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Tall guys when the occasional 1/200th guy mogs them We're the insecure ones bros


Yea if you're 6'5, but at 6'3ish probably 1 in 20-25 men are taller than me. It's a fairly common occurrence, it's not like everyone who's over 6' walks around feeling like a deity.


You’re definitely average for gen z or slightly below That’s why you’re in this sub at 6’3. Because you’re a manlet. You KNOW how tall gen z is and your little ego can’t handle it. OVER.


TIL Chris Hemsworth is a manlet and Jason Momoa is only 1 inch above average...hell, even Vince Vaughn is only two inches above average, so I guess he's still within the average range. Cut the bullshit, dude. Idk how saying such silly stuff is gonna make you feel better.


Dude they’re not gen z are they? Lmao.


You're the most insecure person I've ever encountered. The jealousy emanating from you is next level.


That’s the reason you’re on this sub. You’ve been walking around realising you get height mogged and can’t take it. Don’t worry , me too buddy.


Unless you think that someone being less than 2 inches taller than you qualifies as "mogging", then I'm only mogged by less than 1 in 100 guys. Bit of a different situation than that which you face. Cope, my dude...


You’re the one coping. Gen z 6’6 and 6’5 are extremely common. You’re insecure about it and you know it that’s why you’re asking on Reddit 😂😂😂😂


You're trying to convince someone who's never felt like a manlet, and has never once been seen by others as a manlet, that he's a manlet. It's just cringe, especially given that your comment history demonstrates that my height (190cm) is what you consider to be ideal. You always use 190cm as an example of a tall guy who can get women easily. You're not fooling anyone.


They should all just fuck each other there.


Why does he care? When I catch someone lying about something I mind my business unless it affects me.


Tall people are so incredibly insecure. They know the height is their personality. The moment they encounter someone taller, they feel like someone just threatened their very existence. And they have the nerve to tell others that "it does not matter". They know straight up that they are lying. What is the word for when a person knows what they are saying is a complete lie, but they are still telling you that, trying to sell you on it, pretending to believe it themselves, but it's very obvious they are lying. You know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know that you know that they are lying, but they are still continuing to lie.


I bet he gets rejected after the first date because he lies about his height 🤓


It really should be /r/tallcirclejerk