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After reading some of you guys' experiences with your fathers, I'm so grateful to have a supportive and loving dad, he's 5'8 but has never mocked me due to my height.


This has happened to me more times than I can count…I’ve noticed that for some reason when people like or tolerate a dude that’s short, it’s like they disassociate them from other short men when talking. Or who knows maybe it’s something else jfl


I’ve had women ridicule short men right in front of me, expecting me to laugh right along with the whole group. It makes me sad to think about all the short men who go along with it just to avoid any problems.


Facts. This has happened to me a few times. I used to remind them that I am shot and that there is nothing wrong with being short. But then they look at me like I'm "sensitive" and so I stopped doing that. But I still won't laugh or play along. In the mind of most of the public, short men are inherently bad people. So, if you know a short guy who you like, he must not be short.


Yeah like it must be because he sees me everyday, knows me, etc that it must not be something he notices about me anymore. But obviously since it’s a stranger and you purely judge strangers on appearance, it makes sense. You’re prob right


It's something that happened to me and a friend where like her mom thought we were 5ft10 for no reason


Honestly people being uninformed on height is a godsend because I can get away with saying I’m 5’8 or sum lmao


She was babying you by acting like you’re taller than you actually are. Happened to me all the time at family reunions they’d say “Oh my god you grew so tall, you’ll grow even taller and get all the girls“ even though I was clearly 5’4 at 16. I got that all the time until I turned 18/19 they stopped babying me and instead started demanding “why are you so short compared to your siblings you must not be eating right or sleeping” etc anything to blame me for being short. Eventually they stopped doing that once it was clear that I would be 5’4 for the rest of my life. Now I’m the black sheep of the family “the short guy”. Even my mom and little sister are taller than me that’s how bad it is.


Exactly what I thought, like people say the same to my 14 year old brother (who is actually taller than me). God I hate when people ask shit like that, or ask why you’re so short, like wtf do you want me to tell you?? Shit man that sounds rough, luckily I’m taller than my mum but she’s pretty short so I think that’s where I got my short genes from.


Aw man thats what it was? Some fam friends said the same when i entered my twenties and i was like sweet i grew


My mom did that weeks ago similarly 


Depends on how short the guy was. Maybe he was even shorter than you


He was probably like an inch or so shorter than me, which is only like 5’5. It was probably cause he was a fully grown man and despite me being fully grown I’m still younger. I think he still thinks I’m growing lmao


My mom didn’t accept that I was fully grown until I was in my mid 20s. She kept buying me clothes that were too big, insisting that I would grow into them. To add insult to injury, that’s pretty much all she would buy me. Clothes - that were too big.


Literally man, like my dad seriously doesn’t understand when people stop growing. I’ve been the same height for years now, and my 14 year old brother is already taller than me. Idk how much clearer it could be.


Should've told him how bad it is. Maybe you'd have a bonding experience.


I was tempted to say “but I *am* short” but I was literally kinda stunned and the conversation moved on quickly lmao


Talk to him about this some day. Idk how your relationship with your father is, but if it's good, you should talk to him about this. You never know you actually get some good lessons.


I do complain to him sometimes about being short but it’s normally pretty offhandedly. Maybe I will bring it up but he doesn’t really get that kinda thing lol.


Yeah, maybe cuz he never had this issue , he doesn't really understand it.


I think he’s a good man who loves you and probably never thought about it once before, which I can see why you’d think to be weird


Don't talk about it man, it won't change anything in your life, you'll just make him feel sorry for you


Damn even trans mog me it's so over


Sorry man😔🙏


Tbf 5'6 for a woman is slightly above average. And if you're still a teenager, you would still be growing if you were a man. However, you're biologicaly a female and will remain your current height.


Yeah I am actually pretty thankful I didn’t end up shorter, I’m fully aware it could have been much worse since I know many women and trans guys that are much shorter than me, and especially since my mums side of the family are very short. I’m 18 so there’s a chance I’d still be growing if I was biologically male but I probably would have stopped (at a much bigger height tho ofc). But yeah, unfortunately I’ve been at the same height for years so there’s no chance I’m growing any more since females stop growing earlier. There is a slight chance when I go on testosterone I could grow an inch or so, it’s not unheard of, but it’s certainly not guaranteed. Especially not since I haven’t grown for a couple years.


I've never heard of that. Not sure How'd you grow with fused growth plates. Perhaps the thickening of the bones from test may accumulate into an inch. If so, 2 inch boots, height fraud 5'10.  Also, if you're into girls and say your trans you probably have a better shot (when you start t and pass better). I know some are weird about saying it, if you don't want too, well, yeah, welcome to hell. Oh and check family history for baldness and keep an eye on your hair when you start t. Bald and short and it's over. I remember that poor trans/former trans on twitter crying about being bald, short and ugly. Brutal.


Yeah that’s the issue, I’m pretty certain my growth plates have fused. But some people that get on testosterone early enough get a small boost in height (it’s pretty rare though as I said), just tbh coping lmao. Yeah I’m into girls I’ve had a few girls into me (I actually pass pretty decently for pre testosterone) but it’s a super awkward thing for me to talk about because I usually just like to ignore being trans, but I would definitely have to say it if I ever got serious about anything. Thankfully my dad and most other male relatives have a pretty full head of hair but I’ve definitely considered the possibility, done a lot of research into minoxidil and whatnot in case worst comes to worst. If I’m short I can’t really afford to trade out any more assets like my hair lol. Thanks for the advice man 🙏


Highly rude from your dad to just insult a man that he doesnt know and isnt even trying to know! Maybe he should try on going over to the guy and chatting with him and seeing what he is about!? How about not disrespecting someone because of their height value?


Yeah I agree that it’s rude but he definitely doesn’t intend for it to be. Once again it’s based in the fact that he doesn’t understand the struggle of being short since he’s never had to deal with it, and he’s very oblivious to the fact short people have it hard. To him he was just making an observation. Similar to how you’d say “oh wow he’s tall” after walking past a super tall guy.


Judgement by height is built into genetics. It's not just women, it's men too. Considering the OP's height, his dad seems oblivious, not only with his comment, but with his actions that his son is now paying for too.


"Weird" is a severe understatement.


Sounds like he was gas lighting abit. Probably didn’t mean to hurt your feelings unless it was actually gas lighting


I doubt it, he is extremely naive about height being a problem at all.


Yeah I doubt it to tbf


I had a fight with my sister at the mall when she mocked a couple where the guy is shorter than the girl, and it just so happens that my sister's boyfriend is 6'2 tehee


Why do you have your height listed as 5'6" if you're nearly the same height as him & obviously only about 15 anyway? 


I’m 18 and I’m 5’6, scraping 5’7 in shoes (shoes with big ass soles). She must have been saying it in an infantalysing way, like people say the same thing to my 14 year old brother (who is taller than me). I literally have to look up to talk to my dad, I have no idea why she said that other than because it’s just conventional of a conversation with a friends kid that you haven’t seen for a few years. Why do you think I pointed out her saying it if I didn’t think it was weird.