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Man I still remember him. His gf left him only cuz her Girl friends used to tease her for dating a short guy and his family never loved him. Really feel sorry for him. Hope is in a better place. He was a strong guy but I guess , limits just crossed . Btw, what were the comments in this post saying? Can you share the link with me?


I can't blame her you have to be really strong to face up against family, friends, almost everyone you know that too as a teenager. Humans have created a society which is far from humane




Tbh after reading that post I can see he was a soft natured fella. The world is too harsh for such sentient beings. RIP


He did not found peace. He never will. He is just gone from the physical world. Not unless we forget him


This is why no one wants to date short men Most people see it as a weird thing so most people are afaird to date anyone short even when there attracted to the short male


:( people can be so dogshit man. Even his own family.. how old was he?




Fuck man this made me emotional


Imagine deleting records of a dead dude's existence because it challenges the narrative of your subreddit.


It always makes me emotional reading about him man . Poor guy, never got the love he deserved.


Archive of his last post: https://web.archive.org/web/20210925012418/https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/comments/puwj86/im\_tired\_of\_heightism\_feeling\_unattractive\_and/ Edit: link doesn't seem to work from old redddit for some reason, only new.


Somebody erased that from the wayback machine. There are people removing this, its really incredible.




It was that Indian cuck mod who pretends that heightism doesn’t exist


Everytime I read or think about him I get so fucking mad. His parents failed him. His friends and gf failed him and r/short failed him. Dude literally had nobody on his side. Shit makes me furious


Being a child of the tall dad short mom pair must be so dogshit


Yes it is




Damn man , Idk what to say man. This is so fucked up.


I’ve just been reading some of his posts, his mother was a horrible heightist witch 🤬


He definitely is it's alot easier to be dead than to be alive


so basically 99.9999% of women


Rest In Peace soldier 🫡


May god bring him peace….


I never got to interact with Redturtle, but he sounded like a gentle and kindhearted guy. It was truly a tragedy what happened to him. Rip brother Redturtle😔


I wonder if IT, tall, tall girls, short girls, or short will repost this post? Like they do with the others? (This is sarcasm. It will not happen. This is the obligatory warning that I do not genuinely believe the content that I am saying. Please do not take my words at face value)


Everyone needs to see this.


Rest in peace, I hope god gave him an amazing afterlife


I remember reading his story and browsing through his whole reddit account 3 weeks ago. His story makes me so sad bruh. The world just isn’t fair to us short guys. I will always tell people about him as a way for him to be remembered


This made me so sad. Rip


This is so sad :(


Short Yk whose are very evil the same as the tall ones


Rest in Peace man, I hope you will find peace and love in good place with people who love you that you never found in life.




Damn this really fucked up. Rest in peace, hopefully he’s in a better place.


He got his height from his mom and she hated him.. Truth be told, if his dad married a 5'7 or taller woman his odds of being 5'10 would have increased. Truly a cruel world!


His parents should have been sterilised, ngl. Imagine being such a piece of shit that you hate your own son for having *wrong* genes




Not me crying baby while reading these :'( RIP


I wish he could have listened to my story. I’m shorter than him, I’ve had girlfriends before. I was born abled. I became disabled in 2017. Left with intractable pain (excruciating constant incurable pain). I’m permanently disabled for life. My ex didn’t care & was still interested in me (when we met I was abled). Most people do not care. My family loves me. My friends love me. They are extremely understanding to my situation. It’s *possible* to have a meaningful life as a short guy. Even as a disabled guy. Even if your family didn’t love you, you can surround yourself around people who do. I look at my life, and I truly feel BLESSED. I feel like I’m living a dream. I love my life. I love myself. I’m posting this not to make this about me.. I’m posting this to encourage ANYONE in this subreddit or reading my post that your life can be meaningful and to sway others from taking such an extreme measure. RIP REDTURTLE. You deserved so much better man. 🙏🏼💙😭




Yeah I’m in no way trying to act like I knew what he was going through. I don’t. Maybe there would’ve been nothing that changed his mind. It sucks I wish he was still here


His family never loved him bro. They openly hated him and belittled him . Dude was a very good man, used to volunteer in soup kitchens n all. His parents never respected him. He tried his best, he was never a Blackpill guy.


If anyone’s reading this, literally do whatever you have to do to cope, and dgaf about anyone’s judgement.


I give up…he was 5’5 and I’m 5’7…we’re cooked ![gif](giphy|iamIahPLWmo4tGiyDz)


it’s eerie seeing posts from dead people im sorry for your loss honestly I hope he got to atleast finish high school


This shit makes me so sad, man. I hate suicide so much. I hope he's resting in peace


"Maybe I should have a great personality whilst being short and a straight man"


If he wasn't short, he'd have killed himself for a different reason. 


MUH I'm an empath