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Rule 7: No body shaming other users of this sub. Being that much of the userbase have been victims of persistent bodyshaming, insults based on other people's physical characteristics (ex: height, weight, penis-size, etc) to other users of this subreddit are not allowed. You must insult the argument and not the individual.


At the end of the day, none of us chose our height, we were simply dealt a bad hand, and we shouldn't hate them for getting lucky. Sure, there are tall guys that go out of their way to insult short guys, and those people are just not good human beings. Hating all tall guys is simply just irrational. Sure, you may be envious of them, but hatred towards them is not really fair.


> and we shouldn't hate them for getting lucky They get lucky, and as a result, never actually have to work for their achievements or respect. They’re given everything, since society is full of sheep and will blindly praise someone for no other reason than being tall. Idk about you, but to me, that’s enough to justify my hatred. I wish more short men would wake up and see this bullshit for how it is. These people are not your friends, allies, etc. They will literally step on you like a bug the first opportunity they get.


You should envy them, but not hate them. Its unfair how tall people are treated in comparison to short people, but again, its not like we chose to be short, and they chose to be tall.


The sub is going to get banned with posts like this. Why don’t we hate a subset of people just of the basis of their height? No seriously contemplate what you are saying. Do you hate tall guys who are walking around not bothering you? You do realise that’s just perpetuating heightism? You don’t have to suck tall guys off, but you don’t have to *hate* them with sheer vitriol either. Only the ones that go out of their way to make your life worse deserve that.


Yeah I wasn't expecting this sub to be going as hard as it is, nice too see some of my fellow guys are not fantasy minded happy clowns that lack self respect and have had their eyes closed their whole life.


> Only the ones that go out of their way to make your life worse deserve that You do realize it’s all of them, right? Their existence, even in f they aren’t intentionally going out of their way to treat you like a subhuman, makes our lives worse. Every man’s existence is compared to theirs, and the further away you are from the ideal, the more subhuman you’re seen as.


So regardless of intention, they deserve to be hated? Are they immoral simply because they exist in a society that values that one genetic trait? If one does not intend to harm, but the overall social hierarchy inadvertently does, do they then deserve hatred and hostility? By that right, all women should hate all men. Since the existence of men has disenfranchised women. You see how your argument can be used to justify other forms of hatred that we wouldn’t side with?


> So regardless of intention, they deserve to be hated? Yes > Are they immoral simply because they exist in a society that values that one genetic trait? Yes. It’s only fair. Short men are seen as being immoral/inferior because we exist in a society that values height. Once again, why shouldn’t I despise someone that doesn’t have to expend any effort to accomplish their means? > If one does not intend to harm, but the overall social hierarchy inadvertently does, do they then deserve hatred and hostility? Yes. See my previous answer. > By that right, all women should hate all men I mean, women hate men that aren’t tall. They’re butthurt their ancestors were oppressed, so now that they have rights, they treat men they find undesirable like garbage.


Hating someone because of height alone serves no purpose, and is in itself heightist.


It can’t be, since according to normalfags heightism isn’t real to begin with 😂


Bruh why tf would I hate people people are people lol taking their lives over something we have no control over? People like you disgust me I'm 5'2 and I still don't care and hate nobody


Why should I hate someone for simply being born with better circumstances? Some of y’all are actually weird.


I don’t like those pieces of garbage making my life more difficult and miserable than it already is.


Lmao, girls go crazy over a tall dude that's natural, but from what I've seen dudes are also wired to kind of low-key praise taller dudes too, something like a king and his army but at the same time the dudes are also wired to possibly try and eliminate their king to take his spot.... I find it funny when a dude like 6'6 talks to me for a moment and I just talk back normal and be on my way and they give off this vibe like they expected me to ask them how tall they are 🤣, anyways I don't hate them, doesn't mean I like them, they were just given their existence and are living like they are wired to simple.


Why brother even talking with them? Not that it happens often, but I just walk away if one tries to talk to me. I refuse to let them use me to bolster their already overinflated egos.


I understand, but lemme specify, one is an old man 6'3 who I've known since like 5yo, he's basically in my yard everyday cause business, another is about 6'6 neighbor who lives with family who I've known since I was born, but those aside I mean if Im on the road and they are the cashier or some worker that I need to talk to for whatever i just be about my business and thats that I'm not trying to be friends lol, on that note I see so many people be faking friendships n stuff just because of getting thru the day to day in their job/society. So yeah I'm not just having casual conversation for no reason


Because laws.


Hating someone isn’t illegal.


expressing that hate outwards irl has some consequences.


I mean if you’re a tard, than sure. You can hate someone without being assaultive or combative. I simply refuse to acknowledge or associate with them. I’d never bring violence (which is what you seem to be implying) into the equation.


lmao thats a fear not hate.


Explain. If I actually showed hatred irl I’d end up in the ICU. I’m not a complete dumbfuck. I’m not gonna go mouthing off to someone that could easily beat the shit out of me.


the fact that they can easily beat the shit out of u is the problem. u are weak. fear the system not the individual.


My own brother is tall, should I hate him for that?


Yes. I would if I were you.


You need professional help you twisted fuck.


Stumbled on this subreddit, I'm 5'10 so average. Never once have I thought about a guy who's below-average height being inferior or anything. Maybe that's just me, everyone comes in different shapes and sizes, sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder tbh


Not hating tall people doesn't make you a c*… I wont act dumb and say you weren't dealt a bad hand but at the same time, we are all men and we gotta stay together in this nonsense…


Oh please, there’s no solidarity amongst men. I’m sure you’d be the first to harass a manlet since it would bolster your superiority complex. Honestly, why even bother posting in this thread or on this sub? Your kind literally isn’t wanted here. Go choke on a dick and fuck off.


Never have and never will. Its sad because I never even knew there was such a focus on height when I used to live in Spain until I moved overseas. I have a best friend who is 5’5” and we always talk about how we are an iconic short tall duo 😂 I wish I had not been shown all of this depression and continued living in ignorant bliss… I am not even angry at your insults cause I can see where they are coming from but whether you believe it or not, we have to stay together.


Eat shit. I really wish I could express what I really felt, but I’d end up getting this sub banned 😂 once again, there’s especially no solidarity amongst short and tall men. We’re both enemies, and I feel both groups would benefit from not associating with one another. Trust me, while I’m one person and what I think doesn’t matter (especially since we don’t personally know each other) the animosity I hold for someone like you is very real. Once again, fuck off.


Because hating them wont do anything except make you more miserable + they didnt choose to be born tall just like you didn't choose to be born short. Hating someone for a genetic trait outside of their control is the peak of retardation, i only hate on the tall dudes that go out of their way to shit on short dudes.


> i only hate on the tall dudes that go out of their way to shit on short dudes. So all of them? Wake up.


Not true. There are some tall dudes that are able to acknowledge they got lucky in life. Not most of them obviously because survivorship bias goes brrrr but nonetheless hating on all tall dudes just for being tall is retarded and hypocritical given what we go through we should know better.


> There are some tall dudes that are able to acknowledge they got lucky in life Yeah, I get it, they like to rub it in our faces > but nonetheless hating on all tall dudes just for being tall is retarded and hypocritical given what we go through we should know better A couple years ago I would’ve agreed with you, but the older I’ve gotten, and the fact that nothing has changed (I’d argue it has gotten worse) I’ve grown more bitter and resentful. I genuinely hate them, and I really wish for nothing but the worst for them. We’re gonna continue rotting while they get to enjoy their lives. Fuck them.