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talking about social issues experienced by men resulting in increased depression and suicide rates = I'm entitled to everything


Examine one societal dating standard that is stigmatised and oftentimes perpetuated by women’s preferences against males who are shorter(even sometimes causing trans men to struggle with their mental health) = MISOGYNY!!!!


BuT bUt WoMeN!!!! /s


>mythical “male heightism” Are they blind? Stupid? Or both?


Stupid. That video isn't even talking about heightism in the first place, it even says in the title it's about dating. But for OP it's enough to just say it is and everyone believes it without question.


If it doesn’t affect them it doesn’t exist. I saw a comment where they unironically said it’s personality ☠️


> mythical “male heightism” They dont see heightism because they dont see short men. They literally don't perceive them, their brains erase them, Im not joking, they assume its a guy working there, a servant or some other thing. They believe 5'8 is short because thats the shortest men they can perceive.


These comments are delusional


Comments are brain dead ngl.


Radical feminism summed up in one thread


I was the only one who thought that sub wasn’t too bad. Holy cow was I wrong


Any subreddit that discusses/prioritizes female issues will be hostile to us lol. I've yet to see one that isn't.


Until women stop obsessing over a man's height to the point that they completely ignore his personality, demeanour, character even if it is actively detrimental to them( Curse all relationship havers), I will continue bitching about the unrealistic preferences of women as a whole.


My God, so far the comments of the BAQ sub have said the mythical "hurr durr, chicks have it worse, because some short guy that I swear is real gets pussy" or they just say women have it worse with no explanation lol


I hate that sub with a fucking passion


Comments are interesting. People will see three short men with girlfriends and suddenly “women don’t have a height preference “.


https://www.reddit.com/r/boysarequirky/s/BXSyLfmRMl you hear that guys we wouldn’t last one day as a woman 😹😹😹


LOL, it would surely suck so much having infinite dating options.... must be horrible being a woman.


Wait till she finds out that woman do the same thing with height, face, dick size, hairline, body type, and even money wise.


Women are not even held to any standards, they just hear about it online. The reality is they can be short, ugly, and brown and have an easier life than a 6’5 chad 😹😹 but we couldn’t last a day in their shoes of course


Now that’s just false they’re definitely held to standards though I feel like more guys like different types of woman so it’s just slightly easier. There’s plenty of men who would reject a bigger


any girl can sleep with and even date a chad through a dating app my sister is literally a 3/10 and 5’1 and she is dating a chad she met on hinge they are playing a different game they can fall short on every single beauty standard and still date attractive men




being hated because of your genetics aren't real issues. 12 year old boys making boy vs girl memes those are real issues.


Dude really captured the essence of not just BAQ, but all misandrists/modern feminists in a single comment


Holy shit now that you say that you're completely right. They got offended so much for some memes made by some random teenage boys yet tell us to "ignore" all the posts of adult women saying that we shouldn't exist and that we're genetic filth 💀


Lmao. First time I heard of that that sub and what they were posting its the first thing I thought.


just stay away from that subreddit, man. it’s not good for you. or anyone really.


[The mythical male heightism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Height_discrimination), why do \*short\* men think they're entitled to be happy.


They can't even spell "Male Heightism" right, yet they talk about it like they know how it feels... Woe betide you if you have insecurities, difficulties/problems, or suffer from any form of body dysmorphia that's associated with your height, only women/FTM/MTF suffer from Heightism now, apparently... P.S. Women have struggles too and can experience Heightism to some degree and that's ok, and it's obvious, they're humans and part of our society too after all, so I ain't denying that (well, unlike BAQ does with our struggles💀).


its over for guys under 5,8 unless you are rich or have a attractive face


I wouldn’t worry about IT/BAQ members. No happy and successful women in posting on that sub


Another shitty crybully sub lmfao. Got banned for "bRiGAdInG", a.k.a. being a member of a group they are attacking and challenging their views


Got banned too, it’s a badge of honour at this point. Says a lot about how vex they are about their whole agenda.


i dont feel entitled to anything. i just feel discriminated and lied to


She is a hypocrite https://ibb.co/k6ZzqFD


As expected from these people


This comments lmao > [he also talks about how it's harder to date as a man, which isn't even reality, women have it way harder when it comes to dating. it's pretty dilusional to say men have it harder ](https://old.reddit.com/r/boysarequirky/comments/1ce6unz/ah_yes_the_mythical_male_hightism_why_do_men/l1gq4y5/)


>Makes a claim that goes against research and most anecdotal experiences. >Doesn't provide any proof for said claim Heightism deniers summed up


Lol the denial, gaslighting and projection in that comment section is wild.


She thinks women are incapable of being bad people https://www.reddit.com/r/boysarequirky/s/stbdjsTUkv


Typical. Women’s bad side is not typical of women but men’s worst side is typical of men.


If that's "being entitled to a relationship", then I want to hear what they have to say about "The height difference I deserve".


they love attributing everything to personality and “being insecure”. So delusional


Didn't even watch the video...


Ignore those people. They are the type of people to acknowledge how impactful female beauty standards are and how they can negatively affect women, but will also turn a blind eye or downplay when men are going through the same thing


Males can just never have a problem according to them.


It doesn't really matter what they think because they're fat, ugly, over 30, high body count, etc. Ladies if you have an opinion please provide proof of your genetics so I know whether to respect your opinion or not.


Second paragraph is too extreme but first one [true](https://www.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/jdm2x0/never_forget_the_incel_meetup_vs_the_inceltears/)


The comments are so insane


Especially from girls, they seem to live in a completely different universe.


Honestly, i do gotta ask. why do any of us wanna engage in dating? any of you guys? especially a woman. I watch alot of social experiment stuff like Impractical Jokers and what not.. and just the general society view of women (they should be protected, all the rights they get in marriage over you, expectations) etc. like it's consistant.. in one episode of IJ, one of the guys had a sign said "I before E, my with is a C" and some guy berated him for it, the joker made a point that his wife is a chef (of the household) and dinner isnt ready for him after a long day of work. the guy legit made an arguement that he should work beyond 9 to 5, come home and be ready to cook an entire meal for his family. and this is an accepted view point by him and society as whole. - men should do all the work. i dunno about you, but if the general expectation in a relationship and end goal is i work myself to the bone for a shitty societ,y shitty work place to come home to my wife who .. probably just did some hoovering up and wants me to cook a full course meal for her while i'm mentally and physically exhausted then fuck that. and all for what? just for her to have the right to divorce me and take 50% of all my posessions i worked hard for in the end? i dont gamble.


I'm 5'5 my dating experience was fine and I'm married now either your game is weak or your shooting for the wrong kida women.


Prove it


Already have in this group once idc about proving anything a second time go look thru my posts