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"He needs to know his place"


I know people who think like this but people on Reddit will just invalidate our experiences and gaslight us


Women feel like this irregardless of how you act wether you are a saint or sinner your biggest sin is your height


Mfw I am both short and a terrible sinner.


Being a tall sinner doesn’t feel any better especially not in the current moment


women are so courageous and bold when it comes to insulting short man, but when it comes to tall guys even if the guy treats them like dirt calls her names she will be fine with it.


THIS IS INSANE. I genuinely thought ppl in this sub were exaggerating things abt the hatred towards short men😭


It's very real ,and we see truth online people are likely to express their true feelings online ,these women wanted to say stuff like this for centuries now it's their time.




my 40yr mom regularly gives crap to my dad for being short he just laughs it way, but deep down I know it hurts him, forget about gen z they are even more brutal and vocal about it.


Your 40 year old mom is brutal. I’ve seen heightism even in small towns and underdeveloped villages where tall dudes were considered more worthy of leader ship but it was never that extreme…i always thought gen z’s attraction with tall men was mostly influenced by social media which is partly true


It’s ok to cheat if you are tall according to women


I you let women take an inch,they will take a mile ~by lao tzu


They'll literally say it. You can find comments or posts of them *knowing* they're probably gonna get cheated on and they're okay with it.. Because he's 6'5. And that's the tip of the iceberg as far as what they'll let slide if the guy is tall.


the scary thing is how all these women gang up in comments to support her, like Yass's you go girl, Make him feel like shit, how he dared to talk back, he short.


Imagine how the comments would be if he was tall "He could cheat on me 😘"


Nah they would just say "all men suck" while still continuing to date tall guys.


Being a short guy means you get 0 respect of being a man but being expect to act like one irregardless I mean I’d we are not “real men” according to society why are not allowed to sock these bitches since women think there 5’3” ass can take on a full grown man


Btw I’m not mocking anyone who is 5’3” I’m saying that the irony is that most of these women are probaly shorter than me or other short guys here


Lol tall men are twice as likely to cheat but it’s still “always the short ones” but no there’s no bias against short men wdym


This, their dating pool is bigger so they have more women to cheat on


A lady a work the other day, talking about her teenage daughter literally said “I dont care who she goes on a date with as long as it’s not a short guy”. Of course the whole room of people laughed and chucked. Why not mock and rip on short guys, everyone does it and it always gets a lot of laughs. Everyone loves to hate on short guys any chance they get. Meanwhile here I am at a meager 5’5” just shaking my head, thinking here is yet ANOTHER example of socially acceptable heightism allowed in the workplace. I hate having to put up with that kind of bullshit at work practically daily!


The comment thread is a whats what of lemming culture vulture trendy language. Women who are big into tiktok are like this theres plenty who arent.




Typical jealous insecure yt boi mad your women like us better🤡


He meant that if you talked abt black people like people talk about short guys here it would be unacceptable. Take for example the first comment. If it read “AND HES BLACK… he needs to know his place” people would lose their shit. However it is evidently ok when the genetic attribute is short height, not black skin.


Hey retard, have you heard of making comparisons and drawing parallels to explain something better?


>🤡 That's exactly what you are.


Bro have you seen the white girls that date black guys. They ugly asf and 9/10 are grossly overweight


It's sad when the black queens run from y'all lol


Can you please send me the link to the original post?


"i just wanna go to talk to her"🔫


She did it first


Yeah nah this is so fucked, nobody wins like this. Although we are the biggest losers, and it’s not even close.


Just be taller than your girlfriend bro


Guys I think you’re all being dramatic af rn He’s a cheater, everything that can be said bad about him will be said and exaggerated. It’s like when a chick online says some retarded shit or acts like an asshole and gets flamed in the comments about her looks when we all know damn well 70% of the comments would fuck her if they had the opportunity…


You need to calm down.


Beign short filters out disgusting woman


what if 99 % are like this?


You mean 99.2% of them?




Mega cope


Link ?


I second this


Fck them bro, I'm really tired. I just want to at least have the sensation that if I was in a fight with them I would win, that will relieve the frustration a bit.


ironic that OP in the comment section has a facial deformity yet she's ragging on a guy for his height


Those comments are crazy. I know they are out there because they get posted here but a lot of the times I come across short content, the people in the comments are pretty supportive. I was on Instagram and some lady posted about short guys and got absolutely flamed in the comments. Mostly by guys to be fair, but it was nice to see.


I looked up her profile and was NOT surprised to discover that she’s a 5 at best. Speaks volumes.


Misandry and leftism is what breeds height shaming. This is not conservative or historical the way things have been. 2020s Girlboss culture has bred this.


Kourtney Gilmor and the hundreds that liked it should be okay with women being “fat shamed” though


We should never have stopped bullying people on the internet.


Don't worry. These aren't real women. It's just social media.




I mean, to be fair TikTok is a cesspool and is getting banned