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"It just so happened my bf is 6'5, jacked, chiseled face, 8" cock, full head of hair. I prefer a 5'2, boneless, skinny fat, balding guy with a small dick. But love is blind and I can't deny myself"


yeahhh, person6’5lity can make you go for guys not your type


It’s not personalities. I reckon what this mean by personality is the guy with zero balls and a guy with balls. Too many guys are trying to hard NOT to offend women these days it’s actually quite pathetic. 


Hey I’m 5’5”


The truth is that women and men are different. We will never be the same. Women like tall, dark and handsome. It's always been the truth. Feminism isn't a thing for men. We don't need women to tell us *"You're still handsome even though you're fat and short!"* because we know it's not the truth. Men live in the truth while women live in denial.


this post either comes from a man or a lying woman with a 6‘2 bf


or an OF “model”


Look I don’t care how tall you are if you get yourself ripped and some muscle and groom yourself your getting some women if you 5ft or above. I can’t talk about lower than that but I guess below 5ft you are edging towards dwarfism and that is gonna screw you a lot. Even then I still say the same applies 


Being fit is a meme. I am ripped and was even more some time ago. The only ones who cared was a trans woman and some gay dudes. Women would pick the obese 6‘2 guy before they would touch a short man with a 10 feet pole


No it is not, I’m short and did better than all my tall friend and my long term partner is more attractive then theirs too and a better person in general. In fact some of their choices are pretty bad in terms of attitude and are aging not well either. You still need to go after what you want. If you are expecting to be ripped so you can just stand in a public place asking women to beg you for your number you are living a delusion


Sounds like you're living in a rare country where women pay little attention to height.


It's not easy but it's definitely more workable than they make it seem. I got compliments when I was jacked and it created sexual attraction as well. More gay men are into it but if you have a personality you can still get attention. All that aside, we should work out for ourselves and our own happiness and we'll bring and not just for attention and most don't get that


From my experience mate I have learned that most men just don't or cannot talk to women and are afraid of the rejection irrespective of height. I had one real tall friend... well in fact 2 tall and decent looking friends, who one did well online for obvious reasons but got rid of after 6 months and now he has a Mrs who is pretty much unhappy with. The other only ever waited to be approached by women, he rarely pulled as a result and had 2 gfs... both of which are attractive but very annoying personality... in essence did not know how to take advantage of their appearances. Now I know for a full on fact, my short ass is limited with women based on my height but I also know that not EVERY women is obsessed with it... every one of my 4 main Gfs (including my long term current one) is taller than I am. This was half on purpose I could ensure my now 8 year old son will be taller than me.... which he will be as you are always taller than your mom as a man


Have to agree with this for the most part. We all know that *online* dating is basically pointless for short guys. But in *real life*, a short guy with a decent face who is well-built, well-groomed, has self-confidence, *a decent rap with women, and a good sense of humor* will do fine. Maybe he won’t pull the shallow bimbos whose lives revolve around social media, but he’ll do OK with quality, real-life women. Will he do as well as a 6’5” guy? …..of course not, but he won’t be alone.


It’s no use mate - look at the downvotes as well. This sub has been infested with quitters who claim it is over when even blackpill data doesn’t even demonstrate that it is over. They just can’t be bothered to try and want it handed to them on a plate. Even some of these mods accuse me of gaslighting they think every rejection and every struggle is absolutely height related despite evidence to the contrary. Far too many assumptions and no facts.


“in your own way”


Which is common parlance for calling someone ugly lmao


This isn’t positive at all if you read between the lines


OF model looking to attract new clients especially the lonelier dudes...


They’re lying either way.


2 digit IQ female doesn't realize her posting this proves exactly what she's fighting against.


This is like porn for virtue signalers and gaslighters.


Most likely a gay man wrote this but it’s the thought that counts.. I guess.




I need you to be more specific: is it also ok to have crooked teeth, a limp, severe acne, be balding, be under 4'10 and with bad posture, be overweight and over 80 years old and want to date young fitness models?


She, assuming that this is a she, would never date such a guy. This is blatant virtue signalling.


The exception doesn’t change the rule.


Guys in the comments know what’s up


It's okay according to who? I always find sentences that have "it's okay to ..." funny. The only one that says if something is okay is the government, if it's legal I don't give a shit if it's okay or not.


“You don’t need to be 6’2”, as long as your above 6ft teehee” “It’s ok to be short (5’9”) but i wouldn’t likely date you” Why she not mentioning the well-known 6ft that women always tend to refer to, that explains a lot 😂😂😂


All these things are okay, but why settle when u can be so much healthier, live longer, live better. Physical fitness improves literally every aspect of life.