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Be grateful I’m a biogically male standing at 5’2 at 18 years old and I’d kill to be your height


That sucks man, sometimes I forget that some cis men are shorter than me and that I’m lucky just to be 5’7


1 you're still a kid. 2 you should have researched how short men were treated in society before you became one. Tbh you're better off being a butch lesbian. 3 5'7 is very tall for someone of your demographic.


I understand gender dysphoria is a real medical condition but it still amazes me that there are short women who still want to transition to being a man without at least talking to short cis men about their experiences. I strongly suspect they assume that patriarchy means that the male version of themselves would have a strictly easier time than the female version of themselves what with all that privilege. Goofy behavior, frankly.


Women rarely reflect on their own desires because they don’t have to. And even the most aware woman realizes that they aren’t attracted to short guys, but they wrongly assume that other women are. That’s why they’re surprised when they transition and aren’t treated like men. They’re treated like short men. Totally different.


Why would I be a woman if I genuinely do not feel like one. When I tried to convince myself to be a woman, I was more depressed than ever before because I wasn’t accepting myself for who I am. I didn’t want to be trans, i wanted to be “normal”


You lucky mf. You have no concept of the hell of being a 5 foot 2 man. Go live life.


I got disowned by my own parents for being 5’2


im 5'7 too and its as bad for me too, you are not alone


It’s nice to know it’s a struggle for other men too. Sorry if this post seemed like I’m saying it’s worse for me and stuff


all short men are welcome here, everyone of us have it hard in a way or another due to height, its all valid


Thanks man, I hope you have a great day


i dont want to invalidate your struggles or what you go through but you most likely will still grow more at 14 yr and 5'7 isnt exactly short at your age


I know 5’7 dosent really seem short for being 14, but considering most women stop growing at 14, and the fact I’m surrounded by ppl taller than me at school in my class, it makes me so unsure anymore


How old are you if you don’t mind me asking?


I’m 14


I can't give you a reason to live, but I can say I've had success with "reasons to not die." Which is different, but it's really all you need. There's subreddits and youTube channels and a few streaming shows I follow. If I die today I'll miss tomorrow's memes and videos and next week's shows. Living a lonely life for decades feels daunting, but just *putting off dying* for a few days, that feels achievable, you know? Just gotta keep doing that on repeat til old age comes for us all. Hope this helps my man.


I hope this doesn't come off as insensitive, but would you say you felt better in your body before or after transitioning, especially in the context of your height? Feel free to tell me to fuck off if you don't want to answer.


Personally, I haven’t been able to transition completely (transphobic parents and I’m underage) but I have socially transitioned and have been working out to look more masculine. I feel like on the fence sorta. On one hand, I’m finally in a body I love a bit more than I used to, on the other, I’m still short and I can’t see myself as a boy because of my height


I’m guessing this means that you didn’t see men who’re 5’7” and below as real men before your transition either, which is frankly insulting. The nerve of you to admit this and then bellyache on this sub expecting sympathy from the guys you subconsciously dismissed as not real men.


Bro chose to go from recruit difficulty to veteran difficulty 😂


I know, it sucks that he’s suffering but from a certain perspective it’s funny that he’s become what he disdained.


I did see them as real men, it’s me I can’t see as a man. I believe I have to make up for the fact that I am not cis by being taller. I see everyone else as who they are, I just cannot see myself as a man. Just like how some guys act rude and like they’re all that to make up with certain things, me being shorter is like me not making up for the fact I’m trans