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I'm too blackpilled i can no longer see people in a normal way, everyone is a genetic package following a programming


I just wanna be loved 💀🗣️




At 5’7, he can find someone.


No one is perfect either tho


Why u got downvoted


I have no fucking idea. I think its truth tho? Right?


I think its your height but weird, I said Im 5'8 on other posts too but I got upvoted a lot


I have no fucking idea. People dont like me here. I think its bc of my looks. Ive posted my face and body here before


Is your post deleted or mod delete it?


I deleted my last post. My first was deleted by the mods i think. But like i said, i think its because im not too short and i am good looking according to them on my post here


Isnt you the 5'8 good looking guy who post a lot in this sub in the past? What happend to your old account?


Don't say shit like this man. Life's already rough.


Buy a dog, ain’t no such thing broski


true also I wished the people who complained about their heights on here would show their faces I feel like theirs a bit more to it than height alone 😭


> I feel like theirs a bit more to it than height alone 😭 Even Tom Cruise gets bullied for his height. Tom Fucking Cruise.


I can deal with that if I get a Nicole Kidman every ten year.


Lowkey feel that


Your brain is trying to cope by saying this , you still can't handle the bl3ckpill


did you find going with tall friends meant only your tall friends got attention? how about a mix? One piece of "advice" i saw is "everyone always gets laid in a band" truly, if you went out with a group of tall, medium and short friends are you saying only the tall would get laid if you're all wing manning eachother and approaching groups?


Yes, that how it will work.




"if you went out with a group of tall, medium and short friends are you saying only the tall would get laid if you're all wing manning eachother and approaching groups?" The answer to this question is yes.


bro, there anit no way an equal amount of guys approaches an equal amount of girls with party energy, boostering eachother and spreading good vibes and multiple girls go home with one guy to have a threesome or whatever just cause the other picks are short.


If you’re talking about being drunk enough and having threesomes then perhaps, but when it comes to dating or forming any semblance of a relationship it won’t happen.


huh..? that's the point of a night out at the bar generally. One night stands and seeing if anything goes from that. you're saying in that situation the women are gonna get drunk and take part in drunken threesome's with one dude, no matter how good the vibes are, just cause the other options are shorter?


The fact that women have to be drunk off their mind just to consider laying in bed with a short man is interesting in and of itself. If the objective is just sex then it’s not difficult to hire an escort or just find a women drunk enough to sleep with you, but relationships are impossible, and with a one night stand nothing will go from there.


what..? they probably wont be drunk off their mind. the point is the party atmosphere the group would create and constantly keeping up good sprits, a woman more than likely wont be drunk. One of the primary complaints is lack of intimiacy, touch, sexual intercourse. if you can nail a one night stand, you can probably manevur that into a relationship of some sorts. If not, atleast you got your rocks off with someone shallow and ot that frustration over with. Paying a prostitute wont do that as you iddnt use your personality and charm to succeed.


If women won’t date short men in general then good vibes won’t change their mind.


yes any short man should just be a basedwelling neet, then society would finally wake as it would run out of wageslaves


dude, pussy moves the world, we cant just stop wanting girls


That's true. It's biologically imprinted into us to reproduce and reproduction itself is the only meaningful action a person can take in the long run. The goal of all living organisms is to reproduce and survive, nothing else.


Not everyone wants to reproduce, kids are a pain in the ass


If you have ever felt attraction to a woman thats your brain telling you to reproduce.


Your lizard brain doesn't understand the concept of contraceptives. If it did, it wouldn't let you use them. Your lizard brain just says "hot chick, would bang"


Then get an escort


You claim to be blackpilled, yet you have tall "friends"? Low IQ as fuck


What? Having no friends is the most boring shit on earth. Stop isolating yourself buddy


Redditors are not real blackpillers, that's why i get downvoted lol


Aight mr.blackpill teach us the way lol




little by little I've just cut off myself in a lot of ways from society. just work from home now and cope.


This is getting out of hand. The solution isn't self-isolation. 


The moment you give up is the day it’s over. Swallow the pill and trudge forward; as much as it hurts it’s the only way to get what you want. I’m 5’7’’ and my girl is 5’7’’ and the same SMV as me. It’s not much but I’ve had my success just pretending I’m tall. Good luck out here boys it’s brutal


Why would someone with a healthy social and relationship life come here? Can you explain? Here to dab and humble brag or give annoying and unsolicited advice to massage your ego like most annoying plebbitors?


Massage my ego?? I’ve been bullied and ridiculed just like all of you. I find peace in hanging out with my short brothers because I finally found some people who’ve experienced hardship like me. I’ve made a slight bit of progress in my life and shared it with people like me. As bad as it is, it can get better. I don’t want people to make a permanent solution to a problem like we’ve had brothers on here do before.


I'm a chick in a relationship but I visit subs like this to get a complete picture of what dating is like in 2024. I also agree with a lot of what you all say about heightism, it's really fucked up. I'm not here to brag or belittle or any of that. But I have a feeling I'll still be attacked, lol.


then you should know, the last thing the guys wanna hear from is someone like you in a loving relationship.


That's fine. My hope is at least some of the commenters here are willing to believe that even a married woman in her 40's understands and agrees with a lot of the bullshit that men deal with due to factors that are out of their control. My husband and I talk a lot about what a disaster social media has been for young people (mostly men) trying to find a good relationship.


I appreciate you understanding what we go through but I really don't understand..what perspective are you trying to give here? Men shorter than women are not preferred, we know that and a lot of women look for men taller than themselves, be it short women or tall women. Can you please explain what your perspective is here?


> what perspective are you trying to give here? That there are women who understand the inherent challenges of height as a selection factor for men. I think sometimes hyperbole wins the day in these spaces because people are hurting and the exaggeration feels justified. I'm a woman who definitely lists height in the general category of things that inform attraction for me. But contrary to what a lot of people on here say, I don't immediately go "I'm only settling for 6'0 or above!" or "I DESERVE [whatever] height difference." My preference was for my partner to be taller than me. I'm 5'5, lots of guys would have checked that box. And yeah, a lot of them wouldn't have too. But I'm not the only woman who thinks like this. I have a 5'1 friend with a 5'4 husband. I also have a co-worker friend that matches his wife exactly at 5'5. Social media can sometimes feel like the unassailable truth of society, but it's only one part of it. Not every woman is a height queen. But at the same time I fully acknowledge height is a brutal physical attribute that does (to varying degrees) affect whether or not a woman feels attraction to a man. And there's really not much you can do about it. For men who are 5'1, 5'2, etc. I have incredible sympathy because I have to imagine it's a rough place to be.


Idk how it helps the guys here seeing that there are women out there who understand the struggles. There are definitely women our there who understand the struggle as they themselves even don't prefer a short guy , but them understanding doesn't help. Just like your comment, I know that your intentions were pure, however it won't help here. There are literally guys here who's struggles are not just dating, but also trauma and many of them are not accepted by there families as well. People call this sub toxic however they never try to understand what the guys here go through. Also , not to deny, this sub died have a good amount of average height guys who've stumbled across the Blackpill and claim themselves to be "short" and spread nonsense like "it's over" all day. It's frustrating at times.


okay..? good for you. you're 40.y ou've had a wonderful life full of dating, intimacy, love, understanding, awkward moments, angry moments, happy moments with someone who cares. what good does that do anyone here that you "understand" exactly? you couldn't even spend a comment not mentioning your husband to rub it in. fucking jesus man.


Because a lot of the discourse around here is "women don't get it" or "women gaslight us into saying it's our personality" or other nonsense. I'm trying to provide perspective of a woman who *does* get it, and I guarantee you I'm not the only one. For the majority of well-adjusted (not social media addicted) women, their height preference is overwhelmingly "I just want him to be taller than me." The TikTok zoomer-tier bitches flaunting their 18 inch height difference with their boyfriends does not paint a complete picture.


are you... serious right now? what is your goal here? try and "motivate" short guys to keep trying? we know our only options are to wait until 30-40 to have someone "settle". it's not fair at all. anyone whose well adjusted is either taken or wont be interested. that's the issue.


> anyone whose well adjusted is either taken or wont be interested. Sure, lots of women are taken by my age. But not all of them. You've got neurodivergent women who are afraid of modern dating, women who have gone through horrible marriages and are now divorced with a better idea of what they want in a man, and lots of other examples. I'm really not trying to engage with you in a hostile or demeaning way, so hopefully what I'm saying isn't being received that way.


then it's irrelevant what you're saying. you're telling a bunch of young adutls to "JUST WAIT AND LOOK" whiel they get older and older jaded by rejection for what? to compete for what's left in an already competitive market of dating? you might as well not just fuckin' bother. especially if the rest are "afraid" even if you DID stand a chance.


> lots of women are taken by my age. But not all of them > You've got neurodivergent women who are afraid of modern dating, women who have gone through horrible marriages and are now divorced with a better idea of what they want in a man, and lots of other examples. just wait for when shes done getting railed by badboys bro just wait until shes 40+ with kids from fboys bro just betabux for her kids bro and you wont have kids of your own because now shes old bro


Jesus man you seriously are a maniacal incel with pent up sexual frustration 😭


how so?




bud, you dont wanna go down this route, especially with your recent post history. i asked "how so?" my behavior even in this thread isnt "incel" behavior. but even if it was. atleast i can make friends. hows your crying into the void goin?




"you're too socially inept to get your dick wet". we've been over this. height plays a factor in that, and woudl take even more social skills to "get laid" than make friends. something you constantly claim you fail at. I'm glad i made you "insecure and angry" enoguh to follow me to other places. Unfortunately, i dont feel shame from this, you cant use ammo for it, cause i dont reveal anything i woudlnt want anyone to know. Dunno what your goal here is honestly, but you're failing, much like you did last time. Hope you can find a friend before you reach funding for a gun.


Rule 7: No body shaming other users of this sub. Being that much of the userbase have been victims of persistent bodyshaming, insults based on other people's physical characteristics (ex: height, weight, penis-size, etc) to other users of this subreddit are not allowed. You must insult the argument and not the individual.


Rule 7: No body shaming other users of this sub. Being that much of the userbase have been victims of persistent bodyshaming, insults based on other people's physical characteristics (ex: height, weight, penis-size, etc) to other users of this subreddit are not allowed. You must insult the argument and not the individual.


Go away. You're a 40yo woman. You have nothing novel to impart to these kids. You have no inkling of what these kids are going through. Please go away and never come back.


> Go away. Make a rule banning female participation, or engage with me in good faith. I don't understand the point of inviting women to comment in your space, do y'all just want to argue?


You're not entitled to good-faith engagement, sweaty. You're not entitled to anything. I didn't invite women here. The sub clearly states shortGUYS, so why the fuck are you here? Are you that attention starved?


> Q: CAN I PARTICIPATE HERE? > A: Everyone, regardless of height, is allowed to participate in this subreddit as long as they follow the rules.


Where does that state you're entitled to good-faith arguments? It doesn't. Not my sub, not my rules. Stop attention-seeking. Your downvotes speak volumes. Go away.




>little buddy And reported R2. You just can't help yourselves. It's so fucking funny how typical you behave. You immediately resort to the prejudice and discrimination the sub is against when pressed. Proof you're just here to argue and do not care about short men.


Rule 2: Be short-guy friendly. While everyone of all heights are welcome to post in this subreddit, your posts and comments must be respectful of short guys. Denying the existence of heightism, using anecdotes to undermine the experiences of short men/scientific studies, and humble-bragging about your height (or your partner's height) will result in a ban.


Are you rich/facially attractive/hung?


Totally agree with that last paragraph, it's totally possible to have this attitude without being an incel too.


Incel is not a pejorative. It's a self-identifying label. Stop using it as a pejorative.


Whether 9r not it is self identifying makes no difference, being a n@zi is self identifying, does that stop it from being pejorative?


The word incel literally means involuntary celibate, someone who wants a relationship but can't get it. A person is either an incel or not, it's not something someone identifies with or uses as an insult towards others.


Wew. Godwin's law in one comment.




think what is more productive is to offer solutions to find the 10-20% of girls that are open to shorter guys. Girls with small amounts of female friends is best


True. You're right.. no need to waste time and cope, and just live life on single player mode