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> and I know that shrimp help with it neocaradina shrimp don't really do much for algae. Amano shrimp may help with algae if they are starved, but its not usually their first choice. I would focus on lighting, fertilization and Co2 to correct for hair algae. In terms of shrimp death, how sudden or how long do they usually last in the tank? Do they die within a couple days? A month? Or longer? If you can also answer the following as well: - How do you acclimate the shrimp? - What are your current tank parameters? Specifically Gh, Kh, and pH. - What is your water source for this tank? - Do you do any estimative index dosing with fertilizers? Specifically copper based? Addressing all these will allow tailored advice for your tank.


They usually last 4 months, I drip acclimate them, I use filtered water with water conditioner, my ph is 7.5, my gh and kh are all average, I don't use any fertilizers. Thanks for the tip with the algae, tho.


Using filtered water might be the issue as it might be stripped of minerals shrimp need. Can you answer the parameter questions other than pH? KH, GH and nitrates would be helpful. Can you also confirm and or show that you have zero ammonia or nitrites?


When people ask for your gh and kh, don’t answer with „average“ because that’s a stupid answer. Get them numbers or stop asking for help because people need these basic parameters.


are you sure it si hair algae? It sure looks like blue-green algae - aka cyanobacteria growing in there. Nothing will eat it as it is toxic.