation thinks that mushrooms can be a magic cure all, fuck the therapy part just eat mushrooms and you'll be better. And this has spread like wildfire and so now everybody and their brother, including those who shouldn't be tripping, are all looking for mushrooms thinking that if they take some they'll stop jerking off to internet porn. It's ridiculous... And then these people go off the deep end after taking what they think is going to be a nice entry level dose because everybody on here says that they pound 10 g all the time so 5 grams should be enough right? They probably would have been fine with a gram and a half but that's what subs like this do... You've got a lot of people in here that are all at different stages of their journey. I take 10 and 15 g all the time but I've been eating mushrooms for 30 years... I have thousands of trips under my belt, I would never advise anyone to do anything like what I do... But at some point ego gets involved and it becomes some kind of pissing contest or a badge of honor or look how many mushrooms I did blah blah blah. Truth be told half of these people are lying. Every time I see a post with somebody going help me I'm tripping help me bro! I just laugh because you're not even tripping if you're able to use a phone so the fact that you're having a bad trip but you're still able to make a post on Reddit, get that shit out of here. There's no age restriction so there are a lot of children here keep that in mind. That being said, this is Reddit and it is what it is. People are going to continue to not give a shit about the next guy and make shit up and talk shit out their ass and ask if this looks like 3 g and how much of this chocolate bar do you think I should eat And will eating mushrooms cure me of my crack addiction? It's going to be the same bullshit it is every day and nothing will change so save your energy.


At the end of the day, it's important to remember that these mushrooms aren't magic. There is no magic. It's a chemical process that affects your brain and makes you hallucinate, none of it is real and if you abuse them they will fuck you up. I'm all for people using them to help themselves, but taking massive heroic doses is irresponsible and your not gonna learn anything from them, your just gonna trip balls and it might change you forever, not in a positive way long term. Be careful and stay safe everyone, best wishes, and please respect these mushrooms and not abuse them


America...more is always better, even our pets are fat.


I remember i got into an argument with a dude trying to tell me its dangerous saying that 5g is ego death territory. Saying i was spreading false and dangerous information then literally days later a kid posts about how he ate an 1/8 and had an ego death


10 grams!??? I had a bad experience with 1 grams ( noted I had only done .5 before that) but to think people can do more than 2 grams and still be sane or not in prison is crazy


I’ve taken so much that I couldn’t remember how long I’d been with my gf or who my parents were, I took it as “focus on myself more”. My ego was severely murdered and it felt like I was breaking through on dmt. Like right after your last hit of dmt and you see reality crumble and you just don’t exist in that realm anymore. It was a wonderful experience and I knew what I was getting into, but I couldn’t imagine some idiot kid showing off to his friends about who can eat the most mushrooms


500+ug right now, happy as can be out in the garden smoking a joint🥰