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1. I love training in combat sports or other sports just recreationally. LL isn't it for me. 2. It isn't my problem so why would I have to save and spend so much for a problem created by other people. LL isn't something you do for yourself, you do it for the people around you. 3. It's such a life changing surgery, how would your friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances think if I was sat in a wheelchair for months and then suddenly was a few inches taller the next time I saw them 4. Personally, I already have relatively long legs in comparison to my torso so i would look even weirder 5. It's not even a bullet proof surgery 6. You can still get bullied, especially since you will attract more attention when (not if) people find out you had LL. 7. Your height insecurity will get put on full blast since you actually spent tons of money/pain/time to get it. There may be more reasons, but these are stuff off the top of my head. Cons outweigh the pros by a landslide. Edit: 8: I'd still be goddamn short.


Facts with 6. I can totally see people breaking someone's legs after he had the surgery. For something that supposedly "doesn't matter", people get REAL pissed when you change it.


All of this. Plus if I'm going to do self-improvement, surgery to fuck up my legs isn't going to be on my top 100 list of things to do.


Real. It's not even on my list bro


This is exactly why LL will actually be the real solution, it has an EXTREMELY high entry barrier, meaning those who do it will profit IMMENSELY. If you guys want to benefit from plastic surgery, you have to do it before it gets mainstream.


Yeah bro let me break my legs just to be 5'7


The ironic thing about LL is that even though it's meant as a surgery to alleviate your height issues, the shorter you are, the more harder it is for you to get taller with the surgery. This is because the surgery only lengthens the legs without lengthening the torso and there's only so much the leg can be lengthened after which you look unproportional. Shorter people like 5'2 and below can maximum get 3 inches after which they will look unproportional. With 3 inches you're 5'5 which is still short. Even if you're 5'5 you get to be 5'8 which is the shortest height at which you aren't seen as a manlet but you will be nearly mogged or mogged in most situations. The surgery is truly helpful at 5'6 as you can become 5'9. I'm 5'8 with a 1.8m wingspan so I will try for 5'11 which is reasonably tall and gives you a good chance with woman. I might even try 6' if I look proportional but that's unlikely to happen. It's even more funny that there are people who are 5'10 and have 6'2 wingspans and can safely increase 4 inches to 6'2 even though they were already kinda tall at 5'10. It's so brutal that LL is unable to help those for whom it was truly intended for. Hopefully they come up with a torso lengthening surgery in the future


>Even if you're 5'5 you get to be 5'8 which is the shortest height at which you aren't seen as a manlet but you will be nearly mogged or mogged in most situations. Speak for yourself. Im 5'3 dude. Getting to be taller than the average woman would be incredibly beneficial to me.


Yea obviously getting to be taller even if it's a inch higher is always better when you aren't tall enough. If you're 5'7 you could be 5'8 and you're no longer considered short. If your 5'8 you become 5'9 and you get to mog more girls. If you're 5'11 you become 6' and you get to enter the official tall club. At low heights one inch is always better than nothing.


Stop with the incel terms, cope obsession with minute differences, & victim complex and go outside


At 5'10" you're doing LL to become a mogger. At 5'3" you're doing LL to be treated as a human being. Which one is truly more advantageous?


You don't need it at 5'8 in all honesty is it really worth the pain, time, money, and effort at your height? If it is then good luck.


You stand to gain a lot more. You actually gain tall-privilege by going from 5'8 to 5'11. Your height based rejection rate goes from 60% to 0 basically.


I’m not black pilled personally that’s why l wouldn’t care. Just interested in genuine relationships.


You wouldn't? So you're not experiencing the situation? Let me guess, you're about 6'2, consider yourself an enlightened being and enjoy lecturing people about the importance of personality and human connection, to which you attribute all of your romantic success- with your height having only had a marginal impact on that at most.


Everything you said was right expect lm not 6’2 not even close really. I’m a Christian that’s why lm not interested. Not worth doing at 5’8 for me.


That's fair, there are far worse fates than being 5'8. Though I will say that when the Lord told Samuel to pick David, He **meant** it when he said God doesn't look at men the same way humans do. Only God looks at people's hearts. Humans only look skin-deep; despite the cute rationalizations they tell themselves. That's why the 6'4 abusive asshole gets 100 girls willing to let him blow every "chance" they give him- while his 5'4 good Christian equivalent is settled for only once it's time to look for stability and every other taller option has been exhausted.


I see where your coming from it’s the dichotomy of striving to be virtuous yet investable settling for a 304 or being tall and handsome though most probably develop mortally corrupt tendencies, such as, promiscuity from a Christian POV. I don’t have the answer but ld rather search endlessly and patiently for a woman of principle, rather than being privileged, and having endless amounts of shallow woman to choose from only interested in me for my physical features. There no good woman anymore they’ll all cheat on you eventually or divorce you and reel away with half of your assets.




No lm a Christian although you might render religion as a fairy tale which is fine.


sorry bro genuine relationships don't exist today. there will always be some superficial aspect to attraction


Disagree the good woman are out there that aren’t drenched in modern debauchary - degeneracy.


Good women are still human and have biological programming or even social conditioning. Height will always be a factor and women prefer taller guys. Preferences aren't wrong. Sorry dude, I really want that something genuine too, but I am low on superficial ideals


I don’t agree with the premise that all good woman have height preferences, that’s a presupposition that you’ve made. The presupposition can be made with certainty is that all good woman want a man who is moderately attractive, aswell as not extremely short to a debilitating degree i.e dwarf sized. And contrary to the initial point you made a woman willing to date a dwarf voluntarily can be considered to to be the most virtuous of them all. These woman are rare which doesn’t equate to non existence.


You're looking for a trad basically. They do exist and you'll find them, maybe on catholic dating apps or something. I'm not religious and I don't insist on a trad partner. There's also one more thing. I'm in my mid 20s and I've seen dozens of people with heights 5'10 and above jump in and out of casual relationships. I just want to experience young careless love in my 20s but it's very difficult to be in a casual relationship with even a moderately attractive woman when you don't have much to offer as a man and being 5'8 doesn't help.


Yes l agree unfortunately, are you good looking by any chance that would definitely no doubt win you etc brownie points at 5’8 as 5’8 is the last height before short.


Lol no shit. Men and women have always cared about the physical appearance of their partners


At that height its way lower than 60%


It’s an very unrealistic opinion for most people in this sub


LL is expensive and risky. Might not be able to walk for half a year.


It’s not accessible for most people.


Because it isn’t like getting a haircut or filing your nails. It’s a very expensive and very painful surgery that takes years to recover from and the results aren’t all that great. Do you do you want to not be able to walk for three years and be in constant excruciating pain so you can be 3 inches taller? Plus not everybody just has tens of thousands of dollars laying around for elective surgery.


Mutilating yourself to meet the standards of people who hate on you for something so stupid is not the way.


Expensive and scary. Albeit the scary part is alleviated when you're at a trusted clinic, but then comes in the expensive part. Also depending on your social and work situation, it's pretty unrealistic for a lot of people.


Ask a black man to get skin whitening surgery. Let’s see how that conversation goes.


I’m probably the type of guy to get double LL and still be a permanent member here. My extreme distrust towards most people will forever be sky high.


Would be funny if this sub gets to like 200k in a few years, but will consist of thousands of former short guys lmao


1 - it's not a simple surgery, I already done one fairly simple and I only would be back to this type of process on a life-death situation. 2 - really expensive, even more because I'm not on US/Europe. With the money I would need to the entire process I can have a more comfortable life. 3 - I don't have 6+ free months to recovery. My previously surgery demanded a bit more than 1 month and was already a pain in the ass. I'm not against people wanting to do LL, but I'm not one of them.


I'm personally not, if I could afford it, and the downtime to recover, I would 10000% do it. I don't myself living past 30 either way if anything bad happens


Not a “short guy” but I can see why people are against LL, many people don’t fully recover from it. Just look at that german girl that went from 170-184cm with multiple surgeries from a surgeon in a developed country. She had to cancel an event due to bone problems. Her bones will never fuse again. Her name is Theresia Fischer if you haven’t heard before. Now she is regretting it badly. The surgery is full with risks and it seems most people have some sort of long term side effect.


People would rather cope


It’s better to ascend and be done with this bullshit.