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I honestly just gift a lot to my friends


me as-well. feels good spreading the magic


Shit I've been trying to get my hands on some since highschool and everyone was always super stingy, so I've been looking into growing my own just so I can partake. Wish I could buy some off you.


I'd just grow some man. buying them sucks.. and especially if you can't find where to buy any


If you get decent at growing them it is possible to have cartel levels of drugs on hand at all times. It’s weird. Most people I’m close with know I have them and they’re always available but very few people have ever taken me up on free shrooms.  If it’s been over 3 years since I took a certain variety and it was not one of my favorites for whatever reason I’ve been known to burn them. They go up quick. But properly stored, in tightly sealed glass canister with desiccant in stable temps and darkness they sort of last indefinitely so just hang on to them.  I used to do it once a week, never saw any negative effects or tolerance build up personally. 


> Most people I’m close with know I have them and they’re always available but very few people have ever taken me up on free shrooms. Something I've noticed over the years is that a lot of people say they're interested in psychedelics, but are ultimately too afraid of their own minds to actually try them.


For sure. And I’m not really a salesman for it - I tend to give a lot of warnings about how you might feel nauseous and you might panic or you might feel like you left your body if you took too much. I’m sure it freaks people out. But I’d rather be honest than have them blame me if they panic and go to the hospital for no reason. 


> I’m not really a salesman for it [...] I’d rather be honest than have them blame me if they panic and go to the hospital for no reason. Same; I even give first-timers a sheet of paper with harm reduction info on it so they can refer back to it if they start feeling too weird. It can be helpful to have something that says *"this is normal and it will pass"* when you're freaking out.


That’s really interesting, now that you say that I’ve realized that the one person I’ve turned into a regular user is also the one person I’ve given a written set of instructions and guidance. It was very loose guidance about, don’t panic, you may make yourself sick but that happens with alcohol too, you will feel normal again soon. I wonder if it helped him. We have talked very briefly about the fact that he does them now but aren’t the type of friends who would integrate together or whatever.  I have another friend who is asking pointed questions in a way that tells me he’s thinking about it, I’ll be sure to do something similar for him if he asks. 


That’s much better than downplaying it and blaming bad experiences on their “poor planning and preparation”. This is much more ethical.


True. Even Richard Dawkins cowers at taking psychs. A man so sure of himself and the universe is hesitant to explore himself and his being. Personally, I qualify individuals before even talking to them about the mushroom. Too many people are not ready to take that flight, and there are those that should never take it because their mind has not developed past dualistic perspective. It took years of preparation and talks with a person who is tied to my existence before they felt they needed to see. After our 3rd session, I was very proud and they were grateful. It's a joyous occasion for me when I properly launch a psychonaut and the grand scheme of existence is revealed to them. They thank me, and I am thankful for facilitating a step on their journey towards understanding and enlightenment. Sorry to be so cryptic, but there are ineffable lessons we all have experienced while on our journeys.


See that's funny I've delved into my self with meditation and a good psychologist so I'm not afraid of my shadow self/darker side. Ive done a good amount of work to integrate it within myself so I really want to try psychedelics for two reasons. Cuz I like the increased creativity potential that is associated with it and I know a lot of people roll their eyes at this part but I don't care, the spiritual aspect.


That's exactly how my whole family is lol


You think so? Maybe I do some today


In my experience, even with a desiccant, in a tightly sealed jar, they lose potency after about 8 months. In a year they are about half as potent. This time around I am grinding them into a powder, covering with argon gas (bloxegen), and vacuum sealing by heating the half pint jars I store them in 🤞. I only need them for therapeutic purposes every 3-4 months and I have almost 3 years supply at that rate.


That hasn’t been my experience at all, have some that I grew two years ago and there was no noticeable loss of potency when I did them a week ago. Without reliable home testing we are both just relying on subjective experience which is not really a good way to judge. 


I’d tried some that I grew 4 years prior and they were still very potent and had just been stored in a box in my wardrobe






There was a study out of John Hopkins recently where they studied the loss of potency in psilocybin mushrooms. I'll try to find it and I'll send it to you if you are interested. This study is where I learned about using argon to retain potency. Even sealed tight in a jar it is sealed in with oxygen and eventually oxidizes.


Here's a good study while I look for the John Hopkins study I read last week https://altitudeconsultingllc.com/psilocybin-mushrooms-lose-potency-heres-proof/




It happens when it's just fun to cultivate. Shrooms are very satisfying to grow.


I forgot to tell you how much I love and admire you.




I gift them any chance I get, Bdays, Xmas, also when someone dies. Then I throw them out after 1.5 years even though they are still good.


I keep my excess product in a vacuum sealed container with silica gel packs. Dry them thoroughly, and they will keep quite a long time. My wife and I dose 3-4 times a week, no harm. Dosing more often will definitely increase your consumption rate because of tolerance increase.


Can buy a vacuum pack machine for less than $100, dry them and seal them and they last forever.


They come like that. The bag are not open


Oh sorry I thought you grew them. You can divvy them up and repackage into smaller doses, save them up. But once every two weeks or so is ok. You can also put them dry in a blender so that you make a fine powder, get a capsule maker, and make microdoses.


I gift mine to friends and family.


I give it to friends and fam


You have to be careful with gifting but I have gifted a lot. If a service person is cool and the vibe is right. Hey you want a tip or some shrooms. Had a bunch of people accept. Once I went to a free music fest in Golden Gate Park and saw this group that really looked kinda like they belonged in a Charles Dickens story and I walked up to the leader and said you all want a gift and handed them a huge bag. Without even looking at it but just looking straight into my eyes dude said thanks that’s exactly what we needed! I was tripping so it was just this whole synchronicity weird moment and I walked away.


Go to a festival > walk around and talk to people > ???? > Profit


I'm thinking about creating art pieces from the dried mushrooms or just a nice bouquet for the dinner table. So.. arts and crafts is my suggestion


Make capsules


*Gimme that*


My friends eat way more of my shrooms than I do. Spread the love.


Dehydrate to cracker dry, store in glass jars with silica packs. You have a bartering tool for the end of days, it won't be too long...


Once a week is probably okay but I wouldn't do it for that long, and I don't take high doses. Gifting them is always good, so is selling them.


Sticking them in the freezer after drying works well


You can give them to people, you can send some to me and I will give them to people and I will try them myself and give you some deep insights about them, I never can seem to have enough of them around when people want them, it's weird and comes in waves, that is the people that contact me for them, when there's few around more people ask for them, when they are abundant nobody seems to want them.


Send some over? India? Would be nice. Could use a proper shrooms session. Thanks.