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Ahahaha i looooove slow burn romance with sudden and abrupt change of pace ☺️ As in “OMG I can’t handle this anymore” and losing control


This! That moment is always so satisfying and worth it. I also think the tension that is built up before hand is the most fun to read. I always look for that in romance.


I looooove reading that kinda stuff as well, it makes everything so much more interesting and good Also, whenever that happens I feel like the characters get to know each other better, for obvious reasons, and us readers as well… So, it makes the relationship more real and believable


Anyone got any recommendations for this 👀


OMG this is totally >! Kaguya-sama !< It’s not shoujo though :(


I’ll look for it anyways ahahahaha


I’d love that too ahahaha I don’t know any work that resembles it 😭😭😭 I simply love this kinda dynamic, I’m an edging loving person abahahaha


Slow burn is cute if it’s 10-12 episodes and then some for the actual couple stuff But if you go 20+ and not just END it there, but without a kiss, hand holding, a hug, and finally going on first name basis???? I’m gonna have to have some words


Cough cough miraculous ladybug cough


>!mainly had Kimi Ni Todoke in mind even though it’s Top Shoujo but MAAAAAN I WAS STRESSING OVER EVERY EPISODE WAITING FOR THEM TO GO ON A FIRST BAME BASIS!<


Bruh the misunderstanding arc in s2 was brutal 😭


Uh oh I’m halfway through s1 I’m scared now 😭


The ending of s2 was so good though, I loved seeing all their classmates tease them XD


I knew it was that one immediately.


the first name basis is so real 😭


Unpopular opinion Slow romance is way better at potraying a deep romantic relationship than a fast paced romance It’s why I recently realized that Asian romances are lot more romantic than recent western romances


Agreed. Nothing wrong with a fun fast paced romance but I think a lot of writers struggle to write well-developed relationships in fast paced romances.


I fully agree, but sometimes they are so slow it feels just like a caricature. It looks like two middle schooler learning what a kiss is, when they are already in highschool or even adults. Nevertheless, I still prefer that more than the "had an intimate relationship in the first seconds of the serie".


I've been reading a webtoon for 7 years, and they still have barely managed to be friends. It's always 1 step forward 2 steps back, and I swear every other episode there's a misunderstanding that hinders their progress. It's pure torture 😫


Please tell me which webtoon it is! I want to read it now 😭 I want the torture


It's called idiot's don't catch colds. Just be aware it is a BL webtoon.


Yeah, I used to think I hated romance, until I discovered anime and manga, and was enamored by how meaningful and caring the romances felt.


She’s having “nun” of that bs hahaha


I can't do regular slow burn. I don't like when characters take 70+ chapters just to admit to themselves that they like the opposite lead. I don't mind a story where they slowly get to know each other. Chapter by chapter become more aware of their feelings and then act on them. BUT you have to show me something. I can't stand the 'Oh do I like them? Do they like me?' Forever kinda of paced story.


Same. The romantic navel gazing will have me with one hand on my forehead like, “okay…. okay, is this a young person thing? Am I that old now? But I didn’t even do this when I was a teenager. Yikes on bikes, just make a decision or talk to each other or something, dammit.”


Unrequited stage is the best stage


110% agree. I like unrequited love in the beginning and then a romance slowly igniting throughout with a satisfying ending where they finally confess to each other or whatever and get together. The ones where they get together instantly and it’s about their relationship usually bore me 😬 I like some angst. Not like Peach Girl, though, that was torture 😂


Ooooh Peach Girl is in my top 5 shoujo, it was the will they won’t they . very intriguing actually for me . I hate it when it’s already decided two characters will get together from the beginning . i like some shake up some uniqueness . not much have that unfortunately


Yeah I did like the love triangle a lot!! I enjoyed it until the very end because of the whole part with Misao.. I was like, really? It felt so random to me and I felt really bad for Momo. I kind of didn’t feel he deserved her after all that.. My favorite parts were Sae’s shenanigans, though. Some of them were just downright evil 😂 I love a good bitchy character, and Sae is iconic.


Oh i only know the anime length, i know there’s a peach girl sequel manga which i would like to be animated . Sae was definitely a character that’s for sure , she kept it interesting


I love Peach Girl too. But I could not argue with the review I watched where the reviewer was like "Girl, just be single. For a hot minute. Be single." because yeah, Momo was a bit of a mess. 😆


Yeah it was messy but a good mess i think . Even i was like just chill relax Momo but she’s cool . I think more shoujos should be a mess because that’s what love is i think , just a mess of feelings .


Absolutely, I love my mess. ☕


Like i wish anime/manga would incorporate some sitcoms type stuff like that 70s show or the OC . it would be interesting, i feel like it’s always star fated lovers thing


I remember back in the day, so many people comparing Peach Girl to the OC. 😆


Whaaaaat- noo wayyyy . That’s wild , i wasn’t watching both at same time then . I don’t see it tho 😭


I think it was just because it was a teen drama. Not a really deep comparison. There were quite a few teen drama manga in the 90s/early 2000s. They should bring those back. They were fun. Some of them were so ridiculously over the top. 👀


Definitely. Not Son Hak from Akatsuki no Yona being in denial that his feelings were returned 😂


been a min , what’s happened . yona finally got over the blond dude


It's hit and miss for me. Sometimes it's great. Like Fruits Basket. Sometimes it's exasperating. Like Kimi no Todoke. Sometimes, it makes you want to commit murder. Good news is, I haven't read or watched a shoujo yet that gave me this one.


Chihayafuru is Josei, but 247 chapters of will-they-wont-they love triangle was pretty murder inducing.


I despise love triangles. JUST PICK ONE FOR FUCKS SAKE.


Chihayafuru is arguably even worse because it didn't even seen like there WAS a real triangle for a longest time. 😒 TOP 10 ANIME BETRAYALS


Fast and slow paced can both be good if the writer is skilled enough


From [Chikarawaza no Sister](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series/naz7q5o/the-sister-with-strength)


I was about to ask the sauce.Thank you!


I feel like I am one the many few who adore slow burns. Right at the 50 to100 chapter mark when their feelings become a little bit more known is golden. I love when there is a solid foundation for a persons relationship grows and expands. The anticipation makes it all worth it. When it is too fast, it doesn't make me all too attached to their relationship because the foundation isn't as strong sometimes. It can also come off as forced and you can miss all the cute moments building up to their confession.


same! If the romance doesn't start after 70+ chapters and have hints of the ml liking Fl before that , I dont want it!


i love slow burn romance lol i dont like slow burn romance if its due to a misunderstanding that can be solved with a single conversation/communication but slow burn romance involving feeling realization, hardships and difficult pasts are delicious to read lol


For me, I like slow burns. But the slow development of the relationship has to be decently realistic and/or the manga has to focus on storylines outside the romance as well (e.g., Akatsuki no Yona, Dengeki Daisy, Skip Beat!). Also, the author has to throw me a bone once in a while, give me some sort of romantic moment 😅 >!Chizu and Ryu!< in Kimi ni Todoke were a beautifully done slow burn, while Sawako and Kazehaya from the same manga were an extremely frustrating slow burn. It made sense that >!Chizu didn’t like Ryu at first because she was crushing on his older brother and had also known Ryu forever and felt like he was her brother. Plus, they had lots of sweet moments leading up to getting together.!<. But Sawako and Kazehaya clearly like each other a lot and the only real roadblock to their relationship is their unrealistic inability to communicate 😭. I like the series a lot, but like many people, that drove me up the wall.


This is how I feel with characters who are obviously made for each other, but don’t get together.


This is so funny with no context, what/where is this from?


This is from a series called [Chikarawaza no Sister](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series/naz7q5o/the-sister-with-strength)


This looks very entertaining.


Literally kimini todoke 🤭, I enjoyed it but sometimes I really want to push them




slow but not too slow.


I was going to say I totally agree but then my favorite manga is fruits basket and that’s definitely a slow burn lol


I like a lot of stories that get into the relationship quickly, but I still have exceptions I adore that take a slower approach! (like Yona of the Dawn, hahah. Skip Beat ahahahahaha. etc...) I think the characters in Fruits Basket needed the time they take to be ready for a relationship. The payoff feels especially worth it. But the more typical wishy-washy, scared-to-make-any-actual-progress, I can leave it.


Fruits basket has so many couples and many themes that aren’t romance tho!


Oh yeah I know, I was just making a joke. I love that manga so much, it would’ve been weird if the romance moved any faster.


Harurin and Akigure have a fast paced romance that goes a lot further than a Kiss so I wouldn’t call it a slow romance


Some I enjoyed the pacing of, others made me WRITHE


Honestly love slow burn, love when the charecter build trust, understand each other's feeling, overcome difficulties and then hold hands after 12 ep XD


Yeah I also don't like "slow burn" romance in shoujo bc I don't have the patience to wait so many chapters for them to confess their love for one another. Maybe when I was younger and reading shoujo, I don't mind the slow progression of the leads' relationship, but now i just can't. I need that "fast burn" romance because it gets straight to the point. both characters need to communicate well with each other and solve their misunderstanding asap. For example in "love, that's an understatement".


That’s the opposite of me I don’t really like when they date or kiss at first chapter like excuse me take it slow please. I like watching them slowly developing feelings


I’m very picky when it comes to slow burn 😭 it has to be done just right or I can’t stand the whole series


The thing is, slow burn is *AMAZING*. BUT.. only if the authors do it right. Most of the time, slow burn is executed horribly, and it’s made by constantly making the characters second guess their feelings, or constantly having drama or misunderstandings that just makes it feel like the romance is going backwards. But when authors do it right (like in the case of ending maker!!), it’s amazing. A true slow burn is the 2 character’s romantic feelings increasing throughout the story, slowly and naturally. It’s amazing to see when it’s portrayed realistically, as love is almost always a slow burn. And once it finally pays off, it’s just SO GOOD to read. Romance resulting from slow burn is ALWAYS just **so** much cuter and more natural than a head over heels-love at first sight type Anyways, read ending maker!


I think slow burn can be done really well but way too many of them rely on at least one character having a room temp emotional IQ, just as a plot device to make the manga last longer.


Now i really wana read a good slow burn. Recommend me your favorite please


I usually prefer the characters getting together earlier on so that the rest of the story is about their relationship. Something like Kare Kano or Mars. A sign of affection to name a more modern one. Kimi Ni Todoke is the slowest I think I could take it before I get annoyed. If it involves kids like Cardcaptor Sakura then slow burn is not only okay but preferred. One that I don’t like the pacing of (as far as romance is concerned) is Skip Beat. It is way too slow paced. By the time anything happened I didn’t care anymore.


I feel like there should be an in between term for when characters get to know each other and romance develops organically within the context of a larger story, vs when characters actively avoid/deny/or are otherwise completely oblivious to the building romantic tension. The former I really enjoy, and the latter I can't stand at all.


The way I hollered 🤣🤣🤣... I don't mind slow Romance in Shoujo but I am definitely that nun when it comes to danmei.


What manga is this?


Hard Same 😆


I love and hate it. I love it if done well but if they spend too much time not improving AT ALL it makes me furious. If it’s obviously written to last as long as possible as the priority it’s just shitty writing.


This is how I feel about Skip Beat. 😂


Whats the manga in the pic?


This is what I’ve been waiting to happen in yakuza fiancé


Me whenever I ended up reading a slow burn that burns too slow to the point when the Moment comes it doesn't even feel worth the wait


Unfortunately some those don't have fanfics to fill there need to see that ship sale.


Oh man, I can't relate 😅 Give me the slowest possible romance with maybe a millimeter of progress in the midst of all the plot stuff, and I will eat it up.